Wednesday, September 30, 2015

7 steps to create ease and grace about making money?

What does it take to have, make, save, invest, and spend money in a way that you end up enjoying it, benefiting from it, being enriched by money?

Before we can talk about money, we need to define what we mean by abundance... Abundance is a being that says: All is well with the world. Abundance is also an experience.

I don"t know anyone who lives in abundance, although all of us have experienced abundance for moments, minutes, hours... sometimes even days. Don"t kid yourself, rich people don"t live in abundance... every person I have ever checked, had some version of anxiety in them.

And yet... abundance is our birthright... we are hardwired for abundance. But because...


New: Open Mic sessions

What is your biggest issue or blockage that I can help you with?

I"d like to serve you better. I"d like to give you articles, webinars, products, services that meet your specific needs: as long as it is within integrity for me.

I want to make these webinar calls packed with information that goes two ways: from you to me, and from me to you.

I will use it to find out what it is you are struggling with, so I can create programs, energies, products, to help you in your struggles.

I learned a huge distinction earlier this week. It was new to me.
The difference between information and education.


You are hardwired to be bad and pretend to be good or better than others

Until you can look inside at your ugliness, at your emptiness, at your hatefulness, spitefulness, gossipy judgmental behavior, and see it for what it is, you will NEVER raise your vibration.

But you have an issue: that ugliness is hardwired into humans.

Updated: Is the desire for perfection really a desire for perfection? Perfection vs. Integrity

This is a good question to chew on, observe, test out, for a True Empath.

The fate of humanity, and your personal well-being, evolution, raising your vibration, depends on your relationship to perfection.

How? Perfection is imposed. Perfection comes from your relationship with something outside of yourself. It"s a comparison, and you live in a constant fear of "falling from grace", falling short of perfection. The rules are set by others with an agenda. The agenda isn"t overt: in fact, it is a manipulative agenda. The goal is to keep you out of balance, keep you failing, keep you suppressed, keep you small and dependent. ((Judging from the number of people who are searching for the quote, "Now that you don"t have to be perfect, you can be good" relief from this "infection", relief from the obligation to be perfect is something you want... is that a correct assumption?))

Integrity is an inside job. It is between you and you. No one, outside of you, can judge your integrity. Of course, the way the word is used in everyday language makes it, for you, while you are unconscious, part of the perfection racket, but the "real" meaning of integrity is that you act consistent with YOUR interest, with YOUR values, with YOUR Self.

Integrity is an empowering concept, while perfection is disempowering. Integrity has no front office and back office, not shenanigans in the background, it is the same through and through.

While perfection is a Trojan horse. Once it is sneaked into you, you are a puppet on a string, at the mercy of the hidden agenda: you are an effect, never able to succeed in the impossible task of being "sinless". No one is. Your so-called saints are fakes and pretenders.

And it is NOT only Christianity that is intent on keeping you in mental slavery, it is also all the religions that talk about Karma, that consider imperfect action, mistakes, etc. something that a deity punishes.


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

A harder look at Gary Douglas and Access Consciousness... Scam? cult?

There are things worse than being scammed.

Being scammed leaves you with less money, with less time, but what is worse than that is if you participate with Access Consciousness...

You"ll be left with an energetic attachment, like a spigot, through which you can be mind-controlled, and made to dance to this cult"s rhythm.

I discovered it by accident. As you know, one of the special services I offer is removing energetic attachments.

Each attachment belongs to some type of attachment, like a weed can be recognized.

Most attachments are relatively benign, just like a chink in your armor, or a hole in your energy body, but some attachments are self-replicating, and infectious.


Monday, September 28, 2015

Are your actions effective? Constructive? And if not, why?

This may be the most important article for you to read... Don"t complain that I didn"t warn you!

One of the things mainstream (all the gurus) get wrong is this: they consider you a constant in opportunities. Constant as in fixed... As if you were the same when you are afraid, and when you are confident...

You are not constant until you are on the vibrational level of above 900. How do I know? Because I can see the difference in me and in my ability to act constructively, even though I am above 900.

Let me explain: The YOU, the watcher, the Observer, the maker of decisions is not constant.

Even mainstream can see that, but they don"t know what changes when you go from putz, ineffective, flailing limp dick to someone who can take effective actions.

