Friday, June 30, 2017

Anchor to doom, ET phone home... and connecting to Source

I didn"t plan to write about this... I didn"t plan because like so many things that have disappeared... what isn"t there is... well, isn"t there.

But from time to time a client, a student reminds me...

And that"s exactly what happened: a client, recently separated, an all around great guy wrote:

I looked to at what i might be hanging onto without noticing..

could grief or despair have some part of it? I used to find myself listening to music about sadness and hard times and used to think about sadness a lot. I used to almost create it in relationships with anyone, family/ friends/ myself.

I connected to him, deeply, and there it was: a whole lake of sadness that he was circling...

I call the lake the doom, and the rope that ties you to it: anchor to doom.


How can you tell if someone is high vibration or just pontificating?

As I was looking for a picture for this post, I realized that vibration, raising your vibration, as a topic, probably has more bullshit out there than even food...
I can safely say that EVERYTHING you find is that... b.s. and has nothing to do with vibration, or consciousness... So maybe this article is a little late... but better late than never?
I send, automatically, to every new subscriber an email where I ask them why they joined my email list.

Many actually answer, for which I am grateful: I like to hear what you say. I like to hear what you think. I like to know where you are at.
One thing I am realizing: you have no idea what raising your vibration means... and that means everyone... Why? Because you don"t know what vibration means. And because you read the b.s. on the internet.


You are eating the right foods and yet you are not getting better? Are you eating the right way?

Before I continue... please know that what the internet says about appetite vs. hunger is not true... what I say here, on the other hand, is true and tried. There must be money in saying the opposite... And you are the sucker.

I am still experimenting. On myself, and often with clients... with their permission.

And I am still getting people asking what is the single most important thing they can do for their health...

I have come to realize that from health"s point of view your digestion is the main concern. You take care of it: you get better. You don"t... you ask me what you should do... lol.

From overall energy, your mental health, your coherence, of course it is still your cell hydration, but from your health"s point of view: whether you digest the food you eat or not is the biggest factor in your well-being.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

What"s your mission in life? YOUR mission... not what others want your mission to be!

What"s your mission in life? Everyone and their brother is asking this question...

The question indicates that you should have a mission... You should have a purpose... or else...

But why is that? Are people misleading you or is it true that if you have a mission, if you have a purpose then life is better? Let"s do some looking together, ok? ((In my "criminal" article I share that if, as a child, you are not allowed, or you feel you are not allowed to make a difference, you"ll have one of two predictable purposes, 1. become a criminal, a taker, a cheater, a freeloader, 2. remain a forever child, pleasure seeker, let"s have fun! About 30% of the population has already chosen a purpose, but underneath is all is the grief of not feeling that they can make a difference, or not really. So I am talking to everybody, to you, even if you, maybe, belong to that 30%... So please read on...))

Some people also tell you to follow your passion. Or they tell you to find your purpose.

Both of those feel too big and both say, find... intimating that there is a passion, a purpose with your name on it. Pre-ordained, given to you by god, or by your birth date... or maybe your soul correction?

But if you have passions, you know that your passions may change over time.


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Context is decisive... What"s the context of wanting to raise your vibration?

I am republishing this article, because it is one of the most important things to get... That context is decisive.

I have been trying to teach context, but context is a very difficult concept: it is like looking at the sky behind the clouds.

A cloud against a blue sky is a very different cloud than against a black twirling mass of angry space...

When you have a feeling, a sensation, like a kick in the stomach, it means different things when you are pregnant, when you are psychically attacked, when the phone rings... etc. The kick is the same, the context is what changed.

Mostly people won"t provide you with context of their communication: they don"t think you need it: they assume you know it. But you don"t, and when you don"t know the context, the default context steps in.


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

FOUR ADDICTIONS or why people whose job is to help you, can"t and won"t

Here is a quote from Rob Brezsny"s weekly newsletter to illustrate that "For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong".

Answers that sound like solutions... but aren"t... they just hide the problem deeper... so we get further away from the truth.
Our ability to pursue our dreams can be inhibited by four addictions:

1. an addiction to what other people think of us;
2. an addiction to creating melodrama in a misguided quest for excitement;
3. an addiction to believing we"re imprisoned by what happened in the past;
4. an addiction to negative thoughts that fill us with anxiety.
(Thanks to success coach Tom Ferry for these ideas.)

