Tuesday, October 11, 2016

To the degree that you are curious to the degree you have a Self


Remember when I told you, in an earlier article, that the opposite of fear is curiosity?

Curiosity is that, and more. ((The important thing is not to stop questioning… Never lose a holy curiosity.
Albert Einstein))

I have found that curiosity is the main component in aliveness... so it is also the opposite of dead, deadened, alienated, dull, and foggy.

It is also the main sparker of intelligence.

We are all born curious. Most of us kill our curiosity. Curiosity, what I call curiosity, is open ended.

Finding THE answer to a question is not the curiosity I am talking about.

Thinking that you need answers is the number one killer of curiosity, of aliveness, of intelligence.

Our parents, teachers, like us not curious, not intelligent, so they kill our curiosity.

At least seemingly.

You have the spark... buried, covered up with deadness, but it is there.


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