Thursday, January 1, 2015

A bug free mind reader question. How to tell judgment from observation, surrender from resistance?

As I mentioned in a previous article, the Bug Free books** ((**Please note that I get a commission if you buy the book/s through this link. I appreciate it, but that"s not why I recommend it. I recommend the bug free mind books because no other book or course comes near it in terms of completeness and truth value on the level of consciousness where most people are, human.

It is honest, and it is an excellent training to bring you to the level where I teach. You don"t have to study with me to benefit from it, a good 8-10% of the people who read it, according to Andy Shaw, turn it into a great life. But even if it is just more clarity, more freedom, more joy, more happiness, and maybe even more money: I am all for it. It puts all other courses into shame, including Landmark Education, for a fragment of the cost, but for a multiple amount of work on yourself.)) can be your kindergarten, elementary school and maybe even your college... Then you need, if you are ambitious enough, if you have done well enough in those grades, you can start working with me.

Yesterday I had a session with a student, and that really drove it home for me.

Attending a class with me gives you the instant illusion that you have learned something. That you know something.

#Raiseyourlevelofconsciousness, #Raiseyourvibration

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