Friday, November 30, 2018

Time to reinvent yourself as someone you can love

try-time-to-reinvent-yourselfYou live in a world of your own design... Time to reinvent yourself as someone you can love

Your own design is like a filter you look through. You can"t see the filter, just like you don"t see the window unless you touch it...

A filter is like a pair of glasses...

A filter is also like a pair of glasses... They can be dark tinted, they can be yellow, green... and the world occurs differently with each pair of glasses. You can"t see that it"s the glasses that make the world look the way the world looks to you... unless you can take it off...

You can see only the ripples. The indication that there is something there...

It"s the ripples that we don"t like... we don"t like the things we do, the things we think, the things we feel. We want to change the ripples. But the ripples are the surface of the iceberg... hidden, invisible...

But you can"t change something that you don"t know. You can"t change something that you don"t see.

We all want to reinvent ourselves, our world. Because what we have now is not working too well, not serving us too well. We can"t have what we want, and we suffer.

Download the pdf version of this article at the end of the article

Work-in-progressBut reinventing is a science, and it is not a "from the outside to the inside" thing.

It"s exactly the opposite.

I have done two Reinventing Yourself workshops this week.

Reinventing is a skill... and a process, and something it is worth learning, it is worth practicing, experimenting with, because you have to live with your new invention.

Because no matter how you slice it, you always live in a world of your own design.

Your occurring world.

And your whole self... the being, the doing, the having.

Reinventing is not fixing.

Reinventing is not fixing. Whatever you are trying to fix gets into the "new you" and taints it. It is still calling the shot... and the new you will be a new version of what you wanted to fix. So fixing is not the path to a reinvention, to a new you that you can love, respect, and honor.

I am going to give you everything you need to know to successfully reinvent yourself.

Here are the steps to reinvent yourself
  1. Step 1: Distinguish in detail who you are, the you you will start with, the one that you don"t really like, the one that you hide, and the one that is making your life... not so desirable.

  2. Step 2: Embrace it. Consider that there is nothing wrong with you. Like a child, when you say no to, when you try to change it, it will get you in the end.

  3. Step 3: When you can totally embrace the old self, contemplate how the new invented self could be. Come from your natural inclinations, your strength in the invention of the new self. It will still be a lot of work to become that new self, but building on your strengths, it will be easier and more natural.

Now, I have worked with thousands of people, but I have never known anyone who could do this on their own.

This work is like digging for gold

you-are-far-too-smart-to-be-the-only-thing-standing-in-your-way-get-out-of-your-own-way-quoteWhy? Because this work is like digging for gold. Between you and gold is a lot of dirt. And you need to safely discard the dirt to get to the gold.

Unless there is someone who can hold the dirt, you"ll be stuck with it.

Dirt, in this work, is all the ways you are that devastate you. All the ways you are that you hate. All the things you do that you are not proud of.

I have a hunch that most people are so attracted to mind movies and other stuff, because they cannot dare to confront who they are and how they are... they want to jump to the dream, to the beautiful, to the rich.

But there is no jumping in the physical universe: you cannot defy gravity.

What goes up has to come down... The unattended and denied you will prevent you from having your dream life... sooner or later.

Another way to look at self and reinventing the self

You are born with a machine like self. It"s predictable and consistent. It"s called your soul correction.

There is no life outside of the world "designed" by your soul correction.

It"s like a prison, it"s like living in a machine.

The machine does not care about you.

So what can you do?

With the work of reinvention, you can steadily enlarge your prison, the elbow room you have inside your machine.

Reinvention is like an artist creating a drawing. An artist does not stop at one drawing. An artist creates lots of drawings. And with each drawing the world becomes a little bit bigger.

Without work that enlarges the world, you live in a world that is more like a trench than anything else. One dimensional, and not fun.

The most important work is done after the work of reinvention: allowing a slightly bigger, a slightly different world to show up.

I am sharing the method I used to take myself from a vibration of 85 to a vibration of 930.

Am I promising that you"ll get to the same vibrational level where I am? I am not promising anything.

You"ll get what you get.

Your vibrational level will be consistent with the number of times you reinvent yourself as a new person, the variety of ways that new person is, the amount of presence and work you invest in being that new person.

And ultimately the number of spiritual capacities you have to do the work.

Spiritual capacities, like curiosity, astuteness, awareness, patterns, creating mental representation, ownership, causing... remember, there are 160 capacities.

You, most likely, have five capacities. Maybe seven. And most likely you feel smart, and you feel that you can have everything you ever wanted with what you have.

reinvent-yourself-373043.2The most frequent question I am never asked is this: how do you be that new person?

Because inventing a new self is only the starting point. The seed level. Then you need to grow a full grown tree.

And unless you do it, you won"t... duh.

I remember spending 10 hours straight distinguishing the beingness of brilliance and contribution.

It happened 29 years ago: I needed a job: I was desperate. Someone asked: why should they give you a job? I answered: I am brilliant and a contribution.

I was neither brilliant nor a contribution at the time, I invented it. [note]In fact I was a know-it-all, and a helping junkie...[/note]

The interview was the next day, so I stayed up all night. I stood in front of the mirror, talking to "the person in the mirror" because you can"t do this work alone successfully.

I saw that having answers, talking much is not brilliant... Brilliant is not a result: it"s a starting point, a way to look. A way to listen. A way to relate to things.

That what I already knew had nothing in common with brilliance, in fact brilliance comes from the willingness to look, to ask questions, to be there for the thing to show itself.

And I saw that doing good work, what I think is good, what I think needs to get done is not a contribution. Or helping... A contribution begins with what the job, "the other" wants and needs.

I saw that if I squarely put my attention, if I merge with what "the other" wants, I can be a contribution.

Instant result... and THEN month of practice

Next morning I got hired on the spot, even though I went to that interview after a night of not even getting to bed.

I practiced those two new beings for a few months before I tried my hand on "generosity"... "respect"... "authenticity"... Powerful, winner... all new invented selves.

Each time my vibration rose, and the prison got bigger.

One new element of my workshops, the inventing of a new self, is that I can now muscle test if the person, the participant has the capacity to be that new self. It"s dangerous to assume that you can be anything... it is a lie.

You have the capacity to be some things, maybe even well, but you needs more capacities to be other things.


So beware... don"t invent pie in the sky.

PS: In a call this morning I discovered what is the capacity that is missing to succeed in inventing yourself successfully and then be that new person.

I"ll write an article about that... You"ll be surprised. Guaranteed. Here is the link... it will be active at 10 am, May 23...

invent-yourselfPPS: here is an excellent quote
“invent yourself and then reinvent yourself,
don"t swim in the same slough.
invent yourself and then reinvent yourself and
stay out of the clutches of mediocrity.

invent yourself and then reinvent yourself,
change your tone and shape so often that they can never categorize you.

reinvigorate yourself and
accept what is
but only on the terms that you have invented
and reinvented.

be self-taught.

and reinvent your life because you must;
it is your life and
its history
and the present
belong only to
Charles Bukowski

PPPS: Here is the link to register in the Reinventing Yourself workshop
Download the pdf version of this article time-to-reinvent-yourself

How Cancer Thinks Like A Human

cancer and human beings are similar in behavior and mindsetIf you want to understand cancer...

If you want to understand cancer watch yourself and people you know. You will understand more about the condition than through any other "information" source.

If you think you should only watch other people, it only means you are worse than others...

What is the similarity between cancer and humans?

Cancer is not part of an organization, it doesn"t even know about the organization. It knows only about itself. Cancer doesn"t care about the big picture. Cancer is driven exclusively by its mind, which tells him that he is to reproduce itself exactly the same way as its parents: all new members of the "family" need to be exactly the same, no individuality, no variations, not deviation. The new ones need to have faith, be Jewish, Christina, Hindu, Mohammedan, or whatever the "parents" were, no alterations.

The new cells are trained that it"s a competition out there, and their loyalties need to lie with the family, right or wrong, loyalties are your number one concern. The survival of the "family."

