Wednesday, July 24, 2013

NEW: Soul Correction and sexuality
natural selection vs. interference with natureSoul Correction and sexuality

This topic is just beginning to emerge for me, so expect some changes, and wild turns, and summary statements reversed... but yet it is worth exploring, it is worth to take this winding road to discover the connection, and do some soul-searching as to what I really hold true, and also to meditate what the "Original Design" holds as ideal blueprint for a human... Big task, but I am up or it.

I am going to examine it through three soul correction archetypes, for now, Forget Thyself, (34) Soul Mates, (28) and Sexual Energy (35).

I am starting to see enough of these to be able to say something that may make a difference. I am also tempted to pull in "Speak Your Mind" (25)... we"ll see. Don"t hold your breath.

OK, let"s begin... big sigh, fear, oh, what the heck, the worst can ever be is the article won"t be publishable, lol.

OK, First let"s look what"s this sexual energy is... well, from its name it should be clear: it is an energy. It is a drive.


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