Monday, April 30, 2018

Fake religiousness... why you don"t deserve to enter the Kingdom of Heaven

I am not religious. ((If I practiced any religion, I guess, it would be Judaism... given that I am Jewish...

Until a certain point in my life I adhered to the "religion" of dialectic materialism, which teaches that matter is the defining and spirit is secondary. I even argued with my Jewish philosophy teacher.

I admit, I am not smart enough to even know what that means. That is what I learned. The words.

All my life I hated Christians. Automatically.

I am just, maybe the first time, looking why. Jews are hated automatically. I have been thinking about that, digging into that more and more. I am starting to have a deep understanding why, and I have stopped blaming the Christians.

This article has been immensely helpful in accessing my own feeling what it is that I find distasteful in Christians.

We, I am getting clearer... The hardest thing to know for human is themselves.)) And yet, I have learned, over the years, from Christian religious booklets and articles.

This article has allowed me to understand what happens to a person when they decide to pay me for their starting point measurements... and what happens when they receive it.

Read this article, and I"ll continue explaining what I learned after this quoted article.
Why Do We Major in the Minors?

from R.C. Sproul May 14, 2016 Category: Articles

The Pharisees distorted the emphasis of biblical righteousness to suit their own behavioral patterns of self-justification.

Jesus frequently confronted the Pharisees on this point. Jesus said to them, “You tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness” (Matt. 23:23a).

On numerous occasions, Jesus acknowledged that the Pharisees scrupulously obeyed some points of the law. They paid their tithes, they read their Scriptures, they did a host of things the law required--and Jesus commended them for their actions, saying, “These you ought to have done” (Matt. 23:23b).

However, it was the emphasis that was out of kilter. They scrupulously tithed, but in doing so they used their obedience to this lesser matter as a cloak to cover up their refusal to obey the weightier matters of justice and mercy. That distortion occurs today.

It is much more difficult to measure the disposition of our hearts than it is to measure the number of movies we attend

Why do we have a perpetual tendency to major in minors? As Christians, we want to be recognized for our growth in sanctification and for our righteousness. Which is easier to achieve, maturity in showing mercy or in the paying of tithes? To pay my tithes certainly involves a financial sacrifice of sorts, but there is a real sense in which it is cheaper for me to drop my money into the plate than it is for me to invest my life in the pursuit of justice and mercy. We tend to give God the cheapest gifts. Which is easier, to develop the fruit of the Spirit, conquering pride, covetousness, greed, and impatience, or to avoid going to movie theaters or dancing? We also yearn for clearly observable measuring rods of growth. How do we measure our growth in patience or in compassion? It is much more difficult to measure the disposition of our hearts than it is to measure the number of movies we attend.

It is also our inclination as fallen creatures to rate as most important those virtues in which we have achieved a relative degree of success. Naturally, I would like to think that my moral strong points are the important ones and my moral weaknesses are limited to minor matters. It is a short step from this natural inclination to a widespread distortion of God’s emphases.

This excerpt is taken from How Should I Live in This World? by R.C. Sproul. Download more free ebooks in the Crucial Questions series here.

People who write to me have some inkling that they are not all that... All that they fancy themselves to be. All that they pretend to others to be.

Why? Because their lives don"t reflect that. And your life doesn"t lie.

"In life, to get what you want you, need to deserve what you want."

People swear to me, for example, that they are grateful and appreciative. But saying so and being so are two different things. Saying "I am grateful" doesn"t make you BE grateful, unless your vibration is already in the human being heights, around 400. Grateful is not a mind-phenomenon... Not a feeling either! Feeling grateful lasts a few moments, and besides: it is all about you!

As the article says, using its terminology, that is a disposition of your heart. And not a momentary phenomenon. A disposition is somewhat permanent.

So when people get their starting point measurements, almost all pretense is removed, they are naked in front of me, and the measurements show the person"s disposition of the heart.

What makes you deserve what you want is "the disposition of your heart."

Your actions, intended or not, are always in sync, in harmony, with the disposition of your heart.

Pretend actions don"t raise the disposition of your heart, while the disposition of your heart will be truly expressed in your actions.

Cowardly, stingy, self-centered, arrogant, etc. disposition of the heart will result in cowardly, stingy, self-centered, arrogant actions. No exceptions.

Even when you pretend, some way you show your real colors.

By the way, this is why everyone"s integrity is so low. Because one thing everyone misses in the integrity statement is this: if you do what you said you would do, but your attitude is all about you, disempowering, then all your actions are on the side of no integrity. ((


"Nothing hidden, being truthful and honest, doing complete work, working from an empowering context, and doing very well what you do; doing it as it was meant to be done or better, and without cutting corners.

Integrity is being true to your values, standards and ideals.

"In other words, HONORING ONE"S WORD: Doing what you know to do, doing what you said you would do and on time, doing what others would expect you to do even if you haven"t said you would do it, and saying when you are not doing this as soon as you realize you won"t be doing it or won"t be doing it on time."


Now, back to the article I am quoting: your delusional/pretentious self chooses actions that look good but make no difference.

In the work I teach, you actually need to BECOME someone higher than you are.

I know, I know, it"s a tall order. It"s hard... you don"t have to tell me. It"s a lot of targeted, purposeful work. It also takes time.

I now have four men who have proven to me that they mean business.

I have, at present, almost no women who are proving to me that they mean business.

WTF, right? What is it about women that they will take themselves off the hook, settle for less, settle for make-believe, settle for no growth... regardless of what lip service they may give me. When the rubber hits the road... they hit the break...

If you grow 1% a week, by the end of the year you"ll be 67% "bigger".

1% a week is not that hard... But you have to work at it daily. A good spiritual practice, a different one every week, or keeping the one you have... and taking it a notch higher, will do it, will accomplish it.

Here are four examples:
  • One of my students practices being a value recognizer.

  • Another practices to become an idea machine.

  • A third is practicing to become a Black American male withut the baggage.

  • A fourth is practicing seeing his voices and other people"s voices not effect him.

All these practices can be kicked up a notch week by week.

And by the end of a year enjoy a 67% growth.

Can they do it faster? No. The beingness needs to go deep. Needs to be consolidated, tested, become instinctual.

This is exactly what I did, by the way. 1% growth a day.

I am still doing it. It didn"t get easier... in fact, just like with weight loss, the last 10 pounds are the hardest...

I am working on the last 10 spiritual pounds. It is sticky, and giving me a hard time.

But I am not quitting. I am doing it for me. Not for you, not for Source, for me.

I am in the last phase of my life, I am 70 years old. I like to go out on the top of my game... Life is not an exception.

What is my "10 spiritual pounds" practice? I am working to become someone who I matter to myself. Who says: I am important. Who can choose myself.

Yesterday I asked for help. Now I need to accept it... both are wicked difficult for someone who decided, somewhere, that they don"t deserve to live...

Why just getting unstuck is not enough?

stuckGetting unstuck and moving in the right direction is just a dream for most people.

Most programs deal with only one side of the story: they either help you unstuck (but you"ll get stuck again, because there is no path for you), or they help you move (but unless you first unstuck, you may move to unhappiness, unfulfillment, disappointment, instead of a nice place). But what I have never seen is someone who does both, and definitely no one seems to use the energy of what fuels you, your hidden fuel source, a craving, a yearning, to get you unstuck and help you moving.

If this was a mouthful, don"t despair, I"ll explain.

If you are stuck, and 99% of humans are stuck, at least partially, the process to go from stuck to unstuck to moving to a nice place with fulfillment is this:

  1. Realize and admit that you are stuck. This step is similar to Alcoholic Anonymous" first step: We admit that we have no power over alcohol. In our case we have no power over what got us stuck. None. And hiding it, lying about it, covering it up, avoiding it, being resigned about it got us the life we have.

  2. Identify the nature of your stuckedness. Often just identifying it unstucks you. This can often be expressed in an "unanswerable question." It is unanswerable because no matter how many times someone answers it, it does not scratch the itch... Mine is "Do you love me?" But someone telling me they love me does nothing for me... the question still remains: "Do you love me?" Some examples: do you appreciate me? do I matter? am I worthy? am I smart? do I belong? am I OK?

