Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Awareness... When you are sick... be sick.

If you found out in which quadrant you chose to live in, beauty, truth, goodness or power... and now try to argue, or you are worried, or you are resigned... consider that you are just doing what you are doing: you want to be where you are not... or more precisely: you never what to be where you are, you never what to think what you are thinking, you never want to feel what you are feeling.

So you do what you are doing, think what you are thinking, feel what you are feeling only so-so... A student of mine coined the phrase: in the neighborhood of truth.

If you can"t physically stop doing what you are doing, etc. then you withdraw into the cave of your mind, and languish there.

It is a safe prison... more like a tomb. You don"t have to be with yourself.

Why don"t you want to be with yourself? Because when you look into yourself, you find evil inclination, you find ugly, and ultimately you find empty. Not empty as in nothing, but an abyss. You get scared and you run back to your periphery, where it is so busy, you don"t have time to even contemplate that there is nothing inside... that there is no you.

One of the big interruptions, potentially, are the times when you get sick.

When you are sick, your job is to be sick. And be sick. Allow the body to do the work, it is equipped, 90% of the time, to do the work with proper nutrition, proper hydration and no medication, not even herbal.

In some cases the body tells you not to eat, and it is wise to listen to the body.

Most people, when they are sick, they want to do the things they normally don"t want to do... just to avoid being with themselves, alone. Or watch TV and videos. Anything to not have to be present, aware, absolutely anything.

Even work.

That is probably the worst distraction, because when you are sick your brain isn"t working properly (if it ever does!) and you will regret doing most everything you did, while you were sick. I tested this... and I am about half as smart as I normally am since I got sick about a week ago.

As I said, after I finished The Fountainhead, I started to read again Osho... The Awareness book.

And did find something I find interesting enough, relevant enough to share it here.

To the degree that you identify with things on the horizontal plane, to that same degree you are miserable, and can"t be in the present moment.

Surprisingly, maybe, the number in the Starting Point Measurements, the "about you" score is the same as to what degree you identify with whatever anyone says, whatever you read, your religion, your nationality, your personal and racial history, etc.

You are not your feelings, not your thoughts, not your history, you are, if you have a Self already developed, a Self. A consciousness.

Before that you are seeking to fill that empty space that should be you, every opportunity you have.

It fills the space with "not you"... so it was a mistake.

Things inform you, but if and when they make you... you are not a person, sorry to say.

Same thing is happening with the quadrants of Beauty, Truth, Goodness and Power. You are identifying with it, or arguing with it.

Here is Osho

The East has a totally different outlook, first, it says no problem is serious. The moment you say no problem is serious, the problem is almost 99 percent dead. Your whole vision changes about it. The second thing the East says is that the problem is there because you are identified with it. It has nothing to do with the past, nothing to do with its history. You are identified with it — that is the real thing. And that is the key to solving all problems.

For example, you are an angry person. If you go to the psychoanalyst, he will say, "Go into the past … how did this anger arise? In what situations did it become more and more conditioned and imprinted on your mind? We will have to wash out all those imprints; we will have to wipe them off. We will have to clean your past completely."

If you go to an Eastern mystic, he will say, "You think that you are anger, you feel identified with the anger — that is where things are going wrong. Next time anger happens, you just be a watcher, you just be a witness. Don"t get identified with the anger. Don"t say, "I am anger." Don"t say, "I am angry" Just see it happening as if it is happening on a TV screen. Look at yourself as if you are looking at somebody else."

You are pure consciousness. When the cloud of anger comes around you, just watch it — and remain alert so that you don"t get identified. The whole thing is how not to become identified with the problem. Once you have learned it … then there is no question of having "so many problems" — because the key, the same key will open all the locks. It is so with anger, it is so with greed, it is so with sex. It is so with everything else that the mind is capable of.

The East says, just remain unidentified. Remember — that"s what George Gurdjieff means when he talks about "self-remembering." Remember that you are a witness, be mindful — that"s what Buddha says. Be alert that a cloud is passing by — maybe the cloud comes from the past, but that is meaningless. It must have a certain past, it cannot come just out of the blue. It must be coming from a certain sequence of events — but that is irrelevant. Why be bothered about it? Right now, this very moment, you can become detached from it. You can cut yourself away from it, the bridge can be broken right now — and it can be broken only in the now.

Going into the past won"t help. Thirty years before, the anger arose and you got identified with it that day. Now, you cannot get unidentified from that past — it is no longer there! But you can get unidentified this moment, this very moment — and then the whole series of angers of your past is no more part of you. You will not have to go back and undo whatsoever your parents and your society and the priest and the church have done — that will be a sheer waste of precious present time. In the first place it has destroyed many years; now, again, it will be destroying your present moments. You can simply drop out of it, just as a snake slips out of the old skin.

The past and its conditionings do exist — but they exist either in the body or in the brain; they don"t exist in your consciousness because the consciousness cannot be conditioned. Consciousness remains free — freedom is its innermost quality, freedom is its nature. You can look — so many years of repression, so many years of a certain education. In this moment when you are looking at it, this consciousness is no longer identified; otherwise, who will be aware? If you had really become repressed, then who would be aware? Then there would be no possibility of becoming aware.

If you can say "I spent twenty-one years in a crazy educational system," one thing is certain: you are not yet crazy. The system has failed; it didn"t work. You are not crazy, hence you can see the whole system as crazy. A madman cannot see that he is mad. Only a sane person can see that this is madness. To see madness as madness, sanity is needed. Those twenty-one years of crazy system have failed; all that repressive conditioning has failed. It cannot really succeed — it succeeds only in the proportion that you get identified with it. Any moment you can stand aloof… it is there, I am not saying it is not there: but it is no longer part of your consciousness.

This is the beauty of consciousness — consciousness can slip out of anything. There is no barrier to it, no boundary to it. Just a moment before you were an Englishman — understanding the nonsense of nationalism, a second later you are no longer an Englishman. I am not saying that your white skin will change; it will remain white — but you are no longer identified with the whiteness; you are no longer against the black. You see the stupidity of it. I am not saying that just by seeing that you are no longer an Englishman you will forget the English language, no. It will still be there in your memory, but your consciousness has slipped out, your consciousness is standing on a hill looking at the valley — now, the Englishman is dead in the valley and you are standing on the hills, far away, unattached, untouched.

The whole Eastern methodology can be reduced to one word: witnessing. And the whole Western methodology can be reduced to one thing: analyzing. Analyzing, you go round and round. Witnessing, you simply get out of the circle.

Analysis is a vicious circle. If you really go into analysis, you will simply be puzzled — how is it possible? If, for example, you try to go into the past, where will you end? Where exactly? If you go into the past, where did your sexuality start? When you were fourteen years of age? But then it came out of the blue? It must have been getting ready in the body, so when? When you were born? But then when you were in the mother"s womb, wasn"t it getting ready? Then when, the moment you were conceived? But before that, half of your sexuality was mature in your mother"s egg and half of the sexuality was maturing in your father"s sperm. Now go on … where will you end? You will have to go to Adam and Eve! And even then it does not end: you will have to go to Father God Himself — why in the first place did he create Adam? …

Analysis will always remain half, so analysis never helps anybody really. It cannot help. It makes you a little more adjusted to your reality, that"s all. It is a sort of adjustment, it helps you to attain a little bit of understanding about your problems, their genesis, how they have arisen. And that little intellectual understanding helps you to adjust to the society better, but you remain the same person. There is no transformation through it, there is no radical change through it.

Witnessing is a revolution. It is a radical change from the very roots. It brings a totally new human being into existence, because it takes your consciousness out of all the conditionings. Conditionings are there in the body and in the mind, but consciousness remains unconditioned. It is pure, always pure. It is virgin; its virginity cannot be violated.

The Eastern approach is to make you mindful of this virgin consciousness, of this purity, of this innocence. The Eastern emphasis is on the sky, and the Western emphasis is on the clouds. Clouds have a genesis; if you find out from where they come, you will have to go to the ocean, then to the sun rays and the evaporation of the water, and the clouds forming … and you can go on, but it will be moving in a circle. The clouds form, then again they come, fall in love with the trees, start pouring again into the earth, become rivers, go to the ocean, start evaporating, rising again on sun rays, become clouds, again fall on the earth … It goes on and on, round and round and round. It is a wheel. From where will you come out? One thing will lead to another and you will be in the wheel.

See how different his approach is from the Western fix-it, self-reflection, endless "me-me-me".

While you and most everyone refuse to do the work of witnessing, and being in the preset, the process of living.

Obviously I am still sick. So this article is a little disjointed. I apologize for that.

