Friday, October 31, 2014

Want to get smarter? Mindfulness meditation to the rescue

One of the most desired abilities people want to increase is intelligence.

They search high and low for an outside-method to do so... binaural beats, or any method that deals with the mind... after all the mind is the organ of smarts, right?

Wrong. The mind, in fact, has nothing to do with smarts.

in fact, most of you would benefit from reducing the mind"s relevance in your perception, and thus reclaim a lot of the processing power you already have.

As long as most of your attention and processing power goes into following the mind or fighting the mind and the emotions, you are going to have trouble to be very intelligent, astute, and it will effect your performance in every area of life where being present and operating with a full deck is important.


Thursday, October 30, 2014

When you don"t know what you are about, you are lost

One commonality among my many readers is that they don"t feel well. That they are plagued with too much activity in the mind, that they listen from their minds, and that they have negative emotions that they resist, avoid, run from, urges they succumb to. They are in forceful resistance mode.

The doubly whammy ((dou·ble wham·my noun informal
noun: double whammy; plural noun: double whammies

a twofold blow or setback.))
Not surprisingly, with this resistance mode comes another commonality: they don"t know what they are about, they don"t know where they want to take their lives.

Why? Because you can"t resist something with all your might and keep in view, at the same time, a place you are going to. They are mutually exclusive.

#AccessYourPower, #CaseStudies, #Enlightenment, #ExpandingHumanBeing, #Getunstuck, #Raiseyourvibration

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Change the context... and watch life unfold differently

how-one-word-can-change-the-contextContext is like meaning... it is not part of what it is referring to, it is added to it, by a human. And if it is added, then you have a lot of freedom about it: if you can see, that is.
Most people can't see the forest for the trees... so if you are like that, you won't see context, until you look deeper. Beyond the obvious. Beyond your automatic. Beyond your machine-like, conditioned, pre-determined ways.

Why context is decisive, and what it decides if it is so decisive

I have been repeating and repeating this idea, that context is decisive. Finally, yesterday, I managed to get it through, or so it seemed, on the Playground.
Context is the hidden part of everything, the hidden agenda. Everyone has hidden agendas, some more than others, some time more than other times.

Read More
Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life's purpose, get answers, more

NEW: What is the work to become an Expanding Human Being? A case study
The sentence I hear only occasionally, is "But what is the work?"

It is not because it is not a question that concerns many, it is because you are trained to know the answer, or at least pretend that you do.

I didn"t realize this until yesterday. I did not connect the dots... I didn"t see the forest for the trees.

What woke me up and made me see the big picture was an email from a new student.

And that, in spite of the fact that I had an opinion about her, a judgment, if you wish, that she talks to much and listens little.

Some of the time my attitude and my opinion matched :-( when I didn"t see that my opinion is a mind chatter, and that I can create my attitude freely.

Other times I had an attitude of service, in spite of my opinion of her predisposition to talk a lot.

And then the miracle happened. She started to ask clarifying questions, and... GASP! started to do the work.


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

NEW: What is consciousness, really?
I am here, waiting for the cable man to fix my internet. It"s been down since yesterday afternoon.

It is hard to remember what we did with our lives before the internet... for me it"s been 18 years. It is hard to figure out what I can do that does not involve the internet... Finally I settle on writing, editing, and such.

It"s 11:30 am. The repairman was scheduled to be here at 11. I am sitting here, uncharacteristically anxious, contemplating that the man won"t even show up, that he will lie, that I will have to be another day without the ability to work.

It"s excruciatingly painful. I am diligently making room for the bad feelings, including them, breathing normally. Then I have a suspicion: is this mine? I normally don"t get anxious: I take life as it comes.

Turns out I tuned into the repairman: it"s his anxiety. Hm.


Monday, October 27, 2014

NEW: The followup of the Weight Destroyer program: from 50% to 70% truth value

The cable tech guy spent two and a half hours at my place, replaced everything, and then realized that it was another tech that came and disconnected my account, on the pole, yesterday. My account instead of the empty apartment downstairs.