The good news is that it is your birthright to beat all four of those addictions. The work won"t come fast or early, and it may never be perfect. But it"s quite possible
The above is an example of how coaches teach us. It"s all surface. Simple, easy, and not true. 99% of what you find in books on the internet, in articles, is simple, easy, and not true.
Explanations exist; they have existed for all time; there is always a well-known solution to every human problem — neat, plausible, and wrong. H.L. Mencken


Monday, June 26, 2017

People go on talking about freedom, but they don"t want freedom exactly, they want irresponsibility

I have spoken about the holes in your education in other articles. I have also spoken about the holes in your health.

Both cause you to cope with life poorly, to have less and less freedom in life.

And interestingly, both came from the desire to have more freedom, and to give our offspring more freedom than we had ourselves.

The problem can be summed up in a word: choice.

We think that the more choice we have the freer we are.

Energize Water to 653 With Energizer Audio - A fast revolutionary way to get fully energized water

Water Energizer Audio: Energize Your Water With Energies Embedded in Audio; Beta Testers Complete!

Necessity is the mother of invention... Or we could say that Creative Problem Solving is the mother of invention, at least in my case.

Five days ago I created an Avatar State Activator for myself, for Creative Problem Solving... I needed it to solve some issues that looked like a catch 22... impossible to solve.

I played the audio and was wondering what kind of "solution" I will find to my problem.

Today I received an order for a liter of energized water from a student... and realized that I so underpriced it, that I was working for free... not a good thing... lol.

Then I had an idea: what if I could record myself energizing water, would the energy be embedded in the audio? Muscle test said yes... so I recorded it and you can get it now.


The sculpture method in health... or 70% of Americans are plagued by Candida...

This article is about the way you can get well if you are not digesting your food well enough... because of Candida overgrowth, or because you eat the wrong way.

I don"t have any problems finding a topic for an article, because I, myself, am a learning machine.

At some point I managed to drop all or nearly all of the content of "Who am I?" or even "What do I know?" and now nearly every question is a learning opportunity.

I learn from your troubles, trials and tribulations.
Case study #1: I have a new health client. He is 11 years old...
...and he is struggling with frequent sore throat. (Frequent antibiotics treatments!) In every other way he seems like a normal 11 year old boy.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Your core strength and spiritual growth

I am 70 years old... or to be exact, will be in two more months.

The biggest concern for older people is falling. Falling and not be able to get up. Or break a bone. My sister in law broke her thigh bone...

So many communities across the United States offer free exercise classes to older people to make us more self-reliant and not fall easily.

The exercises are directed at strengthening the core and the leg muscles.

I am mentioning this, because the work of becoming a human being needs a strong core. Otherwise one may get dizzy, scared, or fall.

Just like in real life.

What keeps you from having a strong core?

1. Fear. Fear makes you narrow your cone of vision and either start pretending you are blind, or fixate at your feet... missing where you are going.


A life worth living: What does poetry have to do with it?

The world is mundane. Ordinary. At least through ordinary eyes. It is just the way it is.

Some people see beauty, some people see truth, some people see goodness, but for the most part you see reasons to justify why you only trudge through life, never really seeing any poetry, any romance, anything really uplifting.
The Beyond, The Divine, The "Spirit" gets through to you through one of those, truth, beauty, goodness, and how you know it got to you because something echoes in your Soul.
You cry, you laugh, you shut up... words don"t come close to express it.

When I work with people on their life"s purpose, on the meaning of their lives, especially when I do it in a private call, I need to work a lot.

When I speak your purpose, as I see it, I hear you being hooked, being moved. Then you get off the call, and turn it into mundane... money, sex, or such other stuff, that makes life and you stuck in the mud.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

How Does The Universe Get To You? Are You A Truth, A Beauty, Or A Goodness Person?

I"ve been weeping for an hour or so. It is the tears of the soul.

The trigger: thinking of Billy Elliot, well known to many: where the spirit had a chance to fully express itself through a human: a rare phenomenon: we seem to have a hard time hearing the gently nudging of the spirit. By spirit I really mean the soul: I use the words interchangeably. In Hebrew: ruah, neshama, nefesh: they are different states of the same soul: expressing where the soul is with regards to its correction, with regards to becoming like God. ((


The other movie is "Together," a 2002 Chinese movie about a young violinist, whose father, tirelessly grooms him and pushes him to be a top performer. We, together with the boy, find out that his father is not his father. The man who brought him up since he was a few days old found him at a train station with a violin next to him. He searched for the mother in vain, and he took it on himself to bring up the boy the way the mother seemed to have asked him: to become a violinist. ((



The fear of trusting... This is why you can"t ask and won"t get help from above

Update: Now that many of my students have managed to enter father-child, the only place where real love can be experienced... some of them get scared. The voice, IT, is telling them that they will not be loved, if they stay on that high place....