I was going to be well by today, but then I ate... fish, nothing heavy, but it set me back several days. So I am still sick.

Monday, July 30, 2018

How do you end up in the quadrant of Beauty, Truth, Goodness, or Power?

How? You choose it... and you choose it by your early life experience.

Of course, it is not what happens to you, but what you say about is, is what is your life experience. And it is influenced by your intangible capacities, even at that early age.

Let"s see an example or comparing two similar incidents, with two different choices.
  • Little boy wants to go left in the street, parents want to go home, which is straight... parents go straight, little boy is left on the corner.

  • Little girl goes too slow for mother"s taste, or maybe she is running late. But the mother decides to go ahead at her own pace, and leaves the little girl in the street.

Obviously both kids were picked up and taken home.
  • The boy said: there is no truth. I have no power. I have to manipulate them better... I will choose beauty.

  • The girl said: I am heavy, I am worthless... I choose goodness. I don"t need to be carried. I"ll go it alone if I must.

Makes sense? No. It made sense to the kids... and they set out their path in that decision. Set out what is important, what is worth it, what they will invest their lives in.
  • Here is a third story, another little girl. She has an even younger sister who probably misbehaved. The father banishes the little one from the house, and hour later sends the older girl to fetch her.

The 4-year old said: there is no justice. there is no love. there is no truth. I have no power. I choose beauty, and I choose dutiful.

I have a lot more examples... ((Here are a few more:
  • The little boy calls for his mother to wipe his a**. His father comes instead, and makes him stand up, all the "stuff" for the world to see. He decides that it"s important to keep people controlled... He chooses power over others.

  • A little girl, third girl in the family, envies all the attention her older sisters are getting... in her world, at her expense. They get the attention she should be getting. She decides that the way to live life is the hog everything of everyone... she chose power over others.

  • Yet another little girl defies her father"s instructions to not go out and play with kids outside. She goes, and gets caught. She decides the way to live life is to exercise power over everyone.

  • This little girl defies her mother"s instruction to not go into the ocean so she won"t be carried away by the current. She gets carried away by the current. The mother almost kills herself to save her little girl. The girls decides that this power thing works... and makes it her life.

By the way, these power people are no longer students. Why? Because they wanted to overpower me. Fat chance.

My job is to stay free and clear so I can coach you... But that is not what they wanted.))

So what is the fundamental distinction between the choices?

I say the need for other people... or not.
  • Goodness says: I can stand alone. I don"t need anyone to approve of me, I don"t need anyone to like me, I am enough alone.

  • Truth says: I need people to agree with me. Beauty says: I need people to like me to approve of me. And Power says: I need people to own, I need people to turn to my will.

Some famous power people: Benjamin Franklin, Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs, Charlie Munger, Sam Walton
Some famous goodness people: Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg
  • Truth people are mostly campaigners, for justice, for the "truth"

  • Beauty people... surround themselves with a lot of people, and in my humble opinion, don"t get much done.

Obviously I have just been scratching the surface of this topic, and haven"t been able to get deep. The truth value of what I am saying is 60%... and it"s because 40% is not visible yet.

One of the questions, the 64000 dollar question is: can you change your decision?

20% chance, according to Source, that you are able to. Most of you are stuck with what you have: good, bad, ugly.
Your job is to make the best with what you"ve got.

And that, my dear, is the best advice for everyone. If you look closely, only 10% of the best starting point, of the best given becomes anyone worth listening to, or watching.

How does the saying go? Be Someone Worth Reading Or Writing About. And you can accomplish that with any quadrant... I promise.

The distinction is: You can, but will you?

And a bonus assignment for those of you who know him: What quadrant is Tai Lopez in? Please comment below, or if you are stingy, email me. You can put Anonymous for your name, and no one but me will know who made that comment.

Compounding interest... the secret of exponential growth... Did you miss that in school?

There is a controversial saying by Charlie Munger, who said: to get what you want, you need to deserve what you want.

This is controversial, because the verb, deserve, is bastardized in our culture. What he should have said:

to have a chance to get what you want, you need to earn what you want. And then say: to earn what you want, you need to become the person who can ((developed mastery, methods, routine, who has the character and the attitude to be able to earn what they want. Your desire is sky high, your willingness to do anything for it (ambition) is low, and your spiritual/intangible capacities are few or none... persistence, foresight, independent thinking, etc.)) earn what they want.

And this last sentence is what this article is about: the kind of person who can earn what they want.

One common thread that I notice among my clients and students is that they let their life hang on one or maybe two activities, which is not to be the kind of person who can earn what they want.

Tai in his 67 steps uses Jennifer Lopez as an example. Jay lo sings, dances, keeps herself attractive, manages her public image, negotiates her fees, tours, auditions, and who knows how many other things she needs to do well to stay in the limelight.

Contrast this with the artist who makes art, tries to learn how to market, but ultimately ends up cleaning her house top to bottom, because she knows how to do that.

Or the photographer who takes pictures, but doesn"t know how to sell her services well, so she returns to substitutive solution ((Freud from Civilization and its discontent: The life imposed on us is too hard for us to bear: it brings too much pain, too many disappointments, too many insoluble problems. If we are to endure it, we cannot do without palliative measures. (As Theodor Fontane told us, it is impossible without additional help.) Of such measures there are perhaps three kinds: powerful distractions, which cause us to make light of our misery, substitutive satisfactions, which diminish it, and intoxicants, which anaesthetize us to it.

Something of this sort is indispensable. Voltaire has distractions in mind when he ends his Candide with the advice that one should cultivate one"s garden; another such distraction is scholarly activity. Substitutive satisfactions, such as art affords, are illusions that contrast with reality, but they are not, for this reason, any less effective psychically, thanks to the role that the imagination has assumed in mental life. Intoxicants affect our physical constitution and alter its chemistry. It is not easy to define the position that religion occupies in this series. We shall have to approach the matter from a greater distance.))

The best known example we have is Benjamin Franklin, because he shared his method through his writings.

What he did is duplicatable, repeatable, the surefire way to earn what you want, even if you don"t know what you want... yet.

I didn"t know what I wanted: every and any worldly ambition left me with a feeling that I would want that as a substitute.

I first had an inkling of what I wanted when I first connected to Source, consciously, and I had a clear sense of being at home. Every other place was a place to park myself, not home. So I decided that I wanted a life where I am at home.

Did all the preparation make sense to me then? Did I think I had earned what I wanted? No. I knew that I must have earned that moment, I must have earned that insight, but not living there.

What was missing to master? Myself, my attention, my awareness, my body, my knowledge, my marketability, my ability to market, to sell while not selling, writing, and writing... and maybe even writing.

I have, thus far, earned to live at home, and live on a meager income.

I have made serious strides in the area of health, mobility, my awareness, clarity, and maybe in my writing.

But I have not made a lot of strides in generating enough income to be able to travel, to be able to have my house cleaned, to regularly visit a dentist.

So this "compounding interest" in the area of business is my next step with hopes to be able to hire a cleaning lady, go to the dentist, and maybe travel.

So what is compounding interest outside of the world of finance?

Let"s look at weight loss as a great example:

If you set out to drop 50 pounds by your class reunion... you"ll rush into doing it... and you"ll put the whole weight back and more. So that is not compounding interest. You can see the same thing in get rich quick schemes... Go for the stars, get the moon (maybe) and promptly lose it again.

The approach, the compounding interest method is different. I have used it and have dropped 50 lbs in about two years, maybe a little more.
  • I changed my eating... gradually.

  • I changed what I eat, how I eat, when I eat.

  • I started to do some movement, not much, but regularly.

  • I have experimented with supplements, and found single component supplements that reduced inflammation, and also helped me sleep better and regularly.

  • I also changed my sleep schedule to go to bed early and get up early.

  • I have been taping my mouth.

  • I weigh myself just after going to the bathroom first thing in the morning so I can catch any slip-up.

  • I changed how I shop: twice a month... because being in a store is a big temptation I don"t need.

As you see, many things, many elements, done consistently, lead to result. Also no hanging skin, the sign of a crash diet. None. My body looks like it looked 33 years ago, when I came to the US... of course my face and hair show my age...

I could not foresee all the components that produce the extraordinary results. They revealed themselves as I was enjoying the compound earnings of my actions.

Surprisingly, it is the same with the Big Bundle (aka my Secret Weapon).

There is a blessing in every bad thing that happens to you, unless it kills you, of course.

I started to use the Big Bundle (the bundle of BIG energies lol) that seeks out stuff that can kill you in your body. It is all physical... Of course, if you direct the energy according to YOUR imminent wisdom, aka the limited perspective of the human mind, then the Big Bundle will not do all the housekeeping it can do. ((If you want to buy the Big Bundle...))