I was tempted to get angry, after all what a waste of time, but then I thought better.

In the almost 24-hour long downtime I finally finished the pdf I promised you if you bought the Weight Destroyer program... so now I can give it to you, and maybe even do a call-in: that is if there are enough takers. I will give you the book that will raise the truth value of the Weight Destroyer to 70%. It"s really high. Most things sold on weight, health, money... anything really, are mostly under 10% truth value, so 70% is like god is talking to you directly... lol.


NEW: Are you good? Are you bad?
Our last Playground, earlier today, was on the topic of "good/bad."

It"s a great topic. Why? Because you are limited by that, good and bad, more than most any other adjective: you want to be good, you need to be good, you pretend to be good, you fancy yourself as a good person, you sell your soul to be thought of as good. God will let you into heaven if you are good... you go to hell if you are bad... blah, blah, blah. Lots of greed, lots of suffering around good and bad.

As a foreigner I watch it with fascination. Good and bad is worn like a uniform, covering up a ton of anxiety.


NEW: The real meaning of real life events

Oops, this was published by accident... although I love it, I am not sure you are ready for me giving it to you straight like this... lol.

This will be, probably, a growing post... so I will republish it every time I add to it.

Marriage proposal: (the real communication:) I finally ...

Saturday, October 25, 2014

NEW: So you want to feel special... how is it going for you?
So you want to feel special?

We are all special, if special means, as special as our thumbprint... But that special is not enough for you, is it?

You want to be SPECIAL... as in special talent, outstanding, mind boggling, awesome, the best.

In this article I will shed light to an important phenomenon that we are all experiencing... the ITCH, that keeps us miserable, and the HORIZON that keeps us on track, sane, happy and always well.


NEW: How to live your life"s purpose: today
Here is an audio I recorded four years ago but it is as sharp as anything I do today.

It is about how to find your soul"s purpose, and how to start, finally doing something substantial, worth being called your life"s work...

In this old audio I address something really important: your being, your attitude, at any moment, is correlate or very influenced, it is given by the future you are heading for.

The future you are heading for is destination towards which the rails of your train go... If you are on a train to Chicago, chances are you are going to arrive.


Thursday, October 23, 2014

NEW: On this side of the Great Divide even the best teaching will leave you the same...
What if I could teach you to have your thoughts, have your emotions, have your physical sensations, and still be able to be happy, productive, and well... WITH them, without obeying them, without ignoring them, without fighting them, without arguing with them, without justifying them, without being bothered at all.

What if you could get unstuck by asking different questions?

What if the source of your suffering, the source of your emotional pain isn"t caused by what you think is caused by, but by what you do with it?

These questions, once you are on the other side of the Great Divide... they are easy, obvious, and common sense.

But on THIS SIDE of the Great Divide they don"t make much sense, and certainly there is nothing helpful about them.


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

NEW: How to enter growth mode the easy way?
Below is my horoscope for the week.

In this article I will show you some thinking, constructive thinking moves that you could start practicing, so you can become closer to being a Human Being than you are now... mostly just having thoughts, automatic thoughts that drive you crazy, drive you to hiding, drive you to insomnia, drive you to drinking, eating, surfing, Facebook, and other activities that don't serve you.

Here is the horoscope:


Monday, October 20, 2014

NEW: What happens when you receive an energy download and then you ask for your money back?

First: I give you your money back, if you ask for it within 30 days. I have to, by law.

Second: This is bad news for you. It doesn"t come from me, it comes from your higher self. Your action, whether it came from greed, or buyers remorse, is considered desire for the self alone, and it is ...

NEW: You live in a machine and you feed, unwittingly, the machine
Every single human (and to a certain degree lots of animals) has automatic ways of being, that could be called a machine, because their behavior is predictable, it is machine-like. Push a button and outcomes the same result, every time.

Every person I know is, more or less, an emotional wreck... a thinly disguised heap of upsets, fears, anxieties, and other very unpleasant feelings. As an empath I see the disguise and feel the truth.