This article, hopefully, is going to be useful... if for no other reason, is to see that TRUST is countered by FEAR, and that the VOICE is on the side of FEAR.

One of the hard wired characteristic of a human is the insistence on making their own decisions.
But, we often don"t have the tools, the knowledge, the means to make sound decisions, and yet... we keep on insisting.
The seed level of this characteristic is the fear to trust. Anyone, any time, anywhere. We don"t even trust ourselves, but we trust others even less.

It"s a learned behavior. We learned that people have hidden agendas, that people are not honest, their real intentions and their pretend intentions are not the same... so they can"t be trusted.


Friday, June 23, 2017

Check in with yourself. If it is about winning... you have already lost.

Life is not about winning. Life is about how you play...

It is impossible to win. Life is not a winnable game. And wanting to win is setting you up for misery.
So what is this "wanting to win?"
It is an agenda. And like any agenda, it creates a narrow cone of vision, and a forceful ignorance of anything outside of that narrow cone.

This results in three things:

What does this video, rescuing a drowning baby elephant, can teach us?

Some people, a mighty few, make things happen... some watch/observe it happen, and the majority asks: "what the heck happened?" or alternatively has a story that is inaccurate. Because it is not that easy to see what actually happened...

Yesterday I saw a video of how two mature elephants rescued a baby elephant that fell into a pool.

I watched the short video several times. It is not so easy to see exactly what they did... But after 3-4 times, maybe even more, I saw exactly.
The mother was trying to do mother things... ineffective... had she continued doing that line of actions, the baby would have died.


Energized water solution for your vacation

It is summer, and many of you go on vacation.

The question is: how can you take your energized water system with you.

Well, you can take the audio source, you can take the headphones. The rest, the water itself, and the container will have to be invented...

My suggestion is that you go to a camping store and buy a collapsible water bottle or a water-sac.
Campers need it in the woods. They hang the water sac on a tree...

Thursday, June 22, 2017

How could you become someone who is learning, growing, and living a life worth living?

I have had people, ex-students, who tried the 67 steps and decided that it is not the way to learn... no matter what Sophie says... They knew better.

I could not put my finger on the attitude. I could see that it didn"t work, I could see that it didn"t serve them, but I didn"t have a word for it.

Until today, through listening to Step 4 of the 67 Steps.

This step, step 4 is about learning through mentors. Mentors are teachers, but not classroom teachers. One-on-one instruction where the teaching is tailored to you. Where you learn through osmosis. You emulate their whole being, how they approach issues... it is largely nonverbal. ((By the way, it"s taken me 16 months to seriously consider picking a mentor or two... to emulate. In every other area I had some results... in this one I just got to considering it... this is an 18 month schedule, not instant results...))


Feelings are running you. Do you have a handle on your feelings?

I am republishing this article, because of the new insights... that everything that is not need based is the not-you, the society created "IT", the not self, and because it is very difficult to explain... I need these articles to be together... Eventually I"ll find the right words that communicate to more people.

Needs are feelings. They run you, from the inside. Need is a feeling... and it can be on many levels.

Animals have needs. Human have the same needs, and more.

Depending on how many needs you have, you are on different evolutionary levels of humanity.

In this article we"ll need with the two needs where most get stuck: the needs of the self. These are non-physical needs, resulting in non-physical pain if not met, and pleasure if they are met.

So let"s begin.

I have always wondered why it is that only people who commit to something and then work on it are ever happy.

I could not explain it with the limited knowledge I"ve had... but this is changing.


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

How babysitting your children, your business, even yourself alters how you feel

Context is decisive...

I found a great article that described what has been the most important spiritual shift in my career as a teacher and a coach.

I trust that you"ll be able to see how it applies to you and how it can transform your life, and create a spiritual shift for you too.

Here is the story:
The Day I Pretended to Babysit My Own Kids
By Chana Bitton

Emotionally exhausted. This is how I was beginning to feel on a regular basis. Everything my kids did that wasn"t “perfect” got on my nerves. If they argued with each other, I yelled. If they didn"t listen to me the first time I asked, I yelled. If they had a complaint about dinner, I got annoyed . . . and yelled. Why was I reacting this way? Why couldn"t I enjoy my job as a mother, and see the beauty in raising a family?When did parenting become such a burden?