Your concerns are the most important, whether your concerns seem to be about yourself or about a disadvantaged group, or against some "evil wrongdoer", your concerns are the only important thing.

You may be a vegetarian and all others, carnivores, are despicable creatures, and they should surely die!

You preach one-ness only to cover up that you have only one way to live, in isolation and in disharmony with all of it. Your concern or fear overrides the interest of the whole: you"ll just make sure you live comfortably, who cares about all of it?

You have never looked how the whole organism works, what others "really" do, you are just pushing your own agenda: if everyone were like you, wanted what you want, life would be so great... NOT.

I probably could spend a lot more time looking for similarities or even same-ness. You either got it (I doubt it) or not, more won"t make any difference.

Humanity, as a whole, is at odds with everything that was and is there that is not a human creation, like mind. It all comes from blindness, inner and outer blindness.

The human that has a mind can only see what agrees with the mind, not reality. Reality would require of humans to look beyond the mind, with awareness, and be present, moment to moment. That human would learn life through their own experiences instead of being inculturated by others with a major agenda.

A great (or not so great) example to how far humans have gone from being present, from being aware, from bringing consciousness to their actions is the number of people that actually meditate the way meditation is meant to be: with full awareness, to meet themselves, to connect to all-of-it.

At present there are nine people on Planet Earth that actually meditate (out of millions!) when they think they are meditating. The rest of them have experiences that they have read about, or repeat meaningless mantras that hypnotize them into unawareness and stupidity, or go into a sleep-like trans, or try to not think, to mechanically watch the breath... the wrong way is followed by millions. There is only one way to become more aware, and only nine people are on that path.

The rest are pretenders.

What are they hiding? Why do they pretend? Or better said: why do we pretend?

Because other people"s opinion of us became more important to us than Life. It takes courage to return to Life, and maybe it"s not too late. The Avatar State audios increase courage, and peel away layers of not-you. It is not a smooth process, it is not painless. But it"s the fastest known to man, at present.

If you are beginning, I recommend the Harmonize your vibration audio. It will build a solid foundation on which you can build abundance, effective action, love, or brilliance. Sign up to 10 days free Harmonize audio. You can upgrade any time.

The illusion of smarts, the illusion of understanding. The pretense to know

That"s me on the picture, 19 years ago... Waiting to get wet on the USA side of Niagara Falls... A perfect example of becoming...
We, humans, negotiate our way in life... with circumstances, schedules, things, and other people. From cradle to grave... we could say, that is life... negotiating every step, winning some and losing some.

But here is the thing: the rules are not clear, not clean, and not overt.

You cannot be sure what constitutes winning, and what constitutes losing a step... in fact, most steps: you have no idea.

But, as society, as a race, we have trained ourselves to pretend: to look as if we knew... maybe even feel as if we knew.

The lower the intellectual capabilities of the individual, the bigger the pretense.

It seems to work: if you nod, if you don"t ask questions, if you look intelligent, people assume you understood, and you earn points, or at least don"t lose some... except when you scratch the surface, when the thing comes up in life, you can see that you didn"t understand, or what you understood is worthless.

If life were a supermarket, you walk away with a cartful of useless junk that creates the toxic landfills of your life.

If you are lucky, you play a big game poorly, if you are not lucky, you play a small game poorly.

My favorite example is Warren Buffet, for many years the richest person on the planet.

Until Charlie Munger, the ultimate second-hander showed up in his life, was playing a small game... he played in a small sandbox, with cheap stocks... Charlie"s contribution was to say: the risk with small stocks is the same as with big stocks... so why not play with bigger stocks... That remark lead to the big money... Warren Buffet proved Charlie Munger right.

Bill Gates started with a really big game... by force-feeding his operating system to every pc user, and kept it big through his reign at Microsoft.

Sam Walton had, from the getgo a big vision... a sort-of world domination Napoleonic vision... his virtual mentee, Jeff Bezos: ditto.

But this article isn"t going to be about the billionaires, per se, this article is really about knowledge and mis-knowledge.

About the culture of authority, and ignorance.

I teach. One person, a group, a whole audience.

I say what i say, and they get what they get.

I only know what they got from what they do, what they share, where the knew knowledge takes them.

I have come to the habit of asking private clients to tell me what they learned.

Why? so I can catch the misunderstandings.

Very few people ever ask clarifying questions... for reasons of their own. Asking intelligent questions is difficult, and so the questions don"t get asked.

I, for example, am slow on the uptake. I don"t put up any resistance, so I take and store what I get, even if it is delivered through a fireman"s hose... and then spend countless hours to regurgitate, chew, ruminate.

Trying to understand is a resistance... won"t allow anything to get through that "filter", so you won"t know how much you missed, and you won"t know how much your filter mistakenly allowed through. In the starting point measurements I measure how much of what is said gets through to you, and that number is, on average, 1-3%... Your forceful desire to understand reduces the firehose to a trickle, that is what you have to work with.

This phenomenon is true whether you are a medical student, a medical doctor, a medical phD, or just a person who is sick...

It"s not what is being said... it is what is being heard that gives the substance of a conversation, a communication.

For example, an MRI scan can show all there is to see (the visible) but the treatment will come from the things the practitioner can see on the MRI, correctly or incorrectly.

All the tests diagnosis is based upon show an unproven theory of how things work... an inexact science used by people with different levels of filters and resistance to input, intellectual capabilities and willingness to work with the data.

Two months ago I fell on my wrist instead of my face...

My wrist, hand, lower arm, even my shoulder got messed up. Royally. I will never have full range of motion, or no pain on my left hand side... A 70 component complicated picture got reduced by the medical establishment to a 2 component picture... and obviously it has as much relationship to reality as a stick figure does to a human... Oh well.

This morning I called a one-time helper of mine to ask for a ride, instead I found out that she was diagnosed and treated for ovarian cancer. Her eyelashes are just growing back, so it"s a recent ordeal.

I muscle tested, and she never had cancer. She had something else...

Ovarian cancer is deadly...

If you are a cancer survivor, you never had cancer.

I know, who do I think I am to say that... I am the one who says that... that I who I am... I ask questions, and more questions, and even more questions... and get closer and closer to a fuller understanding of reality.
Life is negotiating curves and curve balls. Depending on the accuracy of your knowledge, you do better or you do worse.

Cancer, it feels to me, is a spiritual disease... but I am biased...

In Kabbalah I learned that cancer feels the space between you and you, between your precious "I", the pretend "I", the one you protect savagely, and the real you, who you judge mercilessly.

And cancer, an opportunistic pest, simply fills out that space nicely, until it destroys you.

This is such a seductive picture, that I have, it seems, become, for me, how I see the world.

Friends and family rallied around my one time helper... not typical of real cancer patients. She is loved and she is loving.

About 60% of cancer diagnosis is false positive.

What else it could be? I am not sure...

What should you do about cancer... or the threat of it?

Muscle test says that prevention is the word.

When you are willing to bring the two selves closer, reduce the gap, reduce the space... cancer won"t have a fun time filling you up.

But how, you cry?

If you remember, I participated in Landmark Education for 26 years. I observed many Landmark lower level leaders dying of cancer.

Why would that be?

Because when you can become a low level leader with just a little effort and little pretense, many can"t resist it. And now they made it to the dizzying high of seminar leader, for example, or introduction leader, and they can sit on their laurels.

I once had a friend in that position: through thirty or more delivery of the pitch to potential customers, she never bothered to memorize the script she was supposed to say. She was either reading it or winging it...

She was taken by cancer... she was a false king...

A man I knew, trained as an architect, chose to be a bureaucrat instead, with immense power to make or break people... Cancer took him... as it took his equally judgment loving wife. They were some distant relatives of mine, and they used their power, among others, to destroy my career.

Yeah, I would think that cancer is a spiritual disease... and therefore with proper mindset and a lot of effort you can prevent it.

Owning what owns you... your inner turbulence, the self-talk, the false prophets and false values...

