Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Could you learn to be an investor like Warren Buffet? If you had the time, the teachers, the money?

I shared a few bits here and there today with my chiropractor... He has 13 capacities used.

The conversation was an utter and total failure.

Capacities, abilities, is a whole new concept, and he wasn"t even getting a glimpse of what I was talking about. Very interesting.

It seems that the mistaken belief is that you can learn anything... including being an investor like Warren Buffet... that is a total illusion: you cannot learn anything that you don"t have the capacities for.

Most types of learning, like classes, coaching, etc. don"t take you to a place where the capacity missing would turn on, because you are ready for it and need it, It is not deep enough water, so the sink or swim would apply. Especially if you think you should be able to do it...

Big mistake.


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