Saturday, June 30, 2018

A spiritual practice that can change all the numbers in your Starting Point Measurements

If you"ve bought into the b.s. that thinking good thoughts, happy thoughts, being non-judgmental is good for you, ((Over 1 TRILLION, that is a thousand billion pages tout the misdirection perpetuated on you!)) then your vibration is low, but more importantly, your vibration cannot be raised, unless you let go of this b.s.

Let"s turn this baby on its head: if you bought into the b.s. that your thoughts create your reality, and you need to avoid thinking bad thoughts regarding yourself, the world, the future, other people, because it makes you and your life bad... then there is nothing I can ever do for you, unless you change your mind.

Why? Because you refuse to interact with reality, you refuse to base your actions on reality.

Reality is neither good nor bad, it is what it is.

  • Things mostly don"t turn out.

  • People are doing whatever they are doing, and they are hardly ever doing good things, right things, neither for themselves or for you

  • Work is hard, or boring, and to learn anything new you need to feel stupid, weak, incompetent, and you probably are.

  • Things don"t fill you up, and your life is meaningless. You"re responsible for all of it... and it doesn"t feel good at all.

So you see that for life to work for you, you need to be able to be with, without losing power, without covering your eyes, with life exactly the way life is. Good, bad, ugly... all of it.

That positive thinking b.s. trained you to be a Twitchy Little Bastard, a sissy, a wuss, a weakling.

Facing reality needs you to raise your TLB.

One of the alarming symptoms I see on my webinars is that people are unwilling to critique, assess, evaluate their peers.

In your head, I know, you judge them.

But judging is a low vibration, low intelligence, low evolutionary activity, because judging means you use the two prong approach: good/bad, nice/nasty, etc. level.

Assessing, assessment is a method that goes beyond the two prong: you actually need to see, need to notice, need to accurately identify what you see. Behavior, looks, knowledge, attitude, speaking, relationship, etc.

If you don"t know the difference between judging (two prong, opinionated, guilty/not guilty etc.) and assessment (red, pudgy, harsh, loud, overwhelming, rambling, self-promoting, etc.) then you are stuck in the lowest gear of your "vehicle" that can take you to success.

Your accurate vocabulary of reality is low, and your vibration is low. With your low numbers, you make poor decisions, you listen to the wrong people, you fancy yourself superior... while your results are pitiful, your actions don"t amount to much, and you suffer.

You need to learn to assess, richly and accurately. But because you can get to rich and accurate assessment, you need to crawl before you can run.

And you need to make it a practice.

This is what happens when you first do that: you"ll take your eyes of the imaginary focus that your judgment implies.

You will still judge. Why? It is a habit. But you won"t be stuck on that level...

The other day a new person joined the exercise class for older people.

I asked her name, introduced myself, shake hands.

And then I did my thing... which she didn"t like. She was frowning, scowling, staring at me.

Obviously I had a judgment about her... But I caught it... and started to expand the cone of vision, and noticed her hair... wig. Noticed her body... skinny. Noticed her legs... wobbly. I didn"t even have to go beyond that third assessment: I felt wild compassion for her. She was frail, weak, and her legs barely carried her. And I was OK with her judgment of me...

Obviously this is easier for me that it is for you: my accurate vocabulary 5,000, and yours is probably below 1000.

Most people I measure clock in around 300.

But doing this exercise religiously does several things in your Starting Point Measurements:

  • 1. it takes your attention off me-myself-and-I

  • 2. it forces your awareness to grow, little by little

  • 3. it takes you out of Plato"s Cave, the mind. Inside the mind you cannot do this, you have to come out and look... in reality.

  • 4. it increases your accurate vocabulary AND your worth a damn factor... slowly but surely. Your vibration cannot be far behind...

Notice that I didn"t say: say something nice about them... that "nice" comes from positive thinking, or wanting to be nice, or make it all right... all low vibration inclinations. No. I said: start noticing other things about them, things you can see, right now! Physical characteristics, or facial expression!

If you go to the past, into your memory, to excuse them from wrong-doing, or to remember that you like them, love them, etc. then you are doing an exercise to lower your vibration!

This exercise is a lot like my "locate your feet" exercise.

The goal of this and the "locate your feet" exercise is to bring you to the here and now, out of your mind, out of your internal dialog, out of Plato"s Cave.

I have students who don"t understand that, and they remain in the Cave...

Because how you do anything is how you do everything.

The magic this little exercise does, done several times a day, forever, consistently, is bring you out into reality, where life is. And that is the hardest and most significant thing you can do for yourself.

What if the person judged is yourself?

You judge yourself all the time, don"t you? And you are not kind to yourself. Or too kind... if you have narcissistic tendencies, which are obvious if your delusion number is higher than 30%... this number is also part of the Starting Point Measurements.

So you catch yourself judging yourself... the process is the same. All judgment happens in the cave of your mind!

So let"s say I make a mistake and accidentally destroy a new equipment I just bought for a lot of money. Irreparable.

I pass the judgment... and then look at things that are not in my mind. I am still alive. I am walking. I am hot. I am cold. I am dressed in shorts and t-shirt. I am breathing in gasps. I am frowning. I have short hair...

I do it until I am sure I can see a person there and I can hold the image of a person, instead of that a**hole who did whatever I did.

In essence, I located my feet.

What causes the physiological changes is not forcing my breath to slow down. Not forcing my face to smile. Not thinking positive thoughts. No, what causes all that is widening my cone of vision, and looking in reality.

Everything, everyone, every bad thing is a tiny and insignificant part of reality. Only when your cone of vision is filled by it then it"s a big deal.

You are not conscious of your cone of vision, this is why you need exercises to widen it.

I have to do this, some days, 10-20-30 times.

