Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Dr Eric Berg... republished vibrational review

For those of you who came here just for the numbers: the guy is guided by greed. Dr Eric Berg"s personal vibration is 170, the same as Tai Lopez, cut from the same cloth... and the method depends a lot on your accuracy, as you"ll see. But it is 7% at its best.

I wrote this article when I was 33 pounds heavier, and a lot less happy with my life.

I have, since, advised many clients who, except for two, did really well on my recommendations.

The two made up their own loose interpretation of what I meant, and never actually did what I asked them to do.

Now, I don"t actually care about your weight. I really think you should not either. You should care whether you are well or not. When people get well, they drop all the weight. I have a simple muscle test I do (don"t forget I am an empath and I am connected to Source when I muscle test... so there is a difference between muscle test and muscle test... your garden-variety nutritionist is inaccurate...) Want to know your health number? It is a percentage... 1-100. You can get it for five bucks...


Long winter may be the secret of high achievers

This article is about using guidance, but not for its truth value, but in spite of its truth value. ((I am using pictures of Dante"s Inferno... but I could use picture by Hieronymus Bosch... or Orpheus. Those pictures warn you of a life of pleasure and the suffering that goes with it. Pain and pleasure are the two sides of the same coin... one can"t exist without the other. The virtuous life neither pursues pleasure nor runs from pain.))

Tai"s 67 steps program coupled with my coaching is the perfect growth program.

It"s not because of me, it is not because of the steps either but because of its structural essence.


Monday, February 27, 2017

90%-95% of everything is mechanics, the grind... and what"s wrong with having goals, dreams, aspirations

I wasn"t going to write an article today.

I had four calls yesterday, and I expected myself to be tired, and running on empty.

But I am well. Not tired. The Days of Power must be really working... lol.

The fear, the uncertainty is never quite extinguished in a healthy brain: nothing is certain... even what you see or feel can be mirages.

Anyway, I am putzing around, and find an old Landmark notebook... and it triggers an issue I will need to deal with.


Sunday, February 26, 2017

Search Results


There are tons of gurus, coaches, coaching companies, transformational coaches, etc. None of them has helped you to become happier

There are tons of coaches, coaching companies, transformational coaches, etc.

Bloggers teaching you tools of success, tools of happiness, etc.

Tons of books... courses... programs.

I have known for a long time that when people followed what was taught they would end up unhappier than they were before. I have tested it, observed it, and have pondered it.

But why?

There are two sides to teaching:

1. Where its ground of being is, i.e. where it"s coming from ((You can be Landmark Education, Werner Erhard, The Buddha, Osho, or Seneca, or me... you teach from your ground of being, and you"ll find out that it didn"t matter... not at all. That unless the listener shifted to YOUR ground of being, you are ineffective... and all you do is make noise.))
2. Where it is received from... where the recipient is when listening... the recipient"s ground of being.

It"s tricky.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Stupid is as stupid does... the saying that was at the root of me raising my vibration

I have known that my turnaround happened when I declared that I was stupid, in 1996, and I embraced it. Accepted it. Came to terms with it.

But I had no idea until this morning how I got to that point. Where the idea came from.

I put a movie-clip into my article earlier this morning to illustrate how you can shed the prison the Tree of Knowledge put on you... a clip from the movie Forrest Gump (1994).

Then I downloaded the movie... read a few reviews... and it dawned on me:

The movie has this nonsensical pithy line in it "Stupid is as stupid does"


Why I am not interested in healing, but very interested in getting you well?

Healing should mean "getting you well", and on the 13th floor of your being: it is.

But humanity lives on the 14th and the 15th floor... the Tree of Knowledge, and there healing means something entirely different. It means that someone who is a "healer" does woowoo and then whatever was bothering you goes away.

Not going to happen. But people are seeking healing, want to be healers, so I am changing the words... and of course a ton of people who this way can keep on dreaming.

I changed my site"s heading from healing to "getting you well" and the quality of the people changed DRAMATICALLY! Who would have thought? I was guided to change... but I surely didn"t expect that I was going to rid myself of the wannabe"s and the secondhanders.

The words sound similar, but the meaning, the emotional meaning in today"s "culture" is vastly different.

The only thing that can heal your body is your body itself.


Friday, February 24, 2017

Why doesn"t meditation raise your vibration?

Life. You either go with it or life will drag you...

And if you don"t go, untold suffering is your "pay".
Why doesn"t meditation raise your vibration?
You know everything you know because you were taught.

Even if you have an inner sense of what you should know, how things work, etc. without first being taught you are like everyone else: completely caught up in the way the world thinks.

I am talking about both tangible and intangible knowledge.

A feable attempt to go to the 13th floor where words don"t have emotional meaning

When we live on the 14th and the 15th floor of our being, where words and the added emotional content govern our lives, we are utterly miserable. We have no control over our emotions: others have, words have.

We eat the menu, not the meal. We chase worthless and useless temporary "values"... and we hurt.

