Saturday, March 18, 2017

When the teacher needs to do the work for herself: climbing the Tree of Life

I listened to step two ((The blue footed booby bird)) of the 67 steps, I think, the seventh time three days ago, and then again yesterday.

The step is about evolution. Growth. What it takes to grow... personally. It"s also about being adaptable, it"s about adapting.
Adapting is very hard. Why? Because part of adapting is to say no to what you have been saying yes to.
So it is complete upset, confusion, fear, uncertainty, and personally, it feels to me that death would be preferable. That is my 50% TLB speaking.

I always bring the example of climbing the ladder, but it is not how it feels. It feels really jumping. And when both feet are in the air, you don"t know where you are going to land.

I am seeing that in every area of life all the yes"s I am saying are keeping me the same, and I am terrified of saying no to them and saying yes to something else.

It started with my health.


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