Saturday, October 11, 2014

NEW: On digestion, bacteria, your stool, and your mental health

I have been experimenting. I have also been muscle testing what supplement to take, for 2-3 weeks now. Before I only muscle tested some minerals but took, every night, the stuff that helps me poop.

To my surprise, the muscle test didn't agree with my habits: Intestinal Formula to move my bowels was needed every other day, and my extra strong probiotics was "yes" every third day, and the day in-between the regular probiotics was "yes". Turns out, the regular probiotics has a different combination of beneficial bacteria.

I am still pooping every day, but the stool is firmer, and there are no recognizable food particles in it.

So, I have come to a conclusion that I'd like to share:

Food gets broken down, digested by bacteria in our intestinal track. But each type of food needs a different type of bacteria.


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