I refrained from telling the energy where to go and what to do. And thus far it has found six blockages and worked on them. One of them is blockage in an artery going to the heart... I had no idea it was blocked... but had symptoms, numbing in my left hand and left foot, but I still didn"t suspect.

So it hammered away at that this morning.

The whole "treatment" takes about two minutes... I don"t have patience for more... I can"t even tolerate baths, or massage, or cuddling. I like to be in movement. Mercury...


So the plan for me to use this compounding interest method is to work on seven aspects of business, in rotation, but never drop the ball. And that is the crucial issue: never drop the ball. I first heard this expression on a youtube video... this is one of the most unreasonable demands... about the same level as Joel Salatin"s one rule: Never make a mistake.

But you know, unless you lock yourself in, you will drop the ball! So lock yourself in, and start earning what you want.

Benjamin Franklin did that with his writing, did that with countless other skills, and most famously with his 13 virtues. Tracked, documented, never dropping the ball.

He went from penniless youth with no support to wealthy, trusted, revered even, a statesmen, a diplomat, and a famous inventor.
  • Was he smarter than others? Source says no.

  • Was his vibration higher than others"? No, says Source.

He simply followed a simple integrative principle for his life, the principle of the compounding interest. ((Compound interest is the addition of interest to the principal sum of a loan or deposit, or in other words, interest on interest. It is the result of reinvesting interest, rather than paying it out, so that interest in the next period is then earned on the principal sum plus previously accumulated interest. If the "interest" aka the rate of growth in a cycle is 10%, you need seven cycles to double your principal sum... in my case, my business.

The resulting growth is, instead of linear, is exponential. look at the green graph on the graphic on top of this article))

Sunday, July 29, 2018

My secret weapon

The Big Bundle of energies other people sell piecemeal... I am going to sell you as a bundle.

We all hear and read about energy healing, but most of that healing doesn"t work or it"s disappointing.

But here is an energy tool that works... Really.

July 29, 2018. As you may know I accidentally poisoned myself. The toxin came from food, and according to muscle test there was a 90% chance it was going to kill me. And it felt exactly like that.

After a few days I looked what I could use... nothing chemical, Source said. Nothing physical, Source said. Energy? Maybe, Source said.

When I say Source said, I mean: I muscletested while connected to Source.

Finally I settled on the "Big Bundle" and I could hear as the dried out, dead parts of my colon started to break up, and break off... I felt almost immediate relief. I have done the treatment two more times, and today I actually had appetite to eat a little bit, and I now know I"ll live.

This Big Bundle is my secret weapon. It is big because the energies are big.

dishwasher_reallyThe story

I first heard about Mr. T., the ugly Indian energy master, from my client and massage therapist... She raved about how he caused cows to give more milk and trees to bear more fruit. In addition to healing people.

Bull sh*t, I thought, but didn"t say it.

Then when this Mr. T offered an inexpensive sample session to try his transmissions, I paid my $20 to try it. The session was two hours of testimonials, and 2 minutes of energy. What a racket!

But the energy was strong, so I signed up for his six months once a month subscription.

Two times out of the six Mr. T could not get it up... believe it or not, it is not that easy to get into the state where energy obeys your command. You need to be in vibrational harmony with the energy...

And when you need it most, you aren"t in vibrational harmony... lol. When you are sick. Or in anxiety. Or worried. Or hurried. Or angry. Or afraid.

But I went to the sessions and at the end of the six months, I sneaked into some sessions for free...

I asked Source if it would duplicate the energy, and duplicate the energy of Gopal, Mr. T"s student, an energy master on his own right... I wanted the energies so I can use it in my sessions, and so I can really test them.

The ugly that turned out to be a blessing

Mr. T came out with an energized water product (I already had mine selling well) and a student of mine sent me a bottle. And then the unimaginable happened, Mr. T"s name immediately brought psychic attack against my person and my water (read the articles I wrote about that) so I could not utter his name any more, can"t even think it. Bummer.

For a month or so I was busy removing the attachments Mr. T"s curse put on them... it was highly infectious: it could jump from one person to the next on a coaching call... it was murder and a highly dangerous time.

How the Big Bundle was born

That was the occasion to prompt me to "bundle" the energies of the two Indians, and for good balance, I also added the Energizer to it. I named the bundle Big Bundle... very creative, lol.

What"s in it?

The Big Bundle has proven to be a powerhouse. Mr.T"s energy, narrow swath, Gopal"s energy, as wide as your shoulders, and the Energizer, a diffuse soothing energy. No part of you is left out, and the middle of you is covered by all three energies, so nothing will be missed.
Gopal"s energy is like a silver hammer with a tiny silver chisel... opens any smaller blockage, allows cysts to drain, your sinuses to drain, and as you saw, remove the dead and deadly tissue from my intestines.

All three energies are energies to remove blockages. They stop when they find one and work on it, until they can untie the knot.

How I use the Big Bundle, daily, to serve you

I mostly use the Big Bundle to diagnose: anything that is out of order will show up in the path of the energy: will stick out like a sore thumb. Gotcha! And once I know what"s up, I can specifically deal with the problem. I even use it to locate the attachments on you... it is the fastest way to find them all.

But this use, as a diagnostic tool, it doesn"t give enough credit to the Big Bundle: don"t be mistaken, these are healing energies, it is just my personality to futz with blockages... instead of just bathing them in nice strong energies.
shower-headMy opinion, my personality is, that if someone has gall stones, or if someone has parasites in her gall bladder, or has ear ache, infected sinuses, etc. then those need to be removed: simply showering them with energies won"t do much.

So I use the Big Bundle to find the trouble, and then I use Source energy and MY intention to push the energy, much like when you do the dishes, you use a scrubbie... when you want to unplug the drain, you use a plunger... not just more water, right? The dishwasher can"t clean everything, only most of it.

scotchbriteSo the Big Bundle is like putting YOU into the dishwasher... most of what"s wrong will come off, and if you have burned on stuff... I can come with my scrubbie and spot clean you.

What an image, isn"t it? You in the dishwasher... lol.

What could you get?

Mr. T sells his session, in essence his 2-3 minute long energy transmission for $100 a pop. There were 2-3 thousand people on the Sunday calls when I attended. For me it was worth it... I learned how energy effects my body... it was a good way to experiment, to find out what was the correct mindset to make the energy downloaded do the best for me.

Because the energy always co-creates. It is not really like the water in the dishwasher... it goes deep, and unless you are in a receptive and co-creative mode, it just slides off the surface and doesn"t go inside.

Bad news, isn"t it?

My Big Bundle behaves the same way.

It"s like an expensive and rare Stradivarius... [note]a violin[/note] In the hands of a Paganini, it is magical. In your hand? Maybe a violin... maybe. Maybe scratching sounds. Maybe do-re-mi-fa... But not virtuoso violin music.

But we can look at it another way too: taking a shower with no soap, no scrubbing won"t get you very clean. The more skillful you are at paying attention to the stinky, sweaty parts of your body, the cleaner, the better smelling you"ll be.

I have had people take a shower in my house before their hands-on healing session, and when they came out of the shower, they still smelled bad...

So, your overall results will depend on your skill level, on your attitude, and on your intelligence.

Attitudes that won"t work

Your attitude:

--if you have the attitude that what you have is bad and you need to get rid of it, then the energy won"t get your cooperation... because when you have that attitude, energetically that means that you are unwilling to look at what hurts. Many of you have that attitude.

--If you have the attitude: Do me... then it won"t work for you, because you are unwilling to be cause... or co-creative...

Attitude that will work famously

But if you are willing to give the five minutes a day, if you are willing to be fully there, fully present for five minutes a day, then this tool is going to mean the difference between unwell and well, depleted or energized.

Should you get it if your attitude is bad? Yes. Use it to change your attitude.

The attitude that would block these energies to work miracles on you is the same attitude that prevents you from having it all, love, peace of mind, health, and money.

So it is worth spending five minutes a day until your attitude, finally will let go and start working with the energies.

You"ll know.

How do the energies work?

The three energies, T-G and the Energizer, get downloaded and start coming down, like the rain, like the drops of the shower, scanning your body. When the energies encounter a leak or a blockage, they stop, bzzzzz, and now you know: you have a leak or a blockage.

In the three minutes of the energy download I download the energies about 15 times, so it starts again, and again, and again.