They think it has something to do with your beliefs. That if you implant a belief in you then you will see what to do, and you"ll know how to go about effective actions, including the seeing, the words, the strategy.

Or they may suggest that you have a blockage, and once it is removed, you"ll be an unstoppable champion.

Bull crap.

Beliefs have nothing to do with it. Blockages have little to do with it.

#AccessYourPower, #Raiseyourvibration

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Review: Natalie Ledwell and Mind-Movies: does it work? is it worth buying it?

Before I start talking about the subject matter, Natalie Ledwell and Mind-Movies, let me quickly teach you something: The internet is populated, 90%, with material that is designed to make money for the person or company that published it.

If you could make money recommending the Mind Movies: would you lie? Would you say it"s the best thing that happened to you? Of course you would. But it would be still a lie...

So, as I was looking for honest reviews of Natalie Ledwell and her product, Mind-Movies, I didn"t find any.

So, let this be the first honest review.

#AccessYourPower, #VibrationalReviews

Saturday, September 26, 2015

if you feel especially bad today...

if you feel especially bad today...emotional shock absorberIf you feel especially bad today, please know
that the emotions are not yours.

The Dark Side transmission is ten times stronger
today than at any point in the past week: the
energy broadcast is anxiety, fear, and misery... and
your reaction to it is tight shoulders, tight
neck muscles, headache, overeating, and frequent

If you haven't, please get the Emotional Shock
Absorber energy, it helps. It would be ideal as
a smart phone app, but it is effective regardless of how you
trigger it and what device...

It is the most affordable it will ever be


Does "not that bad" have you by the balls?

More than half of my site"s visitor come to download the codes by Grabovoi, for free. Grabovoi"s numbers are the type of miracles that people hope for, angels, spirits, gods... ((99% or more of those visitors are from Catholic countries, by the way.))

I have contemplated that maybe I should remove those articles, and maybe I should.

Why? Why would I want to remove a post that brings in so many visitors?

I tell you why! Because people who are interested in those numbers, are not my people. They want miracles, angel dust, prayer, magicians, shamans, or some other form of "please do it for me" magic.

Of all the people that searched for the Grabovoi codes, I am aware of one person who stayed and became a star student of mine... One out of hundreds of thousands.

But what if the people who search for the Grabovoi codes need my help?

What about the people who don"t feel well, who are bloated, or can"t get enough rest in the night, tired, sluggish, listless, depressed, not enough pep or not enough energy to enjoy life?

#AccessYourPower, #Raiseyourvibration

Friday, September 25, 2015

If a tree falls in the forest: does it make a sound?

One of the horrible things I experience, often, is that people never ask: "why should I care?"

Why that is horrible? Why that is disappointing?

Because that question would show that the pilot light of intelligence is not completely extinguished in you. You have never asked that question? Now you know what it means.

Back in 1977, shortly after I won my first architectural competition, and therefore was wealthier than most people I knew, I fell ill: my sinuses put me to bed with high-high fever. I could not sleep 24/7, so I turned to a book, Aldous Huxley"s Brave New World ((Some quotes:
Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him.

An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex.

Maybe this world is another planet"s hell.

)). At some point I had a revelation: The society I lived in, the ideology I believed in, was beautiful, except that it worked for no one, no person living in it. It stifled the human spirit, stunted the growth of its people: did not allow for the evolution of humanity.


What will save you in this tanking economy: three moves anyone can learn

How to be the eye of the storm calm... Three moves you can learn and practice
Everything is moved by the invisible... where all the power is. Some are just one layer below the surface, some are deeper... but all the same, all changes, all movements, all phenomena comes from there, the invisible.

Do I see all the forces in the invisible that jerk on your chains? I don"t.

But be sure that your efforts to manage the visible, in reaction to what you see, is misdirected.
Let"s look at the economy in the wake of an election.

#AccessYourPower, #Raiseyourvibration

Thursday, September 24, 2015

What causes success?

When you have a success, when you have even had a successful life, people ask you what you attribute it to. What was responsible for your success.

They ask you so they can learn from you. ((Most of your teachers are guessing at the cause of success, and then teach it to you. No wonder you don"t succeed with their teaching! But, of course, most people have no idea what is important and what isn"t... for them everything is the same as everything else... except that not always.