One way I have found to it is my Second Phase Activators Course, still at 50% off till the end of the day. My activating about 100 emotional capacities you awaken your inner guidance system, which is dead or near dead for most living humans. I recommend buying the whole course, but if you can"t afford it now, try it on a payment plan... contact me for a personalized payment solution today... or whenever you see the value. Buying just a little bit of the course grandfathers you into the 50% off price... silly, I know, but I want you to have what you need.

Another, much more intense way is my Playground course, where you either stick, or you fall by the wayside...

Neither solutions is painless, or effortless.

One of my best selling products is called "Effortless Abundance"...

Nothing is effortless... and yet, when you are efforting, you produce the opposite of what you wanted.

Life is illogical like that...

The illusion of smarts, the illusion of understanding. The pretense to know

That"s me on the picture, 19 years ago... Waiting to get wet on the USA side of Niagara Falls... A perfect example of becoming...
We, humans, negotiate our way in life... with circumstances, schedules, things, and other people. From cradle to grave... we could say, that is life... negotiating every step, winning some and losing some.

But here is the thing: the rules are not clear, not clean, and not overt.

You cannot be sure what constitutes winning, and what constitutes losing a step... in fact, most steps: you have no idea.

But, as society, as a race, we have trained ourselves to pretend: to look as if we knew... maybe even feel as if we knew.

The lower the intellectual capabilities of the individual, the bigger the pretense.

It seems to work: if you nod, if you don"t ask questions, if you look intelligent, people assume you understood, and you earn points, or at least don"t lose some... except when you scratch the surface, when the thing comes up in life, you can see that you didn"t understand, or what you understood is worthless.

If life were a supermarket, you walk away with a cartful of useless junk that creates the toxic landfills of your life.

If you are lucky, you play a big game poorly, if you are not lucky, you play a small game poorly.

My favorite example is Warren Buffet, for many years the richest person on the planet.

Until Charlie Munger, the ultimate second-hander showed up in his life, was playing a small game... he played in a small sandbox, with cheap stocks... Charlie"s contribution was to say: the risk with small stocks is the same as with big stocks... so why not play with bigger stocks... That remark lead to the big money... Warren Buffet proved Charlie Munger right.

Bill Gates started with a really big game... by force-feeding his operating system to every pc user, and kept it big through his reign at Microsoft.

Sam Walton had, from the getgo a big vision... a sort-of world domination Napoleonic vision... his virtual mentee, Jeff Bezos: ditto.

But this article isn"t going to be about the billionaires, per se, this article is really about knowledge and mis-knowledge.

About the culture of authority, and ignorance.

I teach. One person, a group, a whole audience.

I say what i say, and they get what they get.

I only know what they got from what they do, what they share, where the knew knowledge takes them.

I have come to the habit of asking private clients to tell me what they learned.

Why? so I can catch the misunderstandings.

Very few people ever ask clarifying questions... for reasons of their own. Asking intelligent questions is difficult, and so the questions don"t get asked.

I, for example, am slow on the uptake. I don"t put up any resistance, so I take and store what I get, even if it is delivered through a fireman"s hose... and then spend countless hours to regurgitate, chew, ruminate.

Trying to understand is a resistance... won"t allow anything to get through that "filter", so you won"t know how much you missed, and you won"t know how much your filter mistakenly allowed through. In the starting point measurements I measure how much of what is said gets through to you, and that number is, on average, 1-3%... Your forceful desire to understand reduces the firehose to a trickle, that is what you have to work with.

This phenomenon is true whether you are a medical student, a medical doctor, a medical phD, or just a person who is sick...

It"s not what is being said... it is what is being heard that gives the substance of a conversation, a communication.

For example, an MRI scan can show all there is to see (the visible) but the treatment will come from the things the practitioner can see on the MRI, correctly or incorrectly.

All the tests diagnosis is based upon show an unproven theory of how things work... an inexact science used by people with different levels of filters and resistance to input, intellectual capabilities and willingness to work with the data.

Two months ago I fell on my wrist instead of my face...

My wrist, hand, lower arm, even my shoulder got messed up. Royally. I will never have full range of motion, or no pain on my left hand side... A 70 component complicated picture got reduced by the medical establishment to a 2 component picture... and obviously it has as much relationship to reality as a stick figure does to a human... Oh well.

This morning I called a one-time helper of mine to ask for a ride, instead I found out that she was diagnosed and treated for ovarian cancer. Her eyelashes are just growing back, so it"s a recent ordeal.

I muscle tested, and she never had cancer. She had something else...

Ovarian cancer is deadly...

If you are a cancer survivor, you never had cancer.

I know, who do I think I am to say that... I am the one who says that... that I who I am... I ask questions, and more questions, and even more questions... and get closer and closer to a fuller understanding of reality.
Life is negotiating curves and curve balls. Depending on the accuracy of your knowledge, you do better or you do worse.

Cancer, it feels to me, is a spiritual disease... but I am biased...

In Kabbalah I learned that cancer feels the space between you and you, between your precious "I", the pretend "I", the one you protect savagely, and the real you, who you judge mercilessly.

And cancer, an opportunistic pest, simply fills out that space nicely, until it destroys you.

This is such a seductive picture, that I have, it seems, become, for me, how I see the world.

Friends and family rallied around my one time helper... not typical of real cancer patients. She is loved and she is loving.

About 60% of cancer diagnosis is false positive.

What else it could be? I am not sure...

What should you do about cancer... or the threat of it?

Muscle test says that prevention is the word.

When you are willing to bring the two selves closer, reduce the gap, reduce the space... cancer won"t have a fun time filling you up.

But how, you cry?

If you remember, I participated in Landmark Education for 26 years. I observed many Landmark lower level leaders dying of cancer.

Why would that be?

Because when you can become a low level leader with just a little effort and little pretense, many can"t resist it. And now they made it to the dizzying high of seminar leader, for example, or introduction leader, and they can sit on their laurels.

I once had a friend in that position: through thirty or more delivery of the pitch to potential customers, she never bothered to memorize the script she was supposed to say. She was either reading it or winging it...

She was taken by cancer... she was a false king...

A man I knew, trained as an architect, chose to be a bureaucrat instead, with immense power to make or break people... Cancer took him... as it took his equally judgment loving wife. They were some distant relatives of mine, and they used their power, among others, to destroy my career.

Yeah, I would think that cancer is a spiritual disease... and therefore with proper mindset and a lot of effort you can prevent it.

Owning what owns you... your inner turbulence, the self-talk, the false prophets and false values...

One way I have found to it is my Second Phase Activators Course, still at 50% off till the end of the day. My activating about 100 emotional capacities you awaken your inner guidance system, which is dead or near dead for most living humans. I recommend buying the whole course, but if you can"t afford it now, try it on a payment plan... contact me for a personalized payment solution today... or whenever you see the value. Buying just a little bit of the course grandfathers you into the 50% off price... silly, I know, but I want you to have what you need.

Another, much more intense way is my Playground course, where you either stick, or you fall by the wayside...

Neither solutions is painless, or effortless.

One of my best selling products is called "Effortless Abundance"...

Nothing is effortless... and yet, when you are efforting, you produce the opposite of what you wanted.

Life is illogical like that...

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Being free to be yourself... feeling free to be yourself...

Being free to be yourself... feeling free to be yourself... The two are not the same, depending on your current level of consciousness, and your current level of WORD to being, one will work, and not the other.

I, for example, don"t feel free. I am free. It doesn"t feel anything...

No feeling. Just doing what I need to do, feeling nothing in the way... blockage, resistance, reluctance, or fear.

I am free to be myself, free to express what I want to express the way I feel it"s the most effective, effortless and natural.

I curse, I sing-song, I laugh, I dramatize... I do what I deem effective at expressing what I want to express. I am fully and unabashedly with the people I am with, minutely tracking where they are at, where their listening is at, so I can be effective at being together. I have no rules, no morals, no niceness... If I am talking to you, I"ll be fully with you because that is the only way to talk to someone... all other ways are pretense, and I have no reason to pretend.

