Monday, January 23, 2017

My 67 step coaching program was inspired by a Neal Stephenson novel

The inspiration to coach using Tai Lopez"s 67 steps came from one of my all time favorite books, the Neal Stephenson novel, Diamond Age.

In that novel, science fiction, far in the future, a scientist puts together an interactive book, a primer, for a rich and influential client"s grand daughter. And then he steals it... meaning: duplicates it without permission.

He means to give it to his daughter, but accidentally it goes to a very young, very poor, very disadvantaged girl, Nell.

Nell grows into a veritable person and a hero as a result of interacting with the book.
Not READING the book, but interacting with the book... doing what the book says to do, answering the book"s questions, etc.
It is not what she learned from the book that made her a person, by the way. It is the constant redirecting the book provided. Getting to know herself. Minding her job as a person... not worrying about others" opinion of her, or what she is doing, of what one is supposed to do.

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