We try to rig the system and choose usernames, email handles, passwords to give us better words, but words are words, and the emotional content is added: to make you powerless and miserable... That is the nature of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil... that you always end up miserable.

The ground of your being

When you live on the 14th-15th floors of your being, the ground of your being comes from there too.

Let"s first look what is the ground of your being, the floor on which everything is built that is compatible with that floor.

On the 13th floor the ruler is Life. Nature. The Universe. No interpretation. Life, nature, the universe gives you your actions, your attitudes, your interpretation of events.

Virtues live on the 13th floor, because virtues are a Yes to life. Anything gets evaluated by that question: is it a Yes to life or a no to life.

Is it part of the flow, or is it a blockage to the flow. Blockages need to go. Attitudes, needs, wants, habits, activities that are a no to life, that don"t fit the flow of life, Nature, the Universe, must go, because it is evil. Against life.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Why you don"t heal fast?

Your body is like a factory,

manufacturing daily energy units that you need to do what you need to do, and
energy units to protect you from pathogens, toxins, and other trouble.
and thirdly, that in case something did get through... that you heal fast.

Your doctors are mostly trained to give you tools to fix what is already visibly wrong with your body. It"s clear that asking your doctors about prevention won"t do you much good: they will repeat the party line: eat well, move you body, sleep well.

Even though in essence that is good advice, if you asked about details, you would not get much. When you repeat the party line, you have no idea what you are saying, so they don"t.


Can your vibration be high if you live on the Tree of Knowledge, where every word has its emotional load? Can you be free? Can you be happy?

I had a "Talk to Me webinar" yesterday. I have it every month, on the last Wednesday of the month.

This type of webinar is question and answer. I have no agenda. I learn more from unstructured conversations than from lecturing. Or running a workshop. I learn how to teach you, what to deal with, what are the real issues.
This is what I learned yesterday about growing up in the Tree of Knowledge culture, about you growing up:


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

How the 14th floor opens you up for mind viruses

One of the numbers in your Starting Point Measurements, that people most really painful is your vocabulary number.

Why would someone"s vocabulary be so low if they are educated, well read, etc.?

The answer is: because of mind viruses.

The mind virus doesn"t want you to be clear. Astute. The mind virus wants you to be sheep: miserable, crowd the churches, the "spiritual healers"" offices. Vote for morons who use big words they themselves don"t understand.

The main tools the mind viruses use are confusion and imprecision.
In my work, recently, I am seeing that people cannot tell the difference between a feeling and an emotion. It"s the mind virus in action.
Result: the feelings are suppressed, the emotions are made louder.

Feelings are innate, and they are infallible. They are the cause that humanity survived until now. Feeling when to eat, what to eat, when to stop eating... for example, is part of that.

But if you look at yourself and your behavior, you don"t feel any of that: you eat with your mind.

And if you live in the United States, you can feel salty, sweet, and bitter: ugh.

I apologize to my United States readers... I live here, and I hate the food here. All of it. Pretty, fattening, and bad for you.

Life was never supposed to change so fast that you could not get your body to adjust... but today 100% of people living, for example, in the United States and Canada, are from other parts of the world, or if they are from here, they eat stuff that are from other parts of the world.
And eating stuff that your body doesn"t know what to do with, makes you stupid, dull, imprecise, and eat with your mind.
And there you have it: you are infected. Dead for life. Dead for feelings. Dead... but not your soul.

And your soul will give you a hard time. Your soul cannot be infected... The more you are infected that further you are separated from your soul-given Self... and the more miserable you feel.

Don"t kid yourself, those rich folks with the big houses and big jets and stuff are as miserable as you are.

Only what cannot be taken away from you is a happiness maker.

Money, pleasure, even health are not... and the only good is virtues. They are always good, and they cannot be taken away. This is what I have learned from Seneca. Was it worth reading 212 thousand words? My articles are between one and two thousand words. So we are talking about 150-200 articles... was it worth reading for that one thing:
knowing what is good, and that good will make me happy?
You see, it was so worth it, I would do it again if that is what it takes to get it.

You, on the other hand, whisper to yourself: "it"s not worth it" when we are talking about setting up your water energizer so your health can get better, so you are somewhat immune to viruses...
Not worth it? It can only be the virus that speak! No uninfected human would say that! Of course it is worth it!
But of course the virus doesn"t want to help you fight it...

Who and what is making your decisions, your attitude, your behavior?

From time to time a student or client confides in me that they resent being told what to do.

I find that really funny, especially when they paid me well for telling them what to do.

But such is human nature... or is that human nature?

This question is what this article is about. How do you know it is you and not some addon making your decisions for you?

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

You can"t have a Self until you stop... stop what? Sophie

I had the most interesting and unexpected thing happen to me this morning.

Some Hungarian sounding person signed up to my next Feelings webinar on Sunday at noon, so I checked. Yes, she is a Hungarian woman living in Hungary. Hungarians are not known for their language skills...

