Thursday, March 23, 2017

Another missing piece of the healing puzzle...

I learned something today. It"s a big catch. And instead of being ashamed... I am happy. Because we can all get better because of it.

I don"t know about you, but I am always surprised when I learn something new. What there is to know rarely show up as something that is missing... and most of my reading rarely results in substantial learning.

But today, two major things... What a day, eh?

One I can share about, the other: I am in the middle of it, so I"ll share once I have made it instinctive part of my life.

This one, the one I can share, is about digestion and well-being.

Before today I had never heard about prebiotics. Or if I did... I must have pooh-poohed it. Just like you pooh-pooh (to express disdain or contempt for; dismiss lightly) many of the things I write... lol.

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