I need not to worry about myself, I let the chips fall where the chips fall... if they must... I don"t need to protect myself, promote myself, be liked, or anything... Even though I love the moments when things click, and there is a meeting of the mind. or a moment of partnership.

I really don"t care... although I have a preference... that the interaction is pleasant and successful... and if it is not... then it was not.

That is BEING free to be yourself.

To FEEL free to be yourself is a "freedom from" type of freedom... there has to be an enslavement device, mental or otherwise, that you feel free from, for the time being.

Memes, rules, affiliations, needs... self-invented misery, identity, your case... Lots of things you could wish to be free from. Some work, others don"t work that well.

I just read an article in The Atlantic about hate, racial prejudice, that many people want to be free from.

Noticing race is natural... we are navigating the world continuously evaluating the environment... or at least should...

But hatred is learned. And it is virtually impossible to get rid of, be free from.

So what can you do if some of the stuff you have, you cannot be free from?

I observe people, and suppressing, for example, hatred, is very damaging...

So I am not for suppression... I am partial to awareness, and owning it...

Owning it, as I wrote in another article, is making it part of who you are... so you don"t deny it, so you don"t suppress it, so you don"t forget about it.

Many things you cannot get rid of... Why? I am not sure... they seem to be part and parcel with who you are.

I am Jewish. Good, bad, indifferent, politically correct... it is as much part of me, as my skin and my skin color is... It doesn"t make me better, it doesn"t make me worse, it makes me me.

I am embracing all of me, the stuff I understand, and the stuff I don"t... And practice inclusiveness, and no hate within myself.

And because I have no part of me that I need to manage... I can love people, enjoy people, and have an awful lot of fun...

I call that free to BE myself. Do I also feel free to be myself? I don"t know... because, as I said before, I don"t feel anything. Only freedom from feels something, freedom feels nothing.

There is another day and a half on the Cyber week special 50% off.

If you bought the Second Phase Activators piecemeal... i.e. you just bought a few of the sessions, (about 100 sessions in total) I will honor the same price for the rest... I guarantee you"ll want the whole thing once you taste it.

It"s like a bite of a cake... you want the whole cake, or at least a nice size slice.

One more thing about that course:

We had four sessions every week for a long-long-long time... One of them was Sunday... for all the people who could not do weekdays.

I had three regular weekly sessions, and then I recapped it for the Sunday people... live.

Obviously the Sunday sessions could not give full justice... but all the activators are repeated without cutting corners.

If you think you are a Sunday type person and just want the meat of the course, let me know, and I"ll set up a reduced price for just the Sunday sessions... 21 sessions in all.

Just email me for a link to buy... I am not sure if there are any people who want it.

The whole course is sold here:

Being free to be yourself... feeling free to be yourself...

Being free to be yourself... feeling free to be yourself... The two are not the same, depending on your current level of consciousness, and your current level of WORD to being, one will work, and not the other.

I, for example, don"t feel free. I am free. It doesn"t feel anything...

No feeling. Just doing what I need to do, feeling nothing in the way... blockage, resistance, reluctance, or fear.

I am free to be myself, free to express what I want to express the way I feel it"s the most effective, effortless and natural.

I curse, I sing-song, I laugh, I dramatize... I do what I deem effective at expressing what I want to express. I am fully and unabashedly with the people I am with, minutely tracking where they are at, where their listening is at, so I can be effective at being together. I have no rules, no morals, no niceness... If I am talking to you, I"ll be fully with you because that is the only way to talk to someone... all other ways are pretense, and I have no reason to pretend.

I need not to worry about myself, I let the chips fall where the chips fall... if they must... I don"t need to protect myself, promote myself, be liked, or anything... Even though I love the moments when things click, and there is a meeting of the mind. or a moment of partnership.

I really don"t care... although I have a preference... that the interaction is pleasant and successful... and if it is not... then it was not.

That is BEING free to be yourself.

To FEEL free to be yourself is a "freedom from" type of freedom... there has to be an enslavement device, mental or otherwise, that you feel free from, for the time being.

Memes, rules, affiliations, needs... self-invented misery, identity, your case... Lots of things you could wish to be free from. Some work, others don"t work that well.

I just read an article in The Atlantic about hate, racial prejudice, that many people want to be free from.

Noticing race is natural... we are navigating the world continuously evaluating the environment... or at least should...

But hatred is learned. And it is virtually impossible to get rid of, be free from.

So what can you do if some of the stuff you have, you cannot be free from?

I observe people, and suppressing, for example, hatred, is very damaging...

So I am not for suppression... I am partial to awareness, and owning it...

Owning it, as I wrote in another article, is making it part of who you are... so you don"t deny it, so you don"t suppress it, so you don"t forget about it.

Many things you cannot get rid of... Why? I am not sure... they seem to be part and parcel with who you are.

I am Jewish. Good, bad, indifferent, politically correct... it is as much part of me, as my skin and my skin color is... It doesn"t make me better, it doesn"t make me worse, it makes me me.

I am embracing all of me, the stuff I understand, and the stuff I don"t... And practice inclusiveness, and no hate within myself.

And because I have no part of me that I need to manage... I can love people, enjoy people, and have an awful lot of fun...

I call that free to BE myself. Do I also feel free to be myself? I don"t know... because, as I said before, I don"t feel anything. Only freedom from feels something, freedom feels nothing.

There is another day and a half on the Cyber week special 50% off.

If you bought the Second Phase Activators piecemeal... i.e. you just bought a few of the sessions, (about 100 sessions in total) I will honor the same price for the rest... I guarantee you"ll want the whole thing once you taste it.

It"s like a bite of a cake... you want the whole cake, or at least a nice size slice.

One more thing about that course:

We had four sessions every week for a long-long-long time... One of them was Sunday... for all the people who could not do weekdays.

I had three regular weekly sessions, and then I recapped it for the Sunday people... live.

Obviously the Sunday sessions could not give full justice... but all the activators are repeated without cutting corners.

If you think you are a Sunday type person and just want the meat of the course, let me know, and I"ll set up a reduced price for just the Sunday sessions... 21 sessions in all.

Just email me for a link to buy... I am not sure if there are any people who want it.

The whole course is sold here:

10 Proven Brain Benefits of Memorization

In Praise of Memorization: 10 Proven Brain Benefits

Reposted from -- Views: 71351

Memory learning catches a lot of flack these days. Informed educators are often quick to write off rote memorization as an unnecessary and even harmful exercise, instead preferring to teach creativity and problem solving. While we agree that creative, analytical lessons are a great way to learn, it’s worth pointing out that memorization can still play an important role in learning, no matter your age. Read on to find 10 great benefits of memorization in school and beyond.


    Although memorizing lines of poetry may not feel particularly essential, it’s an important task for training your brain to remember things. This type of memorization task exercises your brain, giving it strength to retain more information. Memorizing passages or poetry over time (rather than cramming) is a very effective way to make your brain more receptive to remembering.


    Just like when you work out at a gym, consistent and challenging exercise is the key to staying brain fit. Challenges like memorization are a very useful way to work out your brain for better mental health.


    Irish researchers found that through extended exercises in rote learning, learners can actually recall more information overall. Rote learning benefits the hippocampal foundation, a key structure in the brain for episodic and spatial memory in humans. In their group of participants aged 55-70, these researches noted that repeated activation of memory structures promotes neuronal plasticity in the aging brain.


    Repeating the same nursery rhymes over and over again to young children offers memorization by repetition, a very important memory tool for kids. As parents recite familiar rhymes, children learn rhythmic patterns, teaching them balance and symmetry.


    Those who obsess over sports statistics should be encouraged: neurobiologists believe that “mental gymnastics”, like remembering facts from sports history, can make your brain more quick and agile. Although researchers have yet to find a direct link, they do believe that there’s a plausible connection between sports score obsessions and a more flexible mind. Plus, as UCLA neuroscientist Arthur Toga points out, an exercise like reading sports scores “gets a lot more circuits involved” than, say, watching sports on TV.


    Students who “just know” equations, functions, definitions, and other memorized facts can save brain power; brain power that can be used for other things. If foundational concepts and information are grasped, students can move on to bigger and better things, rather than spending time looking up words or doing simple math in a calculator.


