Thursday, November 19, 2015

How and why what we do here is the perfect antidote to what ISIS is trying to do?

How and why what we do here is the perfect antidote to what ISIS is trying to do? ((Whether it was David who was the underdog, or Goliath... the picture of using wits against blind stupid force is depicted well in that story... and besides that, when I looked how to illustrate this article, David and Goliath popped up... and I trust my guidance.

I will put the book by Malcolm Gladwell, in pdf format, in the subscribers area.))

I"ve read half of an online article on ISIS, a really long article. Being dyslexic, I could not read it online... I have copied it and republished it for you.

Anyway, my sense of ISIS, having read the article, is that they believe in perfection, they believe their prophet, they believe in the righteousness of their path.

And this is what they are doing: it seems that the prophet predicted the Apocalypse... what else is new. But this one is with a twist: this one you"ll cause... it is your job as a good follower. Cause it.

The strategy is to cause mayhem and havoc. The weaklings, not fortified by the prophet and the only god, will annihilate themselves.

And, if you look, it is happening. What is going on now is testing.

#ActivatingAbilities, #ExpandingHumanBeing

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