If it keeps on getting stuck at the same place, then you may consider contacting me and asking me for an opinion. It is either an attachment, or a blockage, both can be removed manually, just like you would scrub the dishes with the burnt on food before you expect the dishwasher to wash them clean.

Many blockages can be washed away in a 3-minute energy download

. And once you are reasonable unblocked, the big blockages will readily show up to be handled.

But even if you never do anything beyond doing a daily regimen of the Big Bundle Energy, you"ll be healthier and happier than most people you know.

So, how much is it going to be?

If you use the Big Bundle audio, that carries the energies, you"ll get each time more than what you got with Mr.T"s energy transmission, which was $100 a pop. That is $30K a year... and you are not limited to use it just one year. The audio doesn"t expire.

So what should it cost? How much should I sell you the energy for?

I decided to sell it for half of one session with Mr.T"s group goes for.

For a limited time you can get this audio for $50.

And I"ll throw in a bonus: if you get it, I will give you a 50% discount on one 1-on-1 healing session, after all you had done the work.

Sometimes the procedure that needs to get done takes only a few minutes, so you can get it done for $25, and you don"t even have to come to the call.

I have removed gall stones, removed blockages in the sinuses, etc. in as little time as 3-4 minutes...

Attachments, cords, curses and spells:

Some of you will be able to find attachments, energy leaks on your energy body, and once you feel it, once you know where it is, you will be able to remove it like you can remove a weed. Gently, so the roots don"t break...

The Big Bundle will show you where these attachments are. Especially those of you that get attachments frequently. Or those of you that are still listening to the gurus that bind you...

It"s a lot cheaper than hiring me to do the work.

Are you sold? Want it?

I have the audio ready.

In the next few weeks I"ll add a mindset audio to change your attitude so you can be all there to work with the energy.

And you can use my pulling attachment youtube video for instruction on how to do that.

OK, enough talking... here is the link to buy.

Warning: this is a personal copy of yours. Do not share it. What goes around comes around... just don"t do it.


After payment, Paypal will take you to the registration page. If you have already bought the Energizer, the Harmonizer, or the HOE long range, you already have an account. Just log in where the form says: if you already have an account... that will allow the website to know what you bought.

If you are new, you"ll have to register... confirm your email, and wait for me to approve you. I"ll muscle test if I want to sell you the audio. If not, then I"ll refund your money. No hard feelings, I hope. But if it is not for you, then it"s not for you.

There are no refunds on energy purchases.

PS: Please leave a testimonial below this article if you like the product. The more detailed the better. Thank you.

PPS: this is not like an activator that you can play in the background. You need to make time, sit in a quiet place in a quiet state, and DO IT. Don"t come to me complaining it doesn"t work if you didn"t do it the way I ask you to do it: there, fully, cooperating with the energies.

PPPS: To buyers I have a My Secret Weapon webinar recording to help you use the Secret Weapon effectively.

Everyone wants to be self-confident... why? Does changing beliefs help? Does energy healing help?

Confidence: firm trust, a sense of self, appreciation someone"s proven track record

If you look up the word in the dictionary, that is not what you find.

All dictionaries are now in step with the tendency to make words vague, not matching the reality... this word is a crucial word in your vocabulary. Unless you get this right, your chances of having a self, and thus the chance for self-confidence are between zero and none.

No one takes my Starting Point Measurements Seriously. How do I know? Because I have literally haven"t had anyone ask clarifying questions about certain key words that will make or break you... Not even one.

For example, no one has asked me what is awareness, really? Or what is trust? Or goodness... etc.

These are the type of words that unless you get them right, your chances for clarity are dimmed, and you remain a bumbling idiot. Oh, you didn"t know that you are a bumbling idiot? Now you know.

Yesterday I finished The Fountainhead. It took me 10 days to read it. I looked up every word I wasn"t sure about... about 100, maybe more. Thankfully the Kindle has it built in...

My biggest issue with every book is that they lack the width, and they lack even a hint to the path to get to where the hero is. In this case, Roark, Mike, the sculptor (forgot his name), Henry Cameron, what way does one become a creator, a self-contained, self-confident, self-respectful individual in a world of sniveling parasites, second-handers, second-raters?

As you can tell from my inquiry, this is where my passion lies: to discover paths to states of being, to summits, to becoming a human being... not describing the end result as most people do.

One of the reasons people talk ONLY about the end result is... drumroll please, because they themselves didn"t have to scale that mountain, they are only talking about it.

There were and have been rare exceptions, but those people mostly didn"t talk... they created. Or they didn"t pay much attention, so essentially don"t know.

Osho is one of these people who talks about stuff he has not done, has not experienced himself. Osho is a Power person... not particularly interested in any of that stuff... He is interested in teaching it, and getting people follow him.

Buddha didn"t allow the divine to get to him... I get no for all four quadrants, but being inspired by self... I get a yes. Hm.

But reading through the question: what might be the path to Self. ((I just did a little search on Google "path to self" and found almost eight million pages... but none of them considers that before you can get self-confidence, self-fulfillment, self-compassion, and myriad of those self-hyphen-something, you need to have a Self.

So what is a Self? Self is your consciousness. Your spirit, your soul.

Yogapedia says: The Self is what makes someone an individual; it is the essential being of a person, one"s ego, and the awareness of one"s own inner person. One of the aims of yoga is to become more self-aware, able to distinguish between one"s inner life and thoughts, as well as connect with the higher or true Self. ))

Ayn Rand says this, through Roark and Gail Wynand:

It"s so easy to run to others. It"s so hard to stand on one"s own record. You can fake virtue for an audience. You can"t fake it in your own eyes. Your ego is your strictest judge. They run from it. They spend their lives running. It"s easier to donate a few thousands to charity and think oneself noble than to base self-respect on personal standards of personal achievement. It"s simple to seek substitutes for competence—such easy substitutes: love, charm, kindness, charity. But there is no substitute for competence."

"That, precisely, is the deadliness of second-handers. They have no concern for facts, ideas, work. They"re concerned only with people. They don"t ask: "Is this true?" They ask: "Is this what others think is true?" Not to judge, but to repeat. Not to do, but to give the impression of doing. Not creation, but show. Not ability, but friendship. Not merit, but pull. What would happen to the world without those who do, think, work, produce? Those are the egotists. You don"t think through another"s brain and you don"t work through another"s hands. When you suspend your faculty of independent judgment, you suspend consciousness. To stop consciousness is to stop life. Second-handers have no sense of reality. Their reality is not within them, but somewhere in that space which divides one human body from another. Not an entity, but a relation—anchored to nothing. That"s the emptiness I couldn"t understand in people. That"s what stopped me whenever I faced a committee. Men without an ego. Opinion without a rational process. Motion without brakes or motor. Power without responsibility. The second-hander acts, but the source of his actions is scattered in every other living person. It"s everywhere and nowhere and you can"t reason with him. He"s not open to reason. You can"t speak to him—he can"t hear. You"re tried by an empty bench. A blind mass running amuck, to crush you without sense or purpose. Steve Mallory couldn"t define the monster, but he knew. That"s the drooling beast he fears. The second-hander."

Consciousness is Self. Of course you can be conscious of something... meaning you noticed it, but that is not consciousness itself. Consciousness is the root, being conscious of something is a branch. A derivative.

In this particular article I want to write (quote) more about one of the components that is essential, and maybe a path to Self: awareness. And see if we can find a way to cause awareness to that end... to help us get a Self... without which we are really not human, we are machines. Or zombies. Animated by something we have no control over.

The opposite of awareness is being asleep

Osho has many talks on awareness, and being asleep. He has many active meditation techniques, but according to my observation as a true empath, I can see no awareness while people do what he calls meditation. And interestingly, I don"t see HIM being aware. And yet, my sense is, confirmed by muscle testing, that awareness is a step on the path to Self. So we"ll explore it. It may take more than one article, experimenting, working one-on-one with selected students, documenting what caused the shift for them, so you can start following them, if you wish.

OK, here is Osho:

One of the most important things to be understood about man is that man is asleep. Even while he thinks he is awake, he is not. His wakefulness is very fragile; his wakefulness is so tiny it doesn"t matter at all. His wakefulness is only a beautiful name but utterly empty.

You sleep in the night, you sleep in the day—from birth to death you go on changing your patterns of sleep, but you never really awaken. Just by opening the eyes don"t befool yourself that you are awake. Unless the inner eyes open—unless your inside becomes full of light, unless you can see yourself, who you are—don"t think that you are awake. That is the greatest illusion man lives in. And once you accept that you are already awake, then there is no question of making any effort to be awake.

