Saturday, January 25, 2014

NEW: Healing/Transformational Modality: Bach Flower Remedies Updated, introducing Bach Energies
Bach Flower Remedies: Vibrational frequency: 500
The original of this article was published in December, 2011...

Since I first published this article, a lot happened, so let me update you: I got tired of preparing individual Bach Remedies for people. Especially because the muscle test showed that each person needed way more of the individual flowers than the eight Dr. Bach limits a mix.

And I also got emotionally tired of having to feel all those negative emotions of people for sometimes as long as 20 minutes... So I asked Source is the remedies can be duplicated energetically.

The answer was yes. So I infused the individual energies into water, and now everyone could get the same remedy, regardless of what ailed them. It worked, but some persistent feelings did not respond to the remedy, so I started to search, empathically.

I found two emotional pains, the pain of extreme self-serving behavior and the feeling one feels when the soul is bugging them to do the right thing... I created the 39th and 40the "Bach" remedy, the Yew and the Peacock.

I am still in search of one flower that its energy would weaken greed... the creeping hand towards your throat... so far no success, but the combination of the 40 energies has been doing a great job.

To date, October 18, 2013, I have sold thousands of bottles of this energetic version, and so far no complaints, that is outside of Canada. It seems that the energy of Canada renders the energetic remedy ineffective.

The energetic remedy of the 40 Bach Energies® is called Heaven on Earth, and today there is an audio version of it as well, called HOE Long Range... the audio version effects a small state"s population because the carrier energy I have included.
I first encountered Bach Flower Remedies in 1992. A woman recommended that I take Bach Flower Rescue Remedy, which is a combination of 5 Flower Essences. She even gave me a bottle. I refused to take it. I didn"t trust her.

It would have made a major difference: I was in distress, irritated, dealing with harsh stuff; a mutiny on my staff.

My next encounter was in 2001 on a chiropractor"s table. She recommended that I take Holly and Gentian. And maybe Pine... I was pissed, but I started to study Bach Flower Essences and fell in love with them.


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