    As an adult, it may be hard to remember what you ate for dinner last night, but you just might remember the Gettysburg Address you had to recite in grade school. Why is that? The answer is focus. As students spend time memorizing passages, tables, anything at all, they learn to find focus. Educators have found that students who were required to memorize from an early age often go on to have more capacity to focus on educational tasks as high school and college students.


    Weber State University student researcher Paula Fiet has delved into a working memory research project, discovering that underdeveloped short-term memory may be to blame for some students’ problems with mastering concepts in math and reading. Fiet explains, “you need working memory to learn,” or to hold enough information in your mind to comprehend what you’re learning. Fiet’s research has shown that “children with poor working memories don’t get enough information in their minds at one time to make sense of what is coming in.” Students who complete exercises aimed at building short-term memory have seen improvement in their working memory and capacity to learn.


    Just as a strong working memory is good for learning, working memory is important for creativity as well. Dutch researchers have found that semiprofessional cellists were able to perform more creatively with a higher working memory capacity. But under cognitive load, participants performed worse on a creative insight task. Students who learn to focus and develop their working memory through memorization tasks can free their mind to become more creative.


    Memory-forming can become a healthy lifelong habit. Researchers from the National Institute on Health and Aging have found that adults who went through short bursts of memory training were better able to maintain higher cognitive functioning and everyday skills, even five years after going through the training. Practicing memorization allowed the elderly adults to delay typical cognitive decline by seven to 14 years. Students who start practicing memory training now can stay sharp in years to come.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

How reality gets lost and all you are left with is YOUR interpretation, and emotions

Most of what I do in life is to feed my curiosity, that is, (luckily?) perfectly aligned with my mission: taking humans to the next evolutionary level of humanity: human being.

There is a lot to observe if you have the right questions, but observation is one thing, the right interpretation is another...

We learn in the Playground that what you see/observe/experience comes to you, at you as a tight package that like a hand, has a front of the hand, and the back of the hand. We call that in this work "occurrence". ((I could also use, instead of the front of the hand and the back of the hand, the example of Siamese twins, twins that have two separate brains, two separate set of eyes... The two will see the world differently. The occurrence will be made up of inseparable, and yet different views of the same thing...))

Give the same occurrence to a thousand people, and you"ll get a hundred interpretations... but what is happening, reality is always the same, only the interpretation, the words change depending on the observer. On their life experiences, on their "case", on the number of spiritual capacities they have (that will depend on how much of what is actually happening they can see...)

Here is an example: on the hour long Hit and Mix recording I have been listening and exercising to, Elvis Presley sings a popular song, It"s now or never...

I hate that song... because all I can hear is two things: the words and the pitch don"t fit Elvis... and that he is pressuring this young woman into having sex with him... So I identify myself with the woman, and hate Elvis.

Then later that same day I am singing O sole mio... and realize that the song Elvis is "forced" to sing is O sole mio, widely famous because of Luciano Pavarotti, an opera singer. Of course I have no concept what the words say: I don"t know Italian. But I love that song... ((here is the English translation of O sole mio
English Translation
What a wonderful thing a sunny day
The serene air after a thunderstorm
The fresh air, and a party is already going on…
What a wonderful thing a sunny day.

But another sun,
that’s brighter still
It’s my own sun
that’s in your face!
The sun, my own sun
It’s in your face!
It’s in your face!

When night comes and the sun has gone down,
I start feeling blue;
I’d stay below your window
When night comes and the sun has gone down.

But another sun,
that’s brighter still
It’s my own sun
that’s in your face!
The sun, my own sun
It’s in your face!
It’s in your face!

Just like occurrences... all songs have the stamp of the performer on them...
Here is O sole mio sang by Enrico Caruso
with Andrea Bocelli
and the 3 tenors

definitely worth a listening... if you know any music...
oh, here is Elvis Presley"s low-brow rendition

OK, kill me for being politically incorrect... lol.))

But you add the bad translation that the "me-too" me focuses on... and I hate Elvis"s version of it... lol.

Once I get the connection, I get my interpretation, and I calm down. All is well in Sophie"s world...

Here is a second example: in a book I am reading, ((David Archer: Hit for Hire)) two different hitmen are pitted against each other, one with a military background, and one who is a psychopath and enjoys killing.

Both are there to eliminate the other, but one has a narrower cone of vision: fairness, "may the best man win" attitude, while the other has none of that... and this second one almost wins... taking advantage of the first"s limited cone of vision. ((Most books I read are about men with something lacking... emotion, fear, autistic men, to allow me to see more, learn more about the rest of the men who are run amok by their emotions.))

And there is also a third example, somewhat an extension of the second: As you know I use the computer solitaire game, Freecell to observe the nature of reality... Sounds hokey? Check your premises, please.

Every game I play consciously is to test something out.

Sometimes it is conscious, other times it is inspired... meaning NOT conscious.

As a person, I am a timid player. Hard to believe, because in my work I appear to be bold... but bold was decided, while my innate nature is timid.

So my innate Freecell playing is also timid... What is timid in Freecell? It is taking the hand that the Universe dealt, the playing ground...

What is bold in Freecell? It is shaking up the hand that the Universe dealt... by rearranging the cards boldly... with a really wide cone of vision.

The two states of being, timid and bold, give two completely different view in the "occurrence", the front of the hand didn"t change, but the back of the hand are as different as they can ever be.

You have fixed attitudes, and very little to say about it. Inside the occurrence your fixed attitude gives you, you can see mighty little of what I teach.

It is enough for me to see my Playground participants... each watched the same videos, each came to the same presentation, and each had a different occurrence... Most not at all in line with what I intended to teach.

The biggest difference in what they got has to do with the amount of foundation they "own"... the amount of foundation they have appropriated through organized learning, and reading.

Also there seems to be an unfair advantage to being bilingual... living in a culture that is not native to you.

Anyway... I hope the above stories explain sufficiently why I could make all my products available to all, and mighty few would get much benefit: until you master the front of the hand and the back of the hand distinction, and focus on the "reality", instead of your interpretation of it, you are going to stay the same... see the same, think the same, feel the same... and that is not what you wanted... is it?

By the way, I hope you"ll enjoy reading this article, watching the videos as much as I enjoyed writing it for you. :-)

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

What does they mean: ownership, deserving, and being equal to what life throws at you?

This is a long article... it explains some things everyone has misunderstood... and chances are, most will still misunderstand after reading this article...

As I have said before, one of the best ways to find out what a word REALLY means is to see how other languages say it.

Your vocabulary, your accurate vocabulary is the level of the truth value of your knowledge, of your thinking.

And judging from the puny numbers most people have for accurate vocabulary, you can take from sure that your understanding of the world, of reality, of what is being told to you, of what you read, is equally puny, equally pitiful.

I don"t know what you understood until you ask a question, and then I know why my amazing articles can"t, won"t make a dent, won"t do anything for you.

One of these words, owning, ownership is such a word.

If your accuracy is good about it, it is a transformative word. If it is what most people have... it makes no difference.

The fact is, that you are sure that you understand the words correctly...

Like the word "deserve" or "deserving" you think they are a value proposition: you are good, therefore you deserve to be happy... or some other happy horseshit.

In Hungarian deserving is tied to an accomplishment... namely work. The Universe doesn"t decide who is deserving and who is not... no matter what the bible says. No, you deserve a result and the accompanying reward through work, work that may earn the reward... and may not.

Deserving is a "bookkeeping" word. An accounts receivable. Not all accounts get paid, not even near.

The Universe may be fair (who decides? lol) but society, people aren"t.

I took a peek at a TV show on youtube yesterday, thank you Kawa, of an investor"s attempts to save people from ruin... people who thought they deserved success.

But all those people courted success, but didn"t really know what they were doing... they had only a good product, or a good location... not all the skill it takes to really earn success.

Consider that you are, in essence, a business, You Inc. without the tools to succeed as a business. No idea how things really work, no idea how to do most anything, no capacities, no skills, no efforts even.