The first thing to sink deep in your heart is that you are asleep, utterly asleep. You are dreaming, day in, day out. You are dreaming sometimes with open eyes and sometimes with closed eyes, but you are dreaming—you are a dream. You are not yet a reality.

Of course in a dream whatsoever you do is meaningless. Whatsoever you think is pointless, whatsoever you project remains part of your dreams and never allows you to see that which is. Hence all the buddhas have insisted on only one thing: Awaken! Continuously, for centuries, their whole teaching can be contained in a single phrase: Be awake. And they have been devising methods, strategies; they have been creating contexts and spaces and energy fields in which you can be shocked into awareness.

Yes, unless you are shocked, shaken to your very foundations, you will not awaken. The sleep has been so long that it has reached to the very core of your being; you are soaked in it. Each cell of your body and each fiber of your mind has become full of sleep. It is not a small phenomenon. Hence great effort is needed to be alert, to be attentive, to be watchful, to become a witness.

If all the buddhas of the world agree on any one single theme, this is it — that man as he is, is asleep, and man as he should be, should be awake. Wakefulness is the goal and wakefulness is the taste of all their teachings. Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, Jesus, Buddha, Bahauddin, Kabir, Nanak—all the awakened ones have been teaching one single theme … in different languages, in different metaphors, but their song is the same. Just as the sea tastes of salt — whether the sea is tasted from the north or from the east or from the west, the sea always tastes of salt—the taste of buddhahood is wakefulness. But you will not make any effort if you go on believing that you are already awake. Then there is no question of making any effort; why bother?

And you have created religions, gods, prayers, rituals, out of your dreams—your gods are as much part of your dreams as anything else.

Your politics is part of your dreams, your religions are part of your dreams, your poetry, your painting, your art — whatsoever you do, because you are asleep, you do things according to your own state of mind.

Here is another thing he says:

If you are carrying stones in your hand thinking that they are diamonds, I will not tell you to renounce those stones. I will simply say, "Be alert and have another look!" If you yourself see that they are not diamonds, is there any need to renounce them? They will fall from your hands of their own accord. In fact, if you still want to carry them, you will have to make a great effort, you will have to bring great will, to still carry them. But you cannot carry them for long; once you have seen that they are useless, meaningless, you are bound to throw them away.

Meaning: if you bring consciousness to what you aim for, what you value, what you want, what you are doing and why, if you bring consciousness to it, you"ll experience a spontaneous dropping of what has no value, what has no value to you.

No effort is required, not even a decision, no discipline, nothing other than being consciousness to something.

I use the 67 steps program in my coaching. Why? because Tai Lopez takes you through many aspects of life that if you bring consciousness to it, you"ll find your path to a life you can love.

You cannot find a life you can love without a Self to love it.

Bringing consciousness to something is also called awareness. Sober, clear eyes, clarity.

It is often frightening, and the fear puts you to sleep. It is often that you overwrite what Tai says with your commentary, so you can"t hear what he is saying... and then nothing will happen.

But it is a great practice: endeavoring to hear what is being said, instead of your inane commentary... translated to fit the tight confines of your cave.

The lower the "about you" number is, the closer you are to accomplish this simple sounding feat... it isn"t simple, and it isn"t easy.

When you look inside you, all you see is emptiness. It"s accurate. You are empty inside until you get a Self.

The Self in Self-Confidence.

The absolute fastest way to fill that emptiness is through Competence.

Competence is rare. Very rare.

The dictionary says: Competence is the ability to do something successfully or efficiently.

If you widen your cone of vision: competence is a mastery... and that is what makes it rare. Because people stop way way way before achieving mastery. Good enough is good enough. You get an Emmy, you get strait A"s, you get accolades, and that is what you wanted.

Competence, or mastery is available only when there is an inner calling for mastery. The outer, the horizontal plane will NEVER call for mastery, it is not rewarded.

So if you are reward centered, you won"t go for it. And surprise: you"ll never grow a Self.

They are interdependent.

No mastery without Self, no Self without mastery.

So here are the steps I have uncovered so far:

1. Notice that you are asleep
2. Bring consciousness to it... get aware
3. Pick an area of life and an activity to attain mastery in.
4. Do what is needed to do to attain it. With your effort your Self will spring into life.
“What competencies should I improve?”

That depends on what you"re after. But there are also some universal skills that I believe every person can benefit from. I"ve made a list of 7 skills. And here 3 more ideas for you:

Emotional intelligence — Research shows that humans are inherently social. Without good relationships, we die. And if you want good relationships, you need emotional intelligence: Understanding other people"s emotions and how to respond to them. This is something you can learn.
Self-awareness — You can practice self-awareness by continuous self-reflection. Write down your thoughts; try to understand why you do what you do, what you can do better, and what you"re doing well. Know yourself.
Problem-solving — Our current school system dates from the industrial revolution. We"re trained to become cogs in a wheel. We"re not trained to solve problems in complex situations — instead, we do what we are told.But the world has changed and in the current state, the person that is better at problem-solving will win.

Don"t fool yourself into thinking that your life will be better as long as you wish for it.

When you put in work and see the results — like a stronger body, more energy, more money, or whatever you"re after — you start believing in your ability to get shit done.

Now go out there, do things, get better at them, see results, repeat that process and grow more confident.
by Darius Foroux

I am working on mastery in growing my income, without breaking my back. Half an hour a day. Why not more? Because Being in silence, doing nothing in particular is my secret to what I do: penetrating the invisible part of truth.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

What do you want, really? or asked differently What do you really want?

The answer is in the values you choose to love...

I have been harping on values... and it is as if I were speaking in an auditorium where my voice doesn"t, can"t carry... there is no echo. ((My very first assignment as a newly minted architect was to create the acoustics for the rooms of the Academy of Music in Budapest. The requirements were: let the people in the room have good acoustics, while nothing to be heard outside of the room... tricky but can be done.))

Nothing and no one indicating that they are hearing me, that they are pondering, that the question is heard and taken on as a quest to answer, to ponder, to be taken with you to sleep, to your meditation, to your walks, so you eventually come up with something you value.

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

Community cannot for long feed on itself; it can only flourish with the coming of others from beyond, their unknown and undiscovered brothers.

During times of war, hatred becomes quite respectable even though it has to masquerade often under the guise of patriotism.

- Howard Thurman (1900 - 1981)


There are two kinds of values, temporary/transitory and eternal.

Nothing wrong with either of them. but if your life is about chasing temporary, transitory values (systemic values and extrinsic values are all transitory) your life will be, meaning your experience of your life, a roller coaster. No permanence, especially not where it matters, on the inside.

The purpose of religion in its most benevolent form, is to give some sturdiness to your insides, so you have something beyond the momentary pleasures of eating, sexing, or the ego. ((Ego is a tricky word. I should have used "selfish gene" instead... but I am still a little confused, so let"s leave it at that.))

Obviously (to me and to Source) only two percent of religious people get the eternal values guide their lives, because what you need, the pre-condition to be guided by the eternal, is to surrender yourself to something greater than yourself: the eternal.

Three of the four ways the Divine gets to you, beauty, truth, and power are transitory, temporary, change with the culture. Goodness, on the other hand is eternal.

So people who are goodness influenced have an easier time to surrender. I am not saying all do... Donald Trump is a goodness person... do you see any signs of surrendering to a purpose larger than himself? I don"t. Stalin... ditto.

I have muscle tested many of the billionaires I know of... it"s a mixed bag... Half are goodness, the other half power over others. A very few are beauty or truth.

I just had a conversation with a client/student of mine. He guessed only about 20% right what someone"s quadrant was.

It turns out that we are not born into a quadrant, but by about 3-year old we choose one. I chose goodness, in a family of Power-people. I stuck out like a sore thumb.

When my mother came to visit me in the USA when I was 45, she had a puzzled look every time she looked at me. I seemed to her to be of a different species... and in essence I was.

Here is the most troubling piece: you have no Self if you are beauty, truth, or power. You live your life, do your work, not from your Self, but from some outside element, mostly other people, or a concept like money or success.

Where Self is supposed to be, you are empty. And that is frightening.

The good news is that you can build a Self... although your outward focus will be a real obstacle.

Do all Goodness people have a Self? Muscle test says: no. Only about 1% of them.

Why is that? Because we live in a culture where it is not hip to be an individual with a Self.

I am continuing this inquiry

It is obvious that certain cultures are more intent on killing individuality, your Self than others. Canada is one of these cultures. California is another.

New York where I live is second after New Jersey that is the friendliest to individuality, followed by New York and Massachusetts. Why? I don"t know. I lived in New Jersey for 16 years, but didn"t know to look.

