Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Heroism vs. incremental process: choosing will choose your life for you

I just read an article on our mindset, collective mindset, where you wait until something goes really wrong and then you seek out help. It"s here in pdf form... for your convenience. incremental-medicine

This is the mindset in every area of your life, health, wealth, love, and happiness.

Anything that doesn"t require drama, heroism, anything that is not over the top is ignored, poopooed, looked down upon. In every area of life. By you, and by "them". You dream of being a billionaire while your bills aren"t paid. You dream of a private jet while your credit cards are maxed out. You dream of being a rock star while you haven"t been able to play one song well.

You don"t know, or you ignore the cause of your misery, and then you need rescuing.

Let me explain this from the inner dynamic, the inner motivating, pro or con, feelings point of view.

You experience (feel) something. It is a feeling that indicates something. It is unpleasant. A pain, a buzz, a discomfort.
You quickly override its instruction: "Pay attention to me! Trouble is brewing!" by quickly doing something that overrides its unpleasantness... eat, sex, sleep.
Or worry about it. The worry is a good suppressor: you now feel the unpleasantness of worry... and don"t have to do anything, you are safe. (Can you see how ridiculous this is?)

Some time later, on the operation table, you can recall that it began years earlier, with that slight discomfort.

Now, because doctors make more money attending to real or created emergency procedures, they don"t care.

And even if they did: their education lacks teaching the causes. There is no money in prevention.
The internet is flooded with partial or wrong information... and you get no help. Most of it is disseminated by phD"s in popular books

One of my students invented a mission statement yesterday:
I humbly and scrupulously compile, assimilate, clarify and illuminate data and written materials for the benefit of others.
I suggested that without discernment she re-distributes potentially harmful information. So I asked her to put discernment into the sentence.

She wrote:
Exercising discernment, I compile, assimilate, clarify and illuminate data and written materials for the benefit of others.
That is beautiful. But can she? Does she have the seeing big picture capacity? Because only in the big picture can you see that something is out of whack.

Imagine a huge box of jigsaw puzzle pieces. Thousands of pieces. Like life... Like health... Like happiness...
By shape they can be put together in thousands of ways, ok, maybe hundreds.

By color they can be put together in hundreds of ways.

But, listen up! only one way is correct.

Unless you can see the finished puzzle on the cover of the box, you can"t call yourself discerning, you can call yourself guessing, or clueless.

When I measure your Starting Point Measurements, I tell you also how many spiritual capacities you have open. Many people ask what

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