Monday, May 9, 2016

If you can"t move from A to B... The Too Direct Approach To Anything

I just finished watching a long (2 and a half hour long!) webinar, and one of the phrases that I want to borrow from there, is this: it"s not you, it"s your approach that makes you get less out of life than you could.

One of these approaches I see often that rob you of success is: The Too Direct Approach To Things

One of the mistakes, one of the false beliefs, one of the erroneous ideas your paradigm gives you is to attempt to get from point A to point B through the straight, direct route.

But... No Problem Can Be Solved From The Same Level Of Consciousness That Created It ((What does No Problem Can Be Solved From The Same Level Of Consciousness That Created It mean... It means that the thinking, the vibration, the consciousness, the attitude that cause the problem in the first place cannot find a solution that is not the next, bigger problem. In a way of a metaphor: if you create i.e. see a problem on the pedestrian level, you cannot solve it on the same level, because you will only see from that level what you saw before. You need to elevate yourself at least to the second floor level of consciousness, so you can see more, more of the picture, not just what you saw before. In my programs, with my activators, many people can move to a higher level of observation, so their problems disappear as a problem, or they can find a solution that will not bite them in the rear end.))

Download the pdf version of this article at the end of the article


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