This is where mental acuity, seeing things for what they are, is mandatory... Unfortunately, mental acuity is as rare as the kohinoor diamond...))

But... it is hard to know what was the duplicatable, repeatable step that made all the difference.

I have successful students and I have not so successful students.

Today, after my best article, ever, I looked and found that ALL the successful students started to get successful after they put the "there is nothing wrong here" spiritual practice in place.

#AccessYourPower, #Raiseyourvibration

No problem can be solved on the same level of consciousness that created it

No problem can be solved on the same level of consciousness that created it. This sentence could be the cornerstone from which you finally raise your vibration, and become the person you were meant to be.

This article is crucial: if you get it, practice it until it becomes second nature, you"ll have taken the step to becoming a Human Being.

Many people search to understand the sentence in the title. Even understanding requires you to be on a different level of consciousness that created it.

You are asking because the consciousness is: a problem is wrong, it needs to be fixed.

#Raiseyourlevelofconsciousness, #Raiseyourvibration

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Social Evolution... what level of evolution is your ethnicity at?

I am reading my n-th book on Genghis Khan and the Mongols. I don"t know how many thousands of pages... this book is about 2,000 pages: I am now used to reading really long books: Kindle makes it weightless.

There is something about Genghis Khan that talks to me. He was a great innovator and a visionary: envisioned a world of tolerance, commerce, division of labor... a grand vision.

One of the sentences he said is that everyone wants to belong, everyone yearns for a place and a community called home. That is what he used to build a huge empire, where instead of thousands of warring tribes, there was one tribe and on Khan.

Of course it didn"t last... all beautiful desires and visions are balanced out by tens of desires of greed, of anger, of vengeance, of pride, of ego. All societally defined values.

Genghis Khan didn"t want anything for himself, he wanted everything for his people...

#AccessYourPower, #Raiseyourvibration

Another review, this time of Gary Douglas and Access Consciousness...

A few years ago when I first "reviewed" Access Consciousness I didn"t check for attachments... and unfortunately my high evaluation exposed a lot of people to the nasty attachments Access Consciousness puts on people. I apologize. If you are one who got involved, please get in touch.

The Gary Dougless, Dain Heer bunch is as nasty as Scientology, maybe even nastier because of their ability to put an energetic attachment on you and keep you trapped.

Here is an article I found online:

BY CRAIG MALISOW in The Houston (Texas) Press

"This is something I"ve wanted to do for the kids for a long time," Gary Douglas says to an audience of children in an Austin hotel conference room over the summer. Other kids across the country are watching the seminar online.

Douglas, 70, just got done hearing from a mother professing gratitude to Douglas for bringing consciousness to her kids. He opened their eyes, and they opened hers. And that"s "consciousness" with a little trademark symbol above it, just so you know. This isn"t any pedestrian notion of consciousness. It"s Access Consciousness. It"s so mind-blowingly conscious that you have to be other than human to get it. You have to be what"s called a humanoid. Here"s one way for you to find out if you"re a human or a humanoid: If you like to sit on the couch, drink beer and watch TV, you"re probably a human. If you judge others and not yourself, you"re a human. Humans are middle America. They sleepwalk through life. They"re idiots.

Humanoids are steeped in awareness, not judgment. They get it. They"ve torn down the barriers, the mental implants drilled into their brains an eternity ago by malicious entities. They can change the weather.

Humanoids in this conference room, adults and children alike, understand it when Douglas says, "What stupidity are you using to create the old thinking you are choosing? Everything that is, times a godzillion — will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right and wrong, good and bad, pod and poc, all nine, shorts, boys and beyonds."

That"s part of the Access Consciousness "clearing statement" — a sort of mush-mouthed mantra humanoids recite when they dismantle the implants. It"s what Douglas would like to bring into public schools through something called the Access True Knowledge Foundation. Not many people knew about Access, and there was no real vehicle to get it into schools, until ex-NFL player Ricky Williams fell in love with Access and accepted a $50,000 donation from them for his Ricky Williams Foundation. Some sports writers poked fun at Williams for aligning himself with a "cult," but at least Access got some attention.