I sent a personal email welcoming her, and suggesting that she read the books the webinar is based upon, the Feelings and the Words books by another Hungarian, Margoczi. Érzések

I signed the email with my original Hungarian name.

A minute or two after that email, I felt a very strong weeping emotion... muscle tested and it came from this Hungarian woman.

And then I started to talk to her, in my head, Hungarian. And I said "stupid" ((buta)) in Hungarian, the word that signifies slowness, and lack of ability.

And I experienced a strong non-physical pain.

Is happiness even possible? Is self-hate, self-punishing a good path to it?

It"s Tuesday, and my Rob Brezsny horoscope arrived this morning.

It addressed something I wanted to address, because it is important: treating yourself well by providing yourself with what you need to be well, to do well, to feel well.

You treat your pets better than yourself.

If you were only judgmental and stingy with others, that would be one thing. But you are stingy with yourself.

You judge yourself harshly, you treat yourself badly, and you skimp on yourself first.

Consider yourself your own child, or your own pet? And your relationship, your treatment of it public.

A lot of people, in private, abuse with impunity, but would not dare do the same in public, or when someone can see it. They fear judgment.

Monday, February 20, 2017

The non-physical pain of being devalued...

There is a very interesting phenomenon and I just experienced it full blast.

This is how it goes: I write something. I think I know what i am saying. but hours later it hits me... wow.

So I wrote in my previous article, this morning, that all pain and suffering you experience is experiencing your own resistance... resistance coming from the 14th floor words: "This should not be..."
And most non-physical pain you experience comes from the devaluation of the "I"... or the perceived devaluation... and the feedback that is causing it is resisted.
So, consequently all non-physical pain comes from your resistance to feedback.

OK... I said more or less this... but how true and how general it is just hit me.

Here I am sitting by my computer, wondering when the mailman will arrive today. I have something outgoing...


Resistance, ego, and meaning... the dynamics of your suffering, and misery explained

Feedback is a 13th floor phenomenon...
If someone mocks you, laugh with them. It is obvious that humans, on the current level of evolution, live in comparison. I am better, smarter, richer, etc. than you/others.

So they mock you, judge you, try to change you. Normal.

You allow your ego to resist: you suffer. You allow your ego to fight back: you suffer.

The best way to deal with it is to laugh with them, agree with them. It takes the wind out of their sail.

All pain, all suffering comes from from your resistance, is the feeling of your own resistance.

Water Energizer contest

Water Energizer contest:
How to enter?
Send in pictures of your Water Energizer Setup.

Send the pictures to the email at the bottom of this page.
Make sure that what and where is the source of the audio is visible on pictures... I mean where is the mp3 player?

Once I receive your entry with the pictures, here is what I"ll do:
1. I will test your current cell hydration. It will depend on a lot of factors, but primarily on whether your water is indeed energized to 653 vibration or not.

2. I will guide you to correct your setup and check where it is not up to par... if it is not perfect.

--Either your physical setup is wrong
--or the amount of time you energize is insufficient
--or the starting water is two incoherent because of dissolved or solid chemicals

3. I will measure your cell hydration on March 15. The goal is to raise your cell hydration above 30%.
All contestants with cell hydration higher than 30 are eligible to win the prize.

What can you win?

You win two ways:
1. You increase your cell hydration, your energy level, and increase your body"s ability to perform and do life well.
2. You can win a prize: $500 worth of my time or my products. Your choice. Pick and choose.

I will select the prize winner through random drawing.

I keep all your names private... including the winner"s.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

The size of your foundation, your astuteness, the size of your foundation, spiritual capacities

Note: this is an important article... please read. It summarizes a lot of what is not working about you... and what you can do about it.

I really enjoy the work on people"s hydration.

I love seeing how they get things done (or not) and it is a source of a lot of amusements.

Am I laughing at them? No. Laughing at someone is laughing at their expense.
I am laughing at the idiosyncrasies, the funny ways of getting things done, the soul correction I recognize.
For example, this picture, above. Very educational. It shows a lot to learn from.

You can see a polar pitcher with the mini speaker inserted in the bottom: the water is a perfect 653: just got coherent.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

What"s wrong with Osho? Why is his vibration so low? Why is his teaching so pleasant?

I just watched/listened to two Osho talks... And suddenly I realized what I have never seen: why Osho"s vibration is not higher. It dropped from 300 to 280... as more of reality gets revealed, everyone"s vibration gets lower. Seneca"s vibration today is 300, but when he was alive, it was around 800.


So Osho died 25 years ago, give or take, and his vibration, consequently dropped.

OK... so what"s wrong with Osho? After all it is so soothing, so wonderful to listen to him.

That is what"s wrong with Osho.
How does he get you so soothed?
He points at society, at politicians, at education as the reason why you are not happy, why you are afraid to look yourself in the mirror, etc.


Why you don"t want what you say you want...

I am working, one-on-one with people who submitted their pictures of their setup of the water energizer.

