Thursday, March 20, 2014

NEW: Coming from vs Going to
Summary: from the comments and email I am getting it is clear that the concept of starting with HAPPY is totally inconceivable to most of you. In my response to a comment I managed to express the essence of it: It is like the skin color you have, it is part of you.

"In the HAPPY I advocate, where you start with HAPPY, stay HAPPY, end HAPPY. It"s not a result. It is who you are. You do what needs to get done to grow, and you are HAPPY while doing it. You are not "happy" to do it, that would be something else again. You are HAPPY, just like you don"t change your skin color according to the type of task you do in life. You stay white, or pink, or yellow, or black... whatever you started with.

It is as if you said "I am white" if you were born white. And then you live according to that." ((the goal is to come from happy. The start with happy. To have happy be your true nature. To change what happy means to: "Happy is a function of accepting what is with no resistance." That happy is an expanded state, where you can see things for what they are, you don"t close your eyes even if what you say is ugly, and you stay there with power and grace and ease. We"ll call happy. Any resistance to what is takes one out of happy...

The happy that you are talking about is a result of some circumstance, fickle, and makes us all "prostitutes" for happy. I"ll screw for happy... kind of way. You sell your values, you sell your life for the experience of happy. You"ll smile for happy, you"ll work for, beg for, read for, learn for, eat for, lose weight for, win for happy... sold out your life.

The path to that kind of happy is narrow and shallow, there is no need to be a human being, it"s OK to be this superficial, shallow, wanting.

No need to grow, no need to do anything... actually, for that kind of happy you"ll shy away from every effort, every hardship, every serious undertaking, because who wants to go for something like happy at the end of an arduous "struggle".

In the happy I advocate, where you start with happy, stay happy, end happy, you do what needs to get done to grow, and you are happy while doing it. You are not happy to do it, that would be something else again. You are happy, just like you don"t change your skin color according to the type of task you do in life. You stay white, or pink, or yellow, or black... whatever you started with.))


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