Expanded consciousness might seem like a heavy trip for the average teen, but you have to remember that we"re all infinite beings, and children — even infants — are master manipulators. Children picked their parents before they were even conceived, and then they stripped those

Election year manipulation

Who makes money when you are scared?

Or another question: who doesn"t make money when you are scared? Because if you stay scared long enough, smaller companies will go out of business... for sure.

This fear based behavior started in the middle of summer, if my feelings are correct, and it is effecting my chiropractor, MindValley, and myself. And when I look at the behavior of people emailing me to sell me something, creators of programs, I can detect desperation and hope in them... Hope that SOMETHING will work...

Panic-mongering is an age old technique to control people and fleece them.

Scared people are stupid. Fear causes inchoherence.

#AccessYourPower, #Raiseyourvibration

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The path to growth, spiritually, vibrationally, financially, emotionally

Nobody likes to be wrong. Nobody likes to strike out.

But real world examples show that winners are wrong a lot, and winners, champions, strike out a lot.

One of my spiritual practices is to strengthen my invented self: "I am someone who can."

My soul correction is that I know everything... what that covers up is that I believe I can"t...

So the other spiritual practice is to strengthen my invented self: "I don"t know."

Of course, when you don"t know, the MIND thinks that you also can"t. The other jump the mind makes is that when you make a mistake, when you make a wrong turn, when you strike out, then it means that you can"t...

For my soul correction everything wants to mean: I can"t.

#Money, #Raiseyourvibration

Monday, September 21, 2015

The machine that runs your life

My stunning discovery that my conscious thoughts don"t direct my actions may spell out why you are where you are, and why you can"t move from where you are to where you"d like to be... without energetic support.

Now, truth be told, I should have discovered that fact earlier, after all I have read it, but there is a difference between reading something and nodding, and actually discovering it for yourself.

Here is a below the conscious element, you have if you are a Christian or if your religion is "manifesting" or the Law of Attraction: "If somebody else will do it, you"ll never do it.. why bother, why interfere in fate?"

Here is another one: "I can"t." And unless you build a below the conscious reality in which you can, in which you are someone who can, it will run your life, no matter what affirmations, what mind-movies you expose your conscious mind to... because this is how it works.

The difference is the difference between Tree of Knowledge and Tree of Life... mind stuff, and personal truth.

No matter what you read, no matter who you read, who you listen to, until it becomes personal experience, it is Tree of Knowledge, not true, not knowledge, not yours.

For you, what makes the decisions is below the visible layer, below the thoughts, below what even makes sense... and unless you start to alter what is there, your life is going in the wrong direction.

The only way to make something yours, something that will move your life in the right direction is through action.

But fear is there. The fear of the unknown. Masquerading as disinterest, depression, tiredness, or laziness.

And unless you are willing to wait for some accident, or tragedy, to move you out of your slumber, to move you out of your complacency, you"d better get some help.

As I said before: words won"t do it. Pictures won"t do it. Mind-movies won"t do it. Subliminals won"t do it. Why? Because where the power is, the words, the pictures, the movies, the subliminals don"t reach... not even hypnosis. After all hypnosis is still words and pictures, albeit imagined.

So what can effect the sea of power? Energy. Precise energies can make as much difference in waking you up as an earth quake, or a tsunami...

And once you are awake, they help you to take the actions you need to take to take your life to where you want it to go.

As you see, the biggest enemy you have is sleeping.

Let me explain something... it has a lot to do with sleeping:

You see, we all live out a script. A life-script that repeats itself. It is personal, I think.
My machine
I have a life-script. I call life-script the machine. My machine is the story of the phoenix bird: periodically it burns to ashes, and then the cycle starts anew.

Your script is not necessarily a happy one... in fact it is probably a script of loss and heart break.

My story plays out in the area of money. It used to have a cycle of one year: once a year, at the same time of the year, I would
#AvatarStateAudios, #Raiseyourvibration

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Vibrational reviews: how other people do it

(Bashar,Ramtha,Ashtar Command,Sananda,Neale Donald Walsh,Wayne Dyer,Amma, Sylvia Browne, Sathya Sai Baba, Osho)

OK, I was browsing for other people"s reviews, and found this. It"s pretty good... I will add my vibrational review to it, probably in a different color for you to see what I say and what "she" said... She is the author of this post... Lady Miss Neptune, from NYC, I think.
10 Questionable Gurus and Impostor Entities
Posted on March 17, 2014 by Lady Miss Neptune
There is a stench in the spiritual community becoming more and more apparent as time passes. This stench is coming from the famous and influential names in the community. Those who in recent years have created much fuss over nothing. Those whose teachings are false, deceptive, empty, mundane, regurgitated, and only serve to maintain the status quo, all the while deluding followers into believing they are worshipping a most high-caliber being or following an ultimate form of teaching.