This should clue you in that you see more of what is through distinctions. No distinctions: you walk around with empty eyes... that is pretty much most people on the planet.

This article has been in the making for a few days now, given that I can work on it a few minutes at a time before I get so sick that I have to go back to bed again.

The most alarming thing about these few days isn"t that I am very sick... it is the lack of curiosity my readers show, including my students.

The distinction: how the divine gets through to you is one of the fundamental distinctions that will show you how your machine operates, and what to do to become someone with a Self, that can have Self-confidence, Self-respect, Self-regard, Self-esteem, Self-governance.

Without those you have empty eyes, you can never be happy, and if I were you, that is an opportunity I would never want to miss.

I had a call yesterday with a Beauty person whose mantra is "it"s too much work for too little", in essence "it"s not worth it".

The expression comes to mind:

You know the price of everything, the value of nothing.

Because most of you have never had a Self, you actually don"t know what you are missing.

A simple test: ask yourself what you want for or from your life. If it"s something transient, puny, non-eternal... you are a dog that is wagged by the tail... a clear indication that you don"t have a Self.

When Thoreau said: the mass of men live a life of quiet desperation, he meant living without a Self. Living without an inner core. Being empty inside.

I don"t care what your gurus tell you: if you are empty inside, you try to fill it with pretty images, but still no Self.

Even though 10% of humanity has the capacity to surrender and become an individual, only 10% of those actually realize that.

When you look, we are born with a ton of capacities, and few turn capacities into abilities, functional and operative abilities. The same is with the capacity for being and individual. It takes courage, it takes trust, it takes turning your life over to a single integrated principle. That is an individual... And only an individual has a Self.

And if you know the real meaning of integrity, the sentence where it says: Being true to Your Self cannot be fulfilled unless you have a Self.

I have people who argue with me on their Starting Point Measurements, saying that everyone says their strongest attribute is their integrity, while their integrity number is under 10%.

You cannot have integrity without a Self.

I learned a lot of distinctions in my 26 years in Landmark Education. With this new distinction, I suddenly understood why only 1% of participants are ever able to live the life that is available from participation.

Only 1% of humanity has a Self... and to live a life you love and to live it powerfully needs you to have a Self.

The cornerstone of Landmark"s teaching is to invent a new possibility for yourself and your life.

Once. And then live it, allow it to guide your actions, your thinking, your life.

Instead all the people I knew there, invent something bombastic every few days, and then forget it. Without a Self, without the capacity to surrender, it is band aids, soothing salve, temporary relief.

This number includes staff as well... Even Werner Erhard is a man without a Self.

You can have a Self no matter what is the method the divine has to get to you. It takes work, it takes new abilities, it takes sometime all you got... and it"s worth it... if and when you realize that walking around empty is a guarantee that you"ll live and empty life.

Of course if your access to life, if your mantra is "It"s not worth the bother" you won"t do it. You will remain a second-hander, a looter, a moocher, an person with empty eyes.

One of the billions of "men" living a life of quiet desperation.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Raise your vibration? It"s a Hero"s Journey

KataraIf you are here, I know a thing or two about you.

One of the most important things I know is that you are smart. That you have earned to be here. You have tried a lot of other teachers or gurus or methods or tools to get what you want: more energy, better decisions, more love, more peace, a sense of meaning in your life.

There is no way to throw a dart and get to the right solution, every mistake you make, every wrong turn, wrong decision, believing false promises, falling pray to money-sucking gurus or cults have caused you to get here, zig-zag.

The more often you have been disappointed, the more hopeless it seemed, the more of your funds were eaten up, the smarter you have become, and the more ready you have become to actually see your way, do your work. You haven"t given up. Good.

Download the pdf version of this article at the end of the article

what really mattersIn your society-induced craving for security and safety, you probably hoped, every time, that it was the right turn, that finally you found your straight path, that you were handed a map to follow, or that someone gave you a magic potion, a magic board, a magic spell, and you would find yourself transported to the right place at the right time.


Trust me, there is nothing more boring, and less satisfying for a human being than security and safety. Following a set path, and succeeding at every turn takes adventure out of life.

If you play chess and you can only play against someone less skillful than you: you know that it"s boring. Same with tennis. Same in swimming, running... winning is only joyful when you play against someone equal or better.

6931903779_2ac4137009_bBeing human means finding your own path, the hero"s journey, for each of us. Without that search life is empty and hollow. You find yourself as you find your path.

You got to this site, to reading what I say, through a winding path, and that makes you more suited for my work than the rest of the people. You have proven your mettle, and you have found the methods that will take you through the hero"s journey to where you want to go: earning your success, earning your peace, earning your fulfillment.

I know you can do it because you are here.

There are no accidents in life, and you being here isn"t an accident, even if, from your point of view, it looks like an accident.

Heros JourneyWhat should you expect on this hero"s journey?

This journey will have several assignments, several challenges.

Each challenge will be completed with the help of some energetic tools... (and coaching if you want to go faster).

challenge one: face your emotionsYour first challenge

(approximately 40 days)

Your health: You"ll need to become someone with energy to spare. You cannot even consider entering the journey without getting healthy first.

I am not talking about fixing you, I am talking about returning to health. Cells vibrated, nourished, and no additional toxins entering your body through food or drink.

If you follow the instructions you"ll get there in 40 days. Guaranteed.

How do you get started? You get your numbers so we"ll know, you know, where you are standing. It"s a comprehensive set of facts about where you are now.

Your vibration, your soul correction, your current level of intelligence, your health number, your hydration level... Get it here

I"ll send your facts to you in email.

Your second challenge

You will to look at your life, at the wrong turns, mistakes, errors, horrible things that you have done, or you allowed to be done to you.

This may take a little time. Allow yourself to grieve. Feel your feelings. Weep, cry, yell, run... just stay with it. Not in public, not at others, no, in your privacy.

Why? suppressed bad feelings keep you suppressed. You can"t suppress only bad feelings: once you suppress anything, you suppress everything, and all the good feelings are suppressed as well. No love, no peace, no satisfaction can be felt: they are suppressed too.

Here are the energetic tools for this leg of the journey...
  1. The HOE long range, or the Heaven on Earth remedy will help you be with the feelings that you feel, like a safety net.The HOE allows you to feel and let go... you won"t suppress and you won"t hold onto. Feel what you feel and be done with it.

  2. The Harmonize your vibration will energetically take you through the journey through memory lane: you may be able to take this trip without much conscious effort.

  3. The Unconditional Love Activator Infusable version will remove the false, society built foundation for your life, feeling wrong, insufficient, unlovable, stupid, a misfit.

  4. The Water Energizer will start to change your body chemistry, so your cravings, addictions, edginess, aches and pains will ease or disappear, gently, almost imperceptibly... the Energized Water will wash them away.

  5. Get two free weeks in my Reclaim coaching program. Two weeks are enough for either of us to see if you are indeed ready for the hero"s journey... The third leg.

Get a package deal: you can get each piece or you can get all four. Save 35%

For infusion of the energies, use the Polar Pitcher and the mini speaker... it"s the most effective way. See details here: https://www.yourvibration.com/24874/new-equipment-to-energize-your-water/

Your third challenge

We"ll talk about this when you have completed your second Challenge.
Download the pdf version of this article heros-journey

Thursday, July 26, 2018

What you value and how much tells me all I want to know about you...

What you value and how much?

I am reading Ayn Rand"s The Fountainhead for the third or fourth time.

Depending on what is the focus of my inquiry at the time, the book has different highlights.

This time it is how the divine gets through to you to provide you with guidance, substance to your life, for a lifetime.

I have been weakened by some stomach bug that makes all manner of eating distasteful to me, so I haven"t eaten for two days, and I am increasingly weak with an undercurrent of depression... sleeping, napping does that to me. So I am weepier than normal.

