Friday, November 6, 2015

Can I, should I train you to do DNA activations for your family, friends?

Someone asked in a comment if I could train other people to do what I do, connect to Source on the 3rd level where you can channel the energy, the specific energy to cause something, like activating a DNA capacity.

This question is like the tip of the iceberg... it shows the world view from where the question came from.

The world view is: anyone with enough training could do anything.

Is that true? After all other people have opened healing schools, trained teachers, trained practitioners, trained coaches.

I am familiar with Landmark Education"s training programs. They train coaches, introduction leaders, seminar leaders.

They screen the applicants. The programs are rigorous, some even murderous.

Results: no good coaches, no good leaders, or not really. There are exceptions, but rare.

Why is that?


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