Thursday, May 18, 2017

Gurus who offer instant enlightenment, instant solution to your miserable life thrive... Ever asked yourself why?

Every offer for something instant is a fraud. In every area of life... spirituality, health, weight, tinnitus, hair loss, erectile dysfunction, business, marketing, traffic, success, everything. But...

You flock to them. The main reason you come to my site is to find the "right guru" for you... The right instant solution.
17 years ago I met a guy and we started dating. He was weird, he did hands-on energies, spoke with a breathy voice, and had a guru. He told me that you don"t choose your guru, your guru chooses you. He talked about shaktipat... where the guru touches you with a peacock feather and your kundalini rises and you have an instant enlightenment. He drank, took drugs, meditated, spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on energy attunements... I told you he was weird.
But he was influential to my evolution.
Through him I found out that I was an empath. He said clairsensar, but when I told that to people they didn"t understand... but empath, it seems most people know what it is... so be it, I"ll call myself an empath...

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