The gap between what you"d like to be, calm, collected, smart, graceful, close, intimate, effective, important, creative, productive, etc. and the reality, the truth: you are bogged down by bad feelings, bad thoughts, doubts, insecurities, fears... stuck, stuck, stuck. In survival mode alternating with sudden bursts of inspiration, hope, etc.

The people who visit this site can be divided to two distinct groups:


Sunday, October 19, 2014

NEW: How much good are you able to receive? A gram? A ton?

Your ability to receive depends on the size of your cup... or the empty space in your vessel.
A vessel is like a cup. If you are buying stuff but aren"t receiving value from what you buy, your cup may be too small, or your cup may be full with stuff you already know, you already do... your cup may even be overflowing...
Your vessel and your actions
It"s a psychological fact that you choose to buy something or not to buy it emotionally and then, after you bought it, you justify it rationally.

Whether it is to choose a partner, choose your work, choose a project, or to buy something like a course is immaterial: the psychological fact remains: you buy with emotion and justify it later with your mind.

But how does it really work? Why do you really choose certain things and say no to others?


Thursday, October 16, 2014

NEW: Inspirational quotes that make you to feel worthless... How Facebook destroys humanity
Someone gave me a framed poster some 20 years ago. I have hated it that long... Today it became useful.

Some of the inspirational quotes we read are not inspirational at all, until we get to a place that they are useful. Inspiration as a momentary good feeling is useless, or even harmful. In the comparison, the mind"s habitual activity, we always come out smelling bad.

Unless you can really use it to get yourself a new attitude, a new direction to move in, they are good on the surface, but destructive on the inside.

Why? Because it makes you feel even less apt, even less valuable, courageous, worthy, smart, confident, etc. than you were when you first looked at the quote.

This poster reads: "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal"

Now, stop for a moment, close your eyes, and experience yourself, your emotions, your mind, reacting to the saying.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

NEW: Is it smart to ask questions?
People don"t ask me enough questions... they just go and do what they always do, with blinders on.

When they do ask questions, (some ask hundreds of questions!) the questions are not good questions. Good questions would guide them, bad questions keep them square in their box.

How do I know? I watch people... I go to my google account and check how people got to the site and start thinking: what would they ask if they were smart enough to ask a question. What would they do if they were smart enough to ask a question.

I don"t mean to put people down, I only mean the state they are in when they arrive. Blinders on. In their box. Mostly in an upset. Mostly fused with a problem, or with a "solution" to a problem.

This is how 99% of the readers of this blog arrive. Arrive imprisoned in their box.


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

NEW: How your soul correction predestines you to certain diseases...
How being a politician, politics, the attitude is connected to disease, illness, and such?

In very simple terms, the attitude, the context inside which a "politician" lives is that an action isn"t about an action, it is about something else, preferably hidden.

Don"t be surprised if you find that your life is largely the life of a "politician" with a hidden agenda.

Before I continue, before I give you examples, let me explain why it"s important to know.

When I look at people, look at them from the inside of them... as a true empath, I find that they are split. That there is a lot of "space" between their true intention and the intention that they want others to perceive.

That split is what creates illness. The gap between the two realities: hidden agenda and projected persona.


Monday, October 13, 2014

NEW: Diet Conspiracy, Conspiracy Diet
As you already know, I consider the root of all evil a conspiracy: consciously misleading, consciously training you to be a zombie, so they can harvest your money, so they can harvest your power for their own purposes.

Am I a conspiracy theorist? No. I am a conspiracy reversal activist: I train you to be the best you can be, in alignment with the Original Design, body, mind, soul, behavior.

Tall order, and there is not much money in it. The money is in scaring you into handing over your hard earned money... I subscribe to mailing lists of these scare mongers just to know what you are exposed to.

Is it possible to reverse the effects of conspiracies? Yes, it is possible to reverse the effects of conspiracies that distorted you... but conspiracies on a larger scale? I don"t know, I don"t even want to go there... like religion, like the banking system, like politics... too big for one person to fight, and I am definitely not a team player.