The other day I was talking to someone who was rubbing me the wrong way. I had my finger poised over the "off" button... every fiber of my being wanted to hang up on her. But I kept enlarging my cone of vision, diligently, for the entire duration of the call. It was work, it was hard, but I did it. And I am better for it.

Now, do I want people who rub me the wrong way in my life? No, I don"t. So I let her go... But not while I was reactive, not because I had a judgment. I did it after the call... sat with myself, and looked if this person I can contribute to, if this person adds anything to my life. Not from judgment: from assessment.

Here is another example: your loved one, your spouse or your child is misbehaving in public.

You are upset. It feels that they upset you, but truth be told: you don"t want their behavior reflect badly on you. You want to preserve your "I am good" delusion, and your precious "I" is what is making you upset.

The practice is the same. But this time you need to take your eyes of your precious I, and look at the person, or persons, instead. And start noticing things about them: their hair, their teeth, their facial expression, their posture... make sure you add words... no words, you are still in your head, you are still about yourself.

It will be hard... but it will set you free. And it will allow you to add moments to your life when not everything is about you.

I"d hate to be your child, I"d hate to be your spouse... If you can"t find even moments when you are not about you...

I had one moment with my mother when she wasn"t all about herself. When she saw me for the first time... It lasted a few seconds. I was 45 years old.

And I also remember the moment with my mother, when I first saw her as a person... not who she was supposed to be for me.

Life alters when you do this exercise the way it is supposed to be done. In reality.

Want to know where you are at? Here is to order your Starting Point Measurements

Friday, June 29, 2018

Knowledge is not power… unless

Unless you know what you learned... you didn't learn anything. And unless what you leaned changes your behavior, inside or outside, nothing will change. All learning is behavior modification, to become more fit to life, to play the game of life better, for yourself and for the human race. So how do you modify behavior? … Continue reading "Knowledge is not power… unless"

Knowledge is not power... unless

Unless you know what you learned... you didn"t learn anything.
And unless what you leaned changes your behavior, inside or outside, nothing will change.

All learning is behavior modification, to become more fit to life, to play the game of life better, for yourself and for the human race.

So how do you modify behavior?

The process starts with an insight. The more energy is in the insight, the more energy you can bring to the insight, the easier it will be to make the modification.
  • Disgust, hate are strong energies, and can fuel fundamental change.

  • Desire, love, niceness are weak energies and fizzle out as fast as in a day or two.

  • Enthusiasm, dedication, and other positive energies are somewhere in the middle... may last a week.

  • Commitment, accountability and planning are probably the most reliable allies if you really want to change some behavior.

The most important missing, after having witnessed thousands of fizzled attempt at lasting change, is "existence." as in "staying in existence"...

Existence of an idea, existence of a conversation

Existence is a weird invented phenomenon... unless you create it a staying power for what you want to do, the only thing that will exist and keep on existing is the same old, same old. Same people, same triggers, same thoughts, same attitudes. The same miserable life, the same results... The valley of the shadow of death.

What you want to create existence around is the new commitment and the new attitude.

The powerful why and a new trigger will create staying power for your new commitment to cause change, lasting change.

Because positive ideas disappear while you sleep... insights are a dime a dozen. And the beautiful why"s you coupled with them...

By the next day all beautiful plans become chores... Because...

No one wants to be told what to do...

so putting the kind of reminders around, or being reminded by others in a "do this" way is counter productive. ((


I have had a note on my reminder system for about two years to do something... it comes up every day, and I refuse to do it.

On the other hand, I do dozens of things I am reminded with questions, or requests, or some other way that trigger my "I want to do this" reflex and I do it. No resistance.

No reminders, or "do this" reminders, and the project will disappear from view, remaining just a nagging bad feeling in the back or my mind.

OK, what is an insight?

You get a glimpse of some higher truth than what you have been considered the truth.

We could also say: once you have an insight, your job is to make it an upsight... Allow the insight to alter your world view.

What is an upsight? An insight turned into a behavior modifying, world view modifying practice.

In an insight you see that reality is not the way you had been seeing it... How it"s different? You saw one way it"s different...

For example, my first insight, 33 years ago, was that things weren"t happening to me, I was an active participant in them, by virtue of what I said about what was happening.

That is an insight that people normally refuse to get, because people like to be victims, and they hate even the idea of them having anything to do with their misery.

But I got lucky... that was my first insight.

My job with that insight was to take that "co-creative" mindset to every memory I had, to every relationship I had, to every happening in my life.

That I always had a part in what was happening by virtue of what I said about it.

I teach this in my Playground program. It"s the most transformative program ever...

The trick is to not have this practice as an event that passes, but a continuous practice... practice it until it becomes like muscle memory, until it truly alters your world view. I am still practicing it, and have been for 33 years. When I forget about it, life turns into sh*t.

The practice is to pay attention to what you say about things, and learn how to say something different.

NOT like positive thinking. More like getting out of the automatic judgment of things.

The automatic judgment is almost always a systemic judgment. A systemic judgment is a two-pronged judgment: something and its opposite.

Reducing reality to the simplistic, pedestrian, primitive and unintelligent, unseeing children"s drawing summary.

It is good... it is bad... it is right... it is true... it is this and it is that.

And then you are done. Your world is reduced to its manageable format: as simplistic as you are... Two dimensional. No person there. No complexity. No human or not really.

And you judge everything, everyone, including yourself... And what gets lost is the complexity, the beauty, the magnificence, the myriad of facets of everything.

You declared yourself the judge and by gosh you"ll judge.

And unless you learn to look at things differently, from different vantage points, I have nothing to offer you. Not a thing. You"ll remain a thing, a two-pronged switch, and I promise you"ll never find fulfillment, love, passion, compassion, beauty, adventure, or anything that is worth being alive for.

You are a robot, a simplistic robot without a soul, without a spark.

Now, there are several exercises that you can employ to loosen this machine-like behavior...