It was something I thought about regularly, because I knew that the way I was being was not the kind of parent I wanted to be. I wanted to rediscover the enjoyment in parenting, but I needed to dig deep to figure out how to find it again.

One night during bedtime, as I was putting my 6-year-old to sleep, I began having the same agitated feeling. She kept asking questions, not listening, squirming—basically, being a normal 6-year-old. I hated the way I was feeling, and decided to play a little mind game with myself.

Why I need to be some kind of criminal to really help you

Yesterday I listened to step 4 of the 67 steps. I heard something... and turned the audio off. I didn"t want to forget what I heard.

This is the step where Tai talks about the DNA that makes us able to learn, no, makes us have to learn to become human.

He uses language as an example.

Every human has the capacity to learn their mother tongue so they can communicate with the people around them. But there is no separate gene for English and Serbian, for example. There is the capacity to learn language.

And so is with hundreds of abilities.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

How do you know if you have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset? And how do you get out of the fixed mindset, really?

I doesn"t matter what you think you believe.

I am starting to notice that what you say you believe is one thing, what you actually believe is expressed a lot more truthfully in your actions and in your reactions.

One of the most useful distinctions I learned from Hungarian author, Margoczi, is the distinction of "devaluing of your "I""

If you have an "I" that can be devalued, then it must be fixed.
If you compare your "I" with anyone else"s, and you are higher and you feel smug about it, or your "I" is lower and you feel bad about it, then you have a fixed mindset.


Instead of trying to change life, Become a match to life

I can feel the wind, but I am not the wind. I can hear the voices and I am not the voices.

The above is a quote from one of my students who has raised his vibration, even though his soul correction is one of the difficult five.

Thinking that the voices are significant, engaging with the voices makes us schizophrenic, as if we were many people.

Thoughts, voices, are like the wind. If you start to listening to the wind as if it talked to you, you go crazy. The wind takes over your life, starts running your life, and you go crazy.

The wind whispers, the wind sings. It has nothing to do with you. And so is with all the thoughts.
Hoping for a silent mind is like hoping that everything is given to you without you having to do anything. Really.
Wanting life to be different than it is.

No one can promise you an easy life. No such thing.

The only authentic promise anyone can make is make you a match to life.


Monday, June 19, 2017

The size of your life is an indicator of your happiness. What is the size of your life?

Solve big problems, and your experience of life will be fulfilling. The bigger problems you solve the more money you"ll make and the more fulfillment you"ll experience in life.
Obviously what you call a problem depends on your view of life.

And how you solve a problem depends on you too...

And thus you create your level of happiness... your life"s experience.
You live in a world of your own design. And you live a life of your own design...
I know you would not design a life that feels as bad as the life you are living, but in an unconscious way you have designed it...

This article is about how to design your life that you can enjoy. Your design will give you the life you"ll live...

Does your vibration depend only on you? Does your integrity depend only on your actions? Does your money depend only on your actions?

I just had a profound realization: To the degree I deal with people whose actions lack integrity, to the same degree I lack integrity myself.

You are not only a sum total of your closest five people, your "originating" or "sourcing" circle. You are actually the same as the lowest of them in spiritual sense.

Your financial integrity, your earning power, your deserving factor, your happiness, your weight, your health, your mindset, all depend more on your friends than on yourself. Who you surround yourself with have more power in your life than you, yourself.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Your physiology and psychology work hand in hand... And how can meditation work for you... finally

In some regards I am still a Twitchy Little Bastard... even though outwardly my behavior has calmed down a lot.

What am I talking about?

A Twitchy Little Bastard is someone who acts without regard to the future, without considering if the action is sustainable or not. ((

The phrase I learned from Roy Williams, in the book Be like Amazon, represents business people who act now and regret later.

I use it to measure your TLB score in your Starting Point Measurements. Want to know yours?

I am looking at this phenomenon from a different vantage point: your quick to react, your high-sprung state.

I am looking to prove to you that your physiology and your psychology, your body and your mind are intimately connected.

That you calm down one and the other calms down too.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

The purpose of all learning is to allow the learning to change who you are

This is not a funny article... And actually I struggled mightily writing it... because it talks about something I have never been able to teach... Your beingness.