Saturday, October 11, 2014

NEW: New health article on my other blog: your digestion and your mood

I have been experimenting. I have also been muscle testing what supplement to take, for 2-3 weeks now. Before I only muscle tested some minerals but took, every night, the stuff that helps me poop.

To my surprise, the muscle test didn"t agree with my habits: Intestinal Formula to move my ...

NEW: On digestion, bacteria, your stool, and your mental health

I have been experimenting. I have also been muscle testing what supplement to take, for 2-3 weeks now. Before I only muscle tested some minerals but took, every night, the stuff that helps me poop.

To my surprise, the muscle test didn't agree with my habits: Intestinal Formula to move my bowels was needed every other day, and my extra strong probiotics was "yes" every third day, and the day in-between the regular probiotics was "yes". Turns out, the regular probiotics has a different combination of beneficial bacteria.

I am still pooping every day, but the stool is firmer, and there are no recognizable food particles in it.

So, I have come to a conclusion that I'd like to share:

Food gets broken down, digested by bacteria in our intestinal track. But each type of food needs a different type of bacteria.


Thursday, October 9, 2014

NEW: 3rd level?

I want to address a widespread issue I see in self-improvement with a lot of people.

People struggle, and their results are minimal, nothing to write home about. Or they get a result and then nothing... even what they got goes away.

Part of the reason you struggle, is you"re trying to advance to a level you"re not yet ready for.

Instead of trying to master one thing at a time, you try several things...

... and end up mastering none.

What are the levels I am talking about?


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

NEW: One fell swoop...
Turning points: I want to get really good at this!

As an Expanding Human Being, you NEVER arrive... Expanding Human Being is not a destination, it is a relationship to Life. An attitude. Learned to the level where it is undistinguishable from inner nature.

I am an Expanding Human Being, sometimes I grow like a weed, sometimes, for months, I languish... hibernate.

With regards to growing my business, I have been a wannabe forever. Trying this and trying that, but never actually doing it.

About five minutes ago I heard myself whispering to myself: "I want to be really good at this!" meaning a business growing method I bought almost two years ago, but abandoned it because I didn"t quite had the energy to even understand how to use it properly.


NEW: Are You romanticizing human evolution? Enlightenment?
What you want the next level of evolution to be

If you take a close look at your fantasy of what it"s like to be "enlightened", where you want to be, you"ll probably imagine white robes, no pain, no illness, no anger, no fear, no anxiety.

You won"t see, in your imaginary ideal world, work, you won"t see controlling spouses, or dirty dishes piling up, teenagers mouthing off, smog, car pile-ups, murder, or traffic jams.

I don"t want to continue, because the list is endless... in short:

You don"t see, in that ideal world, your life and yourself as human.

You want to reach the next level of evolution by ceasing being human. The way pictures show heaven... tell me if I am wrong.

What clued me in, you ask? Thank you for asking.


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

NEW: Did work become a four-letter word?

My students say that I am harsh. That I don"t see the best in people. That I"d catch more flies with honey...

Yeah, I know. Flies love honey... but I am looking to talk to people who aspire to go to the next level of human evolution, and those people are not flies. They are not scared away by reality: they know it will take taking a hard look at reality that is not pretty...

I am a realist. Rob Brezsny is an optimist... he has a lot of honey... yet, a realist finds the work in what he says, and loves it. ((PS: Rob Brezsny also ask you to do work, by the way. He knows that without work you"ll stay the same, the world will become worse every minute, and life becomes less tolerable. But he manages to dress these assignment in a way that you can just read it, nod and that"s that...

Here are some of the assignments Rob Brezsny (personal vibration: 190) that are appropriate for this time of the year:

Review in painstaking detail the history of your life, honoring every moment as if you were conducting a benevolent Judgment Day.

Forgive yourself for every mistake except one.

Create a royal crown for yourself out of a shower cap, rubber bands, and light bulbs.

Think of the last place on Earth you"d ever want to visit, and visualize yourself having fun there.

