Friday, June 26, 2015

You"ll withhold celebration until the big prize?

Every big achievement is made up of a lot of tiny achievements.

You cannot have an achievement on a level where you are not.

This mistake, thinking that you should be somewhere where you aren"t, is costing you achievement.

Every right step is choosing from thousands of steps, out of which only one step is a right step... and there are a few so-so steps.

The right step comes from assessing the situation right... i.e. being astute, distinguishing something accurately. This is an area where you are very weak, that is why you need the Reclaim program.

I just finished an email conversation with a long-time student who shared, accurately, where he is at. Then he said, that given his soul correction, Finish What you Start, the archetype of a liar, telling the truth about where he is at is very good.

I suggested that it"s time to celebrate. He laughed.

#Raiseyourvibration, #Reclaim

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