I am reading a book for the third time in a month. I will read it again and again until I become who I want to become.

Some people read the words in a book. I read the spirit. I align my whole inside with it... if it is worth it.

And if it is worth it: it won"t happen at the first reading, the second reading, and probably the reading either. So I read it until it happens.

The two reasons to read are:

1. to allow the material to change you, to change who you are...
2. all the other reasons people read for...


Friday, June 16, 2017

When your cleverness trips you up

Bad things used to come in threes... Not any more.

Nowadays it is more like three good things and one bad thing.

The bad thing today could be turned into good... maybe writing this article helps.

Some clients buy stuff from me and then they, in their imminent wisdom, combine it with something else...

This is what happened today. Someone who bought the Water Energizer successfully energized his water, I checked when it was 650 vibration, and yet his cell hydration didn"t go up.

What happened? Turned out that after the water was ready to consume, he used a device called Harmony Evolution see:

I visited that site. Dark Side energies, very scary. The place"s vibration is 50. The truth value of their statements less than 1%, and in my evaluation the product is harmful.


Vibrational Review: Heartmath Institute

First: Heartmath has a theory, that the heart has a lot of brain cells in it and they can be influenced just like the brain can be...

The promise is of Heartmath is to help you calm down and handle life"s stresses better at will.

I first heard of and listened to recordings, exercises from the Heartmath Institute around 2003. I found the idea very seductive, and really wanted it to work for me... but it didn"t. When a few years later Dr. Alex Loyd used them to prove that the Healing Codes work I revisited them... and found the methodology still not working.

The truth is: they are both, the Healing Codes and the Heartmath, a nice idea... but neither of them works reliably, consistently, and for anyone. If something is NOT reliable, NOT consistent, then in essence it doesn"t work... what works is the Placebo effect.

I am not discounting the Placebo effect: it is powerful, but it is used to sell snake oil...


Coherence Generator

Brand new science: your physiology trumps your psychology!
A Stress reliever

How your mind, how your beliefs listen to the superior intelligence of your body...
Heart Coherence Generator
Feel Calm and Collected after a few minutes of being in the presence of this powerful 653 vibration audio recording.
Use it when the events that are facing you will turn out better if you can stay calm.
It also can help you to recover from any experience where you are offended, or hurt by someone or their remark, a lot faster than usual.
Enjoy people and their company who normally rub you the wrong way... because you won"t react to them. Maybe it is your children, your spouse or your in-laws?

Or customers, bosses...

This audio over time can lend you a sense of imperviousness where nothing gets to you and every day is a smooth sailing day.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

What does that nice cup of coffee or tea have to do with your TLB, your ability to have a Self?

More about your TLB... how much voice do YOU have in the chorus of the voices that live in your head?
It"s Thursday morning, and I am starting a new experiment.

Yesterday I discovered that I have no idea what it is like to eat when you have an appetite. I observed myself, and I solely eat, have been eating, for taste. Texture. The mouthfeel.

But my physiology wants me to eat for appetite. ((This is one of the aspects of your physiology I am now able to test: how your body wants you to eat. For taste, for appetite, for smell, whether you need meat, fat, or sugar to be well...

Often you are eating the right things and yet you are not getting well... you don"t have energy... This test will tell you.)) Bummer, I don"t know the first thing about appetite... :-(

I look at different languages to get a clue... In Hungarian appetite, the word, says "the desire to eat". Hm. In other languages there are appetizers... that make that desire to eat bigger, or maybe to wake up the dormant desire?

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

What can you do, what must you do to benefit from the teachings of the "Law of Attraction", of "The Power of your Mind", and Natalie Ledwell"s Mind Movies?

If you read yesterday"s article on coherence, my 21 hour (so far) experiment of playing the Coherence Generator... (new name old audio) I can promise you that it is nothing short of miraculous.
Creativity, innovation, growth, learning, takes a lot of coherent energy. When your energies are incoherent, you are troubled, are in a hurry, or are afraid, creativity is impossible.
Just imagine yourself a juggler... because that is what creativity is: being able to keep and move around multiple objects in the air at the same time, so you can see new connections. Really...

Most people can"t keep one thought in the air for longer than seconds... unless they fixate on it... fixating means: all other flying objects fall... So most people have no experience in creativity, because they are mostly incoherent.

And just like with water turning from incoherent to coherent only at a certain vibrational level (frequency?) you also need to raise your vibration to a certain level to become creative. Temporarily, at least.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

From time to time I get incoherent.