This has been one of the most brilliant things I have ever decided to do.

Without feedback one may imagine a lot of things, but with feedback, eventually you arrive to the truth, to reality, and there is no room for imagination, fancy, or any other unreality.

The reality is this:

The Water Energizer works... you don"t.


Friday, February 17, 2017

What happens to food-tasting, food sounding fake food you ingest that the body doesn"t recognize as food?

What happens to food-tasting, food sounding stuff you ingest that the body doesn"t recognize as food?

A few weeks ago, every time I ate eggs I would get symptoms of stomach ache, and skin issues.

I decided that it was my childhood egg white allergy... but the symptoms continued when I just ate the yolks.

Then I watched that youtube video... and today, I finally forced myself to check if the "eggs" I have been eating were fake or not. ((Having made this mistake seriously devalued my "I" and I had a hard time with it. After all self-trust is all-important...))

Every single egg in the boxes I bought at my favorite local supermarket were fake eggs.


The connection between your vocabulary and your deserving factor

The connection between the number of words you can correctly use in writing or in speaking and your intelligence, your worth a damn factor, and your deserving the good life... or not.

I am a reader. I read a lot. But yet, a whole new world opened up for me when I started to read on the Kindle. Why? Because it has a built in dictionary. As a result, I have added, to date, 2,000 words to my vocabulary.

It was very cumbersome to read with a dictionary before... I would lose my place, etc.

But the Kindle has made it possible.

I find the word... but sometimes the word in the dictionary is not useful.

Ignorance: what is under the cover?

Ignorance: ignorance is a two part notion: not knowing with a certain attitude. ((If we looked deeper, we would notice that ignorance and lack of humility always occur together. I may write a similar article on lack of humility... but for now please know: you can replace the word "ignorance" in this article with "lack of humility" and it will remain 100% true))
This article goes deep. It shows the sinister reason you insist on remaining ignorant.
A child who goes to first grade doesn"t know how to find another country on another continent on the map... and yet we don"t call him ignorant. He is in the process of learning that... maybe at fifth grade.

But if he doesn"t wash his hands after he uses the bathroom... we will call him ignorant.

Why? because ignorance is not knowing what you could be expected to know, given your age, your education level. Or not knowing what you are talking about and talking anyway.


Thursday, February 16, 2017

What is the purpose of life... and how to live it on Life"s terms?

In my quest to find like-minded people, who want to better humanity, I am watching videos, and am exposed the feelings of the speaker, commentator, or whoever is in the video.

What prompted this article is a bout of weeping... for no reason.

I am sitting here examining the context inside which this happened, and I Have had no reason to be sad, to weep.

So I ask, somewhat late, this usual question: is this mine? The answer is NO. Does this belong to one of my students? no. one of my readers? no. to the speaker on the video? yes.

Now, this was today. But whenever I watch a sales video... or maybe even read a sales email...

I get the feeling of the person who wrote it.
Most often: hope+fear: A perfect prescription for misery. ((

Not all philosophers live on the 13th floor... in fact, almost none of them does... But I wanted to illustrate that I am not the first to see the dynamic aof hope and fear... but looking at it from the 13th floor perspective, the Floor of the Feelings, the interplay is a sign of being trapped... and having no freedom to get what you get... you want what you hope for, or alternately, you get what you are afraid to get... both are debilitating. The only healthy relationship with results is saying: the results are the results, let"s see what they are saying, where they are taking us...

Descartes on the Vital Relationship Between Hope and Fear
“When hope is so strong that it altogether drives out fear, its nature changes and it becomes complacency.”
By Maria Popova


Hope — a faculty decidedly different from and far more muscular than optimism — remains our most potent antidote to the passivity and resignation of cynicism. The great humanistic philosopher and psychologist Erich Fromm admonished against the common laziness of optimism and pessimism, but he extolled the counterpoint to both — active hope that empowers us “to think the unthinkable, yet to act within the limits of the realistically possible.”

“Hope is a gift you don’t have to surrender, a power you don’t have to throw away,” Rebecca Solnit wrote two generations later in her lucid and luminous manifesto for our grounds for hope and action in dark times. The philosopher Jonathan Lear termed those grounds “radical hope” — the kind of hope that “anticipates a good for which those who have the hope as yet lack the appropriate concepts with which to understand it.” But such anticipation of the unimaginable is inherently in constant dialogue with the unknown — with the fearsome possibility of not obtaining the object of hope and with the concomitant potential for despair.

That necessary complementarity of hope and fear in the face of the unknown is what the great French philosopher, scientist, and mathematician René Descartes (March 31, 1596–February 11, 1650), patron saint of reason, explores in a section of The Passions of the Soul (public library) — his final published work, which gave us Descartes on the cure for

If you want to enslave a man, the best and fastest way to go about it is to rob the man of his common sense, his guidance system.

If you want to enslave a man, the best and fastest way to go about it is to rob the man of his common sense, his guidance system.

