Saturday, April 30, 2016

Do you feel banged up? By life, by people? Listen up!

When Tai asks you, what is in the way of you growing, and starting to live the good life, most people have a ready answer. An answer they are sure is true. And an answer that they had seen a million times.

What no one seems to consider, that the saying "how you do anything is how you do everything" is more of a reason than you would consider.

One of them shows up an awful lot on my site: assuming to know. That is a how... falsely certain.


How can you tell what is your level of consciousness, what is your vibrational frequency?

The only reliable way I know is to tell someone"s vibration accurately is to muscle test while truly connected to Source, by a person whose vibration is past ego... on or above the level of unconditional love.

About that doesn"t mean you can"t have pointers...So you can get a ballpark estimate of where you are or where another person is...

Stages of consciousness... metaphor

.in the basement
.street level
.street level but inside a house

Friday, April 29, 2016

Can you tell what size is your cone of vision? Look to what degree your live is fragmented...

Your vibration, your creativity, your truth value all depends on your cone of vision... But until you see that you have a narrow cone of vision, that you look at things with narrow cone of vision, or a narrow filter, you won"t want to make it wider.

Wide cone of vision means inclusive... narrow cone of vision is exclusive... exclusive of areas that you KNOW don"t matter, don"t belong, or you don"t like them. Exclusive because you KNOW the answer...

The most exciting insights first show up in the corner of your eyes... Which means they are literally outside of your cone of vision.

One way I see this is how attached you are to one area of life, or one way to do it, or one problem you have.

For some: it is their soul correction. They scratch the wound until it bleeds, and neither the soul correction issue moves, nor their lives move... it is a strategy.

Strait and narrow is transferred on land. It may be narrow, but it is not the strait. Strait means a narrow path of water between land masses.

If you are on a ship, talking about the land is irrelevant, won"t allow you to pass.

For others it is laziness.

But for most, it"s the soul correction...

Soul correction is one way the "Universe" is telling us that there is some design... otherwise soul correction categories would not exist. Or horoscope signs.

And most soul corrections narrow your cone of vision to not see all of what can be seen. Not even look.

I am a "Forget Thyself" soul correction. I need people to condescend upon, feel superior to.
I avoid people in position of authority. And I have been avoiding my older brother. I have dug up some information that could be useful for her wife"s health, but decided that he"ll knock me for it... so I didn"t do it.

This week I called him, and he was gracious, maybe even grateful. I wasn"t superior. Instead I looked wider, and was helpful, loving, sharing? Without the big ego.

Summon different ways of being... wider cone of vision...

Because it really not physical seeing as much as spiritual seeing.

In the sentence: how you do anything is how you do everything is true, because of your narrow cone of vision with regards to approach, attitude, being.

Giving lip service to higher states of being is not being that way. Talking about flying isn"t...

You know your dominant being: cheerful, gloomy, withholding, belligerent, self-aggrandizing, slimy, slippery, avoiding, domineering, judgmental, fearful, suppressed, tentative, deceitful, delusional, arrogant...

I am actually looking at actual people in that list above.

You know who you are.

Sometimes I give exercises to expand your repertory of ways to be.

Like most actors, you play life the same way, no matter what the movie.

And then are a few actors, very few, Meryl Streep, for example, who can change the how.

You are not locked in... just there is more pull to be one way. Boring, predictable, lifeless.

And what you see while you are that

The feeling that you are insufficient for the task that is in front of you

This feeling can be colored by fear, dread, can feel like anxiety, but at the root of most fear is a sense that you are insufficient for the task that is in front of you.

Not big enough, not smart enough, not fast enough... Not enough = insufficient.

Now, for most people, feeling this is all they need to run for the hills.

For some people, they can hang in there, waiting for the feeling to subside.

For some people, unless they feel up to the task, they won"t even start.

For me: I know that unless I feel that and go beyond it, doing what I don"t feel I can, several times a day, I am not growing.
Download the pdf version of this article to your computer... Link at the end of the article


Thursday, April 28, 2016

Can you heal yourself? Holographic universe or intelligent universe?