Coherence is when all your energies, all your fibers share the same direction and the same rhythm.

Much like having a six-horse carriage, and the horses pull in the same direction.
Incoherence is like herding cats... hopeless.
I am rarely incoherent. And when I am: I am acutely aware of it. Very unpleasant.

The truth is: I used to be incoherent most of the time.

What is the cause of incoherence? I think, for me, too many choices. And an inability or unwillingness to narrow them down, and maybe choose.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Your deserving factor, your earning factor... How much do you deserve? How much have you earned? Are you worth a damn?

The 67 steps... does doing the 67 steps make you deserving? And if yes, why and how?

I am listening to step 1 of the 67 steps again. The seventh time? Eighth time? I have lost track.

And as is usual for me, I am seeing something that Tai is not saying, and I kind of have been seeing, but not really. In the corner of my eyes.

The whole program, the 67 steps, is based on a few quotes: "but is he worth a damn?"

Or the one by Charlie Munger: "In life, to get what you want you, need to deserve what you want."

And the third: "there are only three types of people: people who make things happen, people who watch things happen, and people who ask: what the heck happened?"

Sunday, June 11, 2017

You want money? Are you a producer or are you a consumer?

If you are a student and you pick and choose what to read, you"ll end up with an incomplete knowledge of what I teach.

It"s like learning some letters of the alphabet, and not the others...

If that is you, please examine your reasons of being on this site, and start telling the truth: you are not here to become all you can become, you are here to consume.

What do I mean?

The world has two types of people, the producers and the consumers. This is obviously just one way to look at people, but it is a very interesting angle, you"ll see. Because their behavior, their principles, their mindset is very different.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

The only way to affect real change is to change the root cause of what you want to change.

The Three Great Mysteries: air to a bird, water to a fish, mankind to himself
~ Hindu Proverb
We live in an age where, we could say, are poised to move our inquiry into areas where it could make a difference. Not yet... obviously.]

I say in every area of the mystery that we call life and Universe.

In health. In well-being. In climate change and caring for our planet. In evolution, genetics, and feeding all these people. In psychology. In human growth and self-actualization.

We are still on the surface, and everything you buy, everything you read, everything you can think is still not cause, and doing it won"t make a difference... except...

Some ideas, some theories are closer to the source than others.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Why do women, why do mothers, hold you back under the guise of protecting you?

I always ponder why things are the way they are.

I ask why more than once, more than three times... I ask and look.

One question that makes me ask why a lot nowadays, why is it that certain cultures have most children live their lives in mother-child, and why do others let the child live, where they should move to, to become independent, in father-child.

I have a theory, and like any theory it needs to be tested and tested again.

This theory is this:

What field of relationship leads you to raise your vibration?

The only field of relationship, the only field of communication that leads you to growth, that leads you to raise your vibration is what I reveal in this article.
I have a student whose biggest contribution to me is asking questions, the kind of questions that make me stop and look to give an answer.

As the father in our father-child, teacher-student relationship, I am immensely grateful... eyes fogged over grateful.

Because he is so faithfully in that field of relationship, everything he says is truthful. No intent to deceive. Also no desire to be accepted: he knows he is already accepted.
Father-child relationship is NOT your human standard. You didn"t have it with your father. You didn"t have it, most likely, with a teacher.
Father-child is the home of Unconditional Love.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Weird is the necessary ingredient to getting a cult following

I spend some of my "entertainment credits" to shore up my cultural understanding of the country I live in, the United States. It is still study... it is still doing my work.

I read books you had to read in high school, and I find that they are really good books.
I watch shows that you watched, read nursery rhymes.

I am watching Twin Peaks.

It"s a cult classic, and I am learning a lot from it.

I learn that to be a cult movie, it has to be consistently weird. Like The Big Lebowski or really many of the Coen Brothers movies. The movie, Being John Malkovich.

But Twin Peaks takes it to a whole new level of weird. I am not talking of the surreal elements, those are just silly props. I am talking about people being themselves. Stupid, naive, self-centered, living in their made up universe... illustrations to "you live in a world of your own design", having very little of your map of reality and reality have in common... all very funny and all very commonplace... but here made weird, so you can see it.

Through adding weirdness it is now clearly visible, that most things we watch have a soothing, unreal corrective lens on them, because I have a hunch that Twin Peaks" representation of reality, the reality of human behavior, is closer to how it is.


