Saturday, May 24, 2014

NEW: Updated: Low Vibration? High Vibration? What"s The Difference?

What is Low Vibration? What is High Vibration? Is it really vibration? Why should I have one rather than the other? Really?
These are very smart and relevant questions. Don"t be fooled by hype, don"t be intimidated by the psycho-babble of high vibration and all that crap. ((Here is an example: I have copied the whole article... it is a sales pitch, this whole vibration thing is used to sell something that will "raise your vibration," maybe.

Essential oils are a simple tool that helps a person expedite their re-programming to new and higher thoughts of health, abundance, success, happiness and love.

Pure 100% YL essential oils used on a consistent basis will eat and break through the old crust/programming that has built up around our cells and begins making the cells new and healthier. Cells reproduce themselves between 90 to 120 days, by using the essential oils our old programming is replaced with healthier new programming, breaking away the crust of the old and allowing the new to be born and thrive. You will experience a drastic improvement in your mental, spiritual and physical self especially if you blend it with higher vibrational thoughts and affirmations.


Human Brain - 72 -90mhz
Human Body (day) - 62-68mhz
Cold Symptoms - 58mhz
Flu Symptoms - 57 mhz
Candida - 55mhz
Cancer - 42mhz
Death Begins - 25mhz

We are all vibrational beings. Everything has a vibrational frequency. You are a Magnet... If your vibration is low, you will attract low vibrational things, people, events, illness, etc. If your vibration is high, you will attract high vibrational things, people, events, health, etc. This is what you want...happiness, love, health, well-being and abundance.

Negative thoughts lower your vibrational frequency by 12mhz
Positive thoughts raise your vibrational frequency by 10mhz
Prayer and Meditation raises your vibrational frequency by 15mhz

Processed/Canned Food - 0mhz
Fresh Produce - up to 15mhz
Dry Herbs - 12 -22mhz
Fresh Herbs - 20-27mhz
Essential Oils - 52-320mhz

One drop of EO is approx. 40 million-trillion molecules. We have 100 trillion cells in our bodies, but one drop of oil contains enough molecules to cover every cell in our bodies with 40,000 molecules. Considering that it only takes one molecule of the right kind to open a receptor site and communicate with the DNA to alter cellular function, you can see why even one drop or inhaling a small amount of oil vapor can have profound effects on the body, brain and emotions.))

First off, no one knows what they are talking about. I don"t know either. But when I open my mouth or write, what comes out is not what I know, but what Source is telling me.


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