Train him to not trust his feelings. In anything. Train him that he can"t trust his feelings. Train him that all decisions should be made by men smarter than him. Train him that he can"t be trusted to made decisions about the education, the health about his children.

Train him by printing on plastic bags that they should not be put in the cradle... because a child may suffocate playing with it... Do this so the man will stop thinking for himself and start relying entirely on thing being given to him chewed and digested.

Give him the religion of positive thinking.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

What would happen if all the sugar disappeared from Earth, all of a sudden?

This is a thought experiment... one of the good ways to use the brain...

There are millions of bloggers, millions of article writers, millions of products.

They would all be out of business. Because suddenly, without the sugar, you would become a lot healthier, a lot more intelligent.

You would also stop a lot of lying and pretending... the lying and pretending that keeps your inner turmoil constant.

I found out, a few days ago, that one of my clients who wasn"t getting well, and swore that she ate according to the rules I set up for her... except I am finding out that she was eating Snickers bars...

Are you kidding? Are you stupid? But if you are kidding: who are you kidding? If you are stupid: who is paying the price?

New insights on cell hydration, tiredness, your immune system, diabetes, cancer, and your life expectancy

If you pee often
If your pee is light
If you have to get up in the middle of the night and pee

that means: your cell hydration is low.
it may also mean: you have diabetes or pre-diabetes. Diabetics have low cell hydration. this may be the reason they don"t accept the sugar into the cell... Because sugar would break even bigger havoc in the cell... it would dry out the cell completely.

My hunch is that hydrating the diabetic"s cells can end the diabetic misery... But it needs testing. If you have diabetic friends, family members: you owe it to yourself to test the Energized water on them. Diabetes can cost tens of thousands of dollars to the person, and makes 250 billion dollars to the medical establishment... lucrative. More lucrative than recommending a $60 audio... for sure.
If you get tired in the middle of the day, or are just plain tired... that means that most likely your hydration is low.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

I never had to really learn it... so how I teach you to live in reality? The 13th floor

This article will be deemed self-aggrandizing, or something of that sort... and I don"t care. Truth is truth...

I am 69 years old.

I have lived, this is a 20/20 hindsight, my entire life on the 13th floor. Two months ago I would not have said that: I didn"t know there is such a thing...

Having live there all my life: I am having a real tough time to say how I got there... because I never lived on the 14th or the 15th floor... the 13th floor is reality, based on your sensory organs, not on thought.

My brothers did live on the 14th floor. Both. My father also lived on the 13th floor. My mother didn"t.

The biggest difference, looking through my own eyes now, is the meanings. On the 14th and 15th floor you live through meanings... not facts, not perception, but meanings... created by words.

My father didn"t do life through meanings. (thoughts and emotions, the 14th and the 15th floor)

He went from an orphan whose mother died of starvation, to being member of the government... PhD, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Neither did I... Even the one area where meaning was going to trip anyyone, where anyone else would have become schizophrenic, according to psychiatrists, I did not get tripped... and didn"t become schizophrenic... A little antisocial, maybe...

I pondered the meaning, I tried to work through different meanings, but I toyed with it, like you toy with an idea, with a role in a play... Didn"t take it in like the truth.

I lived on the 13th floor and yet I was unhappy... most of my life.

High achiever... and unhappy.

You should be surprised now. Isn"t the 13th floor a land of milk and honey?

It isn"t. And yet, it is the only place where happiness is possible.

You should be confused now...

What? Why? How? Grrr....

OK, the 13th floor is clean, based on reality, based on perception, not on notions... a system that unless you screw it up, the way I did, can allow you to be happy. Allow is the operative word. Not MAKE you happy... allow you to be happy. Happiness is still up you to, even if you don"t screw it up... the way I did.

OK, I am going to try to explain. Wish me luck.

The 13th floor is your foundation. The floor that is almost identical to the floor animals live on.

I am yet to see animals sad... although some animals in captivity have unfulfilled needs.
OK, the 13th floor is the floor of needs. Needs that operate through feelings.
It is needs that operate the feelings that operate you... on the 13th floor.

Needs can be the fundamental needs, the hardware-type needs... ((Quoting from the Feelings book:
We use the term ‘hardware-type need" for needs that are genetically encoded in us. That means these needs are present all the time throughout our life and the activation of the previous levels is not a precondition for the existence of any of them. Their continuous and parallel existence is proven by the possibility of the constant appearance of indicating feelings

I hope I can join you on the 13th floor... said one of my students...

I feel alone. Unheard.

Not a good feeling. It is not that I am on the mountaintop screaming... and am not being heard. No. I am among people, and I am not heard.

What isn"t being heard, what is being ignored, brushed aside, that the reason you are unhappy trying to become happy is because you live on the 14th and the 15th floors of your being...

It is impossible to be happy on those floors.


Monday, February 13, 2017

Can you be delusional? I bet you have never thought that about yourself...

Most of the things I find out were in front of me, in plain sight, but I could not see it.

