Tuesday, November 29, 2016

What is under the hood? being stuck... the real core issue

It"s worth it... Is it worth it? It"s not worth it... It is all about whether it is worth it for you or not...

If you are supposed to have it already, then working for it doesn"t look like it"s worth it.

And this is the problem, an epidemic, of today. I have students in all the time zones of the world... and they all share this problem.

Memes, thought forms, prevalent teachings suggest that

1. you are already happy, worthy, successful, precious, special, blah blah blah
2. that you already have everything or supposed to to be who you want to be
3. that you should look within for all the answers
4. that the Universe is friendly to you
and on and on and on, endless flow of half-truth, endless flow of deceptive "inspiring" statements and quotes.

Now, depending on where you are, depending on what you have, depending on how you feel about yourself, depending on your history, on your vibration, on your clarity, you"ll hear all those memes differently.

The lower you are in your starting numbers on my seven essential measurements, the bigger the gap seems to be between what you have, who you are, what you feel, and what those statements, memes, say you should already have, be, and feel.


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