Friday, July 11, 2014

NEW: Instant Empowerment: Instant Solution to what life throws at you or How you speak... How your life goes...
When stuff happens, you go to fear, anxiety, trepidation, anger, frustration... you lose your power. This article is about how to pull back your powers with the correct use of correct language... It is not affirmation, afformations, positive thinking, visualization, etc... those, in my experience, have no real effect, they only have pseudo effect.

The ABOUT mode of speaking

As you can guess, I have a lot of conversations any given week.

Most people want to talk ABOUT stuff. Explain to me what happened, why they did what they did, why they think what they think. They also ask questions about stuff... want explanation.

Most of what happens in school is ABOUT type of stuff. You fill your head with it, hoping that when you need the information it will be available to you.

Many things your mind refuses to take in, because they are "JUST IN CASE" type of stuff... and the mind can"t think of a situation when it may be needed... like algebra, history, and such.

A student of mine is taking a massage course, and she is complaining about having to learn the names of all the muscles... Her mind says: "I don"t need to know the name of the muscle to feel it, and massage it." so she is having a lot of resistance.

And then you read my articles, your come to my calls, and your head is in ABOUT mode and you can"t switch, you don"t even know you could.


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