Friday, April 28, 2017

The more popular something is, the more likely that it is low vibration, and not true.

Why? Because the majority is always wrong.

In most cases majority/minority is an extreme proportional inequality: 98-99% to 1~2%

The other extreme is: 90% to 10%, meaning: the "good, productive, true" is never higher than 10%.

There was an Italian economist and sociologist Vilfredo Pareto (1848–1923) who noticed this pattern: that the distribution of income, brain, etc. is not even, not equal, but grossly unequal.

They call this the Pareto"s Principle or the 80-20 principle, but if you are a stickler for precision, like I am, you will know that my numbers are closer to how it is than 80-20.

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