  3. Curtail the stuckedness, put it aside for a few minutes, so you can create a list of some desired results you would like to have

  4. Analyze those desired results for the hidden and unfulfilled, unfulfillable yearning you hide, that are both needed for and result in the outcome. I"ll explain it later...

  5. Create a unique, personal path for yourself to have what you yearn so that you can move, unhindered by the yearning, in fact supported by the yearning.

I have never met any program, any teacher, any coach who even knew about that yearning, let alone validate it.

GotAnItchYouJustCantScratch1_fs_fsBut that desire, that yearning is valid. It is not politically correct, and you hide it. ((Why? Because it feels socially unacceptable. Like: I want to matter! Or I want to be important! or something similar that tells to that listen that you feel that you don"t matter, that you feel that you are not important. I.e. telling anybody give them a way to abuse you... And makes you vulnerable.)) But because it is never talked about, but because it is often hidden even from your view, you believe that you can"t get it. That somehow you were excluded from getting it when they assigned what people can experience in their life... ahead of time, even, maybe before your birth. You are almost sure it is lost, it"s a lost cause, no matter what you do, it"s an itch that can never get scratched, it"s a hunger that never gets fulfilled. ((In my educated opinion, this "itch" is the ongoing motivator of drug, alcohol, sex, work addiction...

Buy the way... on second thought, maybe mine is that I want to matter, so I have the right to be alive... it is consistent with my personal history where I don"t believe that I am on borrowed time... because I was an unwanted baby.))

So you have this slow burning inside, hiding the unconfrontable truth, that you can"t have what you want.

Before you completely give up, you try lots of ways to fill that void, but they don"t work, or only temporarily, so you finally give up trying.

You resign to the fact that you want something that you can"t have

If and when someone asks you to set a goal, or to get into growing mode, you may go through the motion to fake them out, to pretend that you are setting a goal for yourself, but the truth is: you"ll never really do anything that matters, because for you it"s a lost cause: you are certain that it can"t and won"t give you what you want, so why bother?

If you have been stuck for a long time, if you do things only for show, but don"t really believe that you can achieve it and have what you really want, you are not alone.

being-stuckThis is the condition that most people are in... in different stages of stuckedness, in different levels of resignation.
  • Until someone helps you to bring the missing item, the yearning to the conscious level, so that you can see it, own it, validate it yourself, and make it your job to provide it to yourself, nothing will change.

  • Until someone teaches you how to scratch your own itch, how to stop waiting for others to provide that feeling, you won"t be willing to set goals, and start taking risks, start moving forward.

Until then you"ll live in this split world: your inner world unfulfilled and hungering, your outer world pretending to be OK on one level or another. Guaranteed.

The Solution you"ve been waiting for

The solution begins with the Goals and Values exercise... and we"ll do it this coming Monday, September 29. You can register, or if the times don"t work for you, let me know what would, and I"ll find a way to accommodate you.

It"s time for you to come out and play... get unstuck and get moving... wouldn"t you agree?
A few years ago I participated in a course I paid $550 for. I got one thing out of it, one thing, and it was well worth it for me: I got the unanswerable question that was jerking me around, like a puppet on a string. "Do you love me?"

I found out and saw it clearly everywhere, that I never did anything for the joy of doing it, I did everything that maybe I will get loved... by doing that.

I spent countless hours with people I didn"t enjoy being with, coaching people who didn"t appreciate it, volunteering, helping, being smart... with the hope that I will be loved.

I wasn"t... and the itch was burning and eating away at my Life Force... until I got what I was doing and until I put the solution in place...

Today I don"t do anything I don"t enjoy, and I have NO HIDDEN AGENDA in anything I do. I don"t need you to love me, I don"t need anyone to love me... I have handled the itch, scratched it for good. I love myself. I don"t need you to love me.

Once you are unstuck, there is the bulk of the work to be done.

Because you never had an experience of doing anything worth doing for yourself, you may need a coach. And you may need to develop the capacity of being guided...

Or you"ll go back into the itching state... and your life will amount to nothing or not much as a result

I am writing an article just now... to talk about the second phase...

I"ll be able to finish it later today... until then, please: patience.

the next article:

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Majoring in minors

One of the distinctions I have never heard anywhere else is this "Majoring in minors" ((There is a very interesting article I just read while I was looking for some picture for this article. It brings up an area of life where people major in minors: religion. I am quoting it here fore you, the bible part:

Why Do We Major in the Minors?

from R.C. Sproul on

The Pharisees distorted the emphasis of biblical righteousness to suit their own behavioral patterns of self-justification. Jesus frequently confronted the Pharisees on this point. Jesus said to them, “You tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness” (Matt. 23:23a). On numerous occasions, Jesus acknowledged that the Pharisees scrupulously obeyed some points of the law. They paid their tithes, they read their Scriptures, they did a host of things the law required-and Jesus commended them for their actions, saying, “These you ought to have done” (Matt. 23:23b). However, it was the emphasis that was out of kilter. They scrupulously tithed, but in doing so they used their obedience to this lesser matter as a cloak to cover up their refusal to obey the weightier matters of justice and mercy. That distortion occurs today.

)) distinction. It"s from the 67 steps.
It is about choosing to invest time, energy, money into something that is not going to return a big benefit.

If we look at any area of life, the biggest difference between astute people and the rest is how they invest their time, energy, and money.

Obviously, if you fritter away your time, energy, and money on frivolous or low-benefit activities, your life will be below what it could be.

This is, by the way, the norm. 98% of people belong to the non-astute group. They live a life of quiet desperation. They never get what they want.

Why on earth would they do that? Are they stupid?

Not necessarily. Some of them are brainy. What is lacking in all of them is courage and humility.

The opposite of humility is arrogance. Arrogance is delusional. It is when you think yourself either the only person who is smart, or smarter than other people.

In one of Tai"s (67 steps) he tells about an incident when he was with a group of brilliant businessmen, and instead of asking questions he was yakking away.

Humility is the measure of how willing you are to learn. How willing you are to allow another to be smarter than you.

Without humility you can"t grow, without humility you are left to your knowledge. And your knowledge is both puny and inaccurate... mostly.

The other capacity that is needed to allow someone to guide you so you can invest your energy into something that will be worth it, is courage.

About 30 years ago I participated in a year long training program. One topic it dealt with is making you trainable. It said: "in order to be trainable, you need to declare yourself incompetent in the topic of the training..." that way you empty your vessel, so it can accept knowledge from someone else.

It"s counter-intuitive. It requires you to have the courage to say: Teach me. I know nothing. And be able to restrain yourself to be a responsive vessel. To not argue. To not know better. To stay open.

It takes courage, and it takes humility.

If you don"t have either, you won"t learn.
What boggles my mind is that you can hang around my work for years, and never consider developing those capacities to be able to benefit. Benefit from my knowledge, my coaching, whatever I can give you.

I have people like that... nothing got better for them. They read every article, but they don"t learn.

Why? Because they know better. They already know everything there is to know. No humility. None.

They are the ones that may call me arrogant. It takes one to know one... goes the saying, and in this case it"s a perfect fit.
True to form: 98% of the people who ask for their starting point measurements lack the capacities to be trainable.

How do you know if you are?

The number one sign of someone with humility, in my experience, is asking questions. How questions, mostly. And what questions.

Most people have no questions. Not when they are alone, not when they are with me. No questions.

Questions show more than humility... they show curiosity.

The opposite of curiosity is dull...

You can be a colorful person living a dull life.

One of my students definitely appeared to be dull. But in our What gives you juice? session, when we dug what she liked to do when he was a kid, he told me that he used to create fantasy scenarios, like fantasy football... I have no idea what that is... but I decided to test if it was really so... It was hard to believe, honestly.

So I assigned him to make a list of 10 ideas a day... following the "Become an idea machine" book. And he is really brilliant at it. He is also becoming a lot less dull.

I haven"t done his starting point measurements, but I could bet that his numbers have started to rise.

