Thursday, September 3, 2015

What is your self-image? Are self-image questions, personality profiles, Kolbe test give you a correct answer?

There is a fundamental built-in error in tests that involve answering questions about ourselves.

I have found that personality tests that rely on your knowing yourself and to predict what you would do in certain situations, are profoundly flawed. ((Some tests I have an experience with: Kolbe test
Hartman value profile
other personality tests your coaches create. ))

I say this after working with thousands of people, one-on-one, observing them, feeling them (I am an empath) and comparing who and how they are compared to what they say about themselves.

The gap is significant between the two.

You believe yourself different, and you fill out your questionnaire. But your actions will still be consistent with who you really are, how you really behave, your real attitude, your real self, and you"ll be way off in your test results... ((And your coach will be way off... if they even look at it your profile at all))

You"ll be like the mad hero, Don Quixote, who lived in a world of his own design, unaware that he was out of sync, and that his actions were mad in the real world. ((Today"s equivalent is the religious person, or the Law of Attraction person, the conspiracy theorist person etc... duped, mistaken, fighting windmills))


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