Monday, July 22, 2013

NEW: Religion... what is it, what"s valid about it, and what is an enslavement device, or the "opium for the masses"
true-religionThere is religion ((Wikipedia: Religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to the supernatural, to spirituality and, sometimes, to moral values)) and there is religiousness. People of religion are fakes, pretenders, and not religious. ((Religiousness is listening keenly to the call of the Universe... and heeding it, behaving and acting in harmony with all, all living and not living things. When you heed the written and dead word, you cannot be religious, because you yourself are not alive, you yourself are dead.))

All religions were, originally, a world view, a world view, forever changing. As soon as more phenomenon was experienced, the more it changed. This is the true nature of knowledge.

The physical, knowable universe is about 1% of all there is. The number 1% is not the truth, it is an indication only for the vast and incomparable gap between what"s knowable and what isn"t. The proportion of the knowable and unknowable is unchanging, it"s probably the only constant in the universe.

How do we glean knowledge? Something happens. And then we explain it. From the limited perspective of the human mind. Then something else happens, that modifies what we had already known. Organic, and highly changeable.

Until... until someone decides that this is all the knowledge, and they create a dogma from it.


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