Don"t kid yourself, this is not a task for little children who cry when they drop their ice cream...

Unless you toughen up, this is not going to work for you, so you might as well resign to remaining a simplistic robot.


I am not interested in pretending with you that you are going to become a person... pretending is your world... I am interested in real tangible measurable results... and that requires some toughness, diligence, consistency, and some energy.

I use hate as my motive power. I hate mediocrity. I have victimhood. I hate desire for the self alone. I hate apple-polishing. I hate pretense.

Why hate? It works for me. When I choose something inspiring to give me energy, I wake up every morning, and the inspiration is gone... it needs to be re-created. Too much work just to get the energy source to work. ((I just understood why all that fancy software I buy is never used. I bought from inspiration, seeing a glorious future. But by next day it disappeared. Had I looked for what I have a burning hate for, I bet I either would not have bought the software or I would be using it. Hah... that is brilliant. lol.))

But hate is always ready for me...

Today I woke up blah... ready to say: I am done.


But had I thought for myself: I want a life I love... that is as wimpy as it can be... I wanna... baaah... gimme...

Not mentioning the fact that when you have a "positive" energy source, you can go a thousand different ways.

Hate is clear: go away from it.

That is the definition of strait and narrow... outside of that narrow path everything is a no.

They are teaching you hogwash... and that hogwash makes you a wimp.

I am not saying: hate people. Hate ideas. Hate ways. Hate what you don"t want to be like.

I know I am now talking to one out of 100,000... the rest have left the scene. The want nice-nice...

But if you are still here... there is still hope for you. Make the hate burning hot for yourself.

And ask for a practice that addresses that hate.

If you want to become someone who is not judgmental... then have burning hate for judgment, for primitive, for a life of good and evil. Ugh.

By the way, unless you can have tens, hundreds of interpretations of most things that happen, choices you make, you are a simpleton, and you need to start using that brain of yours.

You are intellectually slothful... and the only way to change that is to start becoming diligent... intellectually diligent...

One of my students is using the idea-machine model, and is becoming brilliant in the process, after decades of being dull: intellectually slothful.

He hated being dull...

And believe it or not, he is enjoying the process. And now I actually enjoy talking to him, ask his advice, and we have become a co-creative system in his coaching.

He still needs some nudging, but it"s a process... He still doesn"t do it automatically... he still needs assignments... but with time it will become who he is... a brilliant idea machine.

If you are plodding, then using something like the idea-machine practice will slowly re-activate your slothful brain.

Another sticky point for most people is lack of humility.

We don"t know what humble is... or not really. But a definition I now use in my Starting Point Measurements is as good as any:

Humility is not thinking yourself less, it is thinking of yourself less

If and when everything has a self-referential aspect, if everything seems having something to do with you, then your humility score is low. And when your humility score is low, then you cannot change because you cannot learn.

And you remain worthless... for yourself and for the world.

This is a tendency that needs to be fought with all the energy you can muster, all the energy you can summon. Because it is a total misery maker.

The exercise I gave in the comments section of yesterday"s article is a great little exercise for this... will not eliminate self-centeredness, but at least will start this process.

The world view underneath is that you are an object in a world of objects, and the world is about you. About your interactions with the other objects and about what you think.

It is a world view that won"t allow you to be a person...

Everyone says: you are a spiritual being having a human experience.

This is a total b.s.

There is no spiritual being present in the world view of "I am an object in the world of objects"...

The spiritual is only possible if you become a "conversation", meaning a product of all the stuff you say, and all the stuff in your backdrop: the statements you have said, accepted, or resisted.

And then look at life, look at events, and consider them a conversation as well.

You are a conversation in a world of conversations.

Then you can start having some power over your life, because conversations can be altered, objects can"t.

I will stop here... because this article is getting too long...

If you have questions, the comments section is for that.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Does life behave like a kayak or an automobile?

As I was answering a coaching student"s post on my Reclaim your life program, I had an insight.

The model you use to change your life, to make decision, to live your life is the model of the automobile.

Narrow streets, you make right angle turns, the motive power in the engine obeys your steering.

Life doesn"t work like an automobile. Life is a lot more like kayaking.

The way you adjust your direction is with tiny shifts of your paddle... no big moves are effective.

If you try to make big moves, and I am guessing you are, then you are living an unbearable life that actually doesn"t change, or may even change to worse resulting from your "steering".

Wild turns, quick decision, anything quick makes your life turn into sh*t. Guaranteed.

Slow, consistent, persistent, and steady is the key to a life that responds well to your gentle nudges in the right direction.

There are no "experiences" in that life, instead it"s humming along.

Boring, you say? Consider saying: "I am boring." Consider saying: "My life is empty of substance and I want to fill it with drama".

If those two sentences don"t "arrest" you, and make you consider filling yourself and your life with the substance, then you are really on the wrong website because that is the ONLY thing we talk here about: how to live a life filled with substance. So please do yourself a favor and go away. Now. Gone? Good. Now I can speak to the people who want what I have to offer.

Consider that how do anything is how you do everything.

Why? Because the root/seed level of everything is your world view.

The model you use for your life is your world view.

The world view "life is like an automobile" is giving you the empty and jerky ride you are experiencing.

It makes you look at every article, every book, every advice, every insight as a quick flip of your steering wheel... only to find yourself with a life that remained the same... or got worse.

I remember when I first discovered that life is a design job... and my basic training was being a designer.

You design mini, tiny steps taken over time to shape your life.

Another way to look at this is looking at life, yourself, as a block of misshaped marble... that will need lots of tiny shaving and chipping away to become a David of Michelangelo.

And because of your life model you are impatient with yourself, with your loved ones, with your employees, even with your pets.

They are supposed to do things your way because you said so.

But people and changing is like that kayak trip in that two-seater kayak... very hard to direct, and thus hard to stay in love with the other during and after that trip.