Test to see if people are really listening to you by asserting that Karl Marx was one of the Marx Brothers.

Steal lint from dryers in laundromats and use it to make animal sculptures for someone you admire.

Fantasize you"re the child of divine parents who abandoned you when you were two days old, but who will soon be coming back to reunite with you.

I am convinced, maybe mistakenly, that having a handful of students that are willing to work and actually do the work makes more difference than all the feel-good gooey stuff others dish out... Please argue with me... I"ll answer each respectful comment.))

Rob Breszny writes: While walking in San Francisco, I passed the Pacific Heights Health Club. The sign out front said, "Birthday suits tailored here." It was a witty reference to the idea that working out at a gym helps people get their naked bodies in good shape. I"d like to interpret the sign"s message in a different way, and apply it to you. The time is right for you to get back in touch with your raw, original self, and give it the care and the fuel and the treats it has been missing. Who did you start out to be? What does your soul"s blueprint say about who you must become? Home in on your source code and boost its signal.


Sunday, October 5, 2014

NEW: "If it is to be, it is up to me"
"If it is to be, it is up to me" The horizontal and vertical dimensions of life

Most people interpret that statement, that declaration, in a rah-rah, motivational slogan way.

But even when they use that narrow interpretation, they don"t commit to it, they don"t lock themselves in, they don"t burn the ships, they leave a back-door open, although they never tell the truth about it.

They have a secret addendum: if I feel like it, if my mind agrees, when I"ll feel confident enough, if the weather is nice, if it"s easy, if it doesn"t take too much of my time.


Saturday, October 4, 2014

NEW: With great power comes great responsibility
With great power comes great responsibility... Yeah, I know, sounds really boastful when you think I am saying it to myself... right?

But truth be told, not owning your power is more damaging to you than standing up and declaring it for all to hear.

Withholding it destroys you from the inside, declaring may get you burned on the stake... I prefer the stake, thank you very much.

I am as fearful and as cowardly as most, with one difference, maybe. I HATE slow and long, extended suffering.

Back in 1979, during my stay in a psychiatric ward, I decided that I"d rather get suddenly terrified, surprised, unprepared, and scared to death, than spend the rest of my life in low burning fear, worry, and anxiety.


Friday, October 3, 2014

NEW: What you dish out to others
In the "itch that no one can scratch for you", I introduce a feeling, a way of being, that has been consistently missing from your life. It may be something that you were born with, i.e. it is part of your soul correction, or it is something that developed by being mistreated... as far as you are concerned...

Nothing bad or dramatic needed to happen in your childhood, and yet you ended up feeling that way.

Not loved, not being enough, not being valued, not mattering, not being smart enough, fast enough, pretty enough, important enough, and so on and so on.

Every person has some slight. They either blame themselves or they blame others, but the slight is there.

Your whole life, your whole life experience is based on this one missing "thing", and it weaves through your life like a theme.

My "item", my itch, is being treated as a human being.


Thursday, October 2, 2014

NEW: Negativity... are you protected enough?

We are all trying to live a great life, stay clear headed, be productive, feel good about ourselves.

But, it seems, the world is full of negativity. Gurus teach us to isolate ourselves from that negativity, to think positive, to remove negative friends from our circles... but with all that hubbab, we are more miserable today than we were before we started to protect ourselves from this negativity.

Why? Find some of the truth out from this article... ((A few years ago I was talking to a client. He said he was doing my cloaking and bubbling exercise, but it made him even more anxious inside. I muscle tested, and he needed to be protected from his own negativity.

At the time I didn"t know what I know: that there is no protection, that the protection is the next problem, instead of solving the "problem". I now know that the only think that can restore your sanity, well being, peace of mind, is creating a distance between you and your own negativity, not fixing it.))


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

NEW: It is not what you have, but what you do with what you have that matters most

I had a coaching call today with my friend, let"s call him Max.

He is an entrepreneur and we"ve been friends for some years now.

I coach him, and he coaches me, and the goal is that we get equal amount of value: each get what they need.