I have an area of life where I am stuck. Writing press releases... So I decided to do the 10 ideas a day process on different aspects of press releases, so I can open up and become trainable.

Honestly, past the third idea, I sweat. Maybe it will get easier, maybe it won"t.

But I have made myself a promise to do it... it is now my spiritual practice to grow.

Friday, April 27, 2018

What is spirituality? What is the spiritual dimension of reality?

I had a lovely person yesterday on my strategy call. The call was fun with a lot of real laughter, until the topic of spirituality came up. Then it became hellishly painful.

The issue is: what is spirituality? How you view spirituality will have a lot (maybe everything!) to do with everything you do in life, and ultimately will determine to what degree you"ll become all you can become.
  • Free to be yourself.

  • Free to pursue what excites you.

  • Free to be with people.

  • Ultimately what is available to you in life will depend an awful lot on how you view spirituality.
((I don"t think I say it anywhere in this article, so I"ll say it here. Spirituality is the invisible dimension of reality. It is real, but it is not readily visible. It has its laws, and rules, and if you want to live self-realization, a life worth living, you need to penetrate this invisible dimension as far as you can muster...

Most people make no effort to penetrate anything. Most people take other people"s words for it. Tree of Knowledge is repeating someone else"s words. Even if the original speaker spoke truth, "Truth repeated is a lie", from your mouth it is a lie.

Penetrating the invisible is simple but not easy. I teach nothing but the invisible. My words are repeated, widely, but not lived... and you and most of humanity NEVER penetrate anything, let alone the invisible. Human Being, the next level of evolution of the species, lives in harmony with the invisible... while humans violate nearly all the laws, all the rules of the invisible, by being unwilling to learn anything about it.

Why? the current level of humanity lives in the mind. And the mind isn"t interested in being shoved aside for some reality it can"t control.))

To recover from the call, I listened to a podcast, an interview with marketing teacher, Eben Pagan.

During the call I measured Eben Pagan"s vibration, vibration 300, and I measured the vibration of the interviewer, Michael Simmons. Vibration 170. ((I learned about this interview from Michael Simmons email to me... He also mentions an interview Tony Robbins (vibration 200) made with Eben Pagan...

Their conversation made me see more than I had seen before, what vibration actually measures.

Your vibration number measures to what degree you penetrated reality. The more the higher your vibration.

Reality: collective hunch at best, quipped a famous comedienne back in the 80"s.

And you cannot do better than build your whole life on that "quip" if that is a word.

Any sense that you know, any sense that you are certain is a sign of low vibration. And yet, people who diligently work, through reading, through living a life of experiments, make better choices, even though reality is collective hunch at best.

But some hunches are better than others, and you can see that AFTER you chose...

This is the cornerstone of a life lived as an experiment.

People who live their lives differently are perpetually unhappy with an occasional fun moment here and there.

Living life as an experiment has requirements, that most people are unwilling to "provide".

One ingredient, one requirement is being awake, being aware.

If you watch people, they live as if life is a thing... and things move really slowly. I remember T Harv Eker making us, all 2,000 of us, laugh when he said "sh*t comes at the speed of sh*t" or something like that.

90% of the audience was high on some manifesting idea, where things manifest at the speed of light?

Harv taught some methods that when practiced, make life turn around in unexpected ways. The manifesting people, and maybe all the people, were still sitting around, doing what they have always done, hoping to have a different future.

30 days after the Millionaire Mind Intensive, I was 30 grand richer, but they were the same.

My hunch was to go with what Harv taught. Their hunch was to do what they have always done. That is the ultimate measure: do you go with your hunches, or do you go with the hunches of someone who has done what you want to do, and succeeded, over and over, again and again.

To raise your vibration, to penetrate reality further, you need to study, you need to experiment, you need to look wider and further than you have done... every minute or every day.

If you fill your day with inconsequential stuff to the rim, you won"t have a lot of time and a lot of energy to grow.

On Wednesday I bought a mug that says: "If a woman"s work is never done... why start?" I stood all my 70 year old little self standing in the middle of the supermarket, laughing. Loud...

I shared it on my Talk to me webinar. One of my students said she didn"t like it.

She didn"t laugh. She fills her life, I think, with housework, taking care of others, activity that will keep her where she is. Not happy. Not fulfilled. Not growing.

I have been forming pairs of accountability partners.

Accountability, the way it is used in self-improvement, in business, is a declaration that you are responsible for all of it. That the buck stops with you.

It is, of course, a state of mind, an attitude, an approach to life that makes no sense: meaning the mind cannot wrap itself around it.

There is a Landmark Forum Leader, Angelo Demilio, who is the archetype of accountability. His management style is: make it harder to face you than actually doing what they said they would do.

Your results will depend on your level of accountability, and on the level of accountability of your partner.

And your growth in life depends on both.

I have known an accountability partnership team, that over almost 10 years, grew a business to 10-fold without breaking a sweat, without campaigns, without ever flailing.

Something happened that interrupted this dynamic, and their company is in freefall.

I was excited about having a coach, a few months ago, because I considered our relationship an accountability partnership. I was mistaken: there was no agreement.

In his mind my job was to do everything HE said, not everything I said.

In an accountability partnership, what you say is what you are accountable to do, while the accountability partner needs to just bring their echoing being... to make you ashamed if you don"t do what you said you would do.

Some people are shameless, and aren"t suitable to be in an accountability partnership. Their integrity is non-existent, and they cannot be trusted to do what they said they would do.

You need an integrity score of at least 10% to be able to be accountable: i.e. to feel shame when you don"t do what you said you would do.

These and other elements of the invisible reality, what I call spirituality, are what I measure in the Starting Point Measurements, so you know what you need to grow.

The culture we live in is "designed" to cover up your lack of integrity, your lack of awareness, your lack of growth... and cover it up with shiny pretense.

Guaranteed to keep you miserable.
.Recommended reading: A universe of 10 dimensions

Thursday, April 26, 2018

How to become successful in a world of eight billion people?

unfair advantage with edge effectHere is another reason you want to try as many skills as you can: in today"s competitive environment, with eight billion people, it is hard to stand out.

"Success isn"t about being perceived as the best at what you do. It"s about being perceived as the only one who does what you do."

Now, that is a tall order, and yet you want to get as close to that idea as you can... being the only one who does what you do.

So how is that possible? By coloring over the lines.

Everyone can have one thing they do well. Many people do two things well.

Few people think of combining what they do well into a unique skill-set. They have the mindset of either/or... doing either one or the other.

I listened to a rapper yesterday in the community van. He is also a good singer. I decided to look him up... because he has a unique skill set.

Eminem combines three skills: rapper, writer, and amazing persuader. Without this third skill he would be just another also ran.

I have clients who dream of making it to the top of ANYTHING... lol

One of MY jobs is to find their superpower.

What is a superpower? It is a talent. A unique talent the person feels are natural, and don"t need to be mentioned.

You think you know yourself accurately, but nothing is further from the truth. You don"t... at least not accurately.

But the biggest issue is: you discount some superpower abilities, because, by themselves, they can"t make money.

What you are missing is what is called, in nature, the edge effect.

The richest, most diverse areas of life on the planet are at the overlap of lake, forest and meadow.

The analogy applied to human life is: you can make yourself unique and a success, largely, only at the intersection of several skills. If you look up any of the big names: they are all polymaths... or at least eclectic. Several different areas of knowledge... edge effect.
  • One of my students is a bookkeeper/accountant. A garden variety profession... people are looking for a cheap accountant. He, at present, can only compete on price.

Turns out: he is an idea machine. He is doing his BecomeAnIdeaMachine at my suggestion: coming up with a list of ten ideas, following the themes from the book I have mentioned before, Become an idea machine.

We"ll see how to combine the two professions, so he can become the go-to person... or maybe we"ll find another superpower once he has practiced this one, the idea machine superpower enough.

While I can come up with two, maybe three ideas, he is brimming with them, and they are spectacular.