Your world view: life is an automobile, other people are like an automobile... is killing you, killing your peace, well-being, and ultimately make you end up with a life you don"t love, you don"t like, and with people you miss when they are not there, but resent and be irritated by when they are there.

And when you look around, everyone is like you.

  • Scientists... when they come up with a bombastic but near-sighted discovery.

  • Nutritionists that DECLARE what is good for you and what is not,

  • politicians,

  • your mother,

  • your best friend,

  • the supermarkets,

  • everyone.

It is not only that you take very information that comes to you as a call for a wild turn, they are even worded as a wild turn.

And you teach it to your young... and tell everyone who is willing to listen. ((

Ever wonder when you stopped paying any attention to your inborn guidance? Your senses?

this video shook me to my core

These six year olds already eat by their minds, by the Tree of Knowledge. Their feelings are supressed, they are looking in their minds to know what they want.


In my health consulting practice, you need to see the world as kayaking. Slow, steady, occasionally adjusted, eventually taking you to exactly where you wanted to go.
  • The water... 90% of buyers abandon the water... because it takes more than a day to get it done.

  • The diet... 90% of buyers of my consulting abandon the diet... because it is more than one step, because it ask them to change their habitual ways of being.

  • The 67 steps... 90% of the participants make wild statements, hope for one wild move... and the system of about 100 principles never makes a difference for them.

The fixing mentality and the wild turns mentality are one and the same.

This was just a slightly different angle to look at the same unproductive behavior, a behavior that kills life. Your life.

The design skill needed to take your life to where you"d rather have it go, comes handy in designing the tiny steps that will do that.

I call them spiritual practices. Why spiritual? Because they are so small, they can be called invisible.

And many of them, actually the majority of them, are designed to change the root/seed level, so they are invisible and are directed at the invisible.

The root/seed level is never visible... not to the naked eye.

I have a unique talent AND 35 years of practice, AND my fine tuned empath skills to help you make the invisible visible.

You can"t change what you can"t see. But once you see it, it is a design job to create practices to gently, gradually, lovingly change the root level. Your world view.

Oh, and that job is never done.

Here is a third way of looking at you and your life: the invisible writing on the wall... thousands of writings. The "backdrop" of your life.

And 10-20 of those writings need to be changed if you want to live a life that is worth living...

Here is one of those writings on everyone"s wall: I want you to love me for myself.

I had that part of my backdrop for about 40 years...

But given that you don"t know who you are, that you actually don"t have a Self, that is asking too much of the world. Not even mentioning that "the other" are also the same, no Self, no love between their two selves, only judgment, and they are all about themselves...

How much do you think they can see you for who you are... and then love you for who you are? None, I say.

So I managed to remove that sentence from my wall. I managed to say: I get paid/appreciated for the value they see I provide them.

Not the value I create... the value they can see.

Today"s humanity may know the price of everything (most not even that) but the value of nothing.

So they won"t even appreciate you for the value you provide because they cannot see it.

I have suggested to a few of my students to become value recognizers. You can"t recognize something you can"t see... so ultimately I asked them to see value where they haven"t seen value before.

The result: one person made some headway and then dropped it...

So do you think you"ll ever be loved for who you are? Or even for the value you intend to provide? No chance.

Some of you, in your vocation, provide value. But if I asked: what is the value, you"ll talk about yourself... It"s the wrong place...

So, you see, that removing those invisible writings from the wall, your backdrop, the backdrop of your life is mandatory. And it"s slow, and it is gently chipping away at the rock.

So you can become that beautiful person who is underneath it all. Invisible.

That is the real meaning: you are a spiritual being... not functional, not showing, invisible. ((Judging from the number of "hits" my site gets for "butterfly language", many people consider being a spiritual being a butterfly state. Leaving the earthbound existence of the worm, the caterpillar. But true to form, they hope that it takes nothing more than an abrakadabra, tada! quick move... If that"s you, go back to the beginning of this article... or just leave and keep dreaming about flying. Or talking about flying. Just please know: talking about flying isn"t... Your gurus talk about flying, but they have never flown. They just lie... to you. They themselves know they are flying and they hate themselves for it.))

You need to dig that out from under all that crap.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Unless you know what you learned, you didn"t learn anything

The last joke I heard before I left Hungary has stayed with me... and it"s very apropos today

Here is the joke: What are the two paths for Hungarian intelligentsia? ((intelligentsia: intellectuals or highly educated people as a group, especially when regarded as possessing culture and political influence.))

Answer: alcoholism. The other path is impenetrable..., in practice there is no second path.

This article is about humans, about you. And it tries to establish that in fact it"s possible to penetrate a second path... an evolutionary path, to become a human being, even if 99.5% of humanity isn"t interested in that path.

So let"s see how that applies to how it is today...

There are two schools of thought: the two paths... You really either choose the one or the other. There is no compromise...
  • School of Thought 1. Increase your desire, eliminate blocks to what you want, and what you desire will come to you. All you need is a person who can help you "poof" eliminate the blockages and you"ll be bathing in money, love, and popularity... if that is what you want. ((The most popular pages on my site are about matching your vibration with the vibration of what you want... money))

  • School of Thought 2. You need to deserve (earn) what you want... by becoming worth a damn. You need to create value that you exchange to what you want. To create value you need lots of skills, lots of knowledge. You need to excel and when you stand out (that is the meaning of excel!) then you"ll be able to earn what you want.

In the first school of thought

In the first school of thought, you are directed by the passive mindset. The "poof" person will do it for you. And when your blockages disappear, money, love, popularity will flow to you.

[caption id="attachment_38991" align="alignleft" width="300"] BLD034323[/caption]

Pure magic.

Worth paying for it. Worth mortgaging your house for it. Because the return on investment is: you give a little, and then you get multiple of your investment back. Who wouldn"t want to go for that kind of investment, right?

