Sunday, March 15, 2015

Trivedi Foundation: Follow Up

Vibrational Review:

One of my commitments to you, is to give you a complete and thorough picture on the state of self-actualization/raising your vibration, self-improvement industry, as truthfully, as honestly as I possibly can. One of the tools I have in my arsenal is muscle testing (kinesiology), and another one is my principle in life: Question Everything. Especially when I have a vested interest in being right... lol

To be able to deliver the truth about Trivedi's programs, I signed up to his monthly enhancement program. One energy submission per month, fifty dollars a pop. Not a bad deal -- if it delivers...

Delivers what? Oh, I gotcha! Delivers the value it promises, in Trivedi's case: transformation. Of course transformation is an overused platitude: no two people mean the same by it, so I will not use the word, I'll find an exact and measurable aspect instead. OK?

Why would you want the program to deliver? Well, if you value your money (you are paying with your money, I hope!) then you are looking for equal or higher value delivered for your money. But what is it worth?

You see, everything has exactly as much value as you perceive it has. Value, at least the way we have it, in the real world, means: "value to me."

So, let's see what people are paying for in the Trivedi programs, the mastery program, the weekends, the monthly program, etc.

Here are some of the components of the value people receive:
feeling good about themselves, having an image of themselves as special, one of the select few that sees value where the overwhelming majority doesn't. It's a great feeling, isn't it? Finally being on the top of some kind of food chain, some kind of elite club...
immediate empowerment. We'll examine this in detail, what is the source of this one...


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