Most people are like me: few or no ideas... lol... not funny. Having him in their corner could mean the difference between a stagnant boring life, and a life full of growth and riches... And, of course, they would pay him.
  • I have another client/student who hasn"t been willing to use his superpower: being able to look at life backwards. He keeps wanting to look forward, and see 10% max of what there is to see.

Some societal tabu is preventing him to see how his ability would make him the biggest winner in his field of expertise.

Laziness? Shyness? Stupidity? Stinginess? You decide what you allow to hold you back from becoming a winner in life.

And just know that the Edge Effect is waiting for you too...

PS: This, the Edge Effect, also applies to products... Your services are a product too. Be a one-track pony... and you"ll be a loser in the fierce competition... But if you can combine ideas in an unusual way, you can win.

One dude, a marketer, sold his course this way. The Swedish Scientist, 10 Violinists and a Guinea Pig, blah blah blah...  combining science with fairy tale, he sold his course out. Instead of the usual: buy my course... he created curiosity. And won. Stood out.

That is, also, edge effect.

One of the hoaxes that have been perpetuated on people is muscle testing.

   Why would anyone believe that you can simply test your muscles about any topic, mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical: it boggles the mind.

I first noticed that simple muscle testing is totally and utterly unreliable, when I was trying to pick a hand position when I was doing The Healing Codes.

Eventually concluded that I make a better decision about that by flipping a coin, or just doing any odd hand position. This last one proved a winner: it turned out that the hand positions don"t matter... what matters is looking at the issue underneath the spiritual blockage.

If you think that this is a harmless hoax... you should have to talk to people who are no puffed up with pride how wonderful they are, how they have this archangel walk with them, or some other absolute untruth.

My second time to suspect that muscle testing is harmful unless it is truthful is at the chiropractor.

My chiropractor habitually muscle tested his clients and advised them to take Magnesium for leg cramps. I also muscle tested them and they lacked Potassium, not Magnesium.

Adding Magnesium destroyed their health... Yes, you need Magnesium, but you need a whole lot more Potassium in supplement form.

So either his muscle testing was stuck on Magnesium, my chiropractor"s, or he was simply lying. And if he was inaccurate or lying in this: what else was he lying in?

Your body can only answer things that are your body related. Not mentioning the fact, that the answer relates to that very moment. You cannot ask your body: is this butter good for me, and expect an accurate response. The body will answer the question: is this butter, right now, a good thing for me... But you interpret the answer as a future answer... the body doesn"t know about the future... The body is always in the present moment. Moment to moment to moment.

I started to get reliable answers to my questions when I connected to Source, and I asked Source, not my body. In that context my body became a sign language, the answer came from Source.

Source comprehends complex questions, and can answer a question about anything you can connect to.

Ideas is a tricky thing. Your level of clarity will be a strong factor there: you likely have low clarity with ideas... and therefore your answer, even if you connect to Source, will come to answer a question you didn"t mean to ask.

In my conversation with people I have been testing their understanding of words, and it"s disappointingly low. Consistent with the clarity numbers in the Starting Point Measurements.

But Sophie, haven"t you been teaching to become a seasoned umpire: it ain"t nothing till you call it?

Very good question. I have. But things don"t change with you saying what you are saying, only the interpretation. The ball doesn"t move on a different trajectory because the seasoned umpire said: ball. Same trajectory, different judgment!

You are free to say whatever... reality won"t follow suit. Only what you say about it... and your actions following the "speaking".

For example if your rookie umpire, the resident umpire in your head says: I can"t, the seasoned umpire can override it, and say: yes you can and you will. And then you either will or won"t...

You didn"t get smarter. You didn"t get more prepared. You didn"t get more skilled. You respond to a different interpretation of reality... and then either succeed or not.

Your feelings will respond.

But if someone says: You are the best human alive. God walks with you. Nothing can harm you... and you consider that a sage saying by the seasoned umpire, you"ll get killed, you"ll get shunned, you"ll get lazy. And very very very miserable.

Back to muscle testing: if the muscle test says that your IQ is 500... or your vibration is 550... or some other measurable but hard to prove aspect, your behavior will change, and you"ll start walking as if you sh*t didn"t stink... and you"ll be sorely disappointed.

I have many students who practiced connecting to Source. I have found that one of them, ONE, can reliable test something that she can touch. Ideas? She cannot. Not reliably.

And if the question is dubious, Source answers the "this very instance" question, and even she, the ONE won"t know what question was answered.

I have found that the unhappiest people are the ones who have a big gap between their puffed up, delusional "I" and their real "I". The two selves everyone has.

I have also found that the people who escape into their Plato"s Cave, the mind, and live out whole scenarios of life, are very miserable too. Because life happens on the outside, and every minute of every hour you spend with fantasizing, gets you more hooked on unreality, and prevents you from being in reality.

The main job of the seasoned umpire is to create your beingness, not to lie about where you are.

The moment you declare yourself, for example, to be generous, you have to start dealing with your miserliness, your competitive nature. There is no generosity outside of the straight and narrow.

If you do generous looking acts but are competitive and want to be above other people, your act will serve desire for the self alone: you"ll want to be above the person you seemingly were generous with.

Parents do that. Spouses do that.

Real generosity thinks not of what you"ll get out of what you are doing, but of how you can allow another to shine.

The world we live in, the current humanity, is fake. And the number of people who don"t have an agenda is so small, I can count the number on one hand.

Please know that about yourself and about the people who you "hire" to be your seasoned umpire.

They will lie to you because it is in their self-interest. 100% of the time.

Honestly, because you are just like they are, you expect it, and you earned it.

What defines anything is its boundaries. Not what"s inside, but what is outside. The "not that".

That is what you want to be masterful at. That is how you can increase your vocabulary clarity. If you add a thousand "yes" values to anything, like generosity, your clarity will still stay low. Only when you increase the number of "no"s", the stuff that is NOT generosity, will you increase your clarity.

And because life seems to be truly behaving in agreement with The Anna Karenina principle, if you want to be more effective, happier, grow in all areas, especially physically (get healthier, have more energy, live longer), emotionally (react less and feel more), intellectually (see more and be more astute), and spiritually (be able to be in tune with all of it), you need to practice the "no" method.

Muscle test is the opposite... it takes you away from the strait and narrow... and ultimately leads you to deteriorate in all areas, physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.

I know you don"t like it. It seems like I am tearing down your delusions... the nice world you built for yourself in your head... But really, how is it working for you?

PS: Suddenly I get a lot of requests to muscle test people"s eating style.

Some time ago... about 10 years ago... I paid $97 to get my eating style from Human Design Institute. I still have the recording.

It was in the ballpark... but it wasn"t accurate. How do I know? I experimented with it.

The woman said: the eating style names have changed since 2007... that I was a Separator. And then he explained that I can eat any single food, as long as two foods don"t meet in my mouth.

That wasn"t accurate for my body. I cannot be well, even if I have an hour long break between two single ingredient foods.

I have, since then, muscle tested that the accuracy of the Human Design method is 20%, meaning that 80% of what they say is NOT accurate.

My eating style muscle testing accuracy is 91%. Meaning: there is a 9% chance that it"s not accurate what you buy from me. The error is coming from the categorization... there is a style they, the Human Design people haven"t considered.

I used to use only three categories: separator, cat and dog. It sounds so unsophisticated, but the results were phenomenal.

The Human Design categories are more sophisticated. If I combine the two systems, there are people who need to eat by their appetite, not by the clock, or by feeling hungry. Other people need to select food by taste, yet others by smell (the cat eating style). My hunch is that when a food tastes good to you, you know if it is right for you to eat then and there...

I am a strictly by appetite person. And I get sick, physically and especially mentally when I mix foods in my meal.

Interestingly most of my students are like me... Maybe because misery is most apparent for "MY" type of eating styles? Oh well.

How full is your toolbox? Planning to dig a well when you are thirsty?

One of the common characteristics of people I meet is that they have no skills, no tool box, they are waiting for the right opportunity to do anything. They will start to learn the right skills when they need them, when they"ll know what they want to do. And, of course, it is too late to dig a well when you are thirsty... they languish of thirst...

I am a lot like Bob in the movie "Bob The Butler".

