Saturday, November 21, 2015

The hardest thing, it seems, for any human, is to let go of control.

Just think how hard it is to let go and pee, when people are, maybe, watching. Falling asleep in a new environment.

But... when you are controlling, your are shrinking. When you let go of control: you are expanding.

There are so many things to control: with your control of the few things you know, your breathing, your thoughts... you take yourself out of life, take yourself to a place, where life dies with your control.

In you, and around you.

There is an exercise they make you do in leadership classes. Two people face each other. One say names of colors, the other"s job is to repeat the word the one says.

After a while they synchronize... then they switch.

Pairs where either of them wants to control... fail. Pairs where both let go... they seem to be one mouth speaking.

Same thing happens when it is movement they mirror. The same couples fail.

Life can"t be controlled, life works best when you let go.


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