Saturday, November 30, 2013

NEW: New Age Myth Busting: Abundance, Manifesting, and other garden variety turd
New Age teachers say that we live in a world of abundance. Law of Attraction people say the same.

Now, it may be true, to some degree, but it is not necessarily a good thing for a normal human ((In my articles, starting a few weeks ago, I now distinguish between a human and a human being. Humans don"t have the DNA for the 13 capacities that came with the upgrade on September 4, while a human being does: i.e. they now CAN live in harmony with both the physical and spiritual laws, and by "can" I mean they have the ability and the desire. At this point, November 30, the number of human beings is 3% of the population of the earth, and 16% of the people that could get the capacities, could want the capacites, but still don"t have them.))

We live in the physical world. We have physical bodies, and our survival is physical, depending on physical resources that other humans, other physical bodies are in competition for.

Now, is that a good thing? Is the sky a good thing? Is the earth a good thing? It"s a stupid question: it is neither good, nor bad, it is just what"s so.


NEW: Great stuff I want you to see... it"s both funny and poignant


NEW: The two legged dog and you: what"s the difference?
In a Landmark Seminar they ask: what makes you who you are today? Everybody looks at the past, and they say: the parents, life experiences, etc. Then Landmark triumphantly says: what makes you who you are today is the future you live into.

Now, it is elegant. They even have a story to illustrate it on the short term.

But what if you are a Stephen Hawkins, or just a Jew, or a puppy born without hind legs? Or what if you have been raped, abused, loved, spoiled, if you were born rich, poor?

Looking at your past, and looking at your present, we can say, with high accuracy what were your decisions about yourself and your life... because the future is defined by your reaction to what hand you were dealt.


Friday, November 29, 2013

NEW: Talk back to me: why is my vibration so low? I meditate, I try to be heart-centered...

Here is an actual conversation in email, over time.

Me, after measuring the person"s vibration

Your vibration is 150.


Thank you Sophie. I think maybe I have been drinking too much wine lately. Would that affect it? I also have had a bit of sad news about a family member. I will consider the HOE when I have a better chance to look at the website later.

Am I ready for the DNA upgrade?


NEW: Talk back to me: is integrity an issue if I pay someone a lower wage than others?

I"m hoping you may have time to address this question: I have been using the "Cancel That" exercise.

Realizing that I have not had hardly any integrity in my life has been mind blowing, by the way.

Ok, my question is: in the course of doing business, is integrity an issue if I pay someone a lower wage (consensually) for a service that others are being paid higher wages to do the same service? Thank you for any input you may have.


Integrity is an inside job. No social or moral obligations are relevant when we look if there is integrity in a behavior. No one can tell you anything about your integrity.

Integrity is an issue between you and you.


Thursday, November 28, 2013

NEW: The capacity to care, the capacity to love: why is it that people don"t want it?
Why would a large majority of the human population refuse to receive the DNA upgrade?

In conversations with students, without ever asking their opinion about this, I have formed a view about the reasons why someone would not want the capacities included in the DNA upgrade of September 4.

It is hard to fathom... after all if you have more capacities, you can live more, love more, have more, enjoy more... but no, reality doesn"t work the way of imagination, not at all.

The easiest it is to see this unwillingness when we look at the capacities of love and caring.

Most of humanity lives in a state I call "driftwood."


NEW: Should you pretend that we are already in the thousand years of peace?

A student asked today:

Sophie, I want to know more about the 1,000 years of peace. Can one who is committed to this idea actually start living as if they were already here? Is it wise? Is it possible?

My answer


NEW: Being a winner... is it a matter of luck? What is luck anyway?
Before I do the webinar on inventing being a winner, it would be useful, wouldn"t you say, to distinguish what is winning, what is a winner, so you can choose to be that, or not.

So, I have been looking at everything through this distinction for the past few days, and I am starting to see things.

I have found that the difference between winning or not winning, oftentimes can be seen in the difference in attention.


NEW: Being a winner... is it a matter of luck? What is luck anyway?
Before I do the webinar on inventing being a winner, it would be useful, wouldn"t you say, to distinguish what is winning, what is a winner, so you can choose to be that, or not.

So, I have been looking at everything through this distinction for the past few days, and I am starting to see things.

I have found that the difference between winning or not winning, oftentimes can be seen in the difference in attention.


