Sunday, March 26, 2017

Seeing the big picture... wide cone of vision and a TED talk

Finally a TED talk that explains why seeing the big picture is such an amazing capacity. Why it can alter your life. Why it allows you to learn. Why it takes you out of the fear of making mistakes...

It also explains why "normal" adults stop being able to learn, experiment, be creative...

One student asks: If I have identified something as worth having/knowing, when I set out to read a book or take a class, if there is an agenda there, what do I do with that agenda? How, if I could, would I abandon what I think I should be going after to pursue life as more of an experiment? Does the courage to walk away from what I think is the path, the missing piece?

The agenda he is talking about is the "economical" little (or big) piece you want out of your activity. And once you fix what you want, you"ll see nothing else, like a machine.

No creativity, no growth, no experimentation. Dull. Boring. And a perfect waste of a life.


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