I am inspired by that movie to do even more skill building to fill my tool box.

I am 70 years old. I have 27 skill sets, 27 ways to make a living. I am an architect. I am a brick mason. I can lay wooden floor, I can lay tiles both on the floor and on the wall. I can hang wallpaper. I am a plumber. etc. etc. etc. One time I counted. I have forgotten more professions than you know how to do.

What did this do to me? What did this do to Bob, the butler?

For one, we, the Bob-the-butler-people, don"t have to get stuck if one door closes... we have other doors that are open.

The more tools you have, the more ways you can solve issues, the less ways you get stuck.

Of course, it is true that what gets you stuck is your voices... and the marker feelings... but, trust me, they talk a whole lot less if you have more successes and experiences under your belt. A whole lot less.

Of course if you are stingy, you won"t do what Bob the butler, or I did.

Because stingy means: you want every breath of yours to be worth it... instant result, instant reciprocation, instant payment.

I am OK paying it forward ( pay it forward by doing a good deed for someone else).

Of course being the recipient of a "blessing" in paying it forward is easier than being the one who says: here you go... pay it forward.
I am this second type... I live, I breathe, I exist in total abundance. I need for nothing. I want for nothing.

I think it is mainly a cultural thing: most people, maybe all people I know have more than I do. Some: a lot more. And most people are really stingy. ((Being stingy with their heart, with their time, with everything. The opposite of stingy is, surprisingly really, appreciation and gratitude. The source of abundance. Because abundance is a state of being, a state of mind. The state of flow. What blocks the flow is stinginess. Your stinginess.))

Bob is anything but stingy. Watch his behavior, his words don"t give him justice.
I wasn"t always like this. The "world" seems to foster craving, hunger, wanting, a sense that something is missing.

It began for me when I arrived to the United States, in 1985. Hungary wasn"t like that in 1982 when I left there, and Israel definitely wasn"t like that in the in-between years.

But here, in America, everything suggested that I should have more. ((I remember reading an article during my commute to work that suggested that I only buy stuff I need and not what I want. These were distinctions wholly alien to my mind... New. Unfamiliar. And corrupting me... they made me want even more.))

I don"t know if it was just me feeling other people"s feelings, or it was communicated with the voices... but it was oppressive. My desire number went sky high. And my happiness dropped to nothing.

At the time (till 1988) I worked as an architect for hire (through Architemps, a temporary employment agency) and I felt this "I should be having more, I should be somewhere else doing something else" tension in every muscle... I was miserable, and in addition to that, I was doing a poor job at my job... because I didn"t want to be there.

In the evenings and the weekends I was at the Landmark Center... At the time I was participant in a Landmark seminar: Excellence: in the Zone.

In the seminar, part of the seminar, I created a project to bring excellence to my job.

The technology of the seminar is simple: list your complaints in life. Then create a project around one of your complaints, and bring possibility to the area. I used this technique successfully in many Landmark Seminars... Complaints stood on their heads are giving you an amazing new view.

It is similar to the inversion technique where you want something, and you, instead of starting acting on what you want, you ask: what can I do, how can I be, that guarantees that I won"t have what I want?

The Anna Karenina Principle, the principle of the strait and narrow is based on this inversion, both the Landmark version, and the other... Brilliant.

You can see how this applies... The desire trap, the stinginess, the waiting for the right thing... Even the sweeping things under the rug! If you don"t see it, please ask me in the comments...

Doing my seminar project, transforming my job from misery to a place I bring excellence to, I hit on something profound: the more interruptions, the more negative energy I have in my space that says somewhere is better than here, the less excellence is possible... and the less I enjoy doing my job.

I"ll have an off-color analogy here: if you are surrounded by pictures of beautiful specimens of your preferred gender, sex will always pale in comparison to what you imagine it would be with those beautiful looking people. Desire trap.

Or food: if you are on Pinterest all day looking at good looking food, your simple dinner will be unsatisfying, and you"ll probably fill yourself with a lot of potato chips, or bread, or candy, to fill the void.

This is desire trap, and this desire trap is why you live in scarcity, and this is why you do only a so-so job at life... don"t want to be here, doing this life, you want to live in that dream-life you imagined.

Almost every person I deal with through my site is trapped in the desire trap. Whether it is abundance, happiness, joy, meaning, peace, riches, health, love that you desire, you are trapped in the desire trap... and life is tasteless to you.

One of the hallmarks of the desire trap is being more present to what you don"t have than what you do have.

The opposite of abundance is stinginess.

The biggest fear you have is that by giving, you"ll be having even less than you have now... and you protect your desire as if it were the guarantee that you will have what you want.

I remember that I was deadly afraid to do anything, especially things that were connected to that desire, in fear of failing and then losing even the "hope" for fulfilling my desire.

It turned out that this approach was a definite paralyzing approach, an absolute misery maker.
Only when I was willing to take steps not connected to my desire that I was able to finally rid myself of the desire trap.

At some point in the 80"s I attended 12 step programs. First for Adult Children of dysfunctional families  (ACOA). And when I felt done with that, I started to attend Emotions Anonymous meetings. I was an angry person. I suppressed my anger and I needed to learn to release my anger so it wouldn"t kill me.

People in emotions anonymous were worse off even than myself.

One of them, a guy, lived not very far from me, yet I had to take two buses to get to his house.

I went there to visit him... I had no friends. No relatives. I was alone. I felt alone. I wanted to experience that I still belonged to the human race. I spent the afternoon and the evening with him. Then I didn"t see him at meetings, and asked around about him.

Turned out that after that afternoon, he snapped out of his depression, and started to work. He was doing well. He didn"t need the 12 step program any more.

Surprisingly the same thing happened to me! I also snapped out of my depression.

That simple one-time incident of being willing to be generous with my time, my warmth, my listening snapped ME out of MY depression... and the rest is history. I started a magazine, that was wildly successful. I still had periods when my life was about my life, and I slipped back into depression. Lately I have been able to stay out of depression... my life is not about my life any more.

There is a principle in this. Your life makes no sense when it"s about your life. It leads to depression. There are a lot of ways people express this principle... choose something bigger, etc.

Most people think it is giving your life to other people... but that is a misery maker too: some people are like a black hole, nothing comes back... lol. You need to choose yourself, be Self-ish, and give from that place. Only give away what is not really yours... your time, your love, your compassion. Not your Self. But give it fully, expecting nothing in return. The moment you do: you are stingy. And life is heading downward.

It"s like a rope-dance. Don"t lean too much to either side and then you can cross the abyss.

How to have a life not about your life?

You need to pick an idea, an idea bigger than just your life...

An idea that includes you and your life... but doesn"t stop there. In my case the idea that includes me and doesn"t stop with me is creating a methodology to take humans to the next level of evolution... it"s a purpose bigger than my life, it is unlikely and probably impossible to accomplish. Yet it is worth giving my life to it... As I am attempting the impossible, MY life gets enriched too. It is a win-win.

I like success. I like when people tell me: this was really great. Or I like to see you succeed. But I am not hooked on it... My life, the quality of my life doesn"t depend on my day to day success, or even on the success of my purpose in life.

Truth be told, I have to work on remembering that, occasionally. I used to have to work on it at least once a week. Now I can go 6-7-8 weeks not needing to unhook myself.

I am researching software solutions to create a community of people who would be willing to support each other to become a human being, to be productive, maybe even producers.

I have now four students who are learning how to do that. If I can teach them to be both generous and Self-ish, that will be a big step in the right direction to make their lives worth living.

I start small, and if and when it works, I ratchet it up.

I also do what I teach... 90% of the time. Not bad. 10%: I am still working on it.

I have found that my 10% is self-sabotage.

I have been trying really hard to choose myself. But when I say "I choose myself" I have a blank there. I don"t know what that would look like. I don"t know what that means.

One time, a few weeks ago, I succeeded. I said it differently: I am important to me. And suddenly I had a choice: to have a phone call or to buy myself grocery for the weekend. I chose buying the grocery. The sky did not collapse. Nobody yelled at me, and I was beaming.

