Monday, January 30, 2017

Ignorance is not bliss. Knowledge is not power. But you can be happy on a sinking ship of a humanity that is annihilating itself

The paradigm we live it has no access to happiness... no bridge, no path, no door... We are locked into unhappiness
I just hung up with my friend from university. ((Budapest Technical University, Architecture School, Class of 1971.)) Frenzied gossiping about Trump and the hopelessness of the future... Just like we would have done during the Second World War... An activity (gossiping, complaining, blaming, etc.) that will make no difference. But what will? What could?

I have to admit, this conversation lead to a turning point for me... and if and when I turn about-face, I can lead you to do the same... The turning wasn"t instant. But it is done. I am happy again.
This is what I learned in the conversation and after... when I reflected on it:
The United States government is not the only group of people who now suppresses other groups of people.

Many of the Earth"s real and shadow governments are celebrating Trumps"s presidency and his new decrees moving back the world decades, maybe even centuries of achievements in the area of human rights.

Nationalism was on the flag of Hitler... because people go bonkers when they think something threatens their country: they take that personally. (That their own behavior threatens their country: they are not aware of that.))

The groups "governing" many countries is of the opinion that some people are more people than others, and some people are more entitled to be heard, more entitled to live, than others.

Oppression of the opposition, oppression and exploitation of women, oppression and exploitation of people different than that group...

People with money, people who are the movers and shakers behind the visible figurehead...

Trump is a puppet... I am re-reading the 1996 book by Neal Stephenson, Interface. It"s a novel. It"s well written. And it"s prophetic... and Neal Stephenson is prophetic most of the time.

I don"t expect my readers to agree, or even understand what I am talking about. If you do: I am happy. But I don"t expect you to. Why? Because you can"t.
History is repeating itself... because in the past 200,000 years humanity hasn"t evolved... You are on the same level of consciousness as your Savannah living ancestor... maybe lower.
What makes people act in predictable ways, even if it is against their well-being, is a sign that we don"t understand what makes us do what we do. That our knowledge about ourselves is sadly lagging behind other sciences... and is on the level of rune reading, tea leaf reading, not a science at all.

Having elevated thinking and thinking about thinking has been the problem. It is like observing a moving vehicle and trying to intuit, from the way the driver drives it, from how it moves, what moves it... without ever learning anything about engines, carburetors, and gear-shifts. You watch the visible and make up stories about what"s under the hood... Pitifully inaccurate.

Underestimating your feelings and forgetting to notice your

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