Friday, May 15, 2015

Why was the little girl acting out?

Disappointment is when you get something you didn"t expect.

I expected the readers to be here to get something, and not to give. And they didn"t disappoint.
I expected people to not see beyond their noses and they didn"t... but still, kudos to the ten brave souls that forced themselves to think something.

It was hard, wasn"t it? Now I am talking to those ten.

What would happen if you did this every day? You"ll start to build some serious muscle in problem solving, and by the time you actually need those muscles, you would have them.

I promised, you delivered, so I must tell you what happened next in that story.

You know that I blasted the little girl... and I did. I was like you: stopped on the surface.

But then: I didn"t sleep well. I woke up with a question:


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