This week I read a book, which would not be a big deal: I read at least one book every week... What was a big deal is that I read a book I didn"t know anything about.

I followed an advice from this guy who wrote "Hustle". He said: read a few pages in the Amazon preview, and if it grabs you, buy it. If it doesn"t, or you don"t want to spend the money, just read those pages.

I had massive fear... my conscientious (( wishing to do what is right, especially to do one"s work or duty well and thoroughly.
"a conscientious and hardworking clerk"
synonyms: diligent, industrious, punctilious, painstaking, sedulous, assiduous, dedicated, careful, meticulous, thorough, attentive, hard-working, studious, rigorous, particular;)) nature that makes me read books cover to cover was piping up. "Hell, we can try it!" I said brightly, and read a few pages from this book...

I know when I get "hooked" and I want to read the whole book... and this is how this book was.

I read it. I cried over it. I saw myself in it. I saw that I have a lot of stuff swept under the rug... and that stuff keeps me from taking care of myself. Keeps me from choosing myself.

In one of my articles this week I am talking about the method of alleviating depression. The same method will work to work through the "under the rug" stuff... coming to terms with it, removing some of the "is-ness". (My Playground method)
This is my self-project now. It will take as long as it takes. I don"t think it will ever disappear... but I"ll treat it as a the ball of yarn, I"ll snip away at it until I can restore flow.

Because when you cannot choose yourself, there is no flow in that area.

I am lucky. Most people I work with have a huge pile of stuff under their rug. I am going to be able to do this clean up project while I am dealing with their stuff... just like reading this book has helped tremendously.

Will my students be able to do it for each other. NO.

What kind of "listening" does a person must have to be helpful?

Listening is how you listen. Most people have a lot of stuff blocking their listening, they agree, they sympathize, they advise, they try to fix, they condone, they disagree. They judge. They turn the conversation to be about themselves. They narrate what you say. In essence they are lousy listeners.

Good listening is about the echo the speaker hears.

Just like echo is killed with stuff in a room, the person who is speaking cannot hear themselves in a listening that is full of "stuff".

Some people are naturally good listeners. Others need a lot of training...

If you don"t have a good listener, you need to find a professional listener. I am a 90% good listener. Why? I guess I bring my own stuff and that may muffle the echo.

I am sure this is the same 10% that is missing for me to be impeccable in other areas of life.

Impeccable is my favorite word... impeccable integrity... impeccability. Crisp. Beautiful.

PS: I spoke with my brother a few months ago. He said: take care of yourself. So maybe saying "I take care of myself" could be my phrase for "choosing myself".

This opens up a whole can of worms... not now. I need to work on this in my privacy. I don"t think you are ready for the can of worms... lol.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

One of the hoaxes that have been perpetuated on people is muscle testing.

   Why would anyone believe that you can simply test your muscles about any topic, mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical: it boggles the mind.

I first noticed that simple muscle testing is totally and utterly unreliable, when I was trying to pick a hand position when I was doing The Healing Codes.

Eventually concluded that I make a better decision about that by flipping a coin, or just doing any odd hand position. This last one proved a winner: it turned out that the hand positions don"t matter... what matters is looking at the issue underneath the spiritual blockage.

If you think that this is a harmless hoax... you should have to talk to people who are no puffed up with pride how wonderful they are, how they have this archangel walk with them, or some other absolute untruth.

My second time to suspect that muscle testing is harmful unless it is truthful is at the chiropractor.

My chiropractor habitually muscle tested his clients and advised them to take Magnesium for leg cramps. I also muscle tested them and they lacked Potassium, not Magnesium.

Adding Magnesium destroyed their health... Yes, you need Magnesium, but you need a whole lot more Potassium in supplement form.

So either his muscle testing was stuck on Magnesium, my chiropractor"s, or he was simply lying. And if he was inaccurate or lying in this: what else was he lying in?

Your body can only answer things that are your body related. Not mentioning the fact, that the answer relates to that very moment. You cannot ask your body: is this butter good for me, and expect an accurate response. The body will answer the question: is this butter, right now, a good thing for me... But you interpret the answer as a future answer... the body doesn"t know about the future... The body is always in the present moment. Moment to moment to moment.

I started to get reliable answers to my questions when I connected to Source, and I asked Source, not my body. In that context my body became a sign language, the answer came from Source.

Source comprehends complex questions, and can answer a question about anything you can connect to.

Ideas is a tricky thing. Your level of clarity will be a strong factor there: you likely have low clarity with ideas... and therefore your answer, even if you connect to Source, will come to answer a question you didn"t mean to ask.

In my conversation with people I have been testing their understanding of words, and it"s disappointingly low. Consistent with the clarity numbers in the Starting Point Measurements.

But Sophie, haven"t you been teaching to become a seasoned umpire: it ain"t nothing till you call it?

Very good question. I have. But things don"t change with you saying what you are saying, only the interpretation. The ball doesn"t move on a different trajectory because the seasoned umpire said: ball. Same trajectory, different judgment!

You are free to say whatever... reality won"t follow suit. Only what you say about it... and your actions following the "speaking".

For example if your rookie umpire, the resident umpire in your head says: I can"t, the seasoned umpire can override it, and say: yes you can and you will. And then you either will or won"t...

You didn"t get smarter. You didn"t get more prepared. You didn"t get more skilled. You respond to a different interpretation of reality... and then either succeed or not.

Your feelings will respond.

But if someone says: You are the best human alive. God walks with you. Nothing can harm you... and you consider that a sage saying by the seasoned umpire, you"ll get killed, you"ll get shunned, you"ll get lazy. And very very very miserable.

Back to muscle testing: if the muscle test says that your IQ is 500... or your vibration is 550... or some other measurable but hard to prove aspect, your behavior will change, and you"ll start walking as if you sh*t didn"t stink... and you"ll be sorely disappointed.

I have many students who practiced connecting to Source. I have found that one of them, ONE, can reliable test something that she can touch. Ideas? She cannot. Not reliably.

And if the question is dubious, Source answers the "this very instance" question, and even she, the ONE won"t know what question was answered.

I have found that the unhappiest people are the ones who have a big gap between their puffed up, delusional "I" and their real "I". The two selves everyone has.

I have also found that the people who escape into their Plato"s Cave, the mind, and live out whole scenarios of life, are very miserable too. Because life happens on the outside, and every minute of every hour you spend with fantasizing, gets you more hooked on unreality, and prevents you from being in reality.

The main job of the seasoned umpire is to create your beingness, not to lie about where you are.

The moment you declare yourself, for example, to be generous, you have to start dealing with your miserliness, your competitive nature. There is no generosity outside of the straight and narrow.

If you do generous looking acts but are competitive and want to be above other people, your act will serve desire for the self alone: you"ll want to be above the person you seemingly were generous with.

Parents do that. Spouses do that.

Real generosity thinks not of what you"ll get out of what you are doing, but of how you can allow another to shine.

The world we live in, the current humanity, is fake. And the number of people who don"t have an agenda is so small, I can count the number on one hand.

Please know that about yourself and about the people who you "hire" to be your seasoned umpire.

They will lie to you because it is in their self-interest. 100% of the time.

Honestly, because you are just like they are, you expect it, and you earned it.

What defines anything is its boundaries. Not what"s inside, but what is outside. The "not that".

That is what you want to be masterful at. That is how you can increase your vocabulary clarity. If you add a thousand "yes" values to anything, like generosity, your clarity will still stay low. Only when you increase the number of "no"s", the stuff that is NOT generosity, will you increase your clarity.

And because life seems to be truly behaving in agreement with The Anna Karenina principle, if you want to be more effective, happier, grow in all areas, especially physically (get healthier, have more energy, live longer), emotionally (react less and feel more), intellectually (see more and be more astute), and spiritually (be able to be in tune with all of it), you need to practice the "no" method.

Muscle test is the opposite... it takes you away from the strait and narrow... and ultimately leads you to deteriorate in all areas, physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.

I know you don"t like it. It seems like I am tearing down your delusions... the nice world you built for yourself in your head... But really, how is it working for you?

PS: Suddenly I get a lot of requests to muscle test people"s eating style.