Is it worth it? Is it worth the bother, the effort, the work?

I had an insight yesterday.

One of the reasons people don"t like to try new things is because they cannot judge whether they can do it or not. Whether it will be easy or not. Whether it will be pleasant and enjoyable or not.

How come? Life is complex, and most of us have no tolerance for complexity. Complexity, ambivalence, ambiguity are normal, but the capacity to hold them click in only at a certain brain development age... If you got stuck in young child brain development, that is most people, you have never developed the capacity.
You can do almost anything... but it"s as hard as you imagine... because most things are hard. Especially things worth doing. And to do them you need to have a lot of room for mistakes, failures, and feeling stupid or confused.


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

The Integrated Good Life & The Four Pillars Of Eudaimonia

The Integrated Good Life & The Four Pillars Of Eudaimonia

Eudamonia: the fulfilled life. The satisfying life. It"s a how... It"s about how much life you have in your years. Fulfilling the potential that you are.

It"s impossible to have "the Good Life" without Integration... but... ((By the way, please don"t forget that you want to be like Abraham Lincoln who could and did learn from everyone. From most people he learned how not to do things, how not to think.

Because Tai Lopez"s vibration is 170, and his personal take on things that are of high truth value, the books he read, is off and sometimes very off, you want to be able to hear the principle, and not his interpretation.

In the step about integration, he is more off the mark than nearly any other step. Way off. So take everything he says with a grain of salt, and consider that I picked his program because I want to wean you from slavish learning, and want to train you in being able to think for yourself.))

One of the hardest steps for students to complete in the 67 step coaching is the step about creating an integrated life.
Why? Because on the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, there is no such a thing as integration.


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Are you disappointed with yourself for not being higher minded, and achieving more in life?

For years I"ve seen that humans, humanity, are stuck in a place where happiness is impossible, accomplishment is not predictable, and health is touch and go.

I"ve had big hopes, selfish hopes, that I will be the one to unstuck you.

Lots of other people have this hope... and the hopes remain hopes, because you have a vested interest to keep what keeps you stuck in place? If we knew what keeps you stuck, maybe we could unstuck you.

This article is an attempt to identify that one thing. The linchpin issue.


Monday, June 5, 2017

Is the fixed mindset a sign of courage deficiency? Can you turn on courage?

If you can"t measure it it doesn"t exist.

The world"s population is divided. A small part tries to get results through effort, and the large part is trying to sail on their innate abilities alone.

People in both parts have an ego. Ego is normal.

Ego can push you forward, or ego can hold you back.

This is exactly how it works in the two parts of the population.

The people who want to live through effort, learning, challenges use their ego to push them forward.
The other part... hell, they use their ego to get offended from criticism, to hide from challenges, and to make sure they maintain their self-image... whatever it may be.


Sunday, June 4, 2017

Updated: When you don"t hurry, time doesn"t hurry either. When you are prepared you can afford to not hurry

I am updating this article I wrote four years ago, to include the distinction "fixed mindset".

An article I wrote about IQ and your inability to see higher than 1 degree above your level, and about 5 degrees below your level fell on dead silence. Hm, interesting. It seems to have violated something unsaid, and got caught in the filter the mind mounts to stop disturbing news to enter your consciousness.

I shared this with the woman who drives me to do my errands on every Tuesday, and watched her emotions (remember, I am a True Empath!)... the emotions were "holding your breath, playing possum: I am not even here... Nobody home, I didn"t hear you..."
I pondered it until I saw it: we don"t like our bubble burst. We want our self-image to stay the way it is, so all of life can stay the same.
This, in spite of all the wants to be more, live more, do more, have more. In spite of the desire to raise your vibration. Why? Because it"s scary. It is scary to hear that our worst fears are true. Or maybe even worse than we feared them to be.


When the mind takes over perception: you see only what the mind allows you to see

This is a four years old article. I am rewriting it to include fixed mindset, the distinction from Carol Dweck"s book, Mindset.

When the mind takes over your perception you see what your mind wants to see.

We have all experienced how the mind tricks us into believing that something other than what"s happening is happening.

When you are dizzy, sea-sick or drunk: the room seems to be spinning. When someone tells you skinny is good, you start liking skinny. When someone tells you you are ugly, you start seeing ugly.

Here are some examples:
1. You are not allowed to see what your mind doesn"t allow you to see...
...this is why Japanese soldiers could not see, till the end, that they were beaten.