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

NEW: When you don"t hurry, time doesn"t hurry either. When you are prepared you can afford to not hurry
The article I wrote about IQ and your inability to see higher than 1 degree above your level, and about 5 degrees below your level fell on echoless silence. Hm, interesting.

I shared my findings with the woman who drives me to do my errands on every Tuesday, and watched her emotions... they were "holding your breath, playing possum, I am not here..."

I have been pondering what to make of it, and I saw it: we don"t like our bubble burst. We want our self-image stay the way it is, so all of life can stay the same.

This, in spite of all the desire to be more, live more, do more, have more. In spite of the desire to raise your vibration. Why? Because it"s scary. It is scary to hear that our worst fears are true, or maybe even worse than we feared them to be.


Monday, November 25, 2013

NEW: Turning your life around on a dime... of how to become a winner in life
In this article I am going to illustrate a method of turning your life around, going from mundane, boring, safe, and probably unhappy, to a life that excites you, a life of adventure, and joy.

The example is real: I went through this just about an hour ago... so it is real and it"s fresh. Here you go:

I have been waking up every morning disappointed that I woke up. I have had the

"I only woke up in the morning because I didn"t die the night before"

This morning I sat on the edge of my bed, looking at this mood, curiously. The "I" that was watching, was sympathetic and compassionate to the miserable "I" that was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"But it makes no difference," the miserable I said. "People are set in their ways, the dark side wins by numbers, and no matter what I do, it makes no difference... not really!" it continued its whining.


Sunday, November 24, 2013

NEW: When the mind takes over perception you see only what the mind wants, the mind allows you to see
When the mind takes over perception you see what your mind wants to see

We have all experienced how the mind tricks us into believing that something other than what"s happening is happening.

When you are dizzy, sea-sick or drunk: the room seems to be spinning. When someone tells you skinny is good, you start liking skinny. When someone tells you you are ugly, you start seeing ugly.

You are not allowed to see what your mind doesn"t allow you to see, this is why Japanese soldiers could not see, till the end, that they were beaten. More than that: Japanese soldiers were enlisted into the Japanese navy, but never considered that they should learn to swim: the option that their vessel would sink never occurred to them: after all their emperor was invincible. They would not even move to get a life preserver when they were under attack: their mind told them that nothing can happen to them... and they died by drowning... victims of the mind.


Saturday, November 23, 2013

NEW: The courage to be yourself, your real self, your true self, the real you
I had an insight yesterday that was completely driven home today by my guidance system. You see, often we see something, and then it"s gone, without it imparting the important learning in what we saw. It is such a frequent happening, that we don"t even pay attention to it any more... we consider it normal that the insights disappear as fast as they appeared.

We see the learning from them only from the corner of our eyes, and who can control that... not many of us.


NEW: Being guided is the weirdest of anything you can imagine, and even of things you can"t imagine
I remember, in the "Ultimate Leadership" course, being guided around land mines while my eyes were closed. The issue of trust, trusting my life to another human being was something I still have nightmares about today. The course was almost 10 years ago.

But in that exercise I knew the outcome, so I could keep it in my mind"s eye as "that"s what will be the result if all goes as planned."


Friday, November 22, 2013

NEW: Humans didn"t become the peak of evolution because they are weaklings, they had to be made weaklings
Humans didn"t become the peak of evolution because they are weaklings, they had to be made weaklings. They are highly adaptable, so they were highly changeable. That is humans strongest point, and that is also what makes them vulnerable.

Each and every human alive today, regardless of their ethnicity, whether they can accept the DNA upgrade or not, are able to be with a lot of adversity, that you, my dear reader, are not finding yourself capable of.

Everything seems to threaten your ordered little world, and it feels that if you can"t fix that threat, it will crack your world and you with it.

When I ask a student about this, either they say they are weak, or they say that they are strong, but their behavior belies a fundamental belief that they are weak.

This could not come from experience, because most of you never experienced much that requires courage, or strength, or the capacity to make it through and out of adverse circumstances. Beliefs are this are implanted, through centuries long conditioning.


Thursday, November 21, 2013

NEW: Your sphere of influence and your vibration: what is the connection?
People do all kinds of things to raise their vibration. But one of the most important things they could do, they don"t even think of it.