Some time ago... about 10 years ago... I paid $97 to get my eating style from Human Design Institute. I still have the recording.

It was in the ballpark... but it wasn"t accurate. How do I know? I experimented with it.

The woman said: the eating style names have changed since 2007... that I was a Separator. And then he explained that I can eat any single food, as long as two foods don"t meet in my mouth.

That wasn"t accurate for my body. I cannot be well, even if I have an hour long break between two single ingredient foods.

I have, since then, muscle tested that the accuracy of the Human Design method is 20%, meaning that 80% of what they say is NOT accurate.

My eating style muscle testing accuracy is 91%. Meaning: there is a 9% chance that it"s not accurate what you buy from me. The error is coming from the categorization... there is a style they, the Human Design people haven"t considered.

I used to use only three categories: separator, cat and dog. It sounds so unsophisticated, but the results were phenomenal.

The Human Design categories are more sophisticated. If I combine the two systems, there are people who need to eat by their appetite, not by the clock, or by feeling hungry. Other people need to select food by taste, yet others by smell (the cat eating style). My hunch is that when a food tastes good to you, you know if it is right for you to eat then and there...

I am a strictly by appetite person. And I get sick, physically and especially mentally when I mix foods in my meal.

Interestingly most of my students are like me... Maybe because misery is most apparent for "MY" type of eating styles? Oh well.

Event calendar for the rest of April

this week has a lot going on:
  1. Talk to me. A free webinar. Ask questions. Ask me to clarify. Ask me to teach. Wed, Apr 25 4 pm.

  2. Days of Power: April 29. I"ll upload the recording as soon as i download the energy and it will be posted on the subscribers" site

  3. How you block money: your money attitude April 30 2-5 pm EST free workshop. Recording will be available for people participating on the whole call

Monday, April 23, 2018

Can depression be alleviated with coaching? A coach reports...

Life wants more life... and when it can"t... when it is not forthcoming, it puts you into depression.

I had a small private workshop yesterday to test out a methodology that works for me to unstuck me every time.

Without a reliable, count-onable, potent method to unstuck yourself, you may get stuck in misery, inactivity, depression, for a long time.

What moves life, what gives a sense of living, is movement. Upward movement.

What many of us experience is deadness, or the dread of downward movement. It feels that movement, action, is futile

The depression resulting can last days, weeks, months... Depression recreates its cause... no movement.

  We can call it "blah"... or The Blahs... it is all the same. Or you like to call it melancholy? Fine.

The purpose I had in mind is to get people unstuck... get to a place where they can move, or at least see that they can move.

I have been depressed about 40% of my life. I don"t know about you, but that is an awful track record. Deep hopelessness, with no end in sight.

The hallmark of depression is a sense that it"s not worth it. That no matter what I do won"t bring a better future.

Weak and short periods of trying to move... but it always ends in disappointment, failure, falling back to no movement.

I learned and mastered a methodology of getting out of depression... this deadness, and I wanted to see if it can be taught.

I am a coach first and a teacher second.

Before anything can be taught it has to work when I do it to you.

If it doesn"t dislodge you when I do it to you, then it won"t be worth teaching: the technique may work for me, but it is personal.

So I wanted to find out... I wanted to find out if it is worth teaching it, if it really works for anybody.

The three participants in this call share the tendency to not be in movement, to have an experience of low level, and sometimes high level depression.

All three were also in my free workshop on Monday, so this common experience will also help me see clues.

About the technique: The technique, as all my techniques, all my teaching, all the moves I teach, work with the invisible.

What is the invisible?

The invisible is the part of all knowledge that is invisible to you. It may be visible to me, to your mother, to your boss, but it is invisible to you.

Here is an example of mine: Back in 1987, the great stock market crash created a situation where suddenly people were let go of their jobs... I was an architect, I was let go.

I had not reserves, I needed a job urgently to eat.

I had a coach at the time, and he suggested that I reinvent myself, and then practice being that new person to be more attractive, more hire-able.

I invented myself as Brilliant and a Contribution.

I had a job interview scheduled for next morning, so I practiced all night. In front of the bathroom mirror.

The goal was to see the person in the mirror as brilliant and a contribution.

Instead what I saw is a person full of contempt, arrogant, and needy. Bad combination.

I didn"t feel contemptuous, or arrogant, I was needy. And desperate. And hopeless. I could not see why anyone would hire me.

It took me all night to see what made me look having contempt. I habitually licked my teeth (and still do) as a nervous tick.
I saw that if I can control that behavior, I actually look self confident, kind, personable, and maybe even smart?

I got the job. And I learned about the invisible.

The invisible has the roots, the causes of phenomena that without knowing it, makes no sense to you, and renders you ineffective in the world.

One of the symptoms of ineffectiveness is no movement... and thus depression.

With that said: the technique"s job is to take you to nothing... a space of no thing... a space of empty... a space of level ground, where whatever put you into no movement is not. What you have is you, and a sense that you can move... if you choose. None of what put you to the state of no movement. And then you make a small, doable promise that can put you in movement again.
In 1987, looking and talking to the person in the mirror allowed me to see what other people see... but would be invisible to me. That I was frowning.

To translate this to something more reliable, and faster, the technique involves a conversation that goes a lot deeper than a normal conversation.

We are using the distinctions from my teaching: the voices that are not you, and the Playground method...

1. The voices:

I have written tons of articles about it: it is the Amish Horse Training, where you desensitize yourself to what you hear in your head, or the emotions that come up: they are all the voices that say those horrible things about you. They are not you, and they are not your friend. They are short-sighted, opinionated, vindictive... and you need to let them do whatever they are doing, and not allow them to get to you.

My successful students can say: it is not me... therefore I can ignore it.

There are many voices, some you can hear, some you can"t. But you know they are speaking because you have fear, shame, regret, resistance, and other horrid emotions come up. All emotions are marker feelings.
A marker feeling is an automatic response to a set of words...

They are connected like the front of your hand to the back of your hand. There is nothing that you can do about it. Resistance is futile.

The only thing that is effective to protect you from the marker feelings is to declare that it"s not yours.

I know you are feeling it. But it came from a voice that is not you... so it is part of the environment, not part of you.

It takes a lot of practice to create this separation, and create autonomy from the voices. But without it you cannot even be a person... you are like a dog wagged by the tail... not pleasant.

2. The Playground method is easier to explain:

you look at what masquerades as reality, and you separate what is real from what you added: the story, the interpretation, the meaning.

If you do this well, you can get to empty and meaningless... using Landmark Education"s terminology. The space is empty of drama, "just the facts, madam" and the facts carry no meaning.
This empty space is the launching pad for movement.

I like to call it the space for starting starting.

Every movement has this stage... that everyone ignores.

And this leads us to see what meanings, what stories, what interpretations stopped these students cold on their track, and push them into depression.
1. Always/never

I will never succeed... I always do this... etc. These are the voices accepted as facts. They lack any insight, any details, any definition. They come and wound... Typical voices behavior.

2. No clarity, no process

You cannot act unless you are clear about the process. You can"t even start starting... you are paralyzed. It is so normal, you never suspect that you got tripped up by that.

In my experience, no one bothers to point you to the first step, except some exceptional teachers. So, without being pointed to the first step, you think you are supposed to have a home run... and, or course you can"t.

We are socialized through schooling where there is a curriculum. So we actually never had to learn anything on our own... and consequently hardly anyone I know knows how to start something.

Most likely one of the reason I"ve spent so much of my life in depression is this weakness in creating a process: do this first, do this second... etc.

I am still weak at that. And because doing recorded courses takes me to this place... I don"t know what to do!... I hate watching instructional videos, and waste my money on many courses that I don"t do because I don"t know how to start, and how to get into motion.

This seems to be a universal issue.

The truth is that you could start anywhere, but humans want to do the right thing... and the fear of doing the wrong thing is a paralyzer agent.

We ended the mini workshop with making small promises.

Looking back, I can see that I made a mistake there: I allowed two of the three participants to set a first action too far out, instead of finding something they could do right now.

