Saturday, June 7, 2014

NEW: Republished: The Duct Tape Approach to Raising Your Vibration
The Duct Tape Approach to Raising your vibration

My observation has been that the biggest obstacle to returning people to the pristine state we began is the business of the mind, the business of the body.

What I call business is not the activity of getting things done: on the contrary: the wasteful, self-serving misfiring of the nerve-endings, whether it expresses itself in activity or not. The restlessness, the ADHD-type of running around, aimlessly, but self-importantly.

I have a few students that have taken this restlessness to the max, they do not allow any moment for themselves to just be.

What I did is I recommended that they voluntarily stop talking. Claim chronic laryngitis, or anything, and shut up.

What happened is that they reduced the compulsive talking, compulsive thinking, compulsive actions. Did those disappear?

Judging from the results, when they kept their word to me, the compulsiveness disappeared, or at least kept at bay.

The operative words are: kept their word to me.

Integrity is a rare commodity, especially because we think that integrity is good and no integrity is bad. What people don"t know, is that integrity is an inside job. It is between you and you. You can"t be out of integrity with me, and I have no right to say anything about your integrity. I will, so I can teach you something, but as a private individual, I have no right to judge your integrity, because integrity is really and inside job.

I know a lot of people that do everything they said they would do, yet, when I look into their feelings, there is no peace there. There is no feeling of integrity.

When you procrastinate, the problem you experience is an out of integrity with yourself.

When you are wasting your life being busy judging, controlling, manipulating, dominating, comparing, competing, you feel miserable.

The source of that misery is that you are out of integrity with yourself.

In order to understand that you with yourself statement, I need to take a little detour to reveal the aspects of a human being, that are relevant in this context.

When we look at a human being, the "normal" way to look at us is this:

I have a body
I have a mind
I have feelings

The sum-total of this way of looking is that you are a thinking and feeling skin-bag.

What I teach, the Original Design I got from Source, is that you have a lot of energies, good, bad, and neutral, making up who you are.

A few of those energies are:

the physical body
the mind
the ego
the soul
the self
the will
the evil inclination

In the misery you experience, the conflict is that the mind and the body will be at odds with the self and the soul.

What do I mean by that? Your behavior, and your thinking will be disharmonious with the soul"s desire.

What does the soul want? The soul, very insistently, wants you to fulfill the Original Design: become like the Creator that you are.

To become, or better said, return to the Original Design, you need to act on your feelings rather than on your thoughts.

The social development, the enslavement of humans, the reducing human beings into biological robots, is what we are attempting to counteract.

Thoughts are the easiest way to control people en masse... and the entire huge machine of control, education, media, medical professionals, legal professionals, and politicians, scientists, are all in the same business, to control your mind so you need them. So you need them because you can"t... can"t think for yourself, can"t feel anything other than what they suggest that you should feel, and can"t heal yourself either.

It is all an intricate net of lies, and you ate it.


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