So here is am sitting here trying to get some work done, recalling the incident in The Fountainhead, where Mike the electrician and Roark the architect first meet.
---Roark liked the days when he was sent out to inspect buildings in construction. He walked through the steel hulks of buildings more naturally than on pavements. The workers observed with curiosity that he walked on narrow planks, on naked beams hanging over empty space, as easily as the best of them.
It was a day in March, and the sky was a faint green with the first hint of spring. In Central Park, five hundred feet below, the earth caught the tone of the sky in a shade of brown that promised to become green, and the lakes lay like splinters of glass under the cobwebs of bare branches. Roark walked through the shell of what was to be a gigantic apartment hotel, and stopped before an electrician at work.
The man was toiling assiduously, bending conduits around a beam. It was a task for hours of strain and patience, in a space overfilled against all calculations. Roark stood, his hands in his pockets, watching the man"s slow, painful progress.
The man raised his head and turned to him abruptly. He had a big head and a face so ugly that it became fascinating; it was neither old nor flabby, but it was creased in deep gashes and the powerful jowls drooped like a bulldog"s; the eyes were startling—wide, round and china-blue.
"Well?" the man asked angrily, "What"s the matter, Bricktop?"
"You"re wasting your time," said Roark.
"You don"t say!"
"It will take you hours to get your pipes around that beam."
"Know a better way to do it?"
"Run along, punk. We don"t like college smarties around here."
"Cut a hole in that beam and put your pipes through."
"Cut a hole through the beam."
"The hell I will!"
"The hell you won"t."
"It ain"t done that way."
"I"ve done it."
"It"s done everywhere."
"It ain"t gonna be done here. Not by me."
"Then I"ll do it for you."
The man roared. "That"s rich! When did office boys learn to do a man"s work?"
"Give me your torch."
"Look out, boy! It"ll burn your pretty pink toes!"
Roark took the man"s gloves and goggles, took the acetylene torch, knelt, and sent a thin jet of blue fire at the center of the beam. The man stood watching him. Roark"s arm was steady, holding the tense, hissing streak of flame in leash, shuddering faintly with its violence, but holding it aimed straight. There was no strain, no effort in the easy posture of his body, only in his arm. And it seemed as if the blue tension eating slowly through metal came not from the flame but from the hand holding it.
He finished, put the torch down, and rose.
"Jesus!" said the electrician. "Do you know how to handle a torch!"
"Looks like it, doesn"t it?" He removed the gloves, the goggles, and handed them back. "Do it that way from now on. Tell the foreman I said so."
The electrician was staring reverently at the neat hole cut through the beam. He muttered: "Where did you learn to handle it like that, Red?"
Roark"s slow, amused smile acknowledged this concession of victory. "Oh, I"ve been an electrician, and a plumber, and a rivet catcher, and many other things."
"And went to school besides?"
"Well, in a way."
"Gonna be an architect?"
"Well, you"ll be the first one that knows something besides pretty pictures and tea parties. You should see the teacher"s pets they send us down from the office."
"If you"re apologizing, don"t. I don"t like them either. Go back to the pipes. So long."
"So long, Red."
The next time Roark appeared on that job, the blue-eyed electrician waved to him from afar, and called him over, and asked advice about his work which he did not need; he stated that his name was Mike and that he had missed Roark for several days. On the next visit the day shift was leaving, and Mike waited outside for Roark to finish the inspection. "How about a glass of beer, Red?" he invited, when Roark came out. "Sure," said Roark, "thanks."
They sat together at a table in the corner of a basement speak-easy, and they drank beer, and Mike related his favorite tale of how he had fallen five stories when a scaffolding gave way under him, how he had broken three ribs but lived to tell it, and Roark spoke of his days in the building trades. Mike did have a real name, which was Sean Xavier Donnigan, but everyone had forgotten it long ago; he owned a set of tools and an ancient Ford, and existed for the sole purpose of traveling around the country from one big construction job to another. People meant very little to Mike, but their performance a great deal. He worshiped expertness of any kind. He loved his work passionately and had no tolerance for anything save for other single-track devotions. He was a master in his own field and he felt no sympathy except for mastery. His view of the world was simple: there were the able and there were the incompetent; he was not concerned with the latter. He loved buildings. He despised, however, all architects.

When you look around you, when you look at your own work, you rarely, if ever, find expertness.

If you worship expertness, like Mike, you learn to despise most people. If you don"t: you learn to despise experts.

Why is that? Because it is human nature to measure yourself in comparison. And hate everyone who makes you fall short.

No exceptions.

And while becoming an expert is the route to self-esteem that is earned, mighty few people go that route... They want the admiration of other people... un-earned.

Of course, looking in the mirror is painful. Because even if everyone is a fraud or a slacker around you, you know that you are full of hot air... and you hate yourself.

That is the bottom line. You cannot have a life you love if you have a reason to hate yourself, to despise yourself.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

I have added the capacity to be inspired to the Starting Point Measurements.

Touched, moved, and inspired... Let"s look at inspired... ((People are writing to me claiming that they get touched, weepy from certain values. But when you look at their lives, that is an experience that does NOT inform their lives, only their eyes...))

What is inspired? I am sure that as many people I"d ask as many responses I would get, so let"s get on the same page about it, OK? And here is another word: divine... we"ll call divine anything that is from the invisible domain of reality... nothing to do with some god, or angels, or other 4th plan human mind products.

First the verb: inspire: 1 : to move or guide by divine influence. 2 : to move (someone) to act, create, or feel emotions : arouse.

Then the adverb: inspired: outstanding or brilliant in a way or to a degree suggestive of divine inspiration

And the noun: inspiration: a divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation

What is in common is the divine influence... being guided... being moved or animated by divine influence.

What is divine influence and how do you get guided by it?

The fundamental ingredient ((surrender seems to be missing in the majority of the population. It is both a capacity and a willingness.)) for inspiration is surrender.

Surrender your will to the will of divine...
And by divine I mean something that is beyond the horizontal plane, beyond the narrow concern of a human, beyond your self-interest.

Now you see why it is so rare. So rare that most people don"t know anyone who is inspired, and if they do, they are either afraid of that person, hate them, find them weird, pushy, unkind, arrogant, haughty... because the vertical plane is a threat to the person who is comfortable on the horizontal plane. ((It is a threat to the precious "I"... the one that always wants to be confirmed, coddled, approved, etc.))

We could say that the capacity to be inspired is much more commonplace that  the willingness to surrender your will, and your willingness to move to the vertical plane. ((In The Fountainhead, Dominique had the capacity but not the courage... until she did. And as long as she didn"t have it, Roark did not fully enter a relationship with her.))

When you are looking for a teacher or a mentor, your best bet is to pick someone who won"t try to teach pigs to fly.

You cannot teach surrender, you cannot teach willingness, you cannot teach someone to be inspired.

If you want to achieve success on the horizontal plane, find a teacher who has done that, who is good at that. They won"t ask you to be inspired. They will ask you to set goals... increase your desire... your want... and then you"ll know.

Muscle test says that there is a fourth quadrant...

Both my parents were the fourth quadrant, and so is my older brother. My first hunch is that it is power... the kind that places you over another... but I am still looking. Horizontal plane.

Your automatic question: which of the four quadrants is good to have, or which of them is the best?

But that is not a valid question.

There is no good or bad in reality, it is an opinion, always.

We are looking through the filter of being able to be inspired, guided and moved by divine influence.

If you feel touched and moved, maybe even inspired, but you are cowardly, this will not show up anywhere. Feeling inspired has a very short shelf-life... a day? Being inspired is a continuous energy injection, maybe till the end of your days.

It takes courage to be someone who is guided by something other than the horizontal plane. 10% is mighty few, but only one in a million of those will live with courage, integrity, fully surrendering their life to the divine guidance.

But the question I am struggling with, in my coaching program, is how many of the visitors, how many of my students and clients are willing to surrender to a direction they pick to take their lives, so they can live a life that is worth living.

Because without inspiration to guide you, without inspiration to carry the day, without a horizon you can middle away your life and experience no fulfillment.

Without inspiration your life is a bunch of disjointed whims, no rhyme and no reason.

If you come to today"s Talk to me call... we can talk about this more. Subscribe first so I can send you a registration link. You won"t regret.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

This article is all quotes... good stuff. Enjoy

Here is a Landmark distinction in a TED talk... delivered in layman"s terms. Just listen to the explosive applause in the end... It is a missing piece for most of us. ((The distinction or principle in Landmark Education terms: "What gives your being in the present is the future you live into." The future you live into. That future is either designed, or default. When it"s default: it is always the past... the bad past. The one you don"t want to repeat... but you unwittingly do. It is what you are afraid that will happen.

I am afraid that if I stand out I"ll get killed. really. And in spite of everything, I, somehow, make it happen in small ways, even though I barely stand out.

But to do something that would really make me stand out: I am reluctant to do.))


This is an email from Tai Lopez:

Get out of your comfort zone.


I see so many people stuck in their ways. A slave to their own routines.

They"re in their own heads.

If you want to be successful you have to take an outside perspective on your life. Take some time to analyze your daily routines. A lot of our routines and habits don’t serve us anymore. They probably did at one point, but they need to be updated.

I see people that are struggling to get in-shape or struggling to make money. When I ask them “did you workout today?” or “did you read a book today?” the response is always the same: “I don’t have time.”