I am talking to YOU. If you are reading it, the chances that I am absolutely correct about you, about you being a failing You Inc. business thinking that you should succeed, is near 100%. In fact, muscle test shows that only one out of a million is equipped to succeed.

But why? I have seen the why in a student"s question the other day... was it yesterday?

In one of my articles I share my story from 1988, when my Center Manager attempted to fire me. I said: you can"t fire me from MY JOB, you can only fire me from YOUR JOB...

I OWNED that job... So my student saw, that she should attempt to OWN her jobs, so she can stop being terrified of getting fired...

She wrote to me on a private platform:
If I feel like I can get fired from something (even a relationship or a goal I"m pursuing) it"s a sign that I don"t really own it. I put the power in someone else"s hand. If I can manage to shift my attitude to "nothing can keep me from doing this or being a certain way" I can really own something.

When you push me really hard here I got worried a few times about getting kicked out of the program. So apparently I don"t really "own" it yet. But after contemplating giving up (hey - it is easy, right?) I decided that it wouldn"t keep me from working on myself. Nothing would keep me from following the blog or reading the recommended books.

I think there are three things that nothing could keep me from doing (or at least trying), no matter if I suck at it or if others try to keep me away: working with horses, raising my son and working on becoming a human being. I might be totally off, but this is what I feel.

But here is what ownership means...

In Hungarian the word ownership and the word characteristic are the same word. Which indicates to me that in Hungarian you would not think someone can fire you from something you own... after all that is who you are. They can destroy what you own, they can strip you of what you own, but they have to do it with force...

I am Jewish. An ethnicity that has been, traditionally, only allowed to own what they could do, what was inside their head.

Pretty much the same relationship as the Hungarian word indicate: part and parcel with you.

I owned that job back in 1988, because I was doing it, alone, with talent, exuberance, commitment, dedication, and, believe it or not, on my own dime.

I racked up a 270 dollar phone bill by the time I filled all the positions... hundreds of long distance calls... by the deadline.

That is ownership.

In American English, I think you would call that accountability... the buck stops with you.

You are equipped to do every job and you will.

I am surrounded with people who can"t or won"t do 90% of the jobs in their lives, in their businesses, because they are not accountable, or in essence don"t own their lives.

But not just my clients and students are like that.

I have recently encountered an amazing Australian entrepreneur, whose second in command, an employee, came up with the idea of teaching and training people to do some of the things they, as a company, can do.

The entrepreneur said: ok, go for it.

But an employee is an employee... they are not equipped with the skills and the knowledge of a business owner, or an entrepreneur. They expect things to come to them because... because... because they deserve it.

So this dude expects prospects, clients, students to recognize the value of the course... without him doing effective sales and marketing... Actually typical of an employee.

The course "deserves" to be well accepted, but people will be people: they need to be sold.
  • If you cannot sell... you won"t make money.

  • If you cannot show how it will change your client"s life, you won"t make money

  • If your about-me score is high (anything above 30% is too high) you won"t make much money.

And you"ll be pissed... Permanently pissed. Slighted. Offended.

But all the work you may have invested doesn"t compensate for a missing action, a missing skill, for something that you didn"t do.

The culture of humans... homo sapiens, puts understanding on a pedestal.

But understanding doesn"t earn you more in the game of life, than the starting position: you are now poised to actually start appropriating the knowledge.

I have a private student who came to me with dreams of becoming a billionaire.

It took me a whole year to disabuse him from the mistaken belief that he could start his journey to billionaire...

And then, after that first year we found a path to make him first own his own business, not just in name, but actually be able to be accountable for his results, for his state of mind, for his time.

And then we built on that solid foundation... we created activities that produce value, to the same clients he already had, without even the thought of cashing in on those values... like every Tom, Dick and Harry would have.

In his pitch, even free services need to be sold! so he is practicing, among others, effective selling... in his pitch I trained him to set the context right: his report back to me, he says to the client: "look I help businesses and go through the clutter in their business and find at least $1000/month they can earn by finding some gaps and because you are my client I want to do this for free with you. Oh. Actually, this serves me more than it serves you, so don’t thank me ok."

His client is sold, and he is now practicing the skill of selling his service, and practicing the conversations, and finding that elusive $1,000 a month they left on the table.

He still has his training wheels on, but eventually they will come off...

And then he"ll have a whole different situation where he"ll have the option to get paid for his expertise...

Most people lose the ball there... they want to get to the money too fast... and overestimate their own contribution.

Value is not what you give: value is what is received. Somewhat up to the giver, but not entirely.

For example, my Cyber Monday offering, the Second Phase Activators Course can raise your vibration to 400 by activating the 100 missing feelings/capacities...

The people I have spoken with, so far, think nothing of it... They think they may need a feeling here and there...

They also think that they bought hundred feelings and they will be dumped into them, and they will magically have them... OWN them...

But that is NOT the nature of reality.

You need to earn, you need to appropriate everything you want.

You need to download the new feeling into your whole system at least six times for it to get a chance to take... You have to be able to feel them, to see others feel them.

I have some students struggling with one emotion to activate... one hundredth of that course.

They struggle because in order to feel what they can"t feel, they need to give up being the center of their universe, give up being stingy, give up superiority, give up being judgmental.

Here is an example I have shared before: the feeling of being prosperous... There is no Prosperous, or even prosperity in reality, it is a word that says that you feel that you have enough. That you command enough resources to feel that you have enough.

So in the 1987 "More Money" course, the course started with asking the participants to mill... and meet others in the course, and say "I see that you are prosperous". And the answer of the addressed person needed to be: "Thank you for noticing".

The instructions were: LIE AUTHENTICALLY.

What the heck does that mean?

I tell you what it does: you need to know that it"s there, or could be there... except that YOU can"t see it. It is invisible to you. Your own prosperity or the prosperity of another...

So you need to speak from that knowledge that it is YOU who cannot see, and not as if you were reporting on what you see... Because then it would be just lying.

Obviously that course, The More Money workshop, attracted people who didn"t feel prosperous... so those first few minutes were the most confronting minutes of our lives... But those minutes pointed to the invisible... and the possible.

I have less money than I had back in 1987, and yet I feel prosperous 70% of the time... the only things that I deem not enough is not having wheels, and not having dental care... otherwise I am prosperous: I have everything I need.

Returning to the Second Phase Activators Course: 100 feelings, this process I describe about prosperity, feeling prosperous, a 100 times.

You need to activate 7-8 of those feelings to hit the 400 vibration... Less than 10 people are that high on the planet at this time.

At the time when I first delivered this course back in 2012, one person hit 300 vibration through activating just one of those missing feelings. And even now, six years later, there is something special about her... it never went away.

I am sure she isn"t conscious of it... just like you aren"t conscious of what you don"t feel... for you it isn"t missing.

But most of those 100 feelings are missing for all of you...

The client who is supposed to be struggling with feeling being enough, feeling equal to life, could go from 100 to 200 vibration, from 70% about-me score to less than 10%... will he? Probably not.

He is still only interested in what is visible, in what he can see... and the feeling is not in the visible... so he is looking for his lost keys under the street light, not where he lost them... like the drunk in the joke.

This, feeling enough, feeling equal to what life throws at you, is a missing for almost every person I see.

And the ones that have been, maybe forever, feel enough, once what life throws at them is new... they don"t feel equal to it, and get pissed, or discouraged.

I am old, and have the opportunity to watch old people... and of course some young people.

Unless you feel enough, equal to what life throws at you, you probably won"t even consider learning things you need to learn so you can now beat life at its own game.

I am doing it in my person right now, by the way. Chronic pain in my knees... can"t even fall asleep at night for longer than an hour or so...

Unless you take on your life as your own, as something you are accountable for, you"ll always be a victim...

Being equal to life is an attitude in addition to being a pleasant feeling. The attitude of being a perpetual learner, without complaining that life changes the game.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Cyber Monday: Get Innocent... Get your emotions activated... or remain dead and deadened... Your choice.