A most important virtue to cultivate is discernment, as we embark on our journeys and pursue our spiritual goals. Discernment is key when it comes to raising our consciousness and making any kind of progress on the spiritual path. Without discernment, finding the presence of falsehood in a teaching of a guru and therefore attaching ourselves to a false guru we encounter can set us back for lifetimes.


Average face per country... computer generated. Fascinating. has published the results of a recent experiment where experimental psychologists at the University of Glasgow in Scotland have combined the faces of men and women around to world to approximate the “average face” of each country. Using a modern version of the technique that Sir Francis Galton pioneered in the 1800—²s, multiple images of faces are aligned and composited together to form the final result.


Why I refuse to teach a course on Abundance?

As you know, it"s taken me two years to become willing to create the More Money Workshop.

I know, you expected an Abundance course... but you see, your concept of abundance is flawed. Your concept of abundance is corrupted.

Why and how your concepts of life, including abundance got corrupted?

By religion first, and then by gurus who piggyback on your already corrupted world view.
What is religion?
Religion is a world view in which you are policed by entities that decide your fate, and all you can do is to try to please them so they help you, instead of killing you.

Religion is reduces you to an effect, who has very little to say about their fate.

#AccessYourPower, #Raiseyourvibration

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Updated: Your Money And Your Higher Vibrational Frequency: What Is The Connection?

Your Money
I wrote this article four years ago. To my surprise I had little to update. Here you go
One of the major issues people, you, deal with is money. You want more of it.

Let me share my personal situation with you: I dropped my car off at the shop on Wednesday. I heard some noises, and the car didn"t like me to turn as much as it used to.

At 4 pm I got a call that the repairs will cost 3,000 dollars. Wow. I don"t have that kind of money lying around. I went into a familiar mode: worry... but I saw that it is useless, so I pulled out of it.

I kicked it around in my head, then called a friend to have someone listen.

I saw that I had two sources of potential revenue that I could activate with just a few emails.

I sent out an email offering a discount on one of my products, but I botched up the email: I got angry emails back, and almost no money. Oops. Let"s look before we leap, OK? I told myself. This is where I am at now, and writing this article is designed for myself as much as for you: to force thinking. Let"s begin, OK?

#Money, #Raiseyourvibration

Friday, September 18, 2015

Money Course Part 6: The biggest hindrance for your well-being, including your financial well-being

What is the biggest hindrance for your well-being, including your financial well-being?

And under well-being I include health, emotional health, relationship health, your whole existence.

I bet you can"t even imagine being well.

I remember when I tried, years ago, all I could see is running on a field and the wind blowing in my hair.

So, going towards well-being is not easy, because well-being is an experience that is empty. To the degree it is empty, to the same degree you are well.

Let me explain: wouldn"t you say that financial well-being would be and experience where nothing is missing, nothing is lacking?

#Money, #Raiseyourvibration

Thursday, September 17, 2015

More Money Course: Part 5 change, growth need to start below the surface

As you see, every project for change, for growth needs to start below the surface. With the roots.

Why? Because unless you attend to the invisible, the visible can only change temporarily, and then, by law, it will go back to how it was.

It"s a worldwide epidemic to expect results inconsistent with the quality of the roots. A rotted root system cannot bear a healthy tree, whether it is a body, a relationship, a society, a business... it just can"t, but more important than that: it won"t. It is true everywhere. It is nature"s law.

Example: if you want your apple tree bear cherries in May, you can pin cherries up the branches, but regardless, in late August, the apple tree will have apples on it... It is an apple tree after all.

If your root level is "I need..." or "I want..." or "I deserve..." or "I hope, I wish for a miracle..." then your fruits will be consistent with the roots: will produce more of the same.

Examples from two people I know intimately:


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

More money Part 4: your relationship to money

What is your relationship to money?