I had a conversation with a student last night, and finally "diagnosed" why her vibration isn"t changing much in spite of all the calls she comes to.

And then I opened an email ((Hi

Most people decided to do nothing today. Nothing.

Some thought about doing something but then decided to actually do nothing.

You say: Sam, lots of people went to work today. Um...yea, I know. That"s actually doing something for someone else - their boss.

I promote a message of entrepreneurship. Monetizing your passion. Living every day likes it"s Saturday.

Yet... sadly - very few did anything today.

You see, everything begins with a decision. Nothing can happen until you make conscious decision to do something. Anything.

One big decision you need to make is who you spend time with. How about that for starters?

Make a decision to improve your sphere of influence. That decision alone will do more for you than anything at a job.

When I made the decision to delete all my employee friends from my cell phone, my quality of life rose dramatically.

When I understood my boss couldn"t spell cat if you gave him the C and the A... I launched into a new phase of my life - no longer dependent on a steady paycheck, yet empowered by all the possibilities that lie ahead.

Do that. Upgrade your inner circle. Tell your negative friends that you"re making some big changes in your life and they just happen to be part of it.

Success will follow.

Talk soon, Sam)) this morning... and I knew I must talk to you about this.

In a Landmark Education course, the Wisdom Course, there is a distinction that talks exactly about this. The distinction is called Originating Circle ((It is called Originating Circle, because just like your food originates how you are, the soil a plant grows in originates how they are, the people you interact with, listen to, learn from, compete with, pay attention to, will originate you, meaning give you the quality of your life.))

The course leader drove home that concept like this: he said:
"I grew up in New York City.


NEW: Your sphere of influence and your vibration: what is the connection?
People do all kinds of things to raise their vibration. But one of the most important things they could do, they don"t even think of it.

I had a conversation with a student last night, and finally "diagnosed" why her vibration isn"t changing much in spite of all the calls she comes to.

And then I opened an email ((Hi

Most people decided to do nothing today. Nothing.

Some thought about doing something but then decided to actually do nothing.

You say: Sam, lots of people went to work today. Um...yea, I know. That"s actually doing something for someone else - their boss.

I promote a message of entrepreneurship. Monetizing your passion. Living every day likes it"s Saturday.

Yet... sadly - very few did anything today.

You see, everything begins with a decision. Nothing can happen until you make conscious decision to do something. Anything.

One big decision you need to make is who you spend time with. How about that for starters?

Make a decision to improve your sphere of influence. That decision alone will do more for you than anything at a job.

When I made the decision to delete all my employee friends from my cell phone, my quality of life rose dramatically.

When I understood my boss couldn"t spell cat if you gave him the C and the A... I launched into a new phase of my life - no longer dependent on a steady paycheck, yet empowered by all the possibilities that lie ahead.

Do that. Upgrade your inner circle. Tell your negative friends that you"re making some big changes in your life and they just happen to be part of it.

Success will follow.

Talk soon, Sam)) this morning... and I knew I must talk to you about this.

In a Landmark Education course, the Wisdom Course, there is a distinction that talks exactly about this. The distinction is called Originating Circle ((It is called Originating Circle, because just like your food originates how you are, the soil a plant grows in originates how they are, the people you interact with, listen to, learn from, compete with, pay attention to, will originate you, meaning give you the quality of your life.))

The course leader drove home that concept like this: he said:
"I grew up in New York City.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

NEW: Tough choices: knowing what"s important
Tough choices: knowing what"s important

Life is really so incredible perfect when you are committed to something, and therefore you look at everything through that commitment.

Here is a quote I had attached to my kitchen cabinet for four years. When I moved it was impossible to save it: it crumbled... lol. It has an awful lot to do with who I am today, and the incredible results I was able to produce in those four years:


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

NEW: Can you be with it? Can you have that thing there, threatening as it might be, and just be? And observe? And do nothing?
Can you be with it? Can you have that thing there, threatening as it might be, and just be? And observe? And do nothing? None of your buttons pushed, none of your usual anger, or whatever... just silence, just peace, just emergence?

It is the most evolved state. It looks similar to ignorance... like all of Germany ignoring, turning a blind eye to the genocide of undesirables, of which Jews were just one group. Homosexuals, gypsies, communists, intellectuals that didn"t cooperate...