Looking what would be the best structure inside which I can both teach and provide the assistance, I am thinking: a mastermind group with instruction...

What has made me depression-free for the past 10 years is a mastermind partner I talk to every Sunday. Almost every Sunday I manage to get to that magical empty and meaningless space... And then I can look to see what action can return me to the world of the living... into movement.

We can say that for humans movement means alive... and no movement means dead.

Return someone into movement is the biggest expression of love and caring i can imagine.
PS: Can this methodology work when you have a loss?

In 1995 my mother died. I fell into a month long depression...

In a conversation with a coach I managed to go through the steps I teach above, and could see that the depression was started and kept in place with self-blame, a sense of regret, a sense of loss of a hope. The loss of a future that probably would not have happened anyway. And yet the sense of loss was very real.

For the first time every I needed to deal with the reality that my mother wanted to do nothing with me... that we were strangers. And I was alone in the world... unless I create relationships with strangers.

In that one conversation with that coach I snapped out of it, and could resume life... Losing a month is difficult. I can see that had I had my weekly calls established then, I would not have lost so much time, so much money, so much credibility by the inactivity caused by the depression.

Now, here is the interesting bit: The coach wasn"t coaching me. My Sunday mastermind partner doesn"t EVER coach me.
Because i know what the steps are, I only need a pair of ears that doesn"t want to help, doesn"t want to console me, doesn"t want to fix anything.

Fixing comes from "there is something wrong here..." or "there is something wrong with you".

The methodology above is effective because it happens inside the space where there is nothing wrong with you, or with anyone or anything.

Wrong is an interpretation, and therefore it is relegated to the "not reality" area... it is removed from reality...

You cannot get to empty and meaningless through wrong, you cannot get to empty and meaningless through fixing.
Nothing to fix.

This is the most revolutionary concept, and the most freeing too.

In the mastermind I envision, the one person who needs to get clear... who needs to get out of no movement, already knows the steps, he/she only needs the other person to witness.

No junior coaches are allowed...

That will weed out all the people who want to coach because it makes them feel better about themselves... makes them feel ABOVE other people.

PPS: I read somewhere, maybe 30 years ago, that depression is like being in a dense fog where you can"t see where you are going... so you don"t move.

This is as good an interpretation as any. The technology is used in the coaching yesterday can be seen from that vantage point too... pulling apart the fog-curtain, so you can see far enough to start starting... and get into movement. Movement is life.

PPPS: This methodology, creating a clearing (as in a clearing in a forest) works even if you are not depressed.

When you remove the cobweb (aka fog) from your view, you make better decisions... which is always a good thing

PPPS: People who have a very high desire measure, get mostly trapped by the unclarity, by wanting to go for a home run, but not having a path.

Occasionally their desire is unreasonable... but even if it isn"t, they cannot see, by virtue of the desire trap, the small steps that make it possible for them to start starting. The methodology is a perfect tool for these people as well.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

How does your speaking create reality... a reality you don"t want?

I am a watcher. I watch people... I keep a tab on them. I am like a watchdog.

I watch about 30 people. Why? I keep my finger on the pulse of the world this way.

One of these people has been my hero for about a decade. I won"t say his name.

Recently he got married. His vibration promptly dropped 120 points. His reality is now shaped by the new wife and her speaking.

Interestingly while they just lived together, she held her tongue. But once there was a ring on her finger, she started to talk.

What alerted me is the sharp change in his business behavior, in the new way he runs his business. He has gone from hard working, high vibration, high dynamic behavior to someone playing with his kaka. Playing small. Not inspiring to me. If he continues this way, he will have no business.

In this article I will look at this phenomenon... It is not rare, in fact every time someone forms a new alliance, they change... and so far they mostly change to less. I"ll help you look at the principle.

One of the most important sentences for my personal evolution has been: Every speaking is committing.

The Communication Course leader who said that 30 years ago, mis-spoke from time to time... she complained, or passed an opinion. Then she caught herself, and said: Universe, please cancel that!

She said that every speaking puts a lie (a promise a commitment is a lie until you fulfill on it!) in the Universe. It is your job to deliver on it...

Yesterday"s article, maybe, didn"t make sense, but with this addition, I hope I can round it out, so it can become one of the most important articles in your personal evolution.

If every speaking is committing, then every speaking that says "it is", "I am", "I want", "I need", are commitments you send out into the universe. These are declaration, commitments.

You speak this way, unsuspecting then watch life turn into crap: your integrity plummet. You didn"t know that every speaking is committing.

You didn"t mean it as commitment, thinking that commitment needs to be conscious and intentional.

But the Witness, and the Self is watching on the inside hears every speaking as commitment.

One moment you say "I am miserable", the other moment you say "I want to be happy", or "I am stupid", or "I can"t." Or "I need to do this and this and have that and that, before I can be happy."

We all have two selves inside, the one that listens is increasingly confused.

Integrity is the relationship between the two selves. If it works, your life works. If the two selves in harmony with each other, you are at peace with the world, you like yourself, and you love your life.

But when I measure people"s integrity, it is less than 10%. You are not at peace with yourself. You don"t like yourself. And your life doesn"t work.

60% of this misery is caused by this sloppy speaking. The words that slip through your mouth. I am so miserable! I am tired! I can"t! I want to be happy! Baaah, baaah, baaah.

Which means that only 40% of the unworkability comes from other aspects of violating your integrity, sloppy work, cutting corners, disempowering context. You lying. You stealing. You not being true to yourself.

Every time you speak, there is yet another lie out in the universe.

Some people lie more than others. Some people are more unaware than others.

I think you can see that T. Harv Eker"s single most valuable sentence really applies to this area.

He said: Whenever life doesn"t work, there is something you don"t know.

Yet, you behave as if you knew pretty much everything, don"t you?

You, your parents, your peers, everyone speaks as if speaking were cheap. You are thoughtless, and casual with your word, and then you are surprised that life doesn"t work.

Remember the three umpires and their answer to the question: how do you call ball or strike? the rookie says: I call it the way it is. The journeyman says: I call it the way I see it. The seasoned umpire say: "It ain"t nothing till I call it"

For the rookie to become a journeyman, he would need to say: It ain"t necessarily so. To soften the rigid "is-ness" of the thing. Maybe yes, maybe no.

The biggest jump is between journeyman and seasoned umpire.

This jump involves an evolutionary shift that involves responsibility and integrity.

When you are wholly conscious that you have no idea about reality... but you can create it.

Schroediger"s cat will be dead if you say so, and will be alive, if you say so.

You create life, you create reality as you go about life, with your word. Every word.

Your children learn reality from you, and you are building a reality for them that makes them limited, and miserable.

In my coaching the enemy I fight is that reality your parents created and create for you... your peers maintain for you... your stupid internet memes create and maintain for you... It"s not enough that you change your speaking pattern!

Everything you hear and hear as the truth is also speaking that creates reality. Lots of speaking, lots of reality.

You need to protect your reality, the reality you create. Physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual reality.

Yesterday I measured the Starting Point Measurements of a woman. Then we got on the phone. In the hour between setting up the call and actually talking, and then during the hour long call, her vibration dropped 80 points.

She spoke herself into a ditch. She intended to inform me, give me an accurate picture, etc. about what she was dealing with, and with her speaking she made it her reality... An hour earlier it wasn"t... An hour earlier she was an amazing person... until she opened her mouth.

Beware... you need to learn to manage your speaking, manage your headspace... Most people speak like rookie umpires.

And you"ll find yourself like my one-time hero. In the ditch.

PS: As I was looking for images for this article, I was again shown what mainstream people teach you.

They say it"s your thoughts that create reality. But your thoughts are in Plato"s Cave, in the mind. So they can only create the imaginary reality.

You want to create your reality? Only your spoken words do that. Your thoughts don"t... until you put them on loudspeaker, until you honor them as your own speaking.

The Amish Horse Training Method is to desensitize your self to the voices in your head, you call your thoughts. They are NOT your thoughts... and you can safely ignore them.

On the other hand, what comes out of your mouth, unless you cancel it, will shape your reality, out there... where it matters.