My habit is to read one or two non-fiction books, cover to cover, the old fashioned way, and then about 600 pages worth of fiction.

My choice of fiction is historical novels, mostly. I like the short and sweet novellas 60-120 page long pieces, from the Foreworld Saga, that for me started with the book Mongoliad.

These books are perfect for me. They are fantastical. They always have heroes, and incredible odds, and the characters are larger than life.

Just like I used the Medium series to learn how to hold guidance, I am using these books to show me how guidance can be even more difficult to see ahead of time, and why it is so important to surrender one"s immediate agenda to guidance.

Healing... is that a negative word? Is that a sign of negativity?

Did you know that if you say: I need healing, what you are saying is that you are sick?

This includes inner healing, faith healing, etc...

And when you start from something wrong... like "I am sick", you are on your way to create a context that is misery every step of the way.

If I needed to define what negativity is, it"s that "what is is wrong, and it needs to be fixed."

Yesterday I was leading my Theta State training webinar, and I felt horrible. Partially, because I wasn"t feeling well myself. Partially because my students didn"t feel well. And yet partially because one of my students wrote to me, and I needed to feel their feelings stronger than they felt them... because I am an empath.


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Is there no rhyme or reason in your life?

Bringing rhyme and reason to your life, to your activities is an important topic, maybe the most important for you, so please makes sure you read it until it makes sense. The article is a stream of consciousness one... I apologize for that. It makes wild turns... but where it leads is important. So please read it, and come to the workshop, if you can.Planning is practice

If you live from the mind, you know little, and you recognize even less. Especially things you need... because you don"t know them. Don"t already know them.


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Want to break out of living the life the selfish gene allows you to live?

How does mind serve the ego, and ego serves the selfish gene... Evolutionary view of team "you"

Tuesdays are my days to interface with people who are neither my readers, nor my clients.

Ordinary people. And although it is very frustrating to me, and maybe even them, I learn a lot from these unpleasant interactions.

Ever since I read The Selfish Gene, a book, and even more since I read the book "Why beautiful people have daughters" a look on life through evolutionary psychology, I am trying to match what I read with what I see, hear, and feel.


Monday, April 25, 2016

Republished: No One Is A Prophet In Their Own Land, Passover And Easter: What Is This All About?

Passover and Easter around, you"ll spend time with family. You"ll see examples of "No One Is A Prophet In Their Own Land."

You"ll be on both sides... by the way. But if you are one of my students, you will feel that you have something to teach your family: and no one will be interested. Get prepared!

In fact they will try to discourage you from continuing to pursue what you pursue when you spend time with me or my writing.

I"ve been teaching the Original Design for five years.

None of the original participants, that were my friends, are around, except one... barely.

I have been going through hell trying to get why that is, and what it is that I need to see.

It is true that no one is a prophet in their own land.

The Pleasure Principle and winning in life

Psychology, as a science and as a practice has some tools: Observation and brain scans.

But the problem with either is that the human element, the interpreter between what is being seen, their mindset, their attitude, their approach, is crucial.

But, of course, this is true everywhere, except with psychologists, we expect them to interpret what they observe accurately... except they don"t. As a rule.

And then there are some outliers... like Freud.

I am observing myself, and I am observing my students.

And I am getting clearer and clearer, that The Pleasure Principle is indeed one that has to be taken seriously.


Theta Mode training... first take

I have been under the weather... mainly because of withdrawal symptoms after I stopped drinking milk. Lost my voice...

But I promised to make a video, so made a first take... not very good, but it will hold you over until I feel better and record the real training.

I am also planning on doing a webinar or two, to check if the instructions are working for you... so wait for the announcement, probably will do the first this coming weekend.

OK, here comes the video


Why is awareness the predictor of future success, why not skills or knowledge?

The first few steps in the 67 steps are long, rich, convoluted audios. Why? Because no matter how long the audio, you"ll only get one little thing, if that, because the cone of vision of your awareness is as wide as a pencil.

