Friday, November 13, 2015

How the abilities activation effects children

I activated the abilities of The Sight and Appreciation a few days ago... This is the email I received this morning... unsolicited, of course.

Good morning Sophie. I finally settled in. I would like to share the change that I see after your activation of the two DNA capacities. The first thing I noticed is in my kids.

My daughter in the past never wanted to help when she was cooking or baking even though she wouldn"t have a clue what needs to be done: She had an "I already know attitude." Now whenever she is baking she accepts little tips like what needs to go in a cookie batter. Or asks me what goes next.

I was making a chicken dish and she helped me make it while in the past she wanted to do all by herself. She is more teachable now.

Another thing: she doesn"t get mad at me when I say something good I shouldn"t have said or if I somehow made her mad, she gets over it right away. Before she would be pouting all day long, moody about nothing. Not any more.

My son has changed too. He stopped wetting the bed!

#ActivatingAbilities, #TalkBackToMe

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