Tuesday, July 14, 2015

If you have a problem keeping your word... Part 2

I am finding out that you"ve been thinking in terms of to-do lists to get things done.

I find to-do lists daunting.

The biggest problem with to-do lists is that it kills the spirit in things.

The second biggest problem with todo lists is that it mixes big things, and small things.

What takes you someplace worth going to are two kinds of things

simple steps repeated regularly, like eating, exercising, going to sleep early, reading a few pages every night, reminding yourself to get present, taking deep breaths when you remember, taking your supplements, observing yourself... The best reminders are questions... have you done that today? What time are you going to walk today? Gentle reminders. If the answer is resistance, the next question is: what purpose does walking for you?For me regular walking is increasing my capacity to walk a lot, and still enjoy what"s around me. I am having recurring dreams of living in different countries six months at a time. Lots of walking: without stamina that would be sheer torture.

In this article I"ll probably talk a little more about projects.

#contextisdecisive, #Raiseyourvibration

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