Saturday, January 11, 2014

NEW: Wholistic approach to abundance... what does that mean?
What is wholistic? What does it mean?
You may have noticed, that I am now calling the Effortless Abundance Activator, at least some of the time, the Wholistic (( the theory that whole entities have an existence other than as the mere sum of their parts. That changing one part changes the whole... that you can"t do anything to a human being that won"t effect the rest of them... the opposite of wholistic is the narrow approach of coaches, gurus, doctors, education, parents... and the results we are suffering from mightily. In this article I focus on abundance, but the same approach is valid for my other favorite topic: sleepless nights: the inability to sleep.

All the remedies I see for sleeplessness are the opposite of wholistic: the seller decides what is the problem, and the buyer experiments, one remedy after the other, and none of them work, because the problem is wholistic, mostly around this same tension that keeps wanting abundance as well... attending to that tension, insistence, resistance, more often than not, resolves all issues around not being able to sleep... because even though the method is wholistic, everything has a root cause, and once you cause a shift there, the whole construct, the whole structure shifts as well.

Wholistic is like picking a lock: unless all the pins in the tumbler align, the lock won"t turn.)) Abundance Activator.

Why am I doing that? Why am I suddenly calling the activator wholistic?

Let me give you a little background and history: Of all the complaints people have, the biggest is money. Somehow it seems to people that if they had money, all the other problems could or would disappear.


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