Wednesday, May 28, 2014

NEW: The similarity between organized religion and medicine... is there any? or Is it the mind or is it the Ego that is holding you back, that is not allowing you to change?

During a recent coaching session, the student was giving the mind ((mind: When I talk about the mind, I talk about an aspect of a human, the brain function of gathering, storing, and retrieving information. It is a simple and stupid computer thinking itself you.

It is stupid, because it has NO FACULTIES to decide if what is being fed to it is true or not, it can only COMPARE what is coming in to what it already stores.

It sets up filters to your perception, hearing, seeing, sensing, to filter out everything it considers not relevant... but it takes its clue for relevancy in what it already stores.

If you decided as a child that you are useless and dumb, it will not allow you to hear anything counter to that, or anything that would need useful and intelligent.

Your mind is not your friend. You need to start control it, and take leadership.

There is the you, the part of you that isn"t judging and isn"t judged. That is what we will consider the Real You. That is the part of you that is the Boss.

And the servants or employees are the body, the mind, the soul, the ego, the subconscious, the will, the intellect... they each serve a different purpose in keeping you alive, in making you grow, in your being.

All that talk about making your mind better, etc. is based on misunderstanding or often is a deliberate attempt (successful so far) to enslave you.

Because the mind does not include critical faculties, it is the primary way to manipulate you, and make other people"s bidding... like government, church, Dark Side, etc.)) all the credit for her issues: fear of making a mistake, fear of doing anything new, fear of trusting anyone or anything, etc.

I was listening, and the more she said the clearer it became to me, that she is actually talking about the Ego that uses the Mind as its spokesperson.

My brother is dealing with health problems and he is guided by medicine people, aka doctors. He is getting worse and he is getting more and more sure what he is supposed to do, how he is supposed to eat, how it is... He has the best teachers: doctors.

Medical doctors, organized religion, and Ego have a lot in common.

Let"s examine the commonalities:

A: the doctors


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