For the most part, your relationship to money, your attitude about money, is the same or similar, as your attitude about life. It is either powerful or it isn"t... and of course everything in between.

Raising the quality of your relationship to money is the exact same thing as raising your vibration. The moves are exactly the same. The higher vibration relationship will effect your money, your personal relationships, your success in any area of life, your health, and your experience of life: your level of fulfillment, purpose, joy, and happiness.

Of course, your understanding of what I just said is on the level of your current vibration... you want more stuff... right? You"ll see what it really means as you raise (increase) your vibration by climbing the Tree of Life, from branch to branch to branch, to as high as you can manage in this lifetime.


Where is the Value? Money Series Part 3

Value ((Please note that in this article, in all my articles about money, I will talk about extrinsic values, values that can be bought for money. Stuff, comfort, status. The other two types of values, Intrinsic value and systemic value cannot be bought. More in my articles about axiology.)) is in the eye of the buyerI have had a great day. In a conversation with Sarah I started to see what are some of the things you need help with.

It"s become clear that creating an inventory is going to be difficult for you, so I am going to create detailed instructions to help you with that.

The second thing is this: In every interaction when you are operating from your own vantage point, you and your interaction counterpart are like two trains passing each other.

What do I mean?


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Money... grow it... Part 2... Inventory

Most people start pretty much anything with what they want. That is the starting point, that is also, most of the time, the context. ((The context is a statement of why you are doing what you are doing. ))

But it is a default context, and it is not empowering. ((

When something is empowering, it gives you a sense of real power to do what you intend to do.
When something is not empowering, it is just there, but no assistance is gotten from it.
When something is disempowering, it takes away your power.


If you are the alpha and the omega of things, if everything is about you, then you are going to be wretched, or if you already are wretched, you are going to stay that way, unless things start to be NOT about you.

The job is to get out of the default context and into something empowering.

Announcing: More Money Course...

Make more money and keep more of it

It is time.

I have been promising it for years... And I guess, I am ready.

This course will happen as a series of blog posts...


Most things are only visible in hindsight.

Most things are only visible in hindsight.

Good or bad, it is immaterial.

My chiropractor has been unavailable Tuesday mornings for almost a month. By now I hurt. I spent two hours last night trying to get comfortable before I could fall asleep.I would have never know how much I need regular adjustments without taking a long break. Going there every week, kind of poo-pooing the individual experiences is what it"s taken me to be virtually pain free.I shared it with the chiropractor, because I thought that it is a good idea for his marketing: after all most people do not go to chiropractors, because they can"t even imagine that it can help... or they go when they are really broken.

---A few years ago...


Can you change by changing what you say? Why aren"t your affirmations make money appear for you?

Back in 1987 I took a course about money. I had been poor, just a tad poorer than most of my life.

I remember working in New York City as an architect for hire, freezing my ears off... the weather always felt worse in the wind-tunnels of the New York City streets.

My two big investments were ear muffs and boots. It was more important than food: you can be hungry and alive... these were mostly my two choices: full or alive.

I took the train to the City from New Jersey, and spent all my time daydreaming about stuff... stuff I wanted, stuff I needed, stuff I had to have... as in "I have to have that!"

Then I did this course. The main message of the course was that you can change your relationship to money by simply speaking some magic words.


Monday, September 14, 2015

How a small donation of $3 got me unstuck

When money is tight, when I count every penny to make it to the next rent check, I always do something illogical, something that doesn"t make sense, but it works, and it works in spades.

I give a donation. Not big, just a little bit.

Make energy move. Money is energy

I have been doing this for about 10 years not, and every time the results are instantaneous, I get freed up, I breathe better, and I start to see opportunities where I was stuck just minutes earlier.


The cost of believing in the power of your mind

You are the peak of evolution... and you have a brilliant tool: your thinking brain (()). When you only use it to do mind-functions, remembering and recalling, you use only 1-3% of that power... and you are a slave. Unless you have the courage to learn to use your brain correctly... you remain a slave.

A famous physics professor, one day, was shaking his head.

"I can"t teach them physics the way I teach physics" he complained.

I interview students for my graduate program, and they are all, almost all, unable to think for themselves.