More than that: Japanese soldiers enlisted into the Japanese navy, but never considered that they should learn to swim: the option that their vessel would sink never occurred to them: after all their emperor was invincible. They would not even make any moves to get a life preserver when they were under attack: their mind told them that nothing can, nothing could happen to them... and they died by drowning... victims of the mind hiding reality from them.

You are that Japanese soldier, you just don"t know it.


Saturday, June 3, 2017

Smart people don"t have to look... Creativity is genetic... and other bullcrap from the Tree of Knowledge

I have started to put my old videos on my video site

I also listened to one... how you lose your creativity, how to get it back...

Brilliant. I mean the video. I like it.

I talk about how you leak your energy...

Social media, constant talking, texting, browsing, playing video games, all leak your energy.

And it is not just you, it is almost all of humanity.

Leaking your energy... none remaining for creativity, creating life, growing, being a human.

Machines running out of energy, robotic, and not knowing that you did it to yourselves.

What is near invisible, at least I could not see it for decades, is this:
On the Tree of Knowledge, by design, speed trumps everything.
Speed trumps (trumps: in card games, or reasoning: ranks above the others, takes it all, wins.) thoughtfulness, speed trumps creativity, speed even trumps doing things right.

It is hard to distinguish, because it happens so fast, and so reliably. Always.

I said: it is "By design" and I meant it.

Call me a conspiracy theorist, maybe I am. But I don"t believe that evolution, Life, our DNA wants us to behave in such self-defeating ways. Or if you are religious, I don"t believe that your god would want us to prefer speed to everything else.
  You want to reduce someone to sheep? To effect?
Suggest to them that they have to do things fast, without thinking. That snappy, quick, is what constitutes winning in life, not the results. (Was it your mother, your father, your uncle who did that? Your school teacher?)

That you are supposed to know, without looking, without recognizing, maybe even without understanding the question.

This is the story of your life: you feel inferior because you don"t see without looking, you don"t understand without contemplating, and that means that you are <gasp!> SLOW! <gasp again.>

I am one of you, with the only difference that I pay attention. And, at least some of the time, I look before I leap, I contemplate before I answer.
Some of the time.

Used to be never.

I have a sneaking hunch that what made architecture not enjoyable for me is the fact that it has only 5% need for brilliance, and 95% for sitting and drafting. Smart people don"t have to work hard! Screamed something inside me.

I hated that.

I hate filling orders, that is the nowadays equivalent of drafting. I never would have guessed that this Tree of Knowledge mindset is underneath that dislike.

I have been training myself for about a year now to stop and to look before I start a Freecell game. It is obvious that it is a losing strategy to just start moving the cards.

Today I "heard" the internal conversation, "IT" saying: "smart people don"t have to look..."

But the truth is:

Nothing worth doing is worth starting fast, without looking or research.
Nothing worth doing has  ever been created fast.
No creativity is possible without first looking, and looking and

Energized Water, Coherent Water


Friday, June 2, 2017

Health Consultation

I have tons of articles that say what I do in these...

But in essence you"ll get a list of supplements and a list of foods you need to eat, that will rebuild your health.

I"ll write more in detail when I have time.

If you got here after payment... I"ll contact you in email.

If you haven"t spoken with me... your very first step before I would even discuss your chances to have a session with me is to have your starting measurements done.

1. your vibration (1-1000)
2. your overall intelligence, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, body, relationship, etc.
3. the number of spiritual capacities you have
4. your soul correction (your machine) I need your date of birth for this
5. do you have attachments?
6. the level of your health (1-100)
7. the level of your cell hydration (1-100)
8. your relationship to feedback and instruction

I do these measurements through muscle testing. I connect to Source, connect to you, and then muscle test the question.

In order to make sure I am connecting to the right person, please send me a recent picture and your date of birth.

I"ll email your results and any recommendations I have for you.


Energy products

1. Energy Remedies... these are energies infused in water: these work on any vibrational level
2. Water Energizer: an energy that raises the vibration of water when infused: needs purified water with no additives. It can also be used directly on yourself to make yourself more coherent.
3. Energies to create energy remedies at home... the audios work on you if you have a high enough vibration
4. energies that raise YOUR vibration when played in the background - these work on every level of vibration
4. energies that support the DNA activation of spiritual capacities - these need you to be already high vibration, and action needing the capacity

Want to see me? Instead of just reading my words...

The Truth Method: The Mechanics Video