I have been pondering what to offer you for the traditional Black Friday/Cyber week orgy of consumerism.

Yesterday, having several conversations with people, I decided that the best way to bring dead people back to life is to offer them the Second Phase Activators.

You see, when I look at people, they are soooo plagued by negative emotions, and they so hate them, resist them, hide from them, that they have no chance to feel anything uplifting, inspiring, heartwarming...

The highest emotion I have experienced from people lately came as a reaction to my Ugly Cat article... but even that came with a self-righteous anger, not sympathy, compassion, love, caring... none of that.

Joy? forget about it!

So what is the difference between people who can feel... and people who can"t?

I have found that other than my own students who did my Second Phase Activator course, none of you has any discernible positive feeing... nearly ever.

Your "love" is tinged with possessiveness or jealousy.
Your liking is loaded down with self-indulgence, or guilt
Your success is really self-satisfaction, pride, and superiority.

I used to be like you...

I created a course to fulfill my own need to activate positive emotions in my otherwise dead soul.

The Second Phase Activators" Course.

And I am offering that famous course... for the next four days, as my "offering" for the Cyber week... 50% off.

If you already have that course... you can pick any other products, let me know which, and I make a coupon for you. Because YOU are my favorite person, on the whole world.

OK... go and check out the offering

The 50% off coupons are only good till the last day of November.

Cyber Monday: Get Innocent... Get your emotions activated... or remain dead and deadened... Your choice.

I have been pondering what to offer you for the traditional Black Friday/Cyber week orgy of consumerism.

Yesterday, having several conversations with people, I decided that the best way to bring dead people back to life is to offer them the Second Phase Activators.

You see, when I look at people, they are soooo plagued by negative emotions, and they so hate them, resist them, hide from them, that they have no chance to feel anything uplifting, inspiring, heartwarming...

The highest emotion I have experienced from people lately came as a reaction to my Ugly Cat article... but even that came with a self-righteous anger, not sympathy, compassion, love, caring... none of that.

Joy? forget about it!

So what is the difference between people who can feel... and people who can"t?

I have found that other than my own students who did my Second Phase Activator course, none of you has any discernible positive feeing... nearly ever.

Your "love" is tinged with possessiveness or jealousy.
Your liking is loaded down with self-indulgence, or guilt
Your success is really self-satisfaction, pride, and superiority.

I used to be like you...

I created a course to fulfill my own need to activate positive emotions in my otherwise dead soul.

The Second Phase Activators" Course.

And I am offering that famous course... for the next four days, as my "offering" for the Cyber week... 50% off.

If you already have that course... you can pick any other products, let me know which, and I make a coupon for you. Because YOU are my favorite person, on the whole world.

OK... go and check out the offering

The 50% off coupons are only good till the last day of November.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

The empty pantry and the master chef

If I asked you how you knew your god loved you... you would say because your god gave you an easy life. And I would know everything anyone needs to know about you: you are worthless. You value having higher than earning.

Charlie Munger says: to get what you want, you need to deserve what you want.

That sounds really good, but the truth value of that statement is just 10%... 90% of the whole truth is missing.

An accurate, higher truth value statement would be: to get what you want, you need to appropriate ((I"ll explain how later in this article)) what you want. Make it yours, so you can work with it... 60% truth value.

I know, some other articles I have said "earn" what you want... 30% truth value.

There is, probably, a higher than 60% truth value statement... but my agenda here is to drive something home... so that 60% truth value statement will do for now.

Humans, you, would have to appropriate beingness to have the right to call yourself a human being... you aren"t. Talking about beingness isn"t... just like talking about flying isn"t...

But beingness is also outside of the agenda of this article: the agenda is to talk about what is yours and what isn"t. What you can work with, what you can use, what knowledge you can connect the dots in...

What you appropriated, what is truly yours, is what you have.

Let"s use Tai Lopez"s kitchen example: if you go to the market and see some yummy veggies, and meats and this and that, you cannot go home and make dinner with it, unless you bought it. The impression of it, the seeing of it doesn"t make it yours.

And every single client, every single student I have ever encountered relates to the world as if seeing something, hearing something, getting an impression of something gave you ingredients to cook with in your kitchen.

This is so ubiquitous, this is the water you swim in. You cannot see it, because you are... you are normal.

A normal human, child or adult, fancies themselves a spiritual being having a human experience.

"Only lower creatures have to learn..." "I can just go within and have everything..." you cry, and you are, meh, stupid.

Occasionally I have the opportunity to force someone to do the work of appropriating my teaching.

I use the word appropriate, and the dictionary meaning: take (something) for your own use, typically without the owner"s permission. Take, become the owner of it. Buy. steal. Rob... LEARN. Make it yours.

I started to listen to that music on Thursday... Thanksgiving day, three days ago.

I have danced to, I listened to it, all 60 MB of it, five times by now. I can sing most of the songs, and I find myself doing it... even though I am still in the appropriation phase with them.

I cried at some songs, loved some songs, grooved with some songs... I am starting to make them mine, I am in the process of becoming the owner.

Do I have to? No. Do I want to? No. But Source has meant for me to learn something, and I don"t say NO to Source.

I spent most of last night with a mental activity that I would call torturous... 30% sleeping, 70% torture... until the moment I got what I needed to get... It took me a long time... the teaching came without words, without explanation, I had to work for it... which is, surprise!, torturous. Always. No exception.

Learning re-arranges your brain cells... do you think that feels good? hell no! Maybe that is why humans don"t do it!

Torture is the price you pay to own something... to have ingredients in your kitchen to cook with.

The torture part of the night was to show me that in order to own the music, I have to be able to reproduce the music. Create an authentic copy of it that I can put into my brain. Then only will I have it. Then only I can slice it, and dice it, and recombine it... but not until then.

It took me four whole hours of torture until I got it... Then came the second lesson... a thin flimsy piece of silk fabric is a poor copy of hefty, think, silk fabric... and knowing a few words/notes from a song is the same... not an authentic copy of the original. You have something, but not what was to have. Maybe, in kitchen terms, a photo of some yummy vegetables... but not the vegetables themselves.

All taught by Source... while I really just wanted to sleep...

This second part I got in mere minutes... And then I was allowed to sleep. But by then I didn"t want to. I wanted to tell you what I just learned... so I got up, and here I am writing this article, even though I slept only a few hours.

One of the songs in the 60MB, Let it go, is a great example of "do you know about it, or do you know it?" Do you OWN it?

I have been having chronic pain in my right knee and my left wrist, making it nearly impossible to sleep.

Not enough physical cause to suffer from it... and yet I have been suffering.

Last night, part of my torture session with Source included that song and the pain... First I felt forced to get up in the middle of the night, because sleep felt impossible.

When I went back to bed, the song was repeating in my head... but it was just a song... let it go... let it go... let it go...

Words. Just words.

But then I considered that they could be, maybe, potentially, my words. And then I used them to let go of the fear of becoming a cripple, of thinking that the pain means something, that I will never get well, and guess what, the pain, 90% of it, went away. ((Most of the energies I sell, activators I call them, work on the basis of co-creation. You mean to do all of it, and then Source matches your energy. If your word has no power, or if you don"t put power into the action... you"ll get double of what you put in...))

But only when I owned the words, "let it go". When the words became mine.

Some 33 years ago, in 1985, I did my first "Landmark Education" program, the Communication Workshop. In Hebrew.

The language of the course wasn"t ordinary, everyday language... you don"t want to use ordinary language when you are attempting to communicate the invisible realm of reality.

My Hebrew was passable, by that time I had spent three years in Israel... but it took me till the third day to understand a full sentence.

I was so excited, that I raised my hand. I was called upon, and I was gushing that I understood my first sentence. And started to repeat it...

The course leader said: Sit down...

At first I cried (for hours) but something got communicated I can only identify NOW with 20/20 hindsight:

It takes a lot more than understanding to GET something. GET implies: it is now mine. I can slice it, dice it, cook with it, or use it as I see fit. Mine...

