Sunday, November 8, 2015

A new way to look at the Big Picture... dramatic

It seems that our memories get stored, depending on where the memory is coming from.

Memories through the mind are stored in the brain. Memories through consciousness... unconscious to you, for the most part, are stored in the zero point field.

Even though you have seen a lot, even though you have learned a lot, even though you know a lot, as long as you attempt to retrieve the knowledge with the mind, you"ll come up empty.

When I learned PhotoReading, the whole essence of the technique was to allow consciousness to do both the seeing and the retrieving.

Some people, the moment they left the course, returned to mind reading, and lost the advantage... and the course was expensive.

You need to have your sight, the third eye capacity activated to use the memories in the zero point field, and actually have access to wisdom. The memories stored there are not only your memories, it is all memories by all humans in all ages.


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