In your imagination you are already spending that money. Private jet, check. Seaside mansion, check. Liveried staff, check. What else could you want? What else anyone could want?

And the "poof" person is raking it in. Millions. Billions. YOUR money...

And anyone who tells you you need to do anything else deserves to be frowned at, because you know. You know how the world works. How the world responds to desire...

The second school of thought

The second school of thought is for suckers... really, what were they thinking? Expecting you to work, to apply yourself, to do things for nothing? for learning?????

They even intimate that you should find a mentor, or opportunities to work for free, just to learn stuff.

No way will you do anything that doesn"t have an immediate return. Work for free? Who do they think they are?!

Develop skills, become so good they can"t ignore you? Dream on sucker... I am already good enough.

OK, you get my drift... maybe... that I am mocking the adherents of the first school of thought.

They are the moochers, looters, the second handers of the world. The 99.5% of the world. The ones that live in their dreams, but wake up with their hands in the potty.

Of course the charlatans that take advantage of the stupid dreamer belongs to the 1/2 percent... because, truth be told, you need to belong to the second school of thought to have developed the skills that allow you to sell all the hogwash they are selling. Mucho mucho high level skills.

99.5% of the buyers of the 67-steps program are adherents of the first school of thought. Tai, the creator of the program, manages to pull of something really hard: to speak as if he were speaking to the second group, and yet attract the first.

I am observing my students in my Reclaim program.

Their job is to listen to a step of the 67 steps and pull out, for themselves, the principle or principles of the step, and what it is they need to DO so the principle can be alive and operational in their lives.

How well is it working, you ask?

How well is it working for me? For them?

Let"s ask a different question, shall we? Something that is not about how I feel or how they feel...

How many times (percentage) do people write back to me with quoting the principle, and saying what it is they need to do to be able to have learned from the step, to have the principle alive in their lives?

I would say zero. Zero percent.

Now, why is that?

Unless you know what you learned, you didn"t learn anything!

My hunch is that the culture of the mind says: you heard it you got it.

That there is no need, EVER to double down on something, to identify it, to learn how to do it, or how to undo an unproductive mindset or habit.

The culture has been winning, hands down.

The culture of internet memes... everybody say ooh, and ah... and no one considers acting on it. As long as you said your oohs and your ahs, you are good to go.

So while in the 67 steps Tai was dancing on the razor"s edge, he is coming out, every month, with a new shyster program promising the sky to people who will not be able to take advantage of the opportunity.

So let"s talk about opportunity, shall we?

An opportunity is to make a big step almost instantly. A set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something. To take advantage of a new software, a new program, a job offering, a date, meeting your best match.

The saying says: opportunity favors the prepared mind, but that is a lie. Opportunity favors the prepared person.

Prepared? you ask.

Yes, prepared is the one who has made themselves a match to the opportunity way before the opportunity arose.

  • Charlie Munger was already a high achiever when Warren Buffet invited him into his firm. It was an opportunity for him that he could take advantage of, because he was already skilled in the thing Warren Buffet wanted him to do.

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger was already an accomplished body builder when Joe Weider got a glimpse at him at age 20 (?). Arnold had been already an amazing body builder... not just hoping to be.


But what about you? Are you prepared for opportunity?

The 67 steps program, supported with coaching, is an amazing opportunity to ferret out what is your strength, what is your weakness, and start working on both so when an opportunity comes you can be a match to it.

So far only two people in the program are developing skills following the guidance.

The rest... they haven"t left the mirage of the first school of thought. They haven"t left the idea that listening to a step, listening to a webinar, reading my articles is as good as building a skill, abandoning a bad habit, or attaining real working knowledge.

Dreamers... who unless they wake up and smell the coffee, they will wake up to the smell of the potty with their hand in it.

Life responds to action: it doesn"t respond to wishing. Or desire. Or dreams.

And please abandon that reading this article once, or even a thousand times, will surely make a difference.

Unless something in your behavior changes, nothing changess. Really.

If you find yourself nodding... stop now. Buckle down, and ask yourself: what is the principle(s) I am spelling out in this article? What action(s) do you need to take to have the principle operational in your life?

And then take that action. From now till eternity.
Oh, you thought it was enough to do it once? Hell, that is another mirage... Get rid of it. Life doesn"t support that idea either.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Heaven and Hell... The bald spot on my head... what makes life hell? or heaven?

This is one of the hidden dimensions... how do you know that you are slipping onto the horizontal plane... the plane of the valley of the shadow of death? hell...

It is being on the vertical plane is where you can say: A is A. Fully in reality, resisting none of it. Having no need to hide from it, changing it, wishing it away.

Reality is the way it is. You are a guest to it... and like a guest, you"ll find that it is not the way YOU would run the show... and that is OK. The show goes the way the show goes.

If you add anything, out loud or in your head or in your feelings... then A is not A, and you are not on the vertical. You are on the horizontal plane, where A is not A, where reality"s rules are resisted, and where you can only be unhappy, forcing your will, or resign to never have what you want.

For decades I had thinning hair.

When I looked in the mirror, there was a balding circle on my skull... The size of two of my palms.

It took some effort, but after about a decade of trying every potion to fix it, I managed to say: I have a balding spot on my head, the size of two palms. And it should be there.

Saying "it should be" is saying yes to what is. In other words, saying A should be A because A IS A.

YOU should be the way you are because you are that way. Your mother should be the way your mother is, because your mother is that way. The weather should be the way the weather is because the weather is that way. Trump should be the way he is, because he is that way... Hurts even to read it, doesn"t it?

It is very difficult to say yes to things you don"t like. Why? Because you feel like you allowing that thing to be means that you won"t take care of it... and it will remain that way.

Counter mind, but exactly the opposite is true. Every fiber of your being wants to fix it... If nothing else, with words. Explain it away. Resisting it.