As I am going deeper and deeper into teaching people to feel their feelings, so they can return to the Tree of Life, I am on uncharted territory. I encounter stuff that has always been there... and in this new context it hits me funny... weird... illogical... counter intuitive: to me.

Whenever I see things from the level I am, most of the things I see are things I have never had, and therefore they are new to me. Unfamiliar... Alien.

Such is the thing i want to write now: the delusion that you need to meet everyone"s expectation of you.

That it is your duty to be good enough for everyone, fast enough, smart enough, deep enough, pretty enough, successful enough, to deserve to live.

Talk about freedom to be yourself... I remember when I wept about that possibility myself... because the world, society, your family, your friends, they are a sea of disapproval.


All you ever needed to know to live a full life is hidden under the visible...

I watched a ton of youtube clips this weekend, and some movies...

One could ask: why on Earth should I violate my own rules: no skimming.

But... here is a kicker: it is not what you do, it is how you do it. And what you do with what you did.

I am not a skimmer. I did not watch movies and videos to escape from myself.

Watching those videos was work.

Just like the 67 steps, your job is to cover the 360 degrees of life, and look under the hood. Under the obvious. Under the surface


Sunday, February 12, 2017

Sadness. Tree of Life, Tree of Knowledge... more about what gives you what kind of life

I just exchanged emails with the author of the Feelings book, Gyozo Margoczi.

Gyozo means Winner, or Victor in Hungarian... someone who wins over something or someone.

My name: Sophie, means Wisdom.

Names can be taken two ways:

1. you are that
2. you need to become that

He wrote the books. Major accomplishment. Big win... mostly like a tree falling in a forest that didn"t make a sound because there was no one to hear it... until I came along.


Saturday, February 11, 2017

Great video on avoiding your feelings


Case study: How personhood is only possible if you understand the 13th floor dynamics

In my coaching I am seeing a phenomenon that can only be understood once you start mastering the 13th floor through the books, ground breaking new book "Feelings" by Margoczi, and the follow-up: "Words," plus through getting to know your feelings... The Feelings webinars can help you get started in that.

Sidenote: the author of the book isn"t even willing to entertain the word: emotions. This should tell you something.
In the world of symbols, the level of words, most people use the words feeling and emotion interchangeably, but they are actually not even connected directly.

Feelings are a 13th floor phenomenon. They are as physical as anything, measurable, and make a lot of sense.
Emotions are a 15th floor phenomenon, and are entirely culturally defined. They are the marker feelings of words... and there is nothing that makes sense about them. Anything that is culturally defined is designed to confuse and enslave you. No kidding.


Friday, February 10, 2017

A look at feelings... going under the hood

I have been saying in every article now that the 13th floor is a dynamic system.

Why dynamic? Because the feelings have direction, content, opinion... and they interact, pull, push, stop you...

Moving, changing, pulsing, etc.

Humans are not simple machines, and yet: every complicated machine is made up of many simple machines... and so are you. The more you allow the machine to inform you, the more fulfilling, the smoother, the more enjoyable life becomes, with you in the driver"s seat.

You know I am corresponding with the creator of the books, Feelings and Words, Gyozo Margoczi.

In his last email, this morning, he made sure I push the dynamic nature of feelings. ((It"s weird to be on the other end of a "coaching" relationship... Being able to receive acknowledgement, gentle nudging, all superiority... ugh. But, of course, being able to write a book and being really high minded are not the same thing... lol. His vibration is 200... the threshold vibration, where one CAN take responsibility for who they are, how they are, how they occur... if they want to, or if they are prompted to do, but it doesn"t come naturally.

I bet if I asked him where he saw me on the vibrational scale, if his was 200, he would say mine was 190. This is how it is, human perception colored by ego.)) I am not a very experienced translator, and translating his Hungarian helped me to understand the material and the dynamic even deeper.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

One of my students had an unexpected breakthrough. Breakthrough explained

Most breakthroughs go by as if they didn"t happen. Why? Because a breakthrough not understood doesn"t create a new level of operating for the person. They are sometimes viewed as magic, a miracle... divine interference, but not something that was caused by the person.

A breakthrough fully understood creates a whole new level of performance, whether it was an organization, a science, or a person that had it.

With that said, this is the purpose of this article: to create for her a new level of operation, a new level of performance, through understanding what happened.

She had been paralyzed for months. She wasn"t able to articulate the reason, she just wasn"t doing her work, and her numbers were plummeting. Vibration, number of capacities, etc.


Is what you are reading talking on the right level... to make a difference?

For the first time in who knows how long, how many years, I have nothing to write.

One could say "writer"s block"... but I would not know. I have never had that...


So I am looking. When I have nothing to say... and that is unusual, what happened that is also unusual?

Did you see how I formulated the question?

Your ticket to get out of anything, to innovate yourself out of a problem is the question. Or questions...

So that question did direct my attention to something I"ve been doing that is also unusual.


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

She came from her strength...

