Saturday, December 24, 2016

Distaste: the orienting feeling that you want to observe in yourself to learn about yourself

We all want to learn about ourselves... Knowledge is power. Understanding allows us to make sense of why things happen the way they do.

We are going to learn a new word that expresses a feeling that has been collapsed, confused with others... to take away our clarity.

One of the gems I"ve mined from the book "Feelings" ((From Amazon, by the author: On feelings, in a completely different way…
The fact that I can explain why Phineas P Gage used foul language may be interesting only to a few neurologists or psychologists at best.

My statement that Descartes’s famous saying “Cogito ergo sum”, i.e. “I think, therefore I am” should be modified to “Sentio ergo sum”, i.e. “I feel, therefore I am” will give a real headache only to a few philosophers.

“Okay, but then why should simple mortals read this book?” you may ask.
Because it can help you find your way in the world, one of the many individual worlds, but the only world that exists for you as well: the world of feelings – the world of your feelings.)) is isolating a particular feeling, the orienting feeling of distaste.

Distaste has wide range. What is common in any range is a slight desire to vomit. You feel it going from the stomach to the throat and back.

That is the essence of distaste? It is a feeling that indicates: purge because it is not good for you. Whatever the "it" is...

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