Wednesday, February 26, 2014

NEW: Think and grow rich, number one distributor of mind virus... Jesus Juice is just close second.
Truth repeated is a lie.

These is one of those sentences that don"t make sense when you read it from the mind.

Napoleon Hill interviewed lots of successful people. He repeated their words. They became a lie. ((A persistent lie... a mind virus. These lies, like any virus, will only be interested in propagating themselves, at the expense of everything else. They replace the DNA, the blueprint of the cell"s reproduction, with their own. And you are a host to these viruses (? probably virai in correct Latin, but who cares!). You are now an evangelist for this new way of "thinking". It can be about what god to worship, what food to eat, what race is superior, or positive thinking, as the one this article is singling out.

Quoting from a book, called "Virus of the Mind"

“Viruses of the mind have been with us throughout history, but they are constantly evolving and changing. They are infectious pieces of our culture that spread rapidly throughout a population, altering people"s thoughts and lives in their wake. Mind viruses include everything from the relatively harmless examples, such as miniskirts and slang phrases, to those that seriously derail people"s lives, [...] viruses of the mind can program us to think and behave in ways that are destructive to our lives.

This is the most surprising and most profound insight from the science of memetics: your thoughts are not always your own original ideas. You catch thoughts—you get infected with them, both directly from other people and indirectly from viruses of the mind. People don"t seem to like the idea that they aren"t in control of their thoughts. The reluctance of people to even consider this notion is probably the main reason the scientific work done so far is not better known. As we"ll see, ideas people don"t like have a hard time catching on.”))

Let"s see all the reasons why truth repeated is a lie, ok?


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