Wednesday, July 16, 2014

NEW: Does Your Life Lack Meaning? Lack Purpose? An Organizing Principle?
According to some statistics, 30% of humanity lack meaning in their lives.

I think that this statistics is off by a lot.

There are people who don"t have meaning in their lives, but they don"t miss it, they live an animal existence and they don"t need, don"t want anything else.

There are people who don"t have meaning in their lives and therefore they don"t have any backbone, don"t have any organizing principle, and they don"t know what"s missing, they only know that they are miserable.

There are people who don"t have meaning in their lives, so they use some societal meaning, like money to organize their lives, but while they are doing this their soul is starving, and they are finding out that money doesn"t do it for them, however good or bad they are at money.

And then there are people that know their lives lack meaning, and they spend their time seeking meaning in religion, in science, in relationships, hoping that something will rub off on them.


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