When they show up for the interview, I ask them: Why are you wearing the suit jacket you are wearing?


Sunday, September 13, 2015

Your Dominant belief...

If I am better off than you, I have one thing that I can acknowledge, that you don"t seem to have: I don"t see that what I believe, my beliefs, have anything to do with what I do.

You do... You live in a world that preaches you to believe, and if and when you do, you can have anything you want, that you believe you can have. That is the floor of your world, and it is a false floor.

I don"t believe that, and I have proven a hundred times that what I believe or don"t believe is irrelevant.

So while you are trying to change your beliefs, while you follow any guru who promises to change your beliefs, and get even deeper entranched in that world view where your beliefs matter, I just do what I do, regardless of what I believe or what I don"t.


Saturday, September 12, 2015

Reality: collective hunch at best... Choose your delusion wisely

Reality: collective hunch at best...

What does this mean for you? That you always live in an illusion, or delusion: you live in your own interpretation of what reality is... and your actions will be consistent with that delusional reality.

I am an atheist. I am spiritual, but there is no god, no spirit, no angels, no devils in my world view... I do believe that there are bad people...

If you believe that there is a god, and that god loves you, then, please be my guest, live consistent with that.

On the other hand if you believe that there is a god, the god of the Bible, vengeful, murderous, intolerant, punishing god, you may want to rethink what delusion would allow you to be happy.


An example of how to access your power if your vibration is under 200

I have a favorite actor. Simon Baker, from The Guardian and from The Mentalist.

Before I sat down to write this post, I looked what it is that I like about him. And I found two things about him that make me want to be around him:

He is never in a hurry. He is not tense, he is not forceful, even when his life is threatened. I can feel the automatic muscle tension leave as he quickly returns to coherence, the only state where you can be effective and efficient in your next step, whether it is picking the lock of a handcuff, seeing the invisible to other details, or winning a hand in poker.

He uses context the best way invented context can be used to cause an immediate shift in his attitude.


An example of how to access your power if your vibration is under 200

I have a favorite actor. Simon Baker, from The Guardian and from The Mentalist.

Before I sat down to write this post, I looked what it is that I like about him. And I found two things about him that make me want to be around him:

He is never in a hurry. He is not tense, he is not forceful, even when his life is threatened. I can feel the automatic muscle tension leave as he quickly returns to coherence, the only state where you can be effective and efficient in your next step, whether it is picking the lock of a handcuff, seeing the invisible to other details, or winning a hand in poker.

He uses context the best way invented context can be used to cause an immediate shift in his attitude.


Friday, September 11, 2015

Authenticity... your power belongs to you

Authenticity examined through movies...

When I watch TV series on Netflix or Amazon, I am working... wouldn"t you like to get a job like that? lol.

When I was in high school, I joined every group, every course, went to every seminar that spoke about movie making, the art.

When I had my high school final exams, I got lucky and I pulled question #40 on movie making... I so fascinated the three teachers that were the "jury" that I upset the exam schedule...

The trick (what I didn"t know} was that I watched the movies on all levels, auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. I felt the feelings of the characters, while I saw them and while I heard them.

360 degree experience.

My experience is that I can go to the movies with anyone, and come out and find out that we saw two different movies... Very weird.

Anyway... One of the phenomenon I can see, hear and feel, that most people can"t, is authenticity.


NEW: Feeling lonely? Are you sure you are feeling your own feelings?

Are your feelings yours? I had a realization a few minutes ago: Every summer I am attacked by this strong feeling that unless I have a life-partner, I am alone, and I have an empty life. It comes fortified with … Continue reading →Related Posts:How Do You Prove To Your Mind That The Feelings Of

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

What is the difference between a human and a human being? Simply put: ownership

My work is to take humans from the Valley Of The Shadow Of Death to the Promised Land... to Human Beingness. This post might be an important milepost in that.

I read an article in the Howard Business Review that points out a world view that is at the root of you staying a potential, you staying an effect, in every area of your life.

Although the article is a business article, business is a great analogy to life. Another great analogy is travel.

Travel is a much easier, much more accessible activity, so I will use it, while, if you want to read the original business article, I am enclosing it. ((Harvard Business Review article


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A person can do well without doing good... but where is the spice of life?

Back in 1988 I declared that my life was going to be NOT about my life but about others... And that was the beginning of my REAL life...