"If I resist it then it"s not true"... bah humbug.

The truth is, that when you allow what-you-don"t-like to be, when you don"t look at it as something to hide, something to cover up, something to feel ashamed about, then you don"t have to fix it.

All fixing is misdirected. When you are fixing something, the solution is the next, bigger, problem.

So I was just looking at that balding spot... and was trying to get to the root of it.

Understand it, look to see how I am living my life that I have a bald spot.

It"s taken me 2-3 years since I embraced it, and now I don"t have a balding spot. It may come back if I go back to how I used to live... but most likely I won"t go back there...

Now, is it good that I don"t have a bald spot? No, it is just what is. A is A.

Even saying "it"s good... it"s gone", or celebrating, or bragging about it, is  moving to the dimension where A is not A.

The dominion of fixing... The dominion where what you want is king, and how it is is not. The horizontal plane.

I have managed to bring this A is A to 90% off my life, 90% of reality.

And life is smooth, and I have no suffering.

Now, if you were me living my life, you would be crying bloody murder?
  • Being an empath is hard.

  • Being attacked by Dark Side practitioners is hard.

  • Having rock hard calves is hard.

  • Living on a tight budget is hard.

  • Having no car is hard.

  • Having no one around I"d enjoy having lunch with is hard.

  • Eating the restricted diet I eat is hard.

  • Being an insomniac is hard.

  • and lots more

Having to connect to people... is hard.

I am not complaining. These and a ton more things are aspects of my life that I have been allowing. And that is the 90%.

What are the 10% I haven"t made peace with? I actually don"t know. It is in my blind spot... but when I get some glimpses, I"ll immediately do what I have to do to allow them/it? I don"t know how many things... No clue.

So how does this go?

I state, precisely and concisely how something is. And then I say... that is how it is... and I have a preference.

Not a desire. Not a hope. Not a wish. Not a goal. Not more than a preference.

And I either do something about that preference or I don"t. No hurry.

There is nothing wrong, nothing to fix, no hurry.

Because there is never any hurry on the Vertical Plane.

Never any wrong, never anything to fix.

On the vertical plane you have different questions to ask, you have different attitudes... you"ll live longer, you"ll live lighter, and you"ll live better.

PS: this topic came up because I am reading fiction... and in the book I am reading, a woman kills a man in a car crash, and pushes it on his husband who was asleep, drunk, in the car during the crash.

I have a sore spot for betrayal... It"s taken an awful lot of work to make it A is A... and not something that is wrong. It was hard... But I did it.

This is one of the good use of reading fiction: to train you in A is A...

PPS: In the Starting Point Measurements, the measure of the degree that you live in hell is represented by the desire number. If it is high... you live in hell. The desire number is #14...

1. your vibration (1-1000):
2. your overall intelligence, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, body, relationship, etc.:
3. the number of spiritual capacities you have:
4. your soul correction (your machine):
5. do you have attachments?
6. the level of your health (1-100):
7. the level of your cell hydration (1-100):
8. your relationship to feedback and instruction:
9. The level of discomfort you are willing to allow w/o trying to fix it. This is your TLB score...
10. The size of your vocabulary: the number of words you can use accurately:
11. To what degree you think of yourself:
12. % of fixed mindset:
13. Ambition:
14. Desire: 1-100
15. Degree of inauthenticity overall:
16. Level of integrity 1-100:
17. how enslaved are you to memes? (what percentage of your life is run by memes?)
18. do you have a bridge between your precious "I" and your actual I? What is your level of delusion
19. To what degree you have access to your adult capacities %
20. How teachable/how coachable are you?
21. The level of your awareness?
23. the percentage of time you spend in the mind:
24. the percentage of input that gets through to you.
25. Recommendations:

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PPPS: I"ll share what I think made my hair grow back in one of my webinars. If you want to get a notification, please become a subscriber AND confirm your subscription. How? By registering in my subscribers only site... AND confirm...

Monday, June 25, 2018

Abundance Or Scarcity? Choose... Updated

water doesnThis article is from 2014...

Often anything can kick you into the horizontal plane [note]The term, horizontal plane, was coined by Wallace D. Wattles some 110 years ago, in The Science of Getting Rich. Of course the title is, maybe. horizontal plane, but the book, between the covers, is pure gold. You can download it on my subscriber gifts site if you don"t have it. You need to register, and it will put you on my mailing list.[/note] . I got kicked into it... and now I am working my way off... it is not that easy. I can"t even connect to muscle test... the horizontal plane is sticky. It wants you, all of you. I eats your life for breakfast.

Let me explain: Humanity (you!) lives on the horizontal plane at this stage of evolution. It is both the starting point and the end state...

On the horizontal plane everything is about comparison. More, better, different...

The good old days...
I want what they have, because I don"t have it... and I want it.

I want to be X because what I am now is is wrong.

The horizontal plane is the plane of competition. The place where in the pit of your stomach you feel that you are slighted, that you are not good enough, that you can never really have peace, peace of mind, security, because someone always has more, because there is always more to compare yourself with, or compare what you have...

The horizontal plane is the plane of frustration, anger, jealousy, and fighting.

Because you must grab for more and hold onto what you already have... and the whole world seems to be against you.

The horizontal plane is the plane for dissatisfaction.

The foundation, the invisible part of the iceberg that runs the show on the horizontal plane is "should and should not". That there is a right way and there is a wrong way. It is deserve... as in "I deserve as much as the next person"

Where parents should love their children, where children should love their parents, behave, and give back.

It is an artificial plane, created by humans that were the enemy of humanity. Unsuspecting humanity, innocent and suffering.

It is hard, if not impossible, to see the floor you live on. The foundation. It is invisible.

The fish doesn"t know about water, and the bird doesn"t know about air.

bird doesnThe proverb goes like this: The Three Great Mysteries: air to a bird, water to a fish, mankind to himself
~ Hindu Proverb

But the proverb is not consistent: what mankind doesn"t know about is the floor they live on, that doesn"t have to be what it is.