From that point on, August 1985, I didn"t get satisfied with understanding. I worked, tortured myself, until every single bit of everything became an ingredient in my kitchen.

Many of you are probably faster, smarter, than me. I am slow.

But that smartness, that quickness is your undoing.
You will never amount to anything if you don"t go through the torture, if you stop at understanding.

And many of you are slower than me... And you nod, but there is not even understanding there.

And you, unless you fill up your kitchen with ingredients, will always live in the Valley of the Shadow of Death...

If you nodded to impress others... your emphasis of "needing to meet the expectation of others" renders you a puppet... owning nothing, being able to cook nothing.

Unless... Until...

I have been forcing some of my students with threats. Giving them ultimatums. Especially the ones that have responded before to being removed, fired, from other programs before.

Some people respond to their inner needs. One half percent of humanity. One out of 200. I have two of those in my "school".

The rest need outside force...

I benefit from both.

In 1988 I was assigned to be the next Seminar Phone Team leader in the New Jersey Center of Landmark Education. The team"s job was to fill the graduate seminars... call graduates of the Forum and "sell them" on doing a 10-session seminar. One day a week... Seven days, seven teams, five people per team, including the leader.

My job was to recruit leaders and phoners to my team. 35 people.

I didn"t know how to cause the leaders to fill their teams... If it were today: I still don"t know... It is my weakest skill... Causing causing, I call the skill I don"t have...

The Landmark Center Manager, called me into her office to fire me.

I looked at her, and said, audacious, I know: YOU cannot fire me from MY job. YOU can only fire me from YOUR job...

I stood up and went to call some people.

As far as I was concerned, I still had the job... because it was MINE.

And that is what I am talking about: unless you make things yours, your job, your spiritual practice, owning what runs you, the distinctions, you can be fired by life... from your empty kitchen.

You can be a master chef with godlike ability to make good food, but without ingredients you"ll amount to nothing. ((Some people do really well when they are in a job, where others" job is to get the ingredients. And they lose that once they are self-employed. They don"t understand that now it is their job to get ALL the ingredients: a client won"t give them to you: they don"t have it either.

Being self-employed is where you find out that you have nothing... Nothing really to sell, nothing really to work with.

And if you don"t get your own ingredients, you"ll be forever a victim of your own ignorance. Empty kitchen, empty pantry syndrome... Not a happy thing.))

And that is all you need to know about how life is, the Nature of Reality.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

What is transformation? Why it is so important to know exactly?

Everyone talks about stuff... using big words, like transformation, but no one actually knows what the word means, and what do people actually do, or promise to do, who cause transformation.

If you really look, you can talk for half an hour, and you won"t even get near to it...

Why? Because transformation is based on something that people either don"t know, or don"t consider sexy enough.

They talk about beliefs, and they talk about subconscious mind, and blockages... but none of those is actually how the human mind works...

Why am I so sure of that? Because certain things don"t disappear or don"t become unimportant during evolution...

The five senses, seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smell won"t be completely bastardized by words, meanings, and other mind construct.

In fact seeing is still our most important anchor to life... although instead of seeing influencing the words, the words influence seeing... interestingly. And seeing directly influence our attitudes and our actions... directly.

What you see depends on the context... it depends on the frame inside which you see... or as Werner Erhard says it: the SPACE inside which you see.

My "famous" photo studio example shows it... somewhat... let"s see if Werner himself can make a dent in the dense fog you live in.

Transformation is changing the frame... for whatever... In this video what is transformed is who you consider yourself to be: an object, defined, knocked about by life, or do you consider yourself Self... a space, a screen, a context against which life happens...

I have run many tests, and have found that talking, unless it changes what the individual sees, the context, doesn"t make a difference in the kind of action a person will be willing to perform.

So changing the words... the positive thinking bullshit, doesn"t change what you"ll do.

Your actions are coming from what you see, not what you think.

And transformation is a method in which you change what someone sees... be it someone else or yourself.

Now, it is an art to change what someone sees... and most programs or books claim to cause transformation, but they don"t. Even my methods don"t work on everyone, albeit they work more often than not.

One of the main moves of transformation is to show the invisible side of reality, and that is, pretty much, my specialty.

Double Shift Tuesday

Here is an example:

I am old... and quite feeble, especially because my "job" is sedentary, and I also spent most of the last four months in bed, with various painful afflictions.

I saw that the only way to get back my strength is to challenge myself, but hey, that is not as easy as the words make it sound.

I decided to "stack" two habits together: my love of hot beverages and the new one: exercising my legs.

Didn"t take... a habit needs time to "take", to set root, and this stack didn"t do it.

Then on one of my Tuesday exercise classes i saw that music is the key... but how do you get music? And how do you get music when I need it.

I decided on downloading one of my favorite music-put-together people, Larry Hoyt, local musician to me, and put it on one of my headphones.

And voila, perfect music for can"t sit still... must dance... and move my legs type of music.

The headphones are always there by my computer, so it"s hard to forget. And I noticed that the music may even... gasp... improved my general mood. Go figure... lol.

Yesterday it was very cold but sunny, and I went out with the new headphones on my ears, and walked around in dance steps... loved it. No one saw me, or I don"t think so. I felt young, I felt graceful... and I exercised my legs.

OK, now how is this transformation, you ask...

Let me explain: exercise, for the most part, occurs as a time sucking, boring, have-to. That is one way to look at it. And that is how it looked to me... a have to, a should, a drudgery.

But making the headphones exclusive, easy to slap on, and finding the perfect music for dancing to, made it a source of joy... A source of feeling young. A source of beating the clock...

And that is transformation.

You see, it weren"t the words, it was the "occurrence"... what I saw. Changing in front of my very eyes.

Let"s go deeper, shall we?

One way the world "occurs" for many is like it is so well shown in the movies "Groundhog Day" and "40 first dates". I have my own: the pizza shop... I have been noticing it for about 10 years, it is a recurring dream of "there is no way to win in this game" cycle.

In the last Playground session we looked at everyone"s case... The case is your linchpin type of picture of yourself, as dumb, or worthless, or "should be dead" in my case.

Everyone has one.

And it is like a concern that nails your foot to the floor... so all you can do, all your life can be about is dancing around it.

Like me dancing around "I should be dead" so shall I kill myself? Buying the right to exist every single day.

My student whose concern is "am I really dumb?" playing a consolation game: if I can"t be smart, I will at least be nice. I"ll babysit, I"ll talk to people when they are sad... but learning anything new: no... I am not going there... that is a game I can"t win.

Or another student whose "case" is "I am not equal to what life wants of me" playing a pitifully small game, measuring his "enoughness" in puny actions, never any daring way that would prove or disprove that stupid "I am not equal" linchpin he made up at first at age three.

I could tell the story and the one-legged dance of all my students, but three is enough... if they have it, and they do, then it is proof positive that we all have it.

Most of us have it completely unchallenged... and that includes billionaires, Nobel Prize winners, The Michael Jordans as well.

Certain things cannot be changed, and this is one of them. No energy, no therapy, no transformational program can change it... and yet...

Transformation is NOT a permanent solution to an unsolvable problem, but learning the art of transformation may be.

If you learn the art of "manipulating" occurrence, your own or others", then you have the key of transformation.

So what does transformation mean in the area of people"s case? You cannot pull out the nail... but you can redirect the attention to a bigger game.

Does it always work? I have no idea! It works enough times for me to say that it is the solution.

It takes a huge amount of compassion, caring, and creativity.

But more importantly, alas, it takes trust. And that is the hardest thing to build, and the easiest to lose.

I have had people quitting my programs over this no trust. Self-trust, to be sure you understand.

It is a lot like surgery. Some people may give lip service to growth, freedom, success, but because they cannot see themselves living it, they will opt to remain the one legged dancer... for life.

So it"s trusting me, trusting my methods, and trusting themselves to be able to live on the bigger stage of life... and like it, and be "equal to it".

I never said my job was easy.

Like everything, transformation is co-creative. Without your participation nothing will happen... NOT A THING.

And that is the worst thing that can happen.