My friend from my youth, Panni, just turned 70 years old.

Her family, husband, two sons, made a video for her, interviewing friends. She lives in Budapest, where we graduated from Architecture School together, 46 years ago.

It was interesting to watch. I witnessed friendships for friendship sake, I witnessed Americans with no insight, only asking: when are you coming to the USA?

I witnessed gratitude. She moved from the suburbs to this big old building with many apartments. And promptly organized the neighbors into a community.

"If the mountain won"t come to you, you must go to the mountain"

One of my favorite quotes from an ad is from the Men"s Hair Club... where the owner says: “I"m not just the president of Hair Club for Men, I"m also a client!”

I would never want to do business with anyone who is not also a client of their own business...

And of course, I am a client of my own. Meaning: I learn from what I write... and I learn and test everything first, before I recommend it...

With that said: to date the two most valuable nuggets I got out of my participation in my 67 step coaching program are:

1. innovate your way out of the problem
2. add suspenders to your belt.


Scientists are trying to keep you on the 15th floor. Why? Because it is super easy to influence you on that level.

Suddenly I am noticing the many articles that try to access your emotions, the advertising, the movies, all to keep you stuck on the 15th floor of your being. ((

Some examples from today"s articles: The Scientists Who Control Your Brain’s "Buy" Button
The "Untranslatable" Emotions You Never Knew You Had


Your emotions are moldable, like clay, and there is nothing that you can do about it... on that level. Because your emotions is the 15th floor, it is entirely controlled from the 13th (feelings) and the 14th floor (words).

Marketers, your church, your politicians are taking classes from the psychologists who get paid by your marketers, your church, and your politicians to do research on how you"ll react, predictably, to their input.


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

How the Tree of Knowledge keeps you in bondage, stuck, and miserable

The most difficult thing to see, the most difficult thing to accept is that even though you are looking, there can be something right in front of you, and you won"t see it.

Instead you"ll see what you know is there.

This is the source of most mischief.

In fact, this is the source of your low vibration.


Monday, February 6, 2017

Take back your power, take back your freedom, take back your peace of mind

Starting tomorrow... at 4 pm.

Why it is nearly impossible to change... unless...

Landmark Education has a process for leaders called clearing.

Clearing is probably the most effective tool to, at least temporarily, allow for change.

Clearing is saying, listing, everything that is in the way of change... with the intention to question its trueness, question its validity.

People watch you, listen to you, and depending on their own attitude, they hear dumping, they hear gossiping, they hear complaining.

But the intention, the wording, the tone of voice is all serving one thing: so the current personal reality, the inner map, disappears and allows space for a new reality to be spoken into its place.


Find yourself, find your lost paradise on the 13th floor of your existence

I read the beginning of an article this morning. It made me laugh. It was a great release. Then I read the rest, and it made me constipated.

I was going to steal the whole article, but I am stealing only the beginning. here you go:

One Thing You Can Do Every Morning to Be More Creative

STEP 1: Fill up your cereal bowl about two-thirds of the way full (eyeballing it is okay)
STEP 2: Pour your favorite milk (I choose almond milk—unsweetened vanilla) and fill until the cereal is peeking over the top of the bowl.
STEP 3: Walk slowly toward your kitchen sink, one foot directly in front of the other. Go slow, taking care to not spill the food.


Sunday, February 5, 2017

People Who Are Good At Recognizing Emotions Make More Money

Everybody writes about recognizing other people"s emotions, or recognizing your own emotions... but that is talking about the 14th floor in a building that stands in thin air... They write about what they know... because no one knows there is a missing 13th floor, because the science isn"t built for the 13th floor, or not quite. It has begun by a nobody in Hungary... And the science is valid. ((Read the books.))

The 13th floor is the floor of feelings. And the whole world of feelings we have been discouraged to explore, no one teaches it, because a person who is grounded in their feelings cannot be duped, cannot be enslaved, cannot be used.
And a person who is grounded in their feelings and build their 14th floor and 15th floor on top of that well-developed foundation is rich without being a slave to money, enjoys life without being a slave to pleasure, loves their family without being a slave to the family, and is a contributing member of society, without being enslaved to society.
A person whose 13th floor is not built out cannot be happy, no matter how much they talk about the good life.

What kind of soup are you?

Tai uses an analogy that really talks to me. He says that we need to be like a soup, our knowledge, our lives.

You can"t make a good soup with just a few ingredients. You need a lot of ingredients to make a soup that you don"t have to make edible by crumbling crackers into it, or bread. ((Some poor man"s soups, onion soup, garlic soup, "rue" soup in Hungary, are so uninteresting that you can"t eat it without putting bread in them. The versions with poached egg, cheese melted on top, etc. are the restaurant versions of the same soups... but the soup itself is a poor man"s soup. Poor as in not having much to give.