This article is bulls eye, both in what it says and when it hit. September is a great month to call the beginning of the rest of your life... In certain cultures it is truly the time of the New Year...

And if this article is any good... and I think it"s fabulous, borrowed with just cosmetic changes from the it is the perfect guidance for this month.


Monday, September 7, 2015

Are you hoping for second chances? Life after death, heaven, reincarnation?

One size fits all... What is good for one will be good for you too?
Yesterday a reader asked what is the series I watched all day on my birthday.

The question indicates and unmasks a cultural phenomenon: thinking that what is good for one will be good for you... Nothing is further from the truth, and nothing is as debilitating and enslaving than thinking that.

I saw two movies a few years ago, both have a protagonist who dies but doesn"t know he died.

We see the world through is eyes... When it comes to the idea of life after death, the question is: what does this idea do to you and your life?


Sunday, September 6, 2015

The in-order-to syndrome that wastes your life... Do you have it?

Why you were happy as a child and what you lost that you could regain?

Children live for the now moment, until they get corrupted by their parents.

They do what they do NOT in order to get something else, not in order to get it over with, to get to the promised land...

Christmas and vegetables are the first means to destroy joy in children.

How many days till Christmas makes the days till Christmas something to get through, so the real thing, Christmas can come along.

And eating your vegetables so you can get to the promised land of dessert... You are doing that to your children... you are doing that to yourself. Other examples: get good grades so you can get into a good school... Study to get good grades... Study so you can dazzle by having the right answers... Recognize yourself?


Saturday, September 5, 2015

How do I make my life move? What is the trick? How do you beat your projective mind

It"s 10 o"clock, and I just reached the predictable state of "why did I do it?"

At 11 o"clock I have a webinar scheduled to meet and greet, and test the Emotional Shock Absorber energy.

I don"t want to talk about the energy, I want to talk about, instead, the phenomenon of the mind projecting into the future and thus stopping us or making us rush, depending on the memory or our personality.

I don"t date because I have a long string of memories where I didn"t have fun. I am sure I had fun dates, but my mind keeps those from me.

I remember telling everyone that I never had fun, and yet lots of people know me as a fun and funny person, always laughing. That is not how I know myself.


Friday, September 4, 2015

The religion you live that keeps you in your mind... and keeps you dumb

This article is the beginning of an inquiry into how and why humanity evolved backwards, losing the capacity and interest in using their brain for constructive thought, reasoning, questioning, inquiry.

Humanity has four distinct brain capacities that place us above other animals. ((Researchers have identified four abilities of the human brain that they believe to be the essence of our "humaniqueness" mental traits and abilities that distinguish us from our fellow Earthlings. They are: generative computation, promiscuous combination of ideas, the use of mental symbols, and abstract thought.

1. Generative computation


Thursday, September 3, 2015

What is your self-image? Are self-image questions, personality profiles, Kolbe test give you a correct answer?

There is a fundamental built-in error in tests that involve answering questions about ourselves.

I have found that personality tests that rely on your knowing yourself and to predict what you would do in certain situations, are profoundly flawed. ((Some tests I have an experience with: Kolbe test
Hartman value profile
other personality tests your coaches create. ))

I say this after working with thousands of people, one-on-one, observing them, feeling them (I am an empath) and comparing who and how they are compared to what they say about themselves.

The gap is significant between the two.

You believe yourself different, and you fill out your questionnaire. But your actions will still be consistent with who you really are, how you really behave, your real attitude, your real self, and you"ll be way off in your test results... ((And your coach will be way off... if they even look at it your profile at all))

You"ll be like the mad hero, Don Quixote, who lived in a world of his own design, unaware that he was out of sync, and that his actions were mad in the real world. ((Today"s equivalent is the religious person, or the Law of Attraction person, the conspiracy theorist person etc... duped, mistaken, fighting windmills))


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Is it belief that is holding you back? Is self-image a belief?

Life is a between you and you deal

The only thing that effects your quality of life is your own experience of yourself. Not your opinion of yourself. your EXPERIENCE of yourself.

Others" reaction to you or your actions merely brings that area into focus... your experience of yourself was already there.

Admonishment and your experience of yourself. Praise and your experience of yourself
