Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Can you change the world by changing yourself?

The question in the title is as vague as a question can be vague...

But it is still a good question.

If you look at yourself, you, I bet, knew what the question was, even though none of the words are clear, and mean one and specific, discrete thing... at all.

This is one of the reasons your accurate vocabulary measure is so low, in the Starting Point Measurements. You think you know what words mean... and you don"t even suspect that they don"t mean that... ((In the Starting Point Measurements I start with 1000... and most people"s vocabulary is around 300-400... which means that most words they hear, read, or use don"t mean what they think they mean.))

OK, I am not going to take the question apart, you can do it in your own time, instead I"ll attempt to make the question clear... accurate... one-meaning.
If you change your inner world, what you honor, what you value and in what order: will that effect the outside world, other people"s behavior, people who aren"t even aware of you?


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