One of my first mentors Joel Salatin would always tell me, when someone says they don’t have time, always add “for that” at the end. They don’t have time FOR THAT. People always make time for the things they really want. If someone wants to watch their favorite show they make time for it, but when it comes to something that can improve your life, they always say they don’t have time. In reality they don’t have the vision to see that a little pain today will establish a routine that will massively change your life tomorrow.

Life is too short for excuses. There are two types of people in this world, those who get things done and those who have 100 amazing excuses why they couldn’t do it.

So what do you want? Do you want more money in your account? Another source of passive income? A new physique. Whatever it is you want, make time for it. Time is the most valuable thing we have. Don’t waste it.

Another MASSIVE key is to put yourself out there. Reading books and watching videos are a great way to learn, but if that’s all you do you’re not going to get ahead my friend. Trust me.

Don’t get me wrong, I started by reading a TON of books and buying every course I could get my hands on (and afford), but I didn’t stop there. It’s important to meet mentors in-person when you can. Obviously, we can’t have a ton of in-person mentors because it’s expensive, but make it a point to go to some events and have some in-person mentors. Don’t just rely on books and videos.

Some of the greatest gems I ever learned came from in-person interactions. Whether it’s a seminar, 1 on 1 coaching or even running into a mentor at an event and chatting for 5 minutes. The key is to ask the right type of questions and just listen. Don’t interrupt. Let them give you all their nuggets of wisdom. Just sit there and download it all into your head.


"I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out."

- Erich Fried


Reverence is one of the most useful emotions. When you respectfully acknowledge the sublime beauty of something greater than yourself, you do yourself a big favor. You generate authentic humility and sincere gratitude, which are healthy for your body as well as your soul.

Please note that reverence is not solely the province of religious people. A biologist may venerate the scientific method. An atheist might experience a devout sense of awe toward geniuses who have bequeathed to us their brilliant ideas.

What about you? What excites your reverence? I invite you to explore the deeper mysteries of this altered state of consciousness


Don’t break the chain.

“He said for each day that I do my task of writing, I get to put a big red X over that day. After a few days you’ll have a chain. Just keep at it and the chain will grow longer every day. You’ll like seeing that chain, especially when you get a few weeks under your belt. Your only job next is to not break the chain.”

Don’t break the chain.”

Not breaking the chain leads to momentum. And momentum isn’t mystical. Science defines it as the force that allows something to grow stronger or faster as time passes.

However, momentum isn’t the only science at work in our daily lives. Like everything else, it must have an equal and opposite reaction.
The enemy of momentum: how friction breaks your chain

Friction is the resistance caused when one object is moving at a different rate than another.

And what is life if not an infinite number of distracting meetings, ideas, goals, people, projects, emails, meetings, chores, and commitments all moving at a different rate than one another?

If you can’t kill friction, it’ll eat through your momentum like rust through a chain.

However, if you can find a way to focus on building a single goal, or “chain,” and building it well?—?the payoff might be more rewarding than you ever expected.

What are you? Beauty, truth or goodness?

I am having an interesting conversation with one of my students.

The philosophy student...

He wants to write his thesis on the Feelings book, but he needs his thesis counselor"s support, maybe even his enthusiasm, or it is going to be a tough road to hoe.

It"s a sales job, or if you are a Landmark Education graduate: and enrollment job.

Enrollment is simple speaking in a way that the other person gets "touched, moved, and inspired" and may even be ready to move in the direction you describe.

You cannot do it if your "about you" score is too high. Because you don"t know what touches, moves, and inspires others. You may not even know what touches, moves and inspires you!

Unless you let yourself be inspired, touched, moved, you are dead my friend.

What touches, moves, inspires you is always from the beyond... beyond what you want. Beyond your self-interest. Beyond your me-myself-and-I. It is beyond what makes sense. It is beyond fear and concern for yourself.

It is often the unrecognized, unidentified context of things you love to do, what you love to read, what you love to watch, who you are following.

Identifying that is mandatory if you want to start operating on your own motive power.

Landmark calls is possibility.

The most important things to know about possibility is that it"s inclusive. Not personal... ever. It is something every living person get inspired by. Because we come hardwired for some values, some ideals and the possibility touches on them. Like a live wire, touching a nerve.

If you walk around not knowing what people get touched, moved and inspired by, you"ll be like those "used car salesman" marketers that sell you something, and make you trapped in the desire trap.

Skillful marketers are skillful enrollers. They know deeply and intimately what touches, moves and inspires EVERY single person on this planet. And they speak to those in a way that the listener hears: it is attainable, it is possible, and it is worth moving towards.

Even the jaded ones. Even the cynical. Even the resigned. Even the cowardly. Even the evil ones who only have desire for the self alone.

Whether they will move is not your concern.

So how do you go about acquiring this skill... the most important skill any human can possess.

Why is it the most important? Because everything you ever wanted comes to you through people.

If you don"t master enrollment, if you don"t master touching, moving, and inspiring people, you"ll always be wanting, you"ll always be trapped in the desire trap, or will be resigned, jaded, cynical, bored, dead before your time. Because you can surely see: people are not going to bend over backwards to bring to you what you want.

The first thing you need to dig out is your ability to be touched... If you are not touched, you cannot fake it. OK, maybe you can, but you"ll be a fake, and it"s ugly.

You need to become an individual, who knows themselves.

I have written an article about how the divine gets to you: goodness, beauty or truth. ((And another article you may find useful to read, is about this topic based on the strait and narrow... or inversion method))

I am moved by goodness. Courage, loyalty, persistence, caring, brilliance, winning in the face of incredible odds, are all goodness values. Each of the ways has their own values, and you"ll find yourself inspired by them.

You need to learn the language of all three accesses to the divine by the divine (another word for possibility is the divine) and get fluent in it.

Not easy, but easier if you recognize what language a person is inspired by.

One of my students is a beauty person. Another is a goodness person, like myself. ((Goodness doesn"t mean you are good. It only says what moves you, touches you, inspires you. Here is an example: Stalin was a goodness person. Lenin was a truth person. Carl Marx was a beauty person. Engels was a goodness person. Both Obama and Trump are goodness people... ugh, right? Roosevelt, Jack Kennedy: goodness. Nixon: truth. Clinton: beauty. Not obvious to the naked eye, is it?

I am getting interested again, because unless you can define the horizon you are moving towards, your actions are random and capricious... no rhyme, no reason, no results. But unless you know what inspires you, you cannot decide on a direction, and truth be told, you are not interested... if you are a truth or a beauty person. Why? You are locked into your narrow concern, I am guessing...))

Beauty people are the most blocked in the enrollment process, because they seem to not include people in their world. I have a hard time getting through to them... getting through is just another way to say: touch, move and inspire them.

They are consumers of beauty: desire for the self alone. Rigid and non-inclusive. Also short-sighted.

Beauty seems like a personal view, not shared. Stingy. ((Hitler was a beauty person.))

First map yourself out, and then start looking for values that are part of that "quadrant" so you have words to express.

If you won"t do it, you"ll have little coming to you from others... you"ll have to con people to get anything out of them.

Once you mapped out your own "quadrant" your job is to start mapping out the values that you don"t quite value, but others do. Generosity is needed here, and you have a short supply in that.

But you can do it.

Once you get conversant in all three quadrants, you can start speaking possibility. Authentically.

Obviously each "quadrant" thinks they have cornered the whole world, even though they are blind and insensitive to the other two. But unless you can speak possibility not as a personal thing, but you can make it inclusive, your efforts to enroll are going to be weak, and not very effective.

You"ll rub people the wrong way.

I have truth people in my life who do that: they don"t care about people, only about the truth.

And I have beauty people who don"t even want to talk to me. Contempt. Often hate is what they feel about me.

Because I am inspired by something that leaves them cold.

Muscle test says that I am 30% effective with beauty people, and 10% effective with truth people. And, of course 70% effective with goodness people... would not be effective with Trump... lol

I guess I am clueless what turns truth people on. And to my chagrin, 60% of my site"s visitors are truth people...

I better get curious and learn what makes them tick. What doesn"t: I already know.
Here is a goodness quote

“Don"t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

- Howard Thurman (1900 - 1981)
Here is a truth quote:

To get what you want, you need to deserve what you want
And here is a beauty quote:

STOP mortgaging your TODAY for something "out there" that doesn"t exist!

Only 10% of humanity are goodness people... people who care about all-of-it more than they care about their own personal needs. 10% are truth people. And 80% are beauty people.
I better get busy finding out what talks to beauty people and truth people.

Look at yourself and guess what is YOUR quadrant... post it in the comments, and I"ll muscle test it for you.