Tuesday, June 23, 2015

My experience with removing cords/attachments so far and some vibrational reviews

After sending out that email yesterday ((if you are not on my list, here is the email I sent yesterday. From that email I got many requests for checking, and most people had attachments and cords, so now I have a lot more experience to tell you what attachment removal does, etc. So here is the email:

All the healers I have ever written about have one thing in common: they do not connect to Source, and they do not know how to connect to you.

Of course, if you are lying on their table, their hands can do the job of connecting. But if they "DO" what they do remotely, like Carol Tuttle, Mr. T, Christie Marie Sheldon, and a horde of lesser names, then they have only one way to do it: shoot an arrow in your direction and do what they do through a cord attached to that arrow. When they are done "healing" or whatever they do, they leave the cord there... there is no way they know how to remove it, other than connecting to you: and that they cannot. They are not able to.

So you end up with a number of cords dangling from your energy body, sucking you dry, leaving you to leak energy, create blockages, and poison you slowly to death. This week I started to offer attachment/cord removal, because I don"t know anyone to refer you to.

It"s hard work, and against my principles of not working hard, I work on you, and sell my time for money.

But the work needs to get done: you have no energy, and you have no power in your life. So, I am tired... and a handful of people have a chance at life again. One of the people I worked on, remotely, while she was doing other things, asked if I could train her to do the work. "I have largely failed to teach you to connect to Source, do you think I can teach you to connect to a person through their email address?" I answered.

If you are tired, listless, depressed, you may have an attachment on you. I can check it for you, and then you have a choice, of having me remove it, or just ignore it. But at least you"ll know.)) I had quite a few people contact me and ask me to check if they had attachments, and all that found out they had, asked me to remove them. So I have had my hands full.

Most people had at least three attachments.
After the removal of the cords, their vibration rose
I can only tell the flavor, not the source of the attachment
My experience of the aftermath: freedom. fear disappeared
I consider this process a real success.
More observations:
Some religions put an attachment on you. Depending on where the attachment is, I can guess what religion.
cults put an attachment on you
distant healers put an attachment on you

#Attachments, #Raiseyourvibration

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