Did I notice, did I take in all he spoke about my first time around doing the 67 steps? No. I didn"t.

It is like traveling in a car. If you look out the window, you miss the conversation in the car. If you take part in the conversation in the car, you miss the whole trip. If you read, if you are hungry...

The goal is to expand the cone of awareness so it"s wide. So you can see the view, partake in the conversation, and maybe even be hungry...
Now, that is, increasing your awareness is the goal... but how does it effect success?


Why you have been unable to change: The Savanna Principle

I am reading a book... 18% truth value, on evolutionary psychology.

What bothers me most is the air of authority these people that write books project... But, of course, real science doesn"t sell books...

Anyway, one of the things this book says that in the past 10,000 years we didn"t learn anything, because our brain was unable to...

And we haven"t been able to change our basic behavior... or our minds.

But recently I saw something that contradicts what the book says.


Republished: Are you running on empty?

Are you running on empty?

Yesterday, on the Muscle Testing Workshop one of the students said something, and I started to laugh uncontrollably. I laughed for minutes, it seemed, and could not stop for a long time. I wept more from laughing than most people cry from sadness, lol.

I have been observing myself the past two weeks or so, and my joy of life, my satisfaction level, my experience of being alive has been going down steadily with every passing day. Yesterday I got close to breaking point.

I was exhausted. So I thought that I needed rest. But when I muscle tested myself I was not tired. I was running on empty.


Republished: Self-Discipline and Brilliance: what is the connection? Conation? WTF is conation?

Brilliance: what is it, and how is it connected to the Original Design, your vibration, and your world view?

If you have been borderline a failure, but you think you are smart, this may be the article that you need to find your brilliance and your power to act on it.

I play the Self-Discipline Avatar State audio in the background. 24/7.

I am dealing with several issues, among others I eat the way a chain smoker smokes: from the moment I get up till the moment I go go bed. There is always something in my mouth, food, or tea, or water. It is a defense mechanism to the onslaught of feelings I have difficulty dealing with, given that they have nothing to do with me, they come from the environment.

I would like to restrict my eating to a few hours a day. Why? To demonstrate my power over my behavior. And I could use dropping a few pounds, eh, about 10 or so. I am having the hardest time, though with the self-discipline audio it is a tad easier. I have already dropped 10 lbs, that"s why I have only 10 more to go.

Yesterday I had an insight:


It"s hard to be silently brilliant. Lots of thoughts occur when you open your mouth.

Some days I have nothing to say. It doesn"t feel like there is anything to say that needs to be said.

Some people never have anything to say and they talk all the time. Others think that they have to first formulate it in their heads to say it, and it never comes together.

Professional thinkers, writers know that "it is hard to be silently brilliant. Lots of thoughts occur wen you open your mouth."

Thinking is a lot like digging for gold. Someone or something has to hold the dirt, or you can"t get beneath it.


Making choices: are you a rank amateur?

This may be the most important article you read this year, this decade... because this article may inspire you to become a professional at living, instead of remaining a rank amateur... aka bumbling idiot.
Risk Management
You have two options. You need to choose. You need to choose the option that has the lower cost to your reproductive success if it turns out to be wrong.

Now, I suspect, that almost none of us think about cost in terms of reproductive success, but according to evolutionary psychology, you are a mere vehicle to your genes, your genes are only interested in making copies of themselves, i.e. reproduce, and make your particular genes more dominant in the gene pool.


If you want the good life, you"ll need to "do" life differently

If you want the good life, you"ll need to learn some stuff, and unlearn some stuff... but most importantly you"ll have to learn how to and how not to... Remember the how? How you do anything is how you do everything... it is the approach, the attitude, the beingness.

There are a great many ways you can remain unaccomplished, and left behind in life.

Almost as many ways as many people. This is the Anna Karenina Principle.

As with everything, the strait and narrow works.

Most people don"t know that what keeps them off the strait and narrow is ideas they invented, made up, and now consider the truth.

One such idea is that unless you can jump tall buildings in one leap, you should just think about it, grieve about it, and do nothing.