Not surprisingly, one of my all time favorite fairy tales is the Stone Soup, in which the man gets the ingredients needed for a good soup from the good people of the village... I don"t care where you get the ingredients... just get them! lol))

A good soup is a symphony of tastes, smells, and every new piece you find in your spoon is a new delight and a surprise. A great analogy for life. NOT your life right now, but for a LIFE WORTH LIVING.
Now, what does this mean to you?


Saturday, February 4, 2017

Why don"t you trust? Why can"t you trust?

This is a hypothesis that will need to be confirmed with tests. I could also say: it"s a hunch.

And my hunch is that the less trustworthy you are the less trust you have. Period.

Hah, but trust, as a verb, is transitive.

So let"s see what COULD you trust, if you did:

1. trust in yourself... aka self-trust.Trusting that what comes out of your mouth is the truth
Trusting that you can
Trusting that you will
Trusting that your "beliefs" are accurate
Trusting that you can meet your own expectations of yourself
Trusting that you can meet other people"s expectations
and probably a lot more.We"ll talk about "beliefs" that everyone seems to know what they mean, except me... I have no idea what they mean... and neither do you. Not here, not now. At some other time.

The more you are a scoundrel, a stinker, a liar, a cheater, the less you trust yourself.


Are feelings and emotions the same? Would being able to tell them apart make you a happier, more accomplished person?

Are feelings and emotions the same? ...or why all techniques of increasing Emotional Intelligence are b.s. and not effecting the level of happiness, the level of well-being of people who practice it. Same is true about the Emotional Guidance System of Abraham Hicks... b.s. and ineffective. Why? Because they are trying to change the fruits instead of the roots... Putting makeup on syphilitic lesions. ((In 1969, I was 22 years old, I was hanging out with a new friend, who was gay.

One day I got a phone call from the hospital ordering me to show up... I did. I was named as a person in the circle of a male prostitute who was infected with syphilis. He had been covering up the lesions on his face... but I could see them

I never had a sexual touch or anything with anyone in that group, but I was mentioned, so I was put on a mandatory 30-day high dose penicillin regimen. Mandatory. You miss it: you get jailed.
Now, if your emotions run high... consider that it is all to protect your "I". Your self-image.
Mine are running high too... Telling this story seriously threatens my "wholesome" public image... But my life has a lot of unwholesome periods... Living such a variety of experiences has prepared me to be so darn effective at coaching people, or at seeing reality accurately.

Run if you must.

Embracing ugly as part of reality is what raises your vibration.)) Or pimples, if you are squeamish...

Feelings are clean. They do four simple things. Make you go for it, make you stop, direct you towards pleasure and away from pain... They are the seed level. The foundation.

Emotions are a construct on the top of them, created by words, created by marker feelings, and are a veritable mess.

Friday, February 3, 2017

How to Develop Emotional Intelligence... what do psychologists say?

This article shows the state of official science for emotional intelligence.

Psychologists are not interested in the groundbreaking work developed in the books Feelings and Words...

Although when you can already recognize your feelings,  their inner dynamics, what they want you to do, what trap you my have stepped, unwittingly, the advice below is quite good.

Until then I don"t think it"s useful... Or may not be useful.

Even though emotional intelligence is really important to live a good life, to have good relationships, to get things done, to be well... for all of life.

OK, here is the article from Wikihow

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to tap into your emotions and use them to make your life better. Being in touch with your feelings allows you to manage stress levels and communicate effectively with other people, two skills that enhance your life both personally and professionally. Unlike IQ, which remains constant throughout your life, EQ can be developed and honed over time. See Step 1 to learn how to develop your emotional intelligence using techniques you can try right away.
Tapping Into Your Emotions aka Know what you are feeling
Note your emotional reactions to events throughout the day. It"s easy to put your feelings about what you experience throughout the day on the back burner. But taking time to acknowledge how you feel about experiences is essential to improving your EQ. If you ignore your feelings, you"re ignoring important information that has a big effect on your mindset and the way you behave. Start paying more attention to your feelings and connecting them to experiences.

For example, say you’re at work and you get cut off during a meeting. What emotions arise when this happens? On the other hand, how do you feel when you get praised for good work? Getting into the practice of naming your emotions as sadness, embarrassment, joy, contentment, or any other number of feelings will start raising your EQ right away.

Get in the habit of tapping into your emotions at certain times every day. What are your first emotions upon waking? Your last before you fall asleep?

Pay attention to your body. Instead of ignoring the physical manifestations of your emotions, start listening to them. Our minds and bodies are not separate; they affect each other quite deeply. You can raise your EQ by learning how to read physical cues that clue you in to what emotions you"re feeling. For example:

Stress might feel like a knot in your stomach, tight chest, or quick breathing.

Sadness might feel like waking up with slow, heavy limbs.

Joy, pleasure or nervousness might feel like butterflies in your stomach, a racing heart or increased energy.

Observe how your emotions and behavior are connected. When you feel strong emotions, how do you react? Tune into your gut responses to situations you face every day, instead of just reacting without any reflection. The more you understand what spurs your