Ignorance comes from not caring. Ignorance is an animal state. It is the ultimate "desire-for-the-self-alone" because if you didn"t see it you don"t have to do anything, you don"t have to feel anything, including fear, oneness, you can just continue being sheep.


Monday, November 18, 2013

NEW: Will the Soul in you cry when it"s time to die, or is it going sigh a sigh of relief that the boredom is ending?
I have been pondering what is the Soul"s attitude, the Soul"s relationship to dying.

After all the Soul is immortal, at least relative to the physical body. But what does it mean? How does it feel? What does the Soul think about that? And does the Soul come back and know it has been here before? And how does it relate to the new body, if that is how it work?

Great questions, no answers until this morning.


Sunday, November 17, 2013

NEW: The Capacity Of Having: The Highest And Most Important Capacities Of All
We all think of having stuff, having love, having capacities, having everything, but we have no idea what having is.

In working out for myself why people would not want the high vibration capacities of the DNA upgrade, I have come to an interesting observation.

The common mindset of people (at least from the cultures I know) is that if something is there, if they take notice of it, they have to do something with it.

If that weren"t the case, it would not hit hard reading the paragraph from Cryptonomicon from Neal Stephenson:
Bare-chested, camouflage-painted, trench knife in hand, Colt .45 stuck in the waistband of his khaki trousers, Bobby Shaftoe moves like a cloud of mist through the jungle. He stops when he can get a clear view of the Nip Army truck, framed between the hairy, cluttered trunks of a couple of date palms. A skirmish line of ants crawls over the skin of his sandaled foot. He ignores them.

If ignoring the ants biting his foot were any normal thing, he would not have written that.

Our capacity of simply having what we have, the hand we are dealt, is nonexistent for the most part... instead we have the urge to fix it, release it, kill it, eat it, consume it, delete it, or interact with it in any odd ways.

So, simply said, your life is run by all the things that you could just have, but can"t leave alone.


NEW: Want confidence, want your life to change? Here is a simple way to do it...

All speaking is committing. All speaking. Even if it is inside your head, and only you can hear it. Not even... especially those speakings you speak to yourself are committing.

How many of those speakings have you fulfilled upon? Next to none, I guess...

If you had a team that is committed to fulfilling every wish, ever commitment you have, they only need you to act... would that team look at you today and say that you are full of crap? Given that your word has no power? That you don"t mean half of what you say?

So, what has it cost you that you are like that?

No excuse will make it easier or lighter, or less costly.


Saturday, November 16, 2013

NEW: Existential Courage, taking risks, and what will be the most important turning point in your life
One of the most important things I have ever done in my life is find out what really holds me back from taking risks.

After all, if you want to grow, as a person, as a business, you need to take risks: all power comes from going out of your comfort zone, and it"s a risk.

The kind of risk that causes you to grow is the kind of risk you need existential courage to face.

The other risk, existential risk, is annihilation of your physical body, but the kind of risk that causes growth is the kind that threatens to annihilate your self-image, your persona, to make you look bad, be wrong, be less than you desire to be.

So you can see, you have that kind of risk every step of the way, while the other, existential risk is rare and dull in comparison.

Let me return to the most important thing I have ever done, and that is: find out and own my biggest fear. Embrace it, if you wish... Love it, if you wish...


NEW: How Self-Awareness is the Key to Happiness, Effectiveness, Intelligent Decisions... The Sideways View
Note: I could not find any pictures that would illustrate this principle or distinction, sorry. The illustrations are for simple self-awareness, or self-delusion, but they are funny... so enjoy. Sophie

I thought I was going to have a domestic day, you know laundry, dishes, stuff... and watch myself, my emotions, and have a good old time.

It"s Saturday, and the weather is gorgeous. My neighborhood is even prettier in the fall than in the summer: you can see far and the contrast of the blue sky and the rusty color of the leaves is really beautiful.

The thought: "I could actually be happy" cured and hung in there for a few minutes. I made myself a nice cup of tea, and checked my email.

There was a note there from Youtube that I have a comment on my "Why are Jews smart?" video, so I went to check it out.

I found hundreds of comments. All talking vile, teenage hate talk, Jew-haters, dumb comments, irrelevant, about how Jewish women are good at oral sex... and that"s what I should do to them: I leave it to your imagination what specifically.