Thursday, June 29, 2017

What"s your mission in life? YOUR mission... not what others want your mission to be!

What"s your mission in life? Everyone and their brother is asking this question...

The question indicates that you should have a mission... You should have a purpose... or else...

But why is that? Are people misleading you or is it true that if you have a mission, if you have a purpose then life is better? Let"s do some looking together, ok? ((In my "criminal" article I share that if, as a child, you are not allowed, or you feel you are not allowed to make a difference, you"ll have one of two predictable purposes, 1. become a criminal, a taker, a cheater, a freeloader, 2. remain a forever child, pleasure seeker, let"s have fun! About 30% of the population has already chosen a purpose, but underneath is all is the grief of not feeling that they can make a difference, or not really. So I am talking to everybody, to you, even if you, maybe, belong to that 30%... So please read on...))

Some people also tell you to follow your passion. Or they tell you to find your purpose.

Both of those feel too big and both say, find... intimating that there is a passion, a purpose with your name on it. Pre-ordained, given to you by god, or by your birth date... or maybe your soul correction?

But if you have passions, you know that your passions may change over time.


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