The invisible floor of man

Fall from grace, original sin, all mark the moment in history where comparison, where should, where the have and have not were born.

Where unreality invaded the consciousness of humanity, invaded it like a virus, a mind virus.

The floor is a persistent meme, probably here to stay.

The 1980 South African comedy tried to make sense of its birth: in a society living on the vertical plane (I"ll explain that later) an unexpected gift falls: a coke bottle. One coke bottle, and many people. One hard tool... and many many tasks it would make easier.

Scarcity. The haves and the have nots. Competition and fighting.

Very good movie, telling.

So, returning to what triggered this article:

I watched a sales video yesterday for a program. It showed how the presenter is able to get millions of click, millions of visitors on youtube, and make a lot of money with it, and get his word out.

The guy, Brendon Burchard, is a fantastic guy, but in order to sell, you need to create scarcity. You can only sell effectively on the horizontal plane, because you need to awaken greed, me too, comparison, competition, wanting, yearning, greed.

The course cost 10 grands, and it is totally out of my budget. But I want what he is teaching. I want to be able to get the word out (although I am not sure I am willing to work for it as hard as he does, but this is just an afterthought.)

I woke up this morning, still thinking about it.

I do want to get my work out there, to more people... after all making a difference is noble, right?

Then I caught myself in clicking every money making opportunity in my email... and obsessing about it. I was, by now, completely on the scarcity plane... I wanted and I wanted and I wanted.

OK, I"ll take a break here... to return to the vertical plane, where I spend 99% of my time... I"ll be back.

OK, I am back. It"s taken me almost two hours to return... to completely return.

So, what is the vertical plane?

Well, on the vertical plane the floor, the invisible floor is that all is well. That there is nothing wrong, and nothing to do, or change, or complain about.

On the vertical plane the motivation comes from the spirit"s desire to fly. From the ego"s subtle nudgings to go higher and higher... to do more, feel more, experience more. To be more.

No wanting though... it is more like you are lighter than the air, and you float and you can fly wherever you want to.

So, how did I return to the vertical plane? Or you do you even get there?

First I zoomed in on the Harmonizer that plays in the background, and allowed it to wash through me... to allow me to have the strength to look and not make anything wrong.

Then I zoomed in on the HOE long range... and allowed my breath to return to normal.

I looked at all the internal turmoil that was consuming me, and I said no to it. I could see that it was doing its own thing, and that it had nothing to do with me...

I let go of wanting, even wanting to have enough people to teach... all wanting. Wanting to have, to be, to do...I let go of all of that.

I pulled back my energies from all the "stuff" that had it... concerns, desires, wants, goals, and deprived those of my energy.

It did take almost two hours, but I am back.

I am now free. Free to do what I feel like doing... and have no shoulds or ought tos...

That is the vertical plane. You are in your own energy, and nothing and no one has any pull on you.

Heaven. Heaven on Earth.

PS: When you look at the words scarcity and abundance, on the horizontal plane they mean lack and much respectively. On the vertical plane there is no lack and there is no much... There is only what is: without comparison.

So if you are looking at lack and want abundance, you are definitely on the horizontal plane.

My abundance programs all work on your energetics: all attempt to remove the want, so you can easily move to the vertical plane. I call that want greed... because that is what it is.

Making the invisible visible!

Making the invisible visible ((is this the same as making the unconscious conscious? Maybe... let me ponder that!

But let me tell you when and how I was first introduced to the invisible... because truth be told, because the invisible cannot be seen, I completely ignored it till then.

I was at a Peak Potentials course. I think it was the Wizard course. In one session we got a homework for the break: to look between things... to look at the space between visible things, like trees, like ants, like the clouds.

A whole big new world opened up for me...

Of course, the space between things that no one pays attention to is just one kind of invisible... but I was hooked.

I have spent the last ten years going deeper and deeper into the invisible. Result: the truth value of my world is now is 70%. I enjoy my life, and when I don"t. I know what invisible snagged me, and how to correct it... fast. My level of integrity and authenticity are at the same level... I have managed to get well physically, which is a miracle, because it didn"t look like I was going to live this long... etc. etc. etc. ))

When things float in your head, they are part of the invisible domain.

You don"t really see what is there, you only have some clue by the marker feelings... the feelings/emotions that they trigger.

Making that visible can make the difference between conceited, delusionally ((delusional: characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument
based on or having faulty judgment; mistaken.
"their delusional belief in their superiority never wavers")) smart, and actually becoming worth a damn in the world.

My main methodology of making the invisible visible, is following a principle: "It"s hard to be silently brilliant. Lots of thoughts occur when you open your mouth."

The main purpose of having and living by this principle is to take me out of my mind where I am the smartest person, to reality where much of what I say doesn"t make sense to most who listens.

It made so much sense in my head, but once it comes out, once I say it, once I write it down... it often doesn"t make sense. And I can"t even explain it.

99% of what is in your mind is hogwash, or nonsensical.

Even after you read book after book, article after article on a certain topic.

And keeping them in the confines of your mind never alerts you to the reality that those are thoughts that when made visible don"t make much sense, there is no rhyme and reason...

This is normal. I mean, by normal, is that is the nature of the beast, that is the nature of learning. That is the nature of Tree of Knowledge.
Until you make it yours, until you make that invisible mess of fragments visible, you cannot make them a coherent whole.

It doesn"t mean you are stupid. It is a process that if you avoid it, you"ll feel sooo smart, and your results will be so stupid.

The tools of making the invisible visible are auditory or visual or the combination of the two. I am advocating mindmaps in this article...

I am really versed in writing articles... taking what is inside and forming coherent sentences.

But writing a short article is easy. Writing a book, or course, or writing a thesis are a whole different task, because of the length.

So what are the tools for those?

I have found that mindmaps are the best tools to organize the thoughts... but them in logical order. This is not how they are in the mind...

In a mindmap you can also see if the stuff you know makes sense, if anything is missing, if it leads the reader to the conclusion you want them to arrive to.

A mindmap is mainly a tool for the person who is making it. It"s the making it that is really the tool.

All the main elements of a theory, for example, are on the "board" and you can examine their veracity: is this true? You can examine the veracity of two or more statements: are they saying the same thing, is there a conflict.

But for most of you, mindmaps will show the holes in your theory, system, or process.

The mind has no problem with jumping. A mindmap does.

I have seen the mindmaps of many processes made by many marketers. Marketers love selling their mindmaps, and because they look like magic, they look like a real map, wannabe marketers ((wannabe: aspiring or wanting to be a specified type of person.)) love to buy them.

But marketers are liars: they sell the sizzle, not the stake.
  • I know a marketer whose main selling tool is making a mindmap for a person who they want to sell... a mindmap of how to go from where they are to millions of dollars richer.

And this marketer, knowingly or unconsciously, makes assumptions, and jumps, and sleight of hand... and the unsuspecting prospect buys it. That is their whole strategy: sell the idea that it"s easy, a piece of cake, to get from where they are to where they want to be.

But when you make a mindmap to make the invisible visible, for your own use, you immediately see that there is a mischief. That there are jumps in your "system" that you say nothing about.

Here is an example: let"s say you want to be an Amazon seller.

So your mindmap says:
  • step 1: I"ll find a popular product and put it up for sale.

  • step 2. I"ll sell it

  • step 3. I rake it in... meaning I bathe in money I made.

Hey, it seems to have no holes... You are smart, you see that thousands upon thousands of sellers have made it rich on Amazon... and you are sure that you are smarter than most.

One of the most telling moments on Tai"s 67 steps is when he compares himself to another dude who is a billionaire. He says: "I may not be as smart as this billionaire dude... Maybe he is twice as smart as me... So instead of a billion, I"ll make half a billion." lol... tragicomic.

He says that, and hundreds of thousands of people buy into his programs, because it makes sense to the ignorant: you have an idea, you make it, and you sell it to google/yahoo/facebook for billions of dollars.

The thoughts in your mind make sense, and you feel brilliant.

I may be only half as smart as that dude... so I"ll make half of what he made. Just like Tai says.

But if you took out that thought out of your mind, if you made that thought visible, you would see that smart is not enough.

Because the moment you attempt to look at the how... you"ll see that you have no idea, you have no skills, no knowledge, you don"t know your ass from a hole in the ground. Empty...

You search your mind and there is nothing there.

Is this good? Well, it"s a hell better than finding out "mid-air" that you don"t know a darn thing about how to land, how to direct yourself, how to use the wind, when you are jumping out with a parachute...

Experience is very expensive. You often pay for it with your life, your well-being, your family"s well-being, your financial well-being.

Warren Buffet says, and I am paraphrasing: the secret to a good life is to make less mistakes than others. Mistakes are good teachers, if they are other people"s mistakes.

Joel Salatin has one rule for his apprentices: you are not allowed to make mistakes.

Impossible, you say?

I say: bring the invisible into the visible, and start examining what is missing that unless you take care of it, it will bite you in the arse.

Most people don"t do this. They try to add the missing stuff midway... try to dig a well when they are already thirsty.

Or alternatively, they never move. They never do anything. They never look at what the process would be, and start to fill in the gaps in their knowledge, in their skills.

There is a saying: Success love speed... and it might be true in the mind... but what does it mean?

When you bring the invisible into the visible, you started starting. You look and see what"s missing. You find someone who is an expert to help you see what you need to learn so you can succeed.

But start you must... or you keep on living in your mind... in the cave of the mind... Complaining that the world doesn"t give you what you want.
  • That you don"t like your job.

  • That clients are stupid.

  • That you don"t have enough customers.

  • That you can"t become a real estate mogul.

  • That you are fat.

  • That you are bored.

  • That your friends are really your enemies.

  • etc.

While you are good, and smart, and all that jazz.

Unless you start taking out the thoughts and put them on paper (digital paper is OK) so you can see what you have, what you can make with it, you"ll never amount to anything. I guarantee it.

And this is true in all areas of life: health, occupation, relationships, and life satisfaction.
  • You"ll find out that you don"t understand even the things you thought you understood.

  • That your thoughts are not as profound as you thought they were.

  • You"ll find huge areas of delusional thinking.

And that is the goal. That you see yourself closer to how you are, so you can do something about it.

PS: Everything I teach is designed to make the invisible visible.
  • Capacities,

  • integrity,

  • context,

  • the backdrop,

  • your attitude,

  • integrity,

  • responsibility,

  • owning it,

  • coherence,

  • etc. Hundreds of invisible. Nonphysical...

The workshop starting this afternoon, and going on for the next few weeks, will deal with one of these invisibles, and attempts to make it so visible that you can"t ignore it any more.

Integrity... the relationship between you and you...

If you are brave, come to this workshop. Why brave? Because courage is needed to see what you are not seeing.

It"s the work you need to do to achieve the result the Unconditional Love Activator was designed to do. They are the dynamic duo.

PPS: If you ask and organize your mindmap by the questions WWHW... why, what, how, what if... you"ll see the holes... you"ll see how little you know... but that little may occasionally be enough.

You"ll find that the stuff in your mind won"t respond well to those questions... that the organization of mind-knowledge doesn"t like organization, doesn"t like testing, doesn"t like anything that has anything to do with reality.

The harder it is, ugh, the more you need to question it. Because the harder it is the less you can connect to other people with.

And never forget: everything you ever wanted comes to you through people.

And this is my struggle... connecting to people... two way.