Tuesday, January 21, 2014

NEW: Happyness and happiness


Happyness and happiness

I just looked at the cover of the book The Pursuit of Happyness and it hit me that the difference between those two words is:
the first, happyness is the journey and
the second, happiness is the destination.

"It is not about the destination, it is about the journey..." you repeat... good boy, but you don"t know what you are talking about. Literally, you can explain it, you can even visualize it, and yet, you have no clue what that means, because it is counter-cultural.

In a culture of goal setting, in a culture of competition, success is the only thing that matters (to others, in the world, in the culture...) and you ate that b.s., hook, line and sinker. And you are trapped... but you don"t have to stay that way.

Let me explain in this article